Graphic solution for a mobile application. Development of mobile applications: stages, terms and cost of work. Personnel costs

The XXI CENTURY is the era of the flourishing of mobile technologies. It is now difficult to even imagine a person without a mobile device, much less a business person. Mobile technologies present in almost all areas of business. Mobile ecosystems change and evolve daily through constant experimentation. Hundreds of applications are created every day for business, education, entertainment, etc. Each of these apps has a specific visual style and tone, depending on the direction and context of the app.

But what does the development process itself consist of? mobile applications?

This is, of course, an IDEA. At the very initial stage, you need to carefully consider the meaning of the future mobile application and what it will be used for. Then you need to decide on which platform it will be used. As a rule, applications are now written for two iOS platforms and Android at the same time, but if this is of no use or is not in a hurry, then the company’s specialists will help you make a choice in favor of one of the platforms after first analyzing the market for supply/demand and competition.


Before starting development, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications from the customer. If it is not there, then the customer is given a brief to fill out. This stage is given Special attention, since technical specifications directly affect the technical features of the result. At this stage, the following types of work are performed:

  • A description of the functionality of the mobile application is drawn up;
  • Development timeframes are determined and agreed upon;
  • Financial costs are calculated and a model of the payment procedure is developed;
  • An agreement is drawn up with the customer;

In order to understand how the user will work with the mobile application, a graphics card interactions between different program screens. At this stage, almost all the functionality of the mobile application is developed. At the UI design stage, specialists determine the operating principle of the application, the placement of functions and buttons on each screen. At this stage:

  • The functionality of the application is being developed;
  • Developing application screen diagrams;
  • The connection between application screens and transitions through them is being thought through;

The design of all screens of the future application is created and various states are drawn for all usage scenarios. Once the design concept is approved, internal buttons and icons are drawn, as well as all other graphic elements. As a rule, drawing the design of a mobile application involves usability research in order to make sure that the developed design concept is as simple and convenient as possible and will help users solve their tasks as quickly as possible.


The developers are given the specifications and application design layouts and they begin to “create”. Programmers “transform” a static picture into an interactive working model. The first version of the application is released.


The mobile application undergoes thorough testing, as a result of which a check table is created in which all errors are indicated and described in detail. During the application design process, it is impossible to foresee all the errors of real operation. At this stage, a list of errors, shortcomings and shortcomings of the application is formed and a time frame for their elimination is determined. Then the application is released with bugs fixed and, if necessary, with changed functionality, which is indicated in the tables after trial testing.


The application is installed on test devices and works exactly the same as if it had been downloaded from Google Play or AppStore. Before an application appears in the official program catalog, it is necessary to ensure that users will not encounter development errors during the installation and use of the program. Therefore, at this stage, the logic of the product and the operation of its server part are checked once again, the application is tested in a variety of conditions and on different versions operating systems.


The application icon is the “face” of any modern mobile application. A mobile application icon is an independent graphic element. Creating this element is a multi-stage procedure with drawing an image in several sizes, as well as testing it on various device models. After the icon is approved, the mobile application launches.


The application is submitted to the AppStore and/or Google.Play for publication. Each application is reviewed by Google and Apple teams before publication. Publishing to Google.Play takes no more than a day, which, of course, significantly beats the AppStore in terms of time, where publishing an application takes at least 7 working days.

In this article we will try to reveal the main stages of developing a program written in any programming language.

Specification (definition of program requirements):

At this stage there is detailed description source data, requirements for the resulting result are formulated, all possible program behaviors are considered when special cases arise (for example, if incorrect data is entered), development takes place dialog boxes, which will ensure interaction between the user and the program itself.

Algorithm development:

At this stage, the programmer determines the sequence of necessary actions that must subsequently be performed to obtain the desired result.

If a situation arises when a given problem can be solved in several ways, then, of course, many possible different options solution algorithm. Then the program developer, based on some important criterion (for example, the speed of solving the algorithm), makes the choice of a more suitable solution.

The result of this stage of program development is a detailed verbal description of the program algorithm, or a block diagram of the algorithm. You can learn in detail about how to develop an algorithm for any program by studying this article.


After carrying out the specification and drawing up the solution algorithm, the algorithm used will ultimately be written in the required programming language (Pascal, Delphi, C++, etc.). The result of the coding stage is a finished program.

