AGS Yandex filter, how to check and not fall under the filter? New domains under the Ags filter! Yandex AGS filter check

Checking the site for AGS, one of necessary conditions for those who are engaged in link promotion or buying sites online from hand. The AGS filter is designed to lower the ranking of low-quality sites, satellites, resources created solely for selling links, sites with useless and unnecessary information for visitors.
The application of a filter does not mean a complete ban of the site, but it represents a strong decrease in positions or their absence in Yandex results. In general, the very essence of the algorithm is to remove from the search sites that do not meet the requirements search engine Yandex.

The main criteria for a site to fall under the AGS filter

  • Non-unique content
  • Disproportionate number of duplicate content
  • Selling links on the site
  • A large number of outgoing links
  • Application of prohibited optimization methods
  • Low quality of external links to the site and their absence
  • Small amount of content on pages

The combination of most of these factors guarantees that the site falls under the AGS. For resources that fall under the filter, pages drop out of the index and the TIC indicator is completely reset. Checking a site on the AGS allows you to identify unwanted resources in a timely manner and protect yourself from working with them. The site can be checked using both services and .

Services for checking a site for AGS

  • - a popular website trust checking service
  • website- Yandex will show the status of the site:

“Citation index (TCI) of the resource - 0” - no filter applied
“Citation index (TCI) of the resource is not defined” - under the filter

There are not many programs for this purpose (RDS API), but they exist. One of these useful programsAGS Checker utility. Designed for mass checking of sites to see if they fall under the Yandex search engine filter - AGS-40. An indispensable program for selecting donors when purchasing links and sites. The utility is free, fast, small in size, and works without installation.

Hello everyone! Today’s post is not very positive and rosy, because I will tell you about what an AGS website is. Perhaps I would never have touched on this topic if I had not had the experience of falling under this filter from Yandex. No, not on this domain! But first things first!

Thousands of domains are bought by people every day and thousands of websites are created. How do search engines filter and decide which site is worthy of ranking? search results, and which one contradicts basic rules good resource?

Both Yandex and Google have one requirement for websites - the site’s content should be interesting to people, it should respond to user requests, and not mislead and contain texts filled with meaningless phrases.

The AGS filter is sanctions against the site. If such a filter is applied, some pages of the site are removed from the index, and the entire site may be removed. The abbreviation AGS is popularly translated as “anti-shit site,” and it’s not hard to guess what this means. A site under the AGS is the same as a person behind bars. Didn't follow the law - get punished!

This filter is not scary only for those who simply do not know about its existence. Moreover, no one is immune from it, because Yandex has never advertised what sanctions could be imposed for. This information is confidential.

My former blog was not even six months old when one of the users advised me to check the blog on the AGS. Oh my God! Filter applied! For what?

Literally a week before the inspection, I noticed that there were about 10 fewer pages in the index, but I didn’t know the reason, and I heard about the sanctions somehow superficially. At the same time, I did not receive any warning or written notification through the service. The day came when something had to be done.

First of all, I wrote to the support service that my site is for people, that I did not buy links from third-party resources, that visitors return to my site, which means it is interesting to them, etc. To which they answered me something like this: “Information about the reasons for applying the filter is confidential, follow the link and and become familiar with the site and content requirements.”

I had such comprehensive information.

I went on the same search to find out about the reasons.

What are the reasons for falling under the Yandex filter?

2) Not high quality, not unique content

— Unfortunately, we don’t know by what criteria the robot sorts the content, but once again it won’t hurt to re-read your articles, make amendments, or rewrite them completely. I won’t bother about non-uniqueness, because... I write it myself, immediately add a link to the article in , and check each article for uniqueness with the Advego program.

3) The site was not updated regularly

— The blog was updated regularly with fresh information. This item also could not cause AHS.

4) There are no links to your site from other sites

— Link mass is a very important aspect, so I posted announcements of articles, shared links on social media. networks, wrote comments on sites of similar topics. There is a very interesting plugin for these purposes “ Pay Like».

5) Low traffic on your site

— We need to work on increasing attendance every day. To be honest, my unstable activity in terms of promotion also affected the wave-like level of attendance. It either fell sharply or increased sharply. We need to work more!

6) Duplicate content

— Literally a few days before the AGS, I studied an excellent course. As the author of the course advised, I checked the URL links of my blog on different services. The results were good. Only on the Google Webmaster website did it become clear that there were duplicate pages on my blog. This is what pages with duplicates look like.


Read about how to get rid of them.

— It never even occurred to me that you could place a 1 pixel image (not visible to the eye) and install it on it external link. But if this is the reason for the Ban, then this practice takes place.

Content re-optimization

Keyword, by which you promote your article in search engines, there should be approximately one per 1000 characters.

9) There are more outgoing links than those linking to your resource

Read about how to properly and reliably hide outgoing links in articles and templates.

So what were my reasons for falling under the AGS filter?

The first reason, in my opinion, is over-optimization of content. Today I have an article on how to correctly write the title of an article. It's a pity that I didn't know this before.

The second reason was that I was blocking links from indexing using an outdated method that no longer works. Read about how to properly close links.

Checking the site for AGS

Fixing the problem is not easy, but there are different ways to check a site for sanctions.

I read a lot of articles on this topic and everyone said out loud that if there is an AGS, the site is not indexed. It turned out that this was the case before, but today the policy has changed. New articles that I added to the blog were also indexed, but the red dot when checking for continued to burn. It turns out that Yasha deprived the sites of growth and assigned the value “undefined”.

Right now, type into the address line: and check the TIC value.

If the TIC is not defined, then it makes sense to think that it is much better when the value is zero.

A resource that helped me open my eyes In order to check the resource, just enter your domain and click on the check button.

The site I entered has been sanctioned. In the screenshot you can see the same red circle that I mentioned above. It is also obvious that there are much more outgoing links than incoming ones. Here's one piece of advice: either close , or don't link if they don't link to you.

Another way to keep abreast of all changes in indexing, TIC and sanctions is to install a special RDSBar extension for your browser. I have information on how to install such an extension.

How to get out of the AGS?

With these questions, I went to familiar specialists. Do you know what they told me? They advised me to buy a new domain, because if the site leaves the AGS, the stigma will remain and expect new punishments in the near future. By the way, before buying a domain, you need it.

Don’t forget that you can always find out both your resource and your competitor. Subscribe to updates, write comments. .


Today we will briefly talk about the AGS-40 filter (by the way, named after a grenade launcher), which caused a lot of noise and scared many webmasters.

What are filters and why are they needed?

A filter is a special algorithm that allows Yandex to distinguish good sites from bad ones.

If a site is “stuck” in a filter, no one will see it in search results.

Bad sites include “link farms” and other resources that do not provide value to the visitor, but only earn money by deception (according to Yandex).

The problem is that you can end up on the list of “bad guys” and your site will disappear from search results.

And here's more about the bad guys. This is Martin Lawrence and Will Smith from the cover of Bad Boys 2. Yandex does not hide them, because in fact they are police, and all police are good.

How to check a site for AGS

You can check not only your site, but also any other. This is useful when placing advertising: if the site is under AGS, then you should think about whether you should trust it.

Free site audit

Or manually - type in the address bar: + name of your site

For example,

If the site falls under the filter, Ya.Catalogue will show that its TIC indefined:

So, you have firmly decided that you want to get under the filter. Let's remember what are the factors by which Yandex evaluates sites:

  • hosts (domain age, region, listing in well-known directories - Yandex.Catalog, DMOZ, etc.),
  • text (quality of texts on the site, absence of spam, etc.),
  • reference (links to the site from other resources, authority of referring resources, etc.),
  • behavioral (number of refusals, average duration of visit, completion of targeted actions, etc.).

We cannot have a significant influence on the first group of factors, but in the rest we are free to do whatever we want. Thus, if you are determined to fall under the filter, it is better to act in three directions at once:

  1. Saturate the site with tons of unreadable texts with an abundance of keywords.
  2. As quickly as possible, purchase as many cheap links as possible on resources that are not related to your topic,
  3. Do not place anything specific on the pages under any circumstances. Ideally, a visitor from a search engine should not understand how he got to your site.

To remove a site from the filter, you must take the following measures:

Do you think we’re only good at pointing at tablets and talking and writing clever little articles? 🙂

But no! We will work with your website for free and check from the point of view of SEO and usability:

  • — correctness of headings, HTML tags, layout;
  • — page loading speed;
  • - work of forms;
  • — texts (spelling, spam) and duplicate pages (!);
  • - links on the site - is there a “path” that will lead to an order;
  • — files robots.txt, sitemap.xml.

Leave contact for free site checks:

  1. Understand the reason for imposing sanctions:
    • check the correct operation of your server (how long does it take to serve pages? does it return correct statuses?),
    • check the uniqueness of texts on your site,
    • check incoming links (Yandex.Webmaster will help you with this), section “Violations”,
    • work on the quality of “outgoing” links (that is, links from your site): there should not be too many links, they should correspond to your topic,
    • make sure that the site is really able to provide the information the consumer needs.
  2. Eliminate it.
  3. Only after eliminating the reason write to Yandex support service.

In our service you can check the site for free on AGS in online mode. You can find out whether the site fell under the AGS filter of Yandex, as well as Minusinsk and other sanctions. Just enter the URL into the form at the bottom of this page and get the result.

How to find out if a site is under the AGS Yandex filter

Just enter the URL for analysis into the form at the very bottom of this page and click the check button. If you see a red circle opposite the “Sanctions in Yandex” section, this means that your site is subject to sanctions in Yandex. If there is an AGS inscription next to the red circle, it means the service has identified an AGS filter for your site, and there may also be an inscription Minusinsk there.
In addition, unofficial sanctions in Yandex for links are also flagged - you can find them at yellow mug opposite the heading "Sanctions in Yandex"

How to identify a site for AGS manually via Yandex

It is not difficult. The fact is that for sites falling under the AGS, Yandex makes the TIC undefined.
Enter the following request in your browser: of your website
(for the site If you see the message “Citation index (CIT) of the resource is not defined”, this means your site is subject to the AGS.
With AGS, according to the rules introduced in April 2014, Yandex can index the site well and not limit it in indexing as was previously the case. When applying the AGS filter, Yandex lowers the ranking of such sites and does not takes into account links from them.

How to get out of AGS

Removing a site from the AGS filter is not a difficult task if you understand its reasons. First of all, it is necessary to find out why Yandex considered the site to be of poor quality. To do this, you need to carry out and perform work to correct errors and optimize the site. You can order an audit on our service; the report will contain a list of specific actions to get out of the filter as soon as possible. First of all, it is necessary to correct all technical errors, identify a list of problem pages and make corrections. Very often, a site falls under the AGS for the following reasons:

  • Technical errors, for example, lack of description, duplicate pages, duplicate content, dummy pages

  • Less useful content, spam on pages, excessive amount of advertising

  • Indiscriminate placement of links

  • The content on the site does not meet the expectations of visitors, deception of visitors, high failure rate

After completing the above steps, it makes sense to contact Yandex support via Yandex.Webmaster in order to get it out of the AGS as quickly as possible. In the letter, please indicate in more detail the main errors corrected and the measures taken. Within a few days the answer will come and if you did everything correctly, the filter will be removed and the site will be restored in the ranking (usually it takes a week or two) and will receive its TIC back.

We are often approached by webmasters who find themselves in an unenviable situation, fraught with financial losses and frayed nerves. Using a comprehensive SEO analysis tool, the site owner finds out that Yandex has sent his brainchild under the AGS. To confirm the presence of a filter, the webmaster turns to Platon Shchukin for an official response. After some time, the long-awaited answer arrives, in which a Yandex technical support employee assures that everything is fine with the site and there is no need to worry.

The puzzled webmaster has two options further actions.. Secondly, he can continue correspondence with Platon Shchukin, seeking the truth. Let us immediately note that the correct option is the second. And that's why.

Let's dot the i's

Yandex not only puts a spoke in the wheels of webmasters and optimizers by periodically launching new filters, but the leader of the Runet search engine market additionally complicates their lives with its reluctance to publicly launch an official tool for analyzing sites for search engine sanctions. Agree, it would be very convenient if the corresponding statistics were displayed in Yandex.Webmaster along with a button that allows you to send the site for review after modification. But the popular service does not have such capabilities. That's why webmasters have to rely on third-party tools.

To check a site for AGS, the tool uses a simple, but no less effective method. It comes down to checking the TIC. In fact, the procedure can be done manually. You can check whether the site is under the AGS or not using the following procedure. We go to Yandex.Catalog (, enter the domain we are interested in instead of “” in this URL, follow the new link, and voila - the answer is on a silver platter. If the TCI is "undefined", you are definitely in trouble, pardon the pun. If it hits “0”, then everything is okay.

We especially emphasize that to obtain up-to-date information about the site, it is better to use not our old tool (), but its improved version mentioned above (). This is because the improved tool updates website statistics more often. This operation is carried out during the next analysis of a particular domain, but not more than once a day. You should also remember that the TCI “not defined” can also be for young sites that are not yet in the Yandex index.


We are not responsible for errors of Yandex itself, which happen quite often. There are situations when, after communicating with Platon Shchukin about the AGS, webmasters receive a message about the imposition of sanctions by mistake. A technical support employee reports that, they say, a bug actually crept into the code of the search engine algorithm, affecting the site of the unlucky webmaster. Platon advises to wait, assuring that sanctions from the site will be lifted, and the TIC will return after a couple of recalculations.

The moral is the following: if problems arise with the AGS (TCI “not defined”, organic traffic from Yandex sags, pessimization), you should first notify the technical support service about them. Even if you have obvious mistakes on your website, communication with Yandex employees will definitely not make you worse. At the same time, there is a possibility of regaining positions if Yandex really has a bug.