Html finished work. Creating an HTML page in Notepad: explanations for dummies. Left menu and content

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Welcome to the pages of the Start-Luck blog. Today I would like to show you how to use the code. Writing websites is an interesting activity that may seem impossibly difficult to many. In fact, a simple page can be created in just 5 minutes.

In this article I will talk about creating html pages. We'll complete this task in less than 10 minutes, and then we'll look at the main tags in more detail. It would be wrong to call such a publication a lesson. This is rather a seed that is designed to show you the simplicity of the work and give you the desire to move on, learn more, do better.

How to create a page

I suggest you make the first page in a notepad. The simplest one, which is located in the Start menu, is the “Accessories” folder. There is no need to download anything yet. Try to use what you have.

Open the document.

Paste this code into it.

<html > <head > <title > My first page</title> </head> <body > <center >

</h1> <br/>
<center > <br/>
<font style="color:red" ></font> <br/>
<b></b> <br/>
We've reached the very bottom<br/>
Now you know a little more about tags and can use them. Let's try to insert a link to link several pages together.<br/>
<hr > For example, here is a link to my blog -<a href = "https://site/" > Start-Luck</a>- talks simply about “complicated things”.<br/>
</body> </html>

My first page

Creating a page is easier than you think

Many may think that creating websites is difficult, even impossible. To do this you need to study, learn, and do a lot. In fact, there are about 100 tags that you don't even need to learn. It is only important to understand what is used and where. You can look up information in various cheat sheets, and over time you will begin to remember the tags automatically.

Simple code to make text red

It's not much harder to write in bold

We've reached the very bottom

Now you know a little more about tags and can use them. Let's try to insert a link to link several pages together..

OK it's all over Now. Your first page is ready

The file must be named index.html. Ending ".html" indicates the file extension. If you simply enter the name index, the document will be saved as text file and will not open in the browser.

I saved the document to my desktop. Now you need to find it, click right button mouse and open using any browser. I will choose Google Chrome.

This is what the page I just created looks like. Yours will be no different. Everything is exactly the same: with pictures and color font.

Now I’ll talk about tags in more detail, but for now let’s just remove “ from the title center " and insert a line containing the word " Color" By the way, I already wrote. It's very simple, I recommend reading it.

Save the document again, this time you can simply use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S, and then refresh the page in the browser using the F5 button

Remember, almost any tag must open and close. That is, the code with a slash must be located somewhere. In this case it looks like this: .

You see the title has turned red. In the same way, you can give the desired shade to any part of the text.

Well, that's it, the example is ready, and you should be proud of yourself. Of course, it is not yet online; for this, the web page must be posted on, which is provided by the hosting. You also need to connect your domain so that other people can see your creation.

For now, only you can see the page. But you must admit, such a site can only surprise a person from the Iron Age. But this is the first attempt, let's make it even more successful by understanding the tags that we used. This will help you learn how to create your own projects without anyone's help.


With your permission, I will switch to the NotePad++ program. It has a number of advantages compared to a regular notepad. Now I will really need tag highlighting to show you the elements that I will talk about. In general, if you are going to learn html, then I highly recommend installing this free program.

She is not the only one and I can offer you a few more if someone is interested in alternatives. We will move on to the theoretical part.


The page begins and ends with tags . They show the browser that this is a web document created by help html.

Next comes or title. It contains the most important information about the page, in our case – . If you have not yet found the phrase “My first page”, which is present in the code, pay attention to the tab itself, above the search line.

It's the tags are responsible for the beginning and end of the main information about the page.


indicates that the phrase is a heading. By default, it is slightly larger than the main text and is highlighted in bold. If you and I now wrote not only in html, but also created a CSS file with which our file overlapped, we could control the size, font and even color of all the headings on the page without writing font style , as we did in the example. Although it’s too early to talk about this too.

By the way, Title and H1 have their influence when assigning your site a place in search results. You need to treat them with great attention and not write anything inside. They are related to. In addition to h1, there are also h2, h3, h4.

In the same line there is an opening and closing

. Thanks to this element, you can align text in the middle. If this tag is removed, the text will be aligned to the right.