Stages of program development. Debugging:

At this stage, the programmer is debugging the program, that is, finding and eliminating errors. The latter are divided into two groups: algorithmic and syntactic (errors in the text of the source program). Of these two groups of errors, syntax errors are the easiest to eliminate, while algorithmic errors are quite difficult to identify.

The debugging phase is considered complete only when the original program works correctly and correctly on one or two sets of raw data. You can find out what compilation of any program is and what main tasks it performs by reading this article.


Testing a program is very important because in most cases programmers create programs not for personal use, but so that others can use their program. At the testing stage, the developer checks the behavior of the program when large number sets of input data, both correct and specially selected incorrect ones.

Creating a help system:

If a programmer develops a program so that others can subsequently use it, then the programmer needs to develop a help system and install an easy fast access refer to this help system when working with the program. Modern programs have help information in the form of CHM or HLP files.

Except reference information help system contains necessary instructions upon installation of the program. They are usually presented in the form Readme file different formats: *.doc, *.txt, *.htm. The considered stage of program development will be described in more detail later.

Creating an installation disk (CD-ROM):

Developers create an installation disk (CD-ROM) so that users can independently, without the help of a programmer, install this program to your PC.

Typically, in addition to the program itself, the installation CD-ROM contains help files and instructions for installing the program. It should be noted that most modern programs, including programs developed in Delphi environment, in many cases, even by simple copying files cannot be installed on the user’s computer, since for the correct operation of these programs, the presence of special libraries is required, as well as components that may not be present on a particular user’s PC.

In 2016, consumers spent $61.8 billion on apps. mobile devices, and in 2017 this figure reached $75.7 billion. This market is constantly growing, but not all applications are successful, justifying the money spent on them.

To differentiate your application from a large number of competitors, it is important to make it technically sound and one that really helps solve the problems of your consumers.

To create a high-quality application, you need to choose good team developers. How many days the work will take, how the application is created and how much it costs, you will find out in this article.

Factors that influence the cost of creating an application

Two criteria are important here: the developer (the price depends on the country in which the developer is located) and the functional complexity of the application.

Naturally, the price depends on the amount of work the team needs to do. It directly depends on the number of screens, controls, device type, screen orientation modes, security, number of supported languages ​​in the application, and much more. The more functionality the customer wants, the more time and money it will take to develop. Although there is a way to spend less time and money on your website.

The application development process is indeed quite difficult. Sometimes a team of at least 6-7 specialists may be required.

The development plan looks something like this:

  1. First, you need to think about who and for what purpose the application is being created, how the user can log into it, and what problems they will encounter? All this is described in the User Story.
  2. Then the design stage and design development begin, navigation is thought through, a layout is made and a guideline is drawn up - this is instructions for developers: how design elements should look for different mobile devices.
  3. Next, the graphics are cut so as not to overload the application in terms of weight, but at the same time leave everything necessary. Please note that when developing not an ordinary web application, but an application, the weight of the application will be no more than 200 kB.
  4. Then all these materials are transferred to development. Often, during the work process, new ideas appear that make adjustments to the initial plan.
  5. After this comes the testing stage. The tester checks the operation of the application for different devices, and also uses special services to test the application on different operating systems.
  6. After testing, the application is loaded into App Store and the monitoring phase begins. To track download statistics and reviews, you can use Distimo or Flurry services. Google Analytics is also used for these purposes.
  7. After releasing the application, you need to work hard to attract users, collect all the metrics and analyze user behavior. If you use push-mailing technology, it is easier to “study” customer habits and requests with the service. Having made the necessary conclusions, improve the application.

Before ordering development, make sure that the team will work on creating a prototype of the application. This is very important, as it will help you avoid mistakes and mistakes, as well as clearly understand what the final result awaits you.

Many teams are creating mobile games to order, this is exactly the category of applications on which users spend the most. The development process and cost of the application in this case are very different.

How to calculate the cost of mobile application development

Typically, developers first make a quick estimate of the cost of the order. You can receive it in a couple of days, usually for free.

If the cost suits the customer, he signs an agreement in which the exact price of application development, the deadline for completing the work and a description of the final result are calculated. Sometimes the price may change if during the development process it was decided to add additional functionality. But this is agreed with the customer.

The average cost of developing a mobile application depends on the complexity of the application:

  • A simple application costs about $3,000 (work period is 1-2 months);
  • Application of average complexity – 4000-5000 dollars (3-4 months);
  • Complex – $6,000 (more than 4 months).

How much does it cost to develop a mobile application for a freelancer?

