Google starry sky. Milky Way from Google. Russian version! Key Features and Functions

1. Map of the starry sky and constellations

The most optimal, in my opinion, star map. The equatorial part is built in a cylindrical projection, and the poles in an azimuthal one. Thanks to this, distortions at the junctions of these projections are minimized, but don’t be surprised that some constellations appear twice: on the maps of the poles and the equatorial one. The map is presented as an image in jpeg format enough high resolution.

2. Google Sky

An interactive star map like no other. A titanic work has been done and from a huge number of photographs taken by the Hubble orbital telescope, a map of the entire starry sky has been compiled, by increasing the scale of which you can see stars that are not visible not only with the naked eye, but even with an optical telescope from Earth. In addition, the service provides the opportunity to arrange stars into constellations, view their historical images, as well as take a tour of the solar system, and view the sky in the invisible infrared and microwave ranges.

3. Google Earth service (Google Earth)

Taking Google Sky and Google Map as a basis, Google programmers and designers went even further and created a browser program that, connecting to a single database via the Internet, loads maps of the Earth and sky, as well as the surfaces of the Moon and Mars, onto your computer. The Google Earth project is rapidly developing and is open to anyone who wants to contribute. For example, you can map a 3D model of your home if others haven't already done so. The service also allows you to record videos based on the map, add voice or music accompaniment to them and save it as a video file.

4. Photopic Sky Survey

Another interesting and stunning online starry sky project with convenient controls. As in the previous case with Google, the image was obtained by stitching a huge number of real 5-megapixel photographs into a single whole and obtaining a circular panorama of the starry sky. You can apply a tracing layer with constellations connected by lines, but, unlike Google Sky and Google Earth, the image cannot be saved.

Today we will give a review of a very interesting and educational application under operating system android. This is Inc which is called

Using the application under android google Sky Map allows you to search for various planets and constellations in the sky, as well as find out which of them are currently above you. This program will be very useful at night in clear weather, during night walks with friends, loved ones, or just for general development. You can easily determine the name of the constellation that is located above you, and you can also find the star or planet you are interested in. When you point your phone at any constellation, Sky Map is able to determine exactly this part of the sky and show you the requested result.

All these features of the application for android Google Sky Map is carried out using a navigation system GPS(to determine your location), accelerometer apparatus and electronic compass. For guaranteed operation, this requires a good sky, because often due to bad and cloudy weather it is difficult to determine your location. Overall, the possibilities Google programs Sky Map is truly impressive.

Google Sky Map has several modes for switching the starry sky, which are located on the left of the screen. So, for example, you can include a map of just stars, constellations, Messier objects, planets, and you can also include a grid of right ascension and declination, or the sides and horizons of the world. At the bottom of the screen there is a panel for changing the image scale and a button for changing the mode of the viewed map (automatic or manual, where you need to scroll the map with your finger).

In addition, Google Sky Map has a search function. Using the search you can find any planet or constellation you are interested in. If the work is carried out in automatic mode, the search result will be highlighted in a circle, and if it is turned on manual mode, then the map will simply move to the desired area.

Another feature of this is presence of a special photo gallery(from the Hubble Telescope), which contains photographs of various stars, planets and other space objects.

In general, the application works quite well, and most importantly, it is stable. The presence of great capabilities and rich functionality contribute to the rapid growth of popularity. There are only positive impressions left from this application for Android.

pros : Great and interesting app idea; accurate and high-quality operation of the program; availability of functions for switching the search for space objects.

Screenshot from the application

Do you want to watch the Milky Way online? New service visualizations from Google called 100,000 Stars, allows you to tour our cosmic environs, either independently or with the help of an interactive tour.

Also available detailed information about the luminaries closest to us. Knowledge of English is necessary, but even if you don’t know it, you can listen to relaxing music and watch beautiful space animation.

Travel across the galaxy made possible

But recently, thanks to interactive visualization of our Galaxy, everyone has the opportunity to travel through the expanses of the Milky Way. Now you just need to open the “Our Galaxy 3D and 100,000 Stars” service in your browser and immerse yourself in a virtual journey in space. Developed by Google, the app includes location data for nearly 120,000 Milky Way stars, collected from a variety of sources, including space missions.


Navigation on the interactive map is carried out by panning using a mouse or touchpad.

Clicking on the star of interest will display information about it. In this case, the camera approaches directly the selected star, and the entire star is displayed in the window next to it. necessary information. This makes it possible to study the objects of our Galaxy in detail.


The journey through the interactive space is accompanied by musical works by composer Sam Hulink, who is also known for writing music for computer games, such as Mass Effect.