- one of the few single tags. That is, it works on its own. Thanks to this, you jump elements from one line to another. Simply put, you indent. We wrote it once, which means we moved down once, twice, like I did, and the indentation turned out to be a little larger.


Next comes the tag img , that is, image, picture. The square bracket opens, all the basic information about the image is entered into it, and only after that it closes. It should be noted that img is a tag, and all other code elements that fit inside are its attributes.

The first thing is alt , that is, a description. This is also necessary for optimization. Sometimes it is also added title . When you hover over the image with the mouse, a tooltip appears next to the cursor when the page is already open in the browser.

It was possible to upload the drawing to the site folder and write the path to it, but I went in a simple way. I found a picture among Pixabay, opened it in a new window and pasted the link.

In the tag src the path to the image is specified. It is he who tells the browser what to move next to find the desired image, and in which direction to look - you write it yourself.

Text formatting

is responsible for giving part of the text some special style, for example, as in our case, a different color. style=”color:red” indicates that the color will be red. If you want yellow, write yellow, green - green. You can use color codes from Photoshop.

helps make text bold.

draws horizontal line. It is single and is used only when closed. If you write
several times, you will get exactly the same amount horizontal stripes when opening a page in a browser.


tells the browser that there will be a link next. You want to redirect the reader to a different address. This tag comes with a required attribute href=”address” . The quotes contain the path where the browser should take the page visitor. After this tag is written, a description, a word or several, is inserted, which, when clicked, will take the reader further. Once these conditions are met, you can insert a second, closing tag .

After the main part of the page is written, you close the tag body , since the body is finished. And indicate that you stop using it for today html .

If you want to learn more about html tags and learn how to insert not only pictures, but also videos, create buttons, various forms, lists, paragraphs, then I can offer you a free course by Evgeniy Popov “ HTML Basics " Only 33 lessons will help you reach the next level.

I would also like to recommend you a video course that tells you how websites are designed. The whole process is shown with real examples, which is especially good. The course is intended both for beginners who don’t even know HTML yet, and for those who already know both HTML and CSS well, but don’t know how to layout websites well. You can get more complete information by following the link:

In addition, take away Free book on website creation ! This book is intended for beginners, and this is where the website is created FROM and TO. That is, a design is prepared, then the pages are laid out, the software part is written, and then the site is posted on the Internet. The author carefully comments on everything, and the book contains a lot of screenshots and illustrations. Moreover, the peculiarity of the book is that it is not creating some abstract site, but a completely real one that exists on the Internet.

Today you have done a lot, because the first step is the most difficult.

Subscribe to the newsletter and VKontakte group , and learn also: how and why you need a website engine, what block layout and modular grid are, how to write websites correctly, and much more.

See you again and good luck!

In the modern world, sometimes having your own website is as important as, for example, having a phone number or email address. Unfortunately, not everyone can create a beautiful professional website on their own, and sometimes it doesn’t even work out. Ordering from programmers is also not an ideal solution, since not everyone can afford it.

Free HTML website templates will help you get out of this situation. An HTML website template is a set of ready-made static pages for a website on a specific topic. Using this template, you can create a simple website in just a couple of hours, provided you have basic knowledge of HTML markup. In the HTML section, you will gain this knowledge if you spend a couple more hours studying, and if you take the time to study the CSS section, you will be able to fully control the design of HTML website templates and customize them completely to suit your needs.

Another undeniable advantage of website templates is that in most cases they are written by professionals. A professional website template means not only a beautiful and modern design, but also the way the code is written. Search engines look at how your website is written, whether the code is SEO optimized or not, and based on this they lower or increase your position in the search results. Therefore, a good website should not only be beautiful and modern, which is important, but also correctly written in terms of code.

Download free HTML website templates and create your projects in no time.

I greet you all joyfully, my dear friends. Today, as always, Dmitry Kostin is with you, and I have a little surprise for you, namely an exam! Okay, I was joking about the exam. I just decided to finish the lessons on the basics of html and in this article apply the knowledge gained in previous lessons in practice.

