How to quickly delete messages in Odnoklassniki. How to delete and restore deleted messages in Odnoklassniki. How to delete a message in Odnoklassniki from your computer

Every user social network Odnoklassniki is faced with the fact that the number of his correspondence with and relatives is inevitably growing, and old messages accumulate and interfere with the search for important dialogues. In this dump emails It becomes extremely problematic to quickly find the right interlocutor, and the person immediately begins to ask questions: “How to clear the correspondence?”, “Is it possible to erase a message if it has already been sent?”, “Will it be deleted from the interlocutor?”
The developers of Odnoklassniki have provided users with the opportunity to remove both individual messages, and all correspondence at once. There are several ways to perform the required action.

Important! It should be remembered that if the user has problems with the Internet while sending, then his message will not be displayed on the friend’s page. An unsent email can be easily deleted using the cross icon.

How to delete a message in Odnoklassniki from your computer

To delete a received or sent message from a conversation with a friend, you should:

  • go to your page in Odnoklassniki and select the top menu item - “Messages”;
  • click on the dialog you want to clear;
  • find an unnecessary letter and hover over it;
  • click on the small cross icon;

  • confirm deletion.

Important! The above method does not in any way affect the display of dialogue from another account. Your interlocutor's text will remain untouched.

If the user makes a mistake in the dialogue and wants to delete the text so that it is not read, you can get out of the situation by editing. To do this you should:

  • hover the cursor over the letter;
  • click on the pencil icon;

  • enter the dialogue that needs to be cleared;
  • click on an unnecessary message;
  • select "delete".

Mass deletion of messages

To get rid of a letter without reading it, or a lot of unnecessary dialogue, you should delete the messages all at once. To perform the operation on a PC, you should:

  • in the top menu you need to select “Messages”;
  • find the dialogue that needs to be hidden;
  • at the top right side, click the circle with the letter “i” in the center (1);
  • select “Delete chat” (2);

  • confirm the action.

Now every user of the Odnoklassniki network will be able to selectively or completely clear correspondence. This order will allow you to quickly find relevant messages.

The word, as they say, is not a sparrow. How to delete a message in Odnoklassniki if necessary? Is it possible to do this so that the interlocutor thinks that you have not seen his message? What if you accidentally sent it and don’t want him to read it at all? We have all the answers.

How to delete all messages in Odnoklassniki at once and one at a time

If all correspondence does not represent any value to you, then the easiest way is to remove it entirely. Instructions on how to delete all messages in Odnoklassniki at once, from your computer (full version of the site) and mobile application:

From computer:

  1. Open the list of chats.
  2. Click on the one in which you want to remove all dialogs.
  3. In the upper right corner of the window, click on the ⓘ (settings) button.
  4. In the list, select the line “Delete chat” and confirm the action.
  1. Launch the program and open the list of chats.
  2. Select the one you want and hold your finger on it until the pop-up menu appears.
  3. Select "Delete chat".
  4. Confirm action.

To selectively clear dialog, the steps will be slightly different. See:

From computer:

  1. Open the desired chat.
  2. Place the cursor over the text bubble and click on the cross.
  3. Select “Delete” from the drop-down menu, then confirm the action.

From a phone (Android or iOS):

  1. Open the chat, and then the desired correspondence.
  2. Touch the selected message.
  3. Select “Delete” from the pop-up menu.
  4. Confirm action.

How to delete a message on Odnoklassniki so that it will not be read

It happens that you need to “clean up” the dialogue not only with yourself, but also with your interlocutor. Therefore, we move on to the following questions: if you delete a message in Odnoklassniki, will it be deleted from the interlocutor? And if so, what needs to be done for this?

Yes, it will be erased, but only if you are communicating via (Android or iOS), and the text that needs to be deleted was sent a few minutes ago. And this is done like this:

  • We opened a dialogue.
  • We touched the text and selected “Delete” in the menu that appeared.
  • In the box asking you to confirm the action (“Are you sure you want...”) check the “For everyone” checkbox. If the mark has already been set, leave it as is.
  • Clicked "OK".

Please note: from full version site delete messages in Odnoklassniki from the interlocutor on this moment impossible. However, in the “Help” section, explanations on this topic are given with the wording “for now,” which leaves us with hope for appropriate changes in the future.

Sometimes it is necessary to clean up your correspondence history or delete sent information that is no longer relevant. But with such data destruction, it is still done unilaterally.

There are cases when you need to delete an accidentally sent letter. There are certain nuances. How to delete a message in Odnoklassniki in such a situation? Let us consider in detail all the methods and principles.

Deleting certain information and all correspondence with the interlocutor

This is done relatively simply. Necessary:

  • go to your personal page;
  • go to the “Messages” tab;
  • select an interlocutor (correspondence with him will appear);
  • Click on the cross next to the unnecessary letter;
  • A warning will appear on the screen that the information will be deleted permanently. If you are absolutely sure of the actions, then simply click on the “Ok” button.