Satellite maps from Google are popular. This is a convenient and practical tool that allows you to view the planet at any scale. The satellite image reveals details: small streets and alleys near the house, cities, countries and continents. This became possible thanks to satellite imagery.
Earlier to receive pictures from space filming was used with a television camera with a signal transmitted to the station or filming with a special photographic camera, the images of which were displayed on film. Today, modern space technologies make it possible to look at the planet thanks to the scanning mechanism built into satellites.

Satellite Map: Applications and Purposes

Currently, real-time satellite world map is used in many fields: analyzing the state of agricultural fields, forests, oceans and identifying the location of friends using a smartphone. Google satellite map is used for these resources.
The main purpose of using satellite images of the world from Google remains navigation. The website features a world diagram showing continents, states, cities, streets and highways. This helps you navigate the area, appreciate its landscape, and simply travel around the Earth without leaving your home.

Quality of online world map images from satellite

The highest resolution images are available for the largest cities in Ukraine, America, Russia, Belarus, Asia, Europe and Oceania with a population of more than a million people. For settlements with fewer inhabitants, images are available in limited quantities and worse quality.
Despite this, everyone can take a detailed look at the territory of their home, nearby streets, and look at photos of the planet from almost any point. The pictures reveal the placement:

  • cities, towns, villages,
  • streets, alleys
  • rivers, seas, lakes, forest zones, deserts, etc.

Good quality cartographic images allow you to examine the landscape of the selected area in detail.

Google map capabilities from satellite:

Satellite google maps help to examine in detail objects that are difficult to evaluate on conventional diagrams. Satellite images preserve the natural shape of an object, its size and colors. Ordinary, classic maps undergo editorial elaboration before printing and circulation to match the scale, as a result of which the natural colors of the area and shapes of objects are lost. The cartographic images retain their naturalness.
In addition, you can quickly find the city of interest in any country on the map. The diagram has a column in which you can indicate the country, city, and even house number in Russian. In a second, the diagram will zoom in and display the location of the given object and those located next to it.

Satellite world map mode

Satellite images have the ability to switch to world map mode. It helps to view the territory on the surface of the planet, get as close as possible to the selected object, and consider the layout of the location. This mode allows you to quickly and conveniently plan your trip route, move around the city, find attractions, etc.
By specifying the house number, the diagram will display its location relative to the city center in a second. It is also possible to plot a route from the initially specified object. To do this, click on the appropriate button and enter the address.

Map of the earth from satellite to website

the site allows users to use a satellite map in real time completely free of charge. For convenience, the map is divided into countries. To search for a specific city or get acquainted with the area of ​​the state, click on the one you are interested in and begin your “travel”. The service is constantly improving, work is underway to post high-resolution satellite images of small settlements.
Good quality online satellite cartographic images posted on our website help you quickly find the desired object, examine the landscape, estimate the distances between cities, and find out the location of forests, rivers, seas and oceans. With Voweb, traveling around the world has become even more accessible.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Google Sky(Google sky) is a Google Maps application that allows you to view the outer space surrounding the Earth. Created using the Hubble telescope. Released August 27, 2007.

Google Earth

First Google version Sky was created on a virtual globe called Google Earth. It contains several layers, similar to the ground mode. It is compared with images on the inner sphere of Google Earth, and viewed from the inside, from the center. Google Earth currently faces competition from WorldWide Telescope, created by Microsoft.


  • Current Events in the Sky
  • Our solar system: Shows object locations, orbits, and solar system information.
  • Astronomy Court: Shows information about constellations and other points of interest.
  • Observatories
  • Education Center
    • Sky photographs and audio recordings
    • Virtual tourism
    • Galaxy User Guide
    • Life of a star
  • Historical sky maps
    • Ramsey star charts
    • Constellation map
    • Community: A forum within the Google Earth Community.

Web site


  • Search
  • Layers
    • Infrared cards
    • Microwave cards
    • Historical maps
  • Gallery
    • Gallery of photos from Hubble and other telescopes
    • Gallery X-ray images Chandra
    • Gallery of ultraviolet images GALEX
    • Gallery of Spitzer infrared images.
  • Current positions of planets and constellations.

see also

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Excerpt describing Google Sky