I want to show you a simple example of creating an html website in Notepad++ in a matter of minutes. Of course, we will create a website that is simple, not complicated, fast, and I would even say Lokhovsky (pardon my French))). But still, thanks to this you will be able to consolidate the acquired knowledge. This is really important in this matter.

Just remember when creating a new document in Notepad++ to recode it to UTF-8.

You ask: “Why are there so few lessons? There are a lot more tags and attributes in html.” Yes, yes, you are really right, but time passes and many tags no longer work in the latest versions of html, or are simply considered unnecessary and no one uses them.

For example, there is a tag , which is responsible for the font. Thanks to it and its attributes, you can change internal content, such as font size, color, and the font itself. But today, as I said, not commonly used. Such code will no longer be valid. Instead we use CSS. It is much more convenient and practical. Anyway. Let's get started creating the site.

I have marked in the document the places where you will have to make these lists, but of course, just in case, I will show you how it should look.

Let's save and see what we got. Everything seems to be as it should be. Great. We have already come a long way.

Inserting a table

Open a page in notepad table.html, drag all the headings and text from the Word document of the same name, then arrange all the tags and attributes as needed.

Now let's move on to what we need. We create a table with 5 rows and 5 columns, and then insert the corresponding values ​​into them. Don’t forget to put the necessary attributes, namely border="2", cellpadding and cellspacing 5 each. In code it should look something like this:

Let's save and see what we got. Everything is fine!

About the author page

We've already done almost everything. We just have to finish the page about the author. Go to the page obo-mne.html and paste all the text from the Word document of the same name with all the headings and add tags.

In short, now after the site header and menu tags, you will need to write the address of this picture and put the align="left" attribute so that the text surrounds the photo. If it looks ugly, you can play around with indentations of a few pixels. It should look something like this.

Is everything done? Everything worked out? I hope that yes. But now we need. There is a link in the document. All you need to do is simply paste it after the main text. If suddenly the video fits onto the author’s photo, then simply make a couple of indents after the text using

Well, that seems to be all. Everything was completed according to the instructions and now you have such a simple html website, made in Notepad++ in literally 10-15 minutes. Despite the fact that this is the simplest html framework without CSS properties and other gadgets, it turns out that there are still people who sell courses ala “How to create a website” with information like this. And they take money for it - 500 rubles, and even 2000. I’m just shocked!)

If you take any courses, it’s better to take them from professionals who have done their best at this. Personally, I recommend that you watch Andrei Bernadsky's course" HTML5 and CSS3 from scratch to guru"The course is simply amazing, easy to learn and designed for any level of user. Thanks to it, you will really learn how to create pretty good websites.

By the way, how are your hands? I hope that you didn’t mess around and wrote everything down with your wonderful pens. I hope that you don’t have a mess in your head and that I explained everything properly. Well, if something didn’t work out for you, then in the folder there is a ready-made version of our site with all the comments so that you can figure it out.

Phew. In general, that's all for today. I drank 4 liters of water today, probably because of the heat. So I hope that you liked my article and found it useful in terms of learning. Don't forget to subscribe to new articles on my blog. I'll tell you a lot more interesting things. And I wish you good luck and calmly endure the heat. Well, I went to cool off. See you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

All presented templates for your website are built on modern versions of HTML5 and CSS3. In addition, the authors use such fashionable features as flat design, responsive design, adaptive layout, jQuery sliders, CSS3 animation, etc. That is, if you are looking for a mobile website template, you can choose any of the presented ones. Beautiful html5 templates 2017, although free, look premium.

Here you will find more than 50 free high-quality responsive website templates in HTML5 and CSS3, which can be used both for new sites and for redesigning existing ones. Stylish html5 website templates- This is what you need!

Updated 03/12/2019: Since the article was written 2 years ago, many links became broken. Either the owners of the templates merged, or changed the status of the templates from free to paid, or the aliens ruined everything. We ask you, dear readers, if you find such a link, leave it in the comments, I will correct it.

