Free Twitter boost online. Effective increase of followers on Twitter online Technology of profitable sales of seeds

Dear readers, we’ll immediately make a reservation that any cheating of Twitter or anything else can entail any consequences, so “everything is useful in moderation,” be careful when cheating readers. First, let's remember why we need Twitter at all?

The answer will not surprise anyone - Twitter is a microblog for exchanging messages between several “people who know each other”, they can post “tweets” on their wall and you can read them on yours.

Tweets are short recordings of people (where they went, what they are doing, general thoughts, generally speaking, such thoughts may be interesting to your friends). In general, this is extremely convenient if you communicate a lot and you are interested in the author’s activities. In this article we will only touch on the budget side of the issue and the essence of it in general: “how to get followers on Twitter?”

Leave us a request

So let's look at a few progressive options at this time:

  1. Option - buy or order boost of followers
  2. Of course, as you already understood, and in fact we don’t hide it, this article is not aimed at attracting users for the queries of boosting Twitter, boosting followers on Twitter, but at the same time, it will allow and explain to you how to generate readers yourself!

    Well, if you don’t have money, then we’ll consider other options.

  3. Get it for free
  4. This option is suitable for people who have limited finances + you don’t want to spend money on PR and you want to gain followers for free. What's the point? It is very simple, there are several Internet services on the Internet where you can get followers absolutely free, here are some of them:
    1. hitfollow(dot)info
    2. plusfollower(dot)info
    3. followback(dot)info
    4. newfollow(dot)info
    5. tfollow(dot)com

    Of course, you won’t get thousands of followers, and readers won’t be interested in you, but it’s free. In order to get readers. just go to one of the sites for example

  5. Order from PR companies

We do not recommend making free followers on Twitter using the services described below, this may have a negative impact on your account - it may simply be blocked, it is better to order a boost from us - without consequences. We scroll down the page a little lower, after the greeting, and we see two menu items:

We need the “Plan Free” item - that is, free boost of followers, click on it, and then an agreement with the rules window will open:

Check the box next to “I Accept Terms Of User:” and click the “Get +100 Followers Now!” button, after which you will either be redirected to the website or directly on the site you will be asked to enter your Skype username, in our case Twitter account opened:

As you can see from the warning label, the application will be able to:
1. Read tweets from your feed
2. Recommend new users
3. Update your profile
4. Post tweets on your behalf

Agree - this is not even good, because... after receiving follower data, you will see tons of other people's tweets that are completely uninteresting to you, plus they are in a foreign language. Be careful before allowing an application to access your account; this is usually fraught with consequences (for example, using your profile for its own needs).

This leads to several conclusions that we would like to draw your attention to:

  1. You will get tons of other people's posts on your wall.
  2. Even though the application supposedly doesn’t “see” your password, it’s better to change it later
  3. If you change your password, then as practice has shown, readers will leave you just as quickly.
  4. The system manages bot followers, and is mainly needed to collect a base for cheaters of followers - who manage them.
  5. After agreeing with the window on the website with Twitter, we are again taken to a page where we have to wait about 20-25 minutes

There will be a window like this: At this time, your readers will begin to increase! That's all, you can get the same thing on other sites, there are a lot of such services on the Internet!

However, one last note: Twitter has a very negative attitude towards any cheating, especially through such services, so be careful because get "disable recording" on off. Twitter website is very simple, but unblocking it back is very difficult and time consuming, because... The site's support service is only in English, which makes communication very difficult.

PS: the article was prepared at the request of many users and is aimed at explaining the reasons why you should NOT use such a boost of followers. Personally, we recommend ordering promotion on the social network Twitter from our company, this will guarantee the security of your account. To order, use our

Twitter is a popular microblogging project. After registration, everyone wants to increase their reader base, but without certain knowledge it is virtually impossible to do this! Getting followers on Twitter guarantees everyone who uses it several thousand readers on their personal page! There are many techniques on the Internet that allow you to gain followers on Twitter, but not all of them are effective. Below you can find popular projects that offer a unique service of “getting followers on Twitter.” The sites operate in a shareware mode. Check out the entire list and choose the appropriate services for further work!

A project by MAYA GROUP where you can gain Twitter followers without much effort. The local currency is the euro. For 1 unit you can get 1000 readers. Cheating a Twitter account here is quite fast, since there are always a lot of active users on the site.