- What's happened? What? - asked Prince Andrei.
Bilibin came out to meet Bolkonsky. There was excitement on Bilibin’s always calm face.
“Non, non, avouez que c"est charmant," he said, "cette histoire du pont de Thabor (bridge in Vienna). Ils l"ont passe sans coup ferir. [No, no, admit that this is a delight, this story with the Tabor Bridge. They crossed it without resistance.]
Prince Andrei did not understand anything.
- Where are you from that you don’t know what all the coachmen in the city already know?
- I am from the Archduchess. I didn't hear anything there.
– And didn’t you see that they are stacking everywhere?
- I haven’t seen it... But what’s the matter? – Prince Andrei asked impatiently.
- What's the matter? The fact is that the French crossed the bridge that Auesperg defends, and the bridge was not blown up, so Murat is now running along the road to Brunn, and today they will be here tomorrow.
- Like here? How come they didn’t blow up the bridge when it was mined?
– And this is what I’m asking you. Nobody, not even Bonaparte himself, knows this.
Bolkonsky shrugged.
“But if the bridge is crossed, it means the army is lost: it will be cut off,” he said.
“That’s the thing,” answered Bilibin. - Listen. The French are entering Vienna, as I told you. Everything is very good. The next day, that is, yesterday, gentlemen marshals: Murat Lann and Belliard, sit on horseback and go to the bridge. (Note that all three are Gascons.) Gentlemen,” says one, “you know that the Tabor Bridge is mined and counter-mined, and that in front of it is a formidable tete de pont and fifteen thousand troops, who have been ordered to blow up the bridge and not let us in.” But our sovereign Emperor Napoleon will be pleased if we take this bridge. The three of us will go and take this bridge. “Let’s go,” others say; and they set off and take the bridge, cross it and now with the entire army on this side of the Danube they are heading towards us, towards you and towards your messages.
“No more joking,” said Prince Andrei sadly and seriously.
This news was sad and at the same time pleasant for Prince Andrei.
As soon as he learned that the Russian army was in such a hopeless situation, it occurred to him that he was precisely destined to lead the Russian army out of this situation, that here he was, that Toulon, who would lead him out of the ranks of unknown officers and open the first path for him to glory! Listening to Bilibin, he was already thinking how, having arrived at the army, he would present an opinion at the military council that alone would save the army, and how he alone would be entrusted with the execution of this plan.
“Don’t be kidding,” he said.
“I’m not joking,” continued Bilibin, “there is nothing fairer and sadder.” These gentlemen come to the bridge alone and raise white scarves; They assure that there is a truce, and that they, the marshals, are going to negotiate with Prince Auersperg. The officer on duty lets them into the tete de pont. [bridge fortification.] They tell him a thousand Gascon nonsense: they say that the war is over, that Emperor Franz has appointed a meeting with Bonaparte, that they want to see Prince Auersperg, and a thousand Gasconades, etc. The officer sends for Auersperg; These gentlemen hug the officers, joke, sit on the cannons, and meanwhile the French battalion enters the bridge unnoticed, throws bags of flammable substances into the water and approaches the tete de pont. Finally, the Lieutenant General himself appears, our dear Prince Auersperg von Mautern. “Dear enemy! The flower of the Austrian army, the hero of the Turkish wars! The enmity is over, we can give each other a hand... Emperor Napoleon is burning with the desire to recognize Prince Auersperg.” In a word, these gentlemen, not for nothing Gascons, shower Auersperg with beautiful words, he is so seduced by his so quickly established intimacy with the French marshals, so blinded by the sight of Murat’s mantle and ostrich feathers, qu"il n"y voit que du feu, et oubl celui qu"il devait faire faire sur l"ennemi. [That he sees only their fire and forgets about his own, which he was obliged to open against the enemy.] (Despite the liveliness of his speech, Bilibin did not forget to pause after this mot to give time to evaluate it.) The French battalion runs into tete de pont, the guns are nailed down, and the bridge is taken. No, but what’s best,” he continued, calming down in his excitement by the charm of his own story, “is that the sergeant assigned to that cannon, at the signal of which the mines were supposed to be lit and the bridge blown up, this sergeant, seeing that the French troops running to the bridge, he was about to shoot, but Lann pulled his hand away. The sergeant, who was apparently smarter than his general, comes up to Auersperg and says: “Prince, you are being deceived, these are the French!” Murat sees that the matter is lost if the sergeant is allowed to speak. He turns to Auersperg with surprise (a real Gascon): “I don’t recognize the Austrian discipline so vaunted in the world,” he says, “and you allow a lower rank to talk to you like that!” C "est genial. Le prince d" Auersperg se pique d "honneur et fait mettre le sergent aux arrets. Non, mais avouez que c" est charmant toute cette histoire du pont de Thabor. Ce n"est ni betise, ni lachete... [This is brilliant. Prince Auersperg is offended and orders the arrest of the sergeant. No, admit it, it’s lovely, this whole story with the bridge. This is not just stupidity, not just meanness...]