1. Snow - free landing page template using HTML5 and CSS3

Snow landing page html5 css3 template is built on Bootstrap framework. The template is very stylish and cool! A fixed background and a huge Jumbotron - a thing that shows the main content of the site. What is the most important thing on the landing page? That's right, a call to action. Naturally, the template is fully adapted for mobile devices. You can even use it as a basis for your own templates.

2. Sima - chic commercial website template

This html5 css3 template is also built on the Bootstrap framework. You can create a unique website on this template with a portfolio, your team, prices, reviews and everything else that will be necessary. For example, this template is perfect for a website for cleaning services. The animation in this template is smooth and effective, the fonts are clean and easy to read. Just the perfect template!

3. White - a wonderful one-page template!

A distinctive feature of the White website template is two background options at the top. Your choice is either a slider with pictures or a video background. Very high quality and effective template for the site!

4. Platz - Free HTML5 Grid Based Website Template

A modern, visually appealing HTML5 website template designed on a grid basis (read more about the grid). Beautiful and responsive template design for a blog or website.

5. Mart eCommerce - beautiful HTML5 and CSS3 e-commerce website template

The fresh and stylish design of the website template is best suited for all types of fashion websites selling shoes, clothes, watches, accessories, sportswear, etc. It comes with a PSD file that you can adjust to suit your needs.

6. Nava - spectacular HTML5 and CSS3 template for creative websites

Nava is a modern HTML5 website template that is used mainly for creative professionals who want to show off their work in all its glory. Many variations of template settings allow you to make your website unique. Lightweight, beautiful and responsive website template.

7. Box Portfolio - a unique creative website template using HTML5 and CSS3

Box Portfolio website template has a clean and modern minimalistic design. Perfect for professionals who want to effectively display their work online. As the name suggests, the website template is ideally suited for a portfolio.

8. Mountain King - popular and functional HTML5 and CSS3 website template

The mountain theme in website design has been very popular lately. The Mountain King website template is no exception. Includes 336 vector icons from Typicons. Plus great animation using CSS3. The template is perfect for travel and portfolio websites.

9. Beauty Spa - cool HTML5 and CSS3 website template for spa salons

Beauty Spa is a responsive website template that has many features, ideal for spa sites, health or fitness centers, yoga sites or even hair salons. Excellent readability of fonts and unobtrusive minimalism.

10. Bent – ​​stylish and effective landing page for websites using HTML5 and CSS3

Bent is a great free website template in html5 and css3. Responsive design, CSS3 animation, parallax scrolling, custom navigation and other goodies. This is a clean template design for sites that want to use a balanced design to ensure that visitors enjoy the look and feel of the site while still clearly seeing its core content.

11. Triangle - Free Responsive Multipurpose HTML5 and CSS3 Template

Triangle is an exclusive creative HTML5 and CSS3 website template specifically for those who want to tweak their cool design, but not make it worse. The template comes with over 40 pre-designed pages that allow you to customize your site to your heart's content.

12. Future Imperfect - a brilliant website template for creative people!

Experience a genuine sense of fun with this website template, ideal for writers, authors, copywriters and other pen and paper workers. The template can also be used for a personal blog, a blog about travel, creativity, etc. Many people will like the creative design and adaptive layout of the template.

13. Bodo - a great template for a personal website

Bodo is a beautiful HTML5 and CSS3 website template that is ideal for a personal website. Especially for organizing a portfolio. Clean and crisp typography, carousel slider, pop-up windows to display work and much more.

14. Lens - the perfect HTML5 website template for photographers

Photographers are always looking for the perfect template for their website to show their work in all its glory, impressively and most importantly - large! A rare website template meets these requirements. Lens is one such photographer website template.

15. Spectral - a unique handmade website template using HTML5 and CSS3

If you are looking free website templates on auto topics, then Spectral will be the ideal solution. Here is a completely unique handcrafted one page website template design. The design can be changed at your discretion. With this template you can make a stunning website on absolutely any topic, be it an impressive travel blog or photo gallery, an automotive website or a hosting provider.