To delete an entire correspondence (chat) you need to:

  • go to your personal page;
  • go to “Messages” (the tab is located on the general panel on the left side of the monitor);
  • choose an interlocutor;
  • in the upper right corner of the window, click on the settings icon;
  • select the line “Delete chat”;
  • agree with the program's warning about permanent deletion correspondence.

How to delete a letter before it is read?

There are quite common cases when, when corresponding with two or more people at the same time, a message is sent to the wrong friend. But how can you delete a sent email without it being read? Do it in a standard way It won’t work, because by simply deleting a message, it will still reach the recipient. In such a situation, you should use more “heavy artillery”.

Risky method of removal

This method is not good enough, but a certain category of users resorts to it.


  • find out the login and password of the interlocutor to whom the letter was accidentally sent;
  • go to his page using the received data;
  • delete the letter from his side.

This can be done when living together, that is, this trick will work with relatives and close people (sister, brother, mother, father, husband, wife). Trespassing into the territory of strangers is punishable by law. If you decide to perform a similar manipulation with friends or acquaintances, then you should understand that such an action is administratively and criminally punishable.

Extreme method of removal

There is an extraordinary method for deleting correspondence or an accidentally sent message. Necessary:

  • immediately after sending, go to your profile settings;
  • create a suspicious community, which should have a name something like “ Operative method cheating";
  • within two to five minutes your account will be “frozen”;
  • all emails sent on your behalf within the last five hours will be automatically deleted;
  • You can now restore your login to your personal page by confirming your right to do so with additional information;
  • remain calm, since an accidentally sent message will no longer reach the interlocutor.

But is it worth the risk? This, of course, is up to you to decide. You can simply apologize to the person to whom this letter was sent. But if you want to hide all “traces of the crime,” you can try one of the above methods.

Hello everyone, dear readers! And today I will tell you how to delete correspondence in Odnoklassniki. Social networks have become a common thing for all Internet users. They spend all their free time in them, just talking with friends, listening to music and even watching videos.

Each time, the list of sent messages becomes larger, and sometimes it just starts to get in the way. With this, the question begins to arise, how to delete such messages and start correspondence from scratch?

In this article you will learn how you can delete messages from a conversation one by one, or the entire history. How to edit messages if I made a mistake.

How to delete correspondence in Odnoklassniki from your computer

Do you want to remove unnecessary messages from your sent emails? Then first you will have to go to "Messages" on your Odnoklassniki page.

Select the conversation with the person in which you want to clear messages. Just click on it and the correspondence will open.

Before any text sent there will be a cross. Click on it to delete it.

A pop-up window will appear confirming the deletion. If you are sure that you want to delete this particular message, then click "Delete".

This way you can get rid of both received and sent messages.

This method does not guarantee that a message sent by mistake will be deleted from the interlocutor. Unfortunately, you can only clear correspondence from your side.

However, if you sent a letter to the wrong person, you can correct it before the person has a chance to read it. This way you will protect yourself from transmission important information, or fix errors. Hover your cursor over such a message and click on the pencil.

A message input field will appear for you where you can write a new one. This way you have already corrected the message for both sides. When you finish editing, also press the button "Send".

You won’t be able to erase the entire field and leave it that way. There must be at least something written in it. But you can add a regular emoticon so that the message is not empty.

This will change the message for the user you are sending it to.

However, the interlocutor will see that changes have been made to the message. However, he will no longer see that message, and this is the main thing.

Deleting correspondence completely

Do you want to erase all messages for yourself with one click? Then you will have to return initially to the page where you select your interlocutor.

Deleting messages in Odnoklassniki from the mobile version

For users mobile version, or applications, there is also such a function.

Now you can not only delete messages, but also delete them. Monitor your messages in advance, and good luck clearing out unnecessary correspondence.

Friends, you can always write me your questions or wishes in the comments, and I will be happy to answer everyone. I wish you good health and prosperity!

Chatting is one of the most popular functions of the Odnoklassniki social network. Every day, site users exchange millions of messages, and each of them sooner or later wonders how to delete correspondence on Odnoklassniki. Read the article to the end to learn everything about removing unnecessary messages from OK.RU message history.

Before deletion

Before clearing your correspondence history in Odnoklassniki, you need to remember that to perform actions of this kind you need to log into your account from any device. This does not necessarily have to be the computer or laptop from which the correspondence was sent, since all social network messages are stored on servers. Erasing SMS messages leads to their disappearance from the servers, so it is impossible to restore deleted messages.

Is it possible to erase your messages from a friend?

Let’s immediately dispel the myth that in Odnoklassniki it is possible to erase your SMS so that they disappear from the interlocutor. The site developers did not provide such a function, but the user can edit what was written within a short time after sending.

The only way to make SMS messages disappear from friends’ correspondence is to delete your Odnoklassniki page.

How to erase SMS and entire dialogues?

On the OK.RU website you can erase both selected SMS and entire dialogues. To erase one or more SMS messages, we perform the following algorithm.

How to delete all correspondence at once

To clear message history from several dialogs, you need to apply these instructions to each of them.

Removing someone from a group chat

As you know, in OK it is possible to create group chats with the participation of up to 20 people. Only the user who opened the chat can remove a person from the conversation.