How to change the font color of the Windows 10 clock. Using the Classic Color Panel program

Windows 10 with default settings for the Start menu, taskbar, and Action Center uses black. Although the default black color looks quite nice and goes well with the default wallpaper, after using Windows 10 for a while, you might want to change the taskbar color to your desired color. Microsoft has included a number of options to customize the taskbar and Start menu in Windows 10. You can make the Start menu and taskbar transparent, add or remove a search box from the taskbar, and customize the taskbar to use the desktop background color or set your own color.

So, if you are getting bored with the black color of your taskbar, you can customize the color of your choice or customize your taskbar to match the color with your wallpaper. The only catch in Windows 10 is that you cannot set different colors for tasks, center actions and the Start menu, and what's more, the taskbar color and the Start menu will have an accent color and vice versa. For the uninitiated, an accent color is the color used in app settings, the Start button, and some other areas in Windows 10. An accent color is also the color of a window's border.

Change taskbar color in Windows 10

To change the taskbar color in Windows 10, follow the instructions mentioned in one of the two methods given below.

Method 1 of 2

Change the taskbar color to your desired color

Step 1: Click right click mouse on the desktop and select the Personalization command; the personalization option is located in the application settings section.

Step 2: In the left pane, click Colors view various options.

Step 3: On the right side, enable the labeling option Show color in Start, taskbar and Action Center. Make sure the first option is labeled Automatically select an accent color from my background installed on off.

Step 4: Now that you can choose an accent color, click on the tile to select and set it as the color for the taskbar, Start menu, and Action Center.

Method 2 of 2

Change taskbar color to match desktop background

Step 1: In the application settings section, open the Personalization component. Do this, right-click on the desktop and then click Personalization.

Step 2: On the left side, click Colors.

Step 3: Now, on the right side, enable the following options:

# Automatically select an accent color from my background

# Show color in Start, taskbar and Action Center.

Now, whenever you decide to change the desktop background and the color of the taskbar and Start menu, it will also change automatically.

Note: As of now, there is no software to set different colors for the Start menu and taskbar in Windows 10. We will update this article if or when the developer ships software to customize individual colors for the taskbar and Start menu in Windows 10.

Few people know that Windows 10 has one useful feature– displays the current day of the week next to the date and time. This feature will be especially useful for those users who often have the question - what day is it today? Our next instruction will help close it once and for all, and this will not require serious computer knowledge or any additional software.

1) First of all, you need to open the Control Panel. To do this, click on the Start button with the right mouse button, or call up the menu with the key combination WIN + X. We select the item we need and in the window that opens, in the “Clock, language and region” section we find the link “ Changing date, time, and number formats»:

3) In the next window, the first thing you need to do is go to the “ date" Now you can start adding the day of the week to the system tray. To do this, write three English letters at the very beginning of the “Short Date” ddd separated by a space from the default value. After the changes, you must click " Apply" and "Ok", the result will be instantly reflected on the screen:

4) By the way, the day can be indicated in abbreviated form, as well as in full, for this you already need to add four letters dddd, then for example, instead of “Tue”, “Tuesday” will be shown.

In the initial Windows versions 10 there were no features to change the background or title color of a window (but this could be done using the Registry Editor) at the current time in Windows 10 Creators Update Such functions are present, but quite limited. Also appeared third party programs for working with window colors in the new OS (however, they are also quite limited).

Below you will find details on how to change the window title color and window background color in several ways. See also: , .

Another question that is often asked is how to change the background of a window (its background color). In particular, some users find it difficult to work in Word and other office programs on a white background.

There are no convenient built-in tools for changing the background in Windows 10, but if necessary, you can use the following methods.

Change the background color of a window using High Contrast options

The first option is to use the built-in high contrast theme customizers. To access them, you can go to Settings - Accessibility - High Contrast (or click "High Contrast Options" on the color settings page discussed above).

In the High Contrast Theme Options window, by clicking on the "Background" color you can choose your background color for Windows windows 10, which will be applied after clicking the “Apply” button. An approximate possible result is in the screenshot below.

Unfortunately, this method does not allow you to affect only the background without changing appearance other window elements.

Using Classic Color Panel

Another way to change the window background color (and other colors) is third party utility Classic Color Panel, available for download on the developer's website

After starting the program (the first time you launch it, you will be asked to save the current settings, I recommend doing this), change the color in the “Window” item and click Apply in the program menu: you will be logged out, and after the next login, the settings will be applied.

The disadvantage of this method is that the color of not all windows changes (changing other colors in the program also works selectively).

Setting your own color for decoration

Although the list of colors available in customization is quite wide, it does not cover everything possible options and it is likely that someone will want to choose their own window color (black, for example, which is not in the list).

This can be done in one and a half ways (since the second one works very strangely). First of all - using the editor Windows registry 10.

Strangely, not all colors work: for example, black, the code for which is 0 (or 000000 ), you have to use something like 010000 . And this is not the only option that I could not get to work.

Moreover, as far as I could understand, the color encoding is BGR rather than RGB - this doesn't matter if you're using black or grayscale, however if it's something "colored" then you'll have to swap the two extreme numbers. That is, if the palette program shows you the color code FAA005, then in order to get the orange window color, you will need to enter 05A0FA(I also tried to show this in the picture).

Color changes are applied immediately - just remove focus (click on the desktop, for example) from the window and then return to it again (if it doesn’t work, log out and log in again).

The second method, which changes colors not always predictably and sometimes not for what is needed (for example, black color is applied only to the borders of the window), plus everything causes the computer to slow down, is to use the control panel applet hidden in Windows 10 (apparently its use in not recommended for new OS).

You can launch it by pressing the Win+R keys on your keyboard and entering rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,Advanced,@Advanced then press Enter.

After that, adjust the color the way you want and click “Save Changes.” As I said, the result may be different from what you expected.

Changing the color of an inactive window

By default, inactive windows in Windows 10 remain white, even if you change the colors. However, you can make your own color for them. Go to the registry editor, as described above, in the same section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ DWM

Right-click on the right side and select “New” - “32-bit DWORD Value”, then give it a name AccentColorInactive and double click on it. In the Value field, specify the color for the inactive window in the same way as was described in the first method of selecting custom colors for Windows 10 windows.

Video instruction

Finally, there is a video that shows all the main points outlined above.

In my opinion, I have described everything that is possible on this topic. I hope some of my readers find the information useful.