16. Oxygen - one-page HTML5 and CSS3 website template

Oxygen is a convenient and unique template for a business website. Modern flat design, adaptive layout. For example, this template is ideal for a site about mobile applications or mobile technology.

17. Mobirise Bootstrap - the perfect free website template on HTML5 and CSS3

If you're looking for a free website template, then Mobirise Bootstrap is perfect to get you started. This is a multifunctional template with a lot of extras included. Three pre-made homepage and blog layouts will help you with this. Mobirise Bootstrap is also 100% SEO optimized and adapts to any screen size.

18. La Casa - beautiful and free HTML5 template for a real estate website

The Brandy template is perfect for organizing a commercial real estate website. Responsive and very beautiful design will appeal not only to the site owner, but also to visitors.

19. Drifolio - stylish HTML5 website template for portfolio

Stylish and animated HTML5 and CSS3 website template for organizing a portfolio. Clean design, great typography, beautiful icons and much more.

20. Pluton - a bright and stylish template for a one-page website

Pluton is a bright and effective website template based on Bootstrap. A modern website template with its unique one-page layout and responsive design that is great for studios, photographers and creative designers.

21. SquadFree - professional one-page HTML5 website template

The SquadFree template is perfect for creating a commercial one-page website. The template not only looks professional, but is also adapted to all types of screens. The template is based on Bootstrap.

22. Sublime - a fascinating website template on HTML5 and CSS3

Sublime is a clean and stunningly beautiful HTML5 and CSS3 website template perfect for a startup, creative agency or portfolio site. Responsive design and two page options to choose from.

23. Timber - unusual and beautiful HTML5 and CSS3 website template

Timber is a fresh, stylish and unusual one-page website template theme. The diagonal is the main design feature of this template. The template is perfect for a business website or portfolio. There is a built-in gallery, map and contact information that you can easily adapt to your needs.

24. E-Shopper - the best e-commerce website template

E-Shopper is a great option for an e-commerce website template. Built on bootstrap with an amazing set of features for a complete and efficient online store.

25. Magnetic - free HTML5 and CSS3 template for a photo site

An absolutely stunning HTML5 and CSS3 template for creating a photo website or portfolio for a designer, illustrator or artist. This template takes the bar of professional templates to the next level! Responsive design, excellent support for all types of display devices, easy and convenient navigation and much more.

26. Mabur Portfolio - a beautiful website template in a minimalist style using HTML5 and CSS3

The flat design of this minimalist website template is perfect for creating a portfolio. In the template, all the details are checked perfectly!

27. Modern Bootstrap HTML5 - Free One Page Website Template

This free one-pager based on the Bootstrap framework is perfect for corporate websites, both for small and large companies. Flat design, adaptive layout, all high quality design elements. The template comes in 4 different colors.

28. Infusion - stylish one-page website template using HTML5 and CSS3

Infusion is a great example of an HTML5 and CSS3 website template that is specifically designed for creating a business portfolio. The rich functionality of this template allows you to effectively work with clients and attract new ones.

29. Yebo - corporate website template on HTML5 and CSS3

This high quality flat style website template is perfect for any corporate website. Adaptive design, tons of settings and editing options.

30. Twenty - spectacular HTML5 and CSS3 website template with parallax

This unique and very beautiful website template with parallax effect will not leave anyone indifferent. The one-page template is built on pure HTML5 and CSS3 with responsive layout, impressive backgrounds, social media support, etc.

31. Urbanic – excellent HTML5 and CSS3 website template on Bootstrap

Urbanic is a fresh and cool HTML5 and CSS3 website template built on the Bootstrap engine. Perfect for starting to create your website right away without any hassle. The template is perfectly adapted to any screen size.

32. Design Showcase - HTML5 portfolio website template

A visually harmonious and effective HTML5 website template for organizing your portfolio. The template is perfectly adapted for mobile devices, which is very difficult to do for sites of this format.

33. Mamba One - a simple and stylish website template using HTML5 and CSS3

Mamba One is an example of a simple yet stylish website template for creating a one-pager. Compatible with all modern browsers and will be displayed adequately everywhere.