In Russia and Ukraine, many freelance developers “write” applications quite well. Their prices are 2-3 times lower than, for example, freelance developers in the USA. Therefore, many customers from other countries turn to Ukrainian and Russian specialists.

Cost of app development in different countries

A high price does not always mean high quality workmanship; it only indicates that programmers’ salaries are different countries very different.

To create simple application it takes about 2 months of work, that is, 300 hours. It turns out that the minimum cost of an application from Indian developers will cost $3000, for Eastern European ones - about $7500.

How long does it take to create a mobile application?

The process of creating an operating room application Android systems,iOS, Windows Phone consists of several stages.

  1. Free cost estimate (takes about 2 days);
  2. Study of the task, market and competition (about 5 days);
  3. Writing technical specifications depending on the complexity of the application (10-15 days);
  4. Design development (from 5 to 15 days);
  5. Programming takes from 20 days to 4 months;
  6. Testing and monitoring of the application is carried out within 5 – 10 days.

If the application being developed is very complex, then parallel programming is carried out to speed up the completion of the work.

How to create a mobile application for free

To create a simple application on the Internet, there are many services and programs for creating mobile applications for iPhone, Android and even WP. Each service provides step by step instructions, how to do it.

  • Then publish the application in the iTunes and Google Play directories.
  • Application designers make it possible to develop one application for Android, iPhone and tablets. Software services allows you to create applications in minutes.

    Of course, the quality of such an application is very inferior to that created by professionals, both in design and functionality. The likelihood that you will be able to make money on such an application is minimal.

    How to develop a mobile application for adequate money?

    1. In order for your app to be popular and generate income for you, you need to meet the needs of your audience. If an app doesn't solve any user problems, it's doomed to fail.
    2. Before choosing one of the development teams, compare prices and also study the portfolio of the companies you have selected. A high price is not always a sign of high quality.
    3. Be sure to ask for a rough estimate of the project before ordering.
    4. Discuss all the details of the project with the team, and also insist on creating a prototype of the application. Decide on the design and functionality of the application. You must clearly understand what you need and what you don’t. Then the cost of the work can be significantly reduced if you understand what you are calculating as unnecessary.
    5. And only after discussing all the issues can you sign the agreement.

    Here is a set of typical stages in creating a mobile application from scratch, which the Componentix studio applies to its activities.

    Business analysis of the target market

    At this stage, the customer should decide why he plans to use the application, what is the final goal of development mobile tool communication with the audience. Here is a list of indicative questions to which you should find answers before formulating technical specifications and ordering application development:

    • What goals do you plan to achieve by creating and releasing your own mobile application?
    • Are sales/conversion of conversions into the sale of goods and services planned within the application?
    • Who's yours the target audience and from whom can it be replenished?
    • How high is the competition in the area in which you plan to work (including with the application)?
    • What applications does your audience and the audience of your competitors use, do they overlap? Are they ready to use your app instead of similar apps?
    • What is the budget for the development and promotion of the resulting application?
    Development of an agreed solution

    Before starting development, it is necessary to obtain a technical specification (TOR) from the customer or provide him with a brief for completion and further work on this document.

    After receiving the completed brief and/or technical specifications, you can begin prototyping and drawing up user profiles to assess the capabilities of the final product.

    Based on the designer’s vision, business assessment and agreement on the details of the technical specifications, the development process can be launched.


    Prototypes are developed by the designer and can be either static or interactive. To do this, you can use one or more of the prototyping tools we talked about earlier.

    Static prototypes and interactive mockups should be designed with technical and software base, which you plan to use to create the application.

    Writing code and implementing technologies

    With the finished design, the application goes to the developers: they will have to create a mobile application based on programming languages, frameworks and various technologies in accordance with the technical specifications, brief and approved prototype.


    At various stages of application development, internal testing of the application is mandatory, both on simulators and on real devices. The purpose of testing is to make sure that the interaction of the application with the hardware and software platform of smartphones and tablets will be exactly as expected at the prototyping stage.

    Creating a pre-release version

    As a result of a series of tests and improvements to the application, a working version of the application should be obtained. This is the version that will be added to the application store: Apple App Store, Google Play, store Windows applications Phone (depending on which platform is being developed for) or any similar service for app distribution.

    Adding an application to the store

    The final stage of the studio’s work is adding the application for review to one of the above application stores (in the case of Componentix we are talking about the App Store or Google Play).

