How to disable automatic icq update 8. ICQ update. Group chats, communicate with the whole world

ICQ through the efforts of the company is experiencing a rebirth. For him, new versions are regularly released, which bring various functions and remove previous shortcomings. Of course, the main focus is on user reviews. Now let's figure it out how to update ICQ while maintaining personal data.


If you are using not the latest version of the application, then various kinds of problems (freezes, lack of desired functions etc). Therefore, the developer recommends installing updates regularly. Typically they are loaded automatically. But if this is not the case, then the actions will have to be done manually.

Mobile devices

On iPhones and Android phones, receiving latest versions applications are executed through software stores ( App Store and Google play respectively). So the user needs to go to the ICQ page and tap on update option.

Computers and Laptops

As a rule, you do not need to update the ICQ on your computer in the case of Windows. The fact is that initially the program must do it itself. But alas, this is not always the case. In such situations, you must perform the procedure manually.

The user is required to uninstall and then install the program on his own. In this case, personal data will not be lost, but you will have to re-authorize in your profile. Now let's take a closer look at the procedure:

But with Mac OS, everything is easier. In this case, ICQ will be independently loaded through App Store along with other programs. So worry about the owners of PCs and laptops on this operating system not worth it.

Oh, this is nostalgia! We downloaded the messenger and realized that EVERYTHING has changed since that time.

I am sure (and hopefully) that most of our readers had their own ICQ at some point. Someone had a super-ELITE 5-digit or 6-digit number and was terribly proud of it.

And someone, like me, just talked in this real messenger of the future and felt at the forefront of progress.

Time is long gone, but ICQ remained. Many things made us switch to other messengers, and we forgot about "Asya". And in vain, because she grew up, prettier and generally became completely different.

As for me, these changes suit her. By the 20th anniversary of ICQ, we remembered what was long ago and looked what the service has today. Is it worth putting it on and trying to fall in love again? We read.

A bit of history. How it was quite recently

About 15 years ago, communication on the Internet was very different from today. We did not have in our hands the most powerful smartphones and was absent Mobile Internet, we corresponded with acquaintances using stationary computers and push-button telephones.

The most popular messenger at that time was ICQ (in common people "ICQ"). Simple and reliable program. Like Winamp, only from the messenger world. The schoolchildren will probably not understand. The Internet then was not a garbage dump ... but oh well, let's not talk about it now :)

ICQ (I seek you) - translated into Russian, the name of this program means "I'm looking for you."

The fate of ICQ is not easy, there have been ups and downs. So, in 2005 the total number of users reached the mark of 500 million users, but over time the situation began to change. The main program became cumbersome and crammed with advertisements, third party clients that used the same protocol (Miranda, QIP).

Actively developing social networks dealt a serious blow to the positions of ICQ, many users began to communicate exclusively there.

As a result, in 2010, the company was bought by the investment fund Digital Sky Technologies, which was led by the famous billionaire Alisher Usmanov and entered the Group. At this moment, the world of online communication began to be captured by messengers for smartphones Whatsapp and Viber. Many have begun to forget the "grandfather" of all popular instant messaging clients.

We decided to figure out what ICQ is today and whether it can be used.

1. Versatility, you can communicate anywhere

The ICQ client can be downloaded for any platform. From Android to OS X. There is even a WEB-version that allows you to communicate from your account without installing anything at all. We go to, log in through mobile phone(you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code) and feel free to communicate directly in the browser.

As before, each user is assigned UIN(Universal Internet Number). Accordingly, you can log in either with its help or via email or mobile number. Unfortunately, I could not recover the data of my ancient account from the 2000s, I did not remember the password, on Secret Question I could not answer either.

I had to register again. Everything is elementary and does not differ from actions in Telegram.

Also, as in any modern messenger, you can make a call or make a video call right in ICQ. All calls to ICQ are protected by end-to-end encryption.

2. Notifications, long forgotten sound can still be heard

Mac version

The program asks for access to address book in the iPhone and tells which of the friends is a very old dinosaur uses ICQ.

Of course we will hear the famous notification sound (oh-oh-oh!), it works in all versions.

Notifications are easy to set up, you can block annoying contact if necessary, and in one click. A handy feature, ICQ will not annoy (or scorch) the number of unread messages. The same Telegram is not able to do this, there you can turn off the sound of notifications as much as possible.

3. Familiar interface, modern and convenient

Mac version

The program meets a familiar interface. But we are not familiar with ICQ, but with any standard modern messenger. On the left is a menu with all contacts, on the right is the main chat with a specific user. There is an easy logical customization - favorite contacts, various backgrounds. Everything is like people, in one word.

The utmost consistency of the entire menu is encouraging, there is no need to look for the necessary items at all. Everything is at hand.

4. Group chats, communicate with the whole world

IPhone version

You can communicate not only tete-a-tete, but also in a large company. I added everyone to one group and you decide the question posed, for example, where to spend the company New Year? Simple and convenient.

There are also public group chats, a kind of version of public Viber accounts. You can communicate, receive useful news, send new music, etc. Dating chats are more like a bunch of schoolchildren, I wonder what they are doing here?

5. Snaps - take photos and make stories

IPhone version

Perhaps the most interesting innovation of modern ICQ is the so-called snaps. These are temporary photo posts, they appeared here even earlier than the similar Stories feature on Instagram.

ICQ also offers to process the media file in its own editor using neural networks. Newfangled chip, many people like it. In addition, there is an analogue of MSQRD with its own blackjack and whores list of branded masks from bunnies to terminator.

The most popular pictures are included in the list of the best snaps on the corresponding page of the application. You can become famous.

What's the bottom line?

The bottom line is modern ICQ - stable reliable messenger. If not for his difficult fate in 2008-2012, he would now be in world trends.

Oddly enough, today it is used not only by "old" Internet users, but also by young people disappointed with Skype glitches and Telegram restrictions and Whatsapp. Much of what is in ICQ today is not possible anywhere else.

By the way, on November 15, 2016, the legendary messenger turned 20 years old. He is alive, works reliably and does not stop developing. Amazing nearby. The real history of the Internet, you need to touch it at least once - you can download the legend absolutely free on the official website of the messenger.

Many modern programs have automatic update which downloads updates on its own. There is such a function in ICQ. Thus, developers add new functions to the utilities, change the design, and make the interface accessible and understandable. But many users want to work with the messenger that they downloaded, and they don't need all these changes. Let's figure out how to disable automatic ICQ updates if you don't want updates to be installed in this program.

In the old ICQ, this function is available in the options:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Uncheck Automatic Updates.

But in the new ICQ there is no such item in the parameters. The program downloads updates without even asking the user for permission. And you cannot disable this option or cancel the installation in the utility itself. But there are several workarounds.

Remove the file responsible for updates

You can disable auto-update as follows:

  1. Find the icqsetup.exe file in the messenger folder. To do this, click on the utility shortcut right click mouse and select "Properties". The "Object" field will contain the path to the application.
  2. Or enter its name in the search bar. It is located at the top right of any folder window. There is always a magnifying glass icon next to the search.
  3. Block icqsetup.exe from running using antivirus or firewall software. Or just rename the file. You don't need to delete it, it's better to just disable the bootloader. So you will be able