34. KreativePixel - free website template for photographers

Another great website template for photographers. Responsive design and very convenient sorting of photos in portfolios and galleries will appeal to many photography lovers. The template also uses a parallax effect, which also impresses viewers when viewing photos.

35. Retina Ready Responsive App - free landing page template using HTML5 and CSS3

As the name suggests, this wonderful website template is not only ideal for landing pages, but also meets new mobile trends, especially in terms of display clarity on devices with Retina displays.

36. Brushed - responsive HTML5 and CSS3 website template based on the Bootstrap engine

Brushed is a responsive, free HTML5 and CSS3 website template based on the Bootstrap engine. Also optimized for Retina displays (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and MacBook Pro Retina).

37. Big Picture HTML5 and CSS3 website template

Welcome to Big Picture! This responsive HTML5 website template is perfect for all creative people who have something to show, and show it big and impressive on their website. In addition, the template uses excellent animation.

38. Tesselatte - Free Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Template

A simple one-page template that takes into account all the necessary tools for successful website creation. Ideal for the personal blog of a writer, copywriter, or just a lover of the written word.

39. Overflow - a unique website template using HTML5 and CSS3

This unique pure HTML5 and CSS3 website template is perfect for any creative person. It is fully responsive and completely free.

40. Runkeeper - responsive and very beautiful website template

Runkeeper is a free, responsive and very beautiful website template. It can be used for a website of any subject. Brilliant style and clear fonts, responsive design and impressive template details. Everything works for you!

41. Pinball Responsive Grid Style - Great Grid Based Website Template

This amazing professional grid based website template is perfect for a corporate website. The modern flat design and responsive structure of the template are perfectly displayed on both large monitors and mobile devices.

42. Prologue - clean one-page website template using HTML5 and CSS3

This clean, simple and clear HTML5 and CSS3 website template is perfect for building a landing page. Minimalist design does not distract from the main thing. An eye-catching scrolling side navigation bar and clean page lines are just the perfect combination!

43. Helios - modern website template using pure HTML5 and CSS3

Another website template in the style of minimalism and clean forms. Specifically designed to take advantage of large display screens, but also perfectly adapted to the small screens of mobile devices.

44. Telephasic - free and responsive HTML5 website template

This modern, responsive and completely free website template has one big advantage - it is simple and concise, but this is exactly what many people lack.

45. Strongly Typed - a very beautiful website template in a semi-retro style

A new website template with a minimalistic semi-retro style. It’s just that retro is no longer in fashion, but a slight hint of it is very welcome. This website template is fully responsive, built on pure HTML5 and CSS3 and includes all the necessary core page elements. The Strongly Typed template is ideal for creative websites. For example, for a site about home decor.

46. ​​Striped - clean, beautiful and functional HTML5 and CSS3 website template

Fresh and clean, beautiful and functional, new template site on HTML5 and CSS3. It has in its arsenal all the necessary page elements, including designed quotes, tables and lists, as well as an adapted sidebar (on the right or left - as you wish).

47. Parallelism - an unusual and stylish website template using HTML5 and CSS3

Parallelism - stylish template website for organizing portfolios or photographs. What makes it unusual is that the scrolling here is not vertical, as usual, but horizontal. This gives the site a special chic and memorability.

48. Miniport - fully responsive HTML5 website template in minimalist style

Excellent website template in minimalist style on HTML5. Perfect for a personal website/blog, as well as a small one-page corporate website or as a business card website.

49. Verti - spacious and free responsive HTML5 website template

The clean and spacious design of this website template is perfect for large corporate websites or commercial projects. Responsive and convenient for both the author and users.

50. ZeroFour - impressive and stylish website template using HTML5 and CSS3

And last on the list, but not the least in terms of quality and visual effectiveness, is the website template - ZeroFour. Stylish design, Very beautiful menu, perfectly aligned forms and buttons, beautiful icons and much more. And all this is absolutely free!

I hope you found something suitable for yourself among these amazing HTML5 and CSS3 website templates. Good luck!

Bookmark it so you can find it quickly.

PS: If you can’t make a choice, read the article “I don’t know what I want.” It will be useful.