    Optional stage: further technical support and marketing promotion of the application

    Since these services are provided separately from the main package of services, they are paid separately. In addition to marketing and technical support, it is also possible to publish the application in the App Store or Google Play on behalf of the customer (White Label service), and provide server support for the application.

    If you're ready order a package of basic and/or additional services for developing a native application - write: we will discuss with you the timing, cost, and help draw up technical specifications and fill out a brief . And after a month or two you will have your own mobile application for iPhone, iPad or Android smartphones and tablets.


    The mobile application market is showing dynamic growth - this trend is relevant both for Ukraine and for foreign countries. Games occupy a significant segment, but business apps are not lagging behind and show positive dynamics. In the next two or three years, it will be possible to say with confidence that every company will be represented on the Internet not only with a website, but will also acquire its own mobile application - all for the sake of traffic and profit. If you don’t want to miss the moment and be among the first in the business race, then plan to develop an app. And take action!

    What you need?

    Already today, when you turn to application development companies, you are faced with a variety of possibilities. A team of professionals will offer you not only to develop a custom app with a set of unique functions, but also to choose a creation management methodology.

    Instead of the traditional cascade approach, it is proposed to use energy-intensive and cost-effective SCRUM.

    When choosing a developer, focus on expertise, portfolio and experience in your specific field, the presence of project managers and a QA team with a technology park (application testing takes up most of the development time), as well as legally formalized agreements - the latter will guarantee your safety. After short excursion to the team

    Besides technical specifications, we can talk about typical diversity. Applications can be divided into the following groups — most likely, your next app is already in one of them:

    • Entertainment (games, image processing, audio and video formats);
    • Assistants (information search, weather applications, etc.);
    • Social media;
    • I-commerce (possibility of purchasing through applications);
    • B2B applications in the structure (internal systems for controlling and organizing processes within the company).

    Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, methods of monetization and conversion potential - to make right choice, first contact a business analyst and technical specialist who will conduct an audit and make recommendations. From the big picture, let's move on to the process of creating the application and the team that is involved in it.

    Stages of mobile application development

    We at Artjoker prefer the SCRUM method, which allows you to implement the project not sequentially (stage by stage with lengthy approvals and modifications for a fee), but flexibly - they are carried out simultaneously different tasks, which allow you to assemble a ready-to-launch product like a Lego constructor quickly and for a pre-agreed amount. The development is divided into three stages, within which the following work is carried out in parallel:

    1Stage 1: Preparatory

    • Drawing up technical specifications for application development. For template solutions this stage goes quickly, but for something unique it may take time. If you plan to monetize the application in the future, then invite a business analyst to monitor market offers, as well as promotion specialists - proper advertising will quickly and effectively attract attention to the audience.
    • UX development (User eXperience - interaction experience) we write scenarios of user behavior, patterns of movement through the application and functionality. A usability specialist will quickly give recommendations - it’s much easier to tell you how to do it than to repeatedly redo the structure.
    • Development of the “skeleton” of the application: navigation elements, lists, buttons, which will be supplemented with the main code.
    • Design development .

    Team: project manager, UX specialist, designer

    Development time: from 60 to 90 days.

    Creating an application is a clearly structured process, however systematic work can only be found among experienced developers.

    • On average, it takes about 400 hours to develop an app on iOS, and about 350 on Android. 20% of all work is spent on QA (verification), the remaining 80% is allocated to the development itself, design, etc.
    • If the application involves server support and API integration, then the period increases by an average of a month or two.


    On average in Europe (including CIS countries), the cost of an application is $80-100 per hour of work by an experienced specialist (cool developers charge from $150-200 and this is considered reasonable price for example in the UK). Australia operates in the same range. On average, for all work from European developers (including in Ukraine) it is $7,000 - $9,000.

    The most expensive developers in the USA - their minimum is $50 per hour, and the maximum reaches $250-300. For comparison, let’s take the Indians, whose maximum price per development hour is $80. Why such a price discrepancy? It's all about expertise, which is confirmed not only by the number of works, reputation (articles, speeches at conferences), but also by knowledge of English.


    The most important thing in developing an application is not advertising or even a unique trading application. The main thing is the team to whom you entrust your idea and who will finalize and implement the idea with high quality. What is needed for that:

    • select a qualified team;
    • fill out a detailed brief with all your wishes;
    • conduct a business audit of existing applications on the market (your competitors);
    • coordinate the technical specifications with the stages of work, deadlines and budget;
    • give feedback regularly.

    Choose the best!