Anyone can gain Twitter followers on this resource. To get started, you need to register and start performing simple tasks that will replenish your internal balance. With the money you earn you can get a lot of readers.

A smart site that offers many services for the microblogging service, including increasing followers on Twitter. Registration on the project will take you a few minutes. Afterwards you will have access to a useful promotion tool! Very fast Twitter boost!

After logging in through your personal account, you will have access to unique virtual instruments. Free Twitter readership is just one of many popular services of this service. You can build up your Twitter page very quickly, since the website always has high online levels!

If you still don’t know how to get followers on Twitter, then register for this project. The site has an active audience that is ready to fulfill your order in real time. You can get virtual currency very quickly!

You can register on the site using your email, or log in through your own social network account. By following the instructions on the site, you will understand how to gain followers on Twitter and attract an audience from this resource.

An English-language project that allows you to gain followers on Twitter for free. A special feature of the service is that protection against bots is available here. The system detects suspicious accounts that do not pass verification and blocks them. Here you can gain quality Twitter followers!

Another English-language site that reaches a huge audience around the world. If you want to attract foreign traffic to your profile, then use the Twitter followers feature. You can order readers in the Followers section.

Each registered user will have access to increase Twitter followers for free. To get additional opportunities, you can connect a VIP account, thereby simplifying your work on the project and saving time!

An English-language site where you can get followers on Twitter. The service is perfect for those who want to get several hundred foreign readers. All promotion options in the Twitter Followers section. The audience is limited to ~1000 active users.

Who needs to increase Twitter followers?

There are quite a few options for how you can use a microblog account. Let's look at the most popular of them.

How to get Twitter followers for free

Please note that absolutely anyone can gain followers on Twitter; this does not require special knowledge or skills. Everything is extremely simple and accessible! Above you have already seen a list of popular services that work with Twitter; gaining followers on them happens online and for free. To get started, you need to register on any site and complete several tasks from other users. All sites work on the principle of exchange: you perform certain actions and get the opportunity to ask for a reciprocal response! Getting followers on Twitter is available immediately after registration, but you need to get virtual currency, which will be available as soon as you enter into an exchange with someone. Most services have the ability to connect other social networks, which means you are not limited only to tasks from Twitter. Involve as many projects as possible at the same time and gaining Twitter followers will happen much faster. Each service has its own unique audience that you just need to get!

Website Speed ​​on a 5-point scale
LIKE4U + 2

If you understand that free promotion is not suitable for you, then look at sites that allow

How to get followers on Twitter using Twiends?

Today we will answer the question “how to get followers on Twitter?” And there is one very good service that will allow you to get as many readers as you want quite quickly and completely free of charge.

The service is called - Twiends

The philosophy of this service is based on a special currency “Seeds”. You need to earn seeds by reading other users, and then you will also be read using these same “seeds”.

First, let’s go to the service and figure out what’s what

For this:

2. And press the button Sign In, Twitter

3. Then press the button Authorize

4. A message will appear in which you will need to indicate your Mailbox. Specify your mailbox, and then go to this mailbox and confirm your registration.

* This service is in English, but it is so easy to use that it will not cause any inconvenience. In addition, you can run it through the Google Chrome browser, which will automatically translate everything into Russian.

Let's move on to getting readers...

Technology for boosting readers in Twiends

Everything is very simple, we need to collect “seeds” and then automatically new subscribers will be added to our Twitter account for these seeds.

For this we:

1. We begin to subscribe to others and purchase “seeds”. Moreover, there you choose for how long you will do it.

2. In the right block we see how many seeds are in our bank. Now, from this bank, your seeds will automatically disappear, and subscribers will appear on your Twitter account. It's like a fairytale

Technology of profitable sales of seeds

Now it’s time to determine how many seeds we are willing to give for 1 new subscriber.

For this:

1. Go to the tab Settings and choose yours Twitter account.

2. In chapter Seeds we choose how many seeds we are willing to donate for 1 new reader. The more you bet, the faster you will get new readers.

3. You can also reduce the circle of our possible readers. To do this, go down to the section Countries and there we select only those strange ones that suit us most. If it doesn’t matter to you from which countries people will subscribe to you, then simply skip this point.

After all these operations, we have fully established the Twiends service. Now we can accumulate our bank of seeds and watch how our seeds then drain from the bank and at the same time new readers appear on Twitter.

But I want to warn you , if you follow other users too actively, this may arouse suspicion on Twitter and then you may be completely banned. Therefore, stick to some restrictions.

  • Add no more than 100 subscribers per day.

How to get followers on Twitter using Twiends? Now you know how to do it.

You can also gain followers on Twitter using other online PR services, for example - All readers attracted here are 100% real users of the social network.

Another effective and extremely powerful method for developing a Twitter account is now in your hands.

Use it wisely!

This is why people on the Internet often ask: how to get followers on twitter. However, few people will show you how you can do it for free! And I will be happy to demonstrate!

I would like to note right away that there must be a minimum of 15 posts on Twitter and you must be subscribed to 5 people. This makes it possible to recruit up to 1,000 people on Twitter, but it’s better to do 100-300 people/day.

Exchanges for getting followers on Twitter

If you are not a star and a media personality, then it is practically impossible to gain followers on Twitter without an exchange. Many people pay attention to the number of subscribers before subscribing to a person.

Cheat exchanges- these are special sites where you get points for subscribing or retweeting, which can be spent on recruiting other users.

In other words, it is similar to a mutual subscription, only here you cannot unsubscribe. Therefore, I recommend creating a separate account to earn points.

ServiceCheating speedUnsubscribed
1 Very fast15%
2 Fast15%
3 Above average25%
4 Average25%
5 Slowly30%

Manifestation of high activity

Exchanges, of course, are great at helping to gather a core of 3-10 thousand followers. However, in order to develop further, you need to regularly tweet and discuss popular topics.

Therefore, we find popular people from your circles and subscribe to them. This way we can keep up with the latest developments. Which in the future will be able to make us more popular!

Correct hashtags

Hashtags is a whole system that allows you to divide tweets into topics. Users often want to read tweets on a certain topic, so we look at popular hashtags and add them to ours.

Moreover, Twitter has special hashtags for mutual subscription: #followme, #followback, #mutual subscription, #subscription. Where people find you and subscribe, and then expect reciprocity.

Of course, I recommend getting it for free, but it will take about a year to get 3-5 thousand subscribers. But why wait if you can get results in just a week for a few thousand rubles!

Buying points on promotion exchanges

All on the same exchanges for promotion, there is such a function as buying points. Made for those people who do not want to create an additional account and spend several hours a day earning those same points.

Where is the cheapest place to buy points?:

  1. BossLike - 0.45 rub;
  2. VkTarget - 0.45 rub;
  3. AdSocial - 0.6 rub;
  4. FastFreeLike - 0.5 rub;
  5. Like4You — 0.7 rub.

Order promotion of your Twitter account

If you need a Twitter account for business, then the best decision is to contact a specialized service that promotes social accounts.

The main advantage of this method is that the company has been promoting for a long time and knows how best to promote it so that the account is not blocked for a sharp increase in subscribers.

Find a master who gets subscribers

The last option to quickly collect a subscriber base is to find some SMO specialist who, for a small fee, will agree to gain followers on Twitter.

By the way, I managed to find several excellent SMO specialists who promote accounts cheaply.

  • The first specialist recruits 1,500 people for 500 rubles, that is, 0.33 rubles per subscriber (

Getting followers, reposting and adding to favorites on Twitter is done by real users, not bots. Everything is completely mutual - you complete the users’ tasks, and they complete yours.

All you have to do is post the tasks. To do this, you will need points - the internal currency of the service. You can earn points by completing tasks of other users or winning in special games of our service. Also, the service for promoting social accounts ad-social provides daily bonuses to regular visitors.

Creating a task to increase Twitter followers

To create a task to increase subscribers, you will need to log in through one of the social networks or use your username and password. Next, go to the “Add task” section - “Twitter” and select “subscribers”. You will see a screen like the image below

You can also use the “advanced filter” for creating a task. With its help, you can set restrictions such as country, city, age and gender of performers.

Filling out the form is intuitive and should not cause difficulties. If you encounter any difficulty, please write to our caring support team and we will be happy to help solve your problem.

Creating a task to boost Twitter retweets

Creating a task to boost retweets is similar to creating any other task in our service. Just go to the “Add task” section - “Twitter” and select “Redwit”. You will see a screen like the image below

Performing tasks to increase subscribers, retweets, and add other users to favorites on Twitter

The ad-social service is designed for mutual completion of tasks. To earn points you will need to complete tasks for other users. It's very easy to do. To do this, you need to go to the “Earn” section and select any social network that suits you.

You can also “Buy points”.