AirDrop - what is it? AirDrop - how to use? AirDrop - how to enable it. Air Drop technology What is airdrop on iPhone

Every owner of an Apple smartphone or tablet has seen that it has the AirDrop function. It is present on all the company's devices, starting with iOS 7. Why is it needed and how to use AirDrop on iPhone– let's talk about this in more detail.

AirDrop is a technology developed by Apple, the main purpose of which was to transfer data between devices. It was first introduced in iOS 7, 2013. With AirDrop, you can transfer photos, videos, links, and other data to any modern Apple device.

How AirDrop works: device (iPhone or iPad), finds other Apple devices nearby and pairs with them, after which you can transfer the necessary files from one gadget to another via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

How to enable AirDrop on iPhone

The technology is positioned as a very simple way to exchange data. That is why there is no need to make any settings - everything is ready to work from the very beginning.

How to enable AirDrop on iPhone? First you need to make sure whether the device supports this technology. It can be used by iPhone owners starting with the 5 series, and the iOS version must be at least 7. The second device with which data will be exchanged must also support this technology. If you plan to connect to an iPad, it must be no older than series 4.

How to enable AirDrop:

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the settings panel.
  2. Click on the AirDrop button, which is located in the center of the elongated panel.
  3. Select who can detect the device you are using from the menu that appears.

To discover your Contacts Only device, you must be signed in to iCloud on both devices in advance.

How to transfer files via AirDrop

The technology is built into the Photos, Maps, Contacts applications and the Safari browser - in these programs you can exchange any data via AirDrop. If we talk about third-party applications, support for such file sharing is not available everywhere. Developers integrate this feature at their own discretion, because... Few places need to do this.

How to transfer a file via AirDrop:

The party receiving the file must confirm acceptance. When someone sends a file, an alert window appears on the second device, where a preview of the file being transferred is available. Here you need to agree to receive the file by clicking on the appropriate button. Each file will be opened in the program from which it was sent on the first device.

If you send a file to your own device, you won’t have to confirm receipt – the file will be saved automatically. To do this, both devices must be logged in with the same account.

AirDrop doesn't work: what's the reason?

Even a person who knows how to use AirDrop may encounter problems where data cannot be transferred. Problems with this technology can be divided into 2 types:

  • AirDrop is not available;
  • The second device cannot be found.

In the first case, the problem is that the phone simply loses the ability to transfer files via AirDrop. It's not as scary as it seems. As a rule, the reason for this is the system disabling this function or careless user actions. The fix is ​​simple:

  1. Open “Settings”, go to the “Restrictions” section.
  2. Enter password.
  3. Find AirDrop and toggle the toggle switch.
  4. Reboot your device.

If these steps do not help, then most likely your iPhone has outdated software installed. Check for updates and install them. After the update everything should work again.

In the second case, there may be several reasons, and the problem may be on the side of one of the devices, or on both at once. If AirDrop stops working, how can I transfer files? It is necessary to identify the cause of the failure and correct it. Possible reasons.

AirDrop wireless file sharing technology was first introduced by Apple in 2013. Thanks to AirDrop, which became available with the release of iOS 7, it became possible to share photos, videos, contacts, website links, location information, and so on with other Apple devices via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

How to enable AirDrop

First, you need to clarify whether your device supports this technology. AirDrop is only available on iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus, and tablets such as iPad 4th generation, iPad Air, iPad mini, and iPad mini with Retina display.

After making sure that both devices between which you want to exchange information support AirDrop, also check the version of the installed operating system. The fact is that AirDrop will only work on smartphones and tablets running iOS 7 and higher.

Enabling AirDrop on your iPhone or iPad is quite simple, and the process takes just seconds. So, using a swipe from the bottom of the screen, pull up the “Control Center”, in the center of which the treasured AirDrop button is located.

Tapping on the AirDrop button brings up a menu in which we are asked who exactly we allow to detect our device for data transfer: only contacts or everyone.

To share data only with your contact list, you must ensure that you are previously signed in to your iCloud account.

How to transfer files via AirDrop

It is not known exactly how many and which applications support AirDrop, since Apple has opened up the possibility for developers to integrate this technology into their products. As for standard applications, using AirDrop you can transfer the contents of the Photos, Contacts, Safari and Maps programs.

How it's done? For example, if you want to transfer an image to another device via AirDrop, you need to go to the Photos application, go to the desired folder and select the image. Next, tap on the small icon located in the lower left corner.

A few seconds after enabling AirDrop on the second device, your iPhone or iPad should recognize the user and offer to transfer the image to him. If you select “contacts only”, but your device still cannot recognize your friend’s iPhone or iPad, make sure that both devices are signed in to your iCloud account or try changing the data sharing conditions by selecting “for everyone”.

After sending your file to a nearby device, the user should receive a notification with an option to accept the file or refuse the transfer. If the user accepts the image, it will open in the Photos app after upload. Sending and receiving other files from other applications is carried out in a similar way.

In addition to sharing data between Apple mobile devices, you can also use AirDrop on a Mac running OS X Yosemite.

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Let me look at what AirDrop is in your iPhone or iPad in an accessible language, and also go through the functionality of this option.

This article is suitable for all iPhone Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6/5 and Plus models running iOS 12. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support listed in the article.

What is AirDrop?

AirDrop technology allows you to transfer files via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to your iPhone. This function allows you to quickly and conveniently send the necessary file to a person who is nearby. AirDrop is superior to SMS and email technologies in terms of security. A firewall with encryption capability is used to connect to iOS devices.

The function can replace some standard applications in iOS. This option is available directly from Maps, Contacts, Safari, Notes and Photos. This eliminates the need to open a new window and copy and paste information. There is only one condition - the user must know how to use AirDrop.

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Starting with iOS 7, the feature uses a high-speed protocol and low latency. The option works for two nearby gadgets, provided Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 are turned on. These two options are enabled automatically when AirDrop is active.

It doesn't require iCloud technology to work unless you need to send information to someone in your contacts. In this situation, you must have the wallpaper registered to iCloud. In this case, the size of the transferred file is unlimited.

Enable AirDrop on iPhone in Control Center


Enable AirDrop on iPhone in Settings

The AirDrop option is located in the Control Center, but in iOS 11 there is a separate section for it in the settings. We perform the following steps:


Now you know how to activate this function on iPhone.

Transfer music, videos, photos via AirDrop to iPhone

Instructions for transferring files:


If you want to send a file to someone with multiple devices via AirDrop, the avatar will be shown in the list several times. The name of the gadget will be shown under the avatars so that you can select the one you need.

Transfer a file to Mac via AirDrop

To send a file from a Mac via AirDrop, you first need to click on the “Finder” icon. The Finder window should have AirDrop listed on the left in the list of options. Click on AirDrop, after which the computer will begin searching for gadgets with the function enabled.

When the available devices are shown, you just need to drag the desired file onto the name of the device to which you are going to send this file. For convenience, move it to your desktop in advance.

In iOS 11, Apple has redesigned the control center again. Now all the switches are located in the same country, but they are all separate widgets. But the most important advantage in all this is that they can now be customized.

When the design changed, certain functions changed their location. For example, if you pull out the control point from the bottom of the screen, you won’t find the AirDrop icon there. However, it is still there. The truth is located in a new widget that contains function switches. In this article, I will talk about how to find and enable AirDrop in iOS 11.

How to turn it on at the control center

Step 1: Pull out the control point from the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: On the top left you will see a square containing switches for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and others. If you have an iPhone 6s or newer model, then click on this widget using 3D Touch. If you are the owner of an older model, then simply hold down the widget.

Step 3: The widget will open in full screen and you will see the AirDrop icon in it.

Step 4: Long press the AirDrop icon and a new window will open with three options – Reception off, For contacts only And For all. Select the one you need, and you will be thrown back to the control center screen.

How turn onV Settings

The AirDrop function is hidden in the control center, but in iOS 11 there is a separate section for it in the settings.

Step 1: Open menu Settings.

Step 2: Go to section Basic.

Step 3: Select . Here you will see the same three options for setting the function.

This is how you can easily enable AirDrop in iOS 11. I hope this article was useful to you.

One of the best aspects of modern technology is the ability to share content with each other. Users share their location to...

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24.10.2018 10:00

One of the best aspects of modern technology is the ability to share content with each other. Users share their location to meet friends, notes they have created on their device, and photos of different events. To facilitate this process, the AirDrop service is used. What it is?

However, Apple users have a more advanced way to exchange information - AirDrop. What it is? It is an application that allows users to transfer photos, videos, places, voice messages or notes from one device to another over the air. Originally available for OS X Lion (10.7) for Mac, AirDrop was later released for mobile devices starting with iOS 7.

AirDrop is perhaps one of the most underrated features in Apple's system. However, it is a great resource for users. What kind of program is AirDrop, and how to use it?

What is it?

This service, part of Apple's Continuity features, allows you to easily share files between your iPhone, iPad and/or Mac. This is especially useful for data that is large and cannot be sent via messages or mail. In addition, this service makes it convenient to process files. Unfortunately, AirDrop is not available for Windows.

The program is also useful in situations where you want to transfer data directly, without any information passing through the Internet. To do this, you must be within the range of Bluetooth Low Energy (BT LE) and have Wi-Fi capable of processing the actual data. Once this process occurs, AirDrop makes it easy to share files with OS X and iOS. In addition, the service keeps your files private and secure.

Encrypted IDs

How does AirDrop work? When enabled, a 2048-bit RSA identity is created and stored on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. It also creates a hash based on the phone numbers and/or email addresses associated with your Apple ID. This will be used later to identify you in a way that maintains your privacy and security.

Comfort and performance

Because it's BT LE, it doesn't consume much power, and because it needs to be within range, you never run the risk of encountering a random device collecting or intercepting a transfer request.

How does this happen?

This process simply helps ensure privacy because full identification is not used until it is determined that the contacts are a match (i.e. you know the device or person you are sharing with).

At this point, the receiver is prompted to accept the transmission. If there are several of them, each of them is asked to accept the transmission separately. The data is then sent over a TLS-enabled peer-to-peer Wi-Fi connection.

Other actions

When you use AirDrop to transfer data to someone outside of your contacts, the process is necessarily different. First, the recipient must set the "Airdrop" mode to "Everyone."

Secondly, since AirDrop can't match or show local contacts, it only shows the default avatar as well as the person's name as it sets it for their device. This maintains privacy while providing functionality. You can send or receive data without worrying about the contact being leaked to people you don't know.

AirDrop on iOS

To use AirDrop with an iOS device, it will require certain hardware specifications for it to work. According to the manufacturer, only some mobile devices can use AirDrop correctly. What are these devices?

Their list includes the following:

  • iPhone 5 or later.
  • iPad 4th generation or later.
  • iPad mini.
  • iPod touch (from 5th generation).

If you want to share content between mobile devices, they must both be running iOS 7 or later and have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. For gadgets running iOS 8 and later, you can access these settings by expanding them on the screen and clicking the corresponding icons.

While Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are on, you should tap the AirDrop icon at the bottom of the screen. Once you do this, you will need to select Contacts Only or Everyone access.

“Contacts Only” means that only your contacts will know that you are in AirDrop. What does it mean? It looks like a group in a chat or messenger.

The Everyone setting means that anyone with an Apple device within a certain range can see your device. The developer specifies the AirDrop range to be approximately 12 meters.

How to send data from iPhone to iPhone?

What to do if your iPhone can't see AirDrop?

Sometimes AirDrop on iPhone may not work properly. If the iPad or iPhone you're sharing data with doesn't appear in the list of potential destinations, there may be a variety of reasons:

  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi may be disabled.
  • AirDrop may be disabled.
  • The service may be set to “Contacts Only”, and somehow you don’t have the recipient recorded.

To figure out why, start by checking your iPhone or iPad to see if Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are turned on (double check on the sending device).

Now make sure AirDrop isn't turned off by swiping over the control center and long-pressing the area where you can see icons for AirPlane mode, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

This will take you to a second screen where you will get AirDrop and Personal Hotspot options. AirDrop should be enabled by default, but if it isn't, tap this icon.

However, it is possible that Airdrop is enabled but the device is configured to only share content from contacts. In this case, tap the AirDrop icon and switch from Contacts to All.

AirDrop on Mac

How to use AirDrop to transfer content using Mac? It gets a little more complicated. You can use the service to copy data from Mac to Mac or between Mac and iOS. If you want to share content between two computers, you'll need to turn on Wi-Fi and run OS X Lion or later. According to the developer, not all Macs can support AirDrop for sharing data with each other. This is only available among the following models:

  • MacBook Pro (Late 2008 or newer);
  • MacBook Air (Late 2010 or newer);
  • MacBook (late 2008 or newer);
  • iMac (Early 2009 or newer);
  • Mac Mini (Mid 2010 or newer);
  • Mac Pro (early 2009 with AirPort Extreme card or mid-2010).

How to send from computer to computer?

How to send from a computer to an iPhone or iPad?

How to use AirDrop to transfer files between a Mac and an iOS device, the specifications are slightly different. For starters, both devices must have both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. However, they don't have to be on a specific Wi-Fi network.

Apple's website lists some specifications for using the service between iOS and Mac devices. These include:

  • Your iOS device must include a Lightning connector.
  • Requires iOS 7 or later.
  • The Mac must be a 2012 model or later with OS X Yosemite installed.

To send a file from a Mac, start by clicking the Finder icon. Once you open the search box, you should see AirDrop listed as an option on the left side. Click on it and your computer will start searching for any devices using the application.

When the available devices are displayed, simply drag and drop the file you want to send onto the name of the device you want to send it to. In this case, it is useful to transfer the file to your desktop in advance.

Files sent to your device using your iCloud account (for example, if you send an image from your iPhone to your Macbook) will be automatically received. However, data sent to someone else will display a pop-up asking the recipient to accept the transfer and save the file.

If you want to send something from an app you're currently using, the process is similar to sending through iOS devices. Find the same share button (the box with the arrow coming out of it) and click. Then simply click on the name of the recipient you want to send the file to.

Final word

AirDrop is not email or messaging. This is not the way to attach files to a remote connection. It is a way of transferring data between people in the same place - in the same room at home or work, in the same restaurant or park or club. It is a social network, but operating on a very small scale. In addition, AirDrop for Windows does not function, so interaction is only possible between Apple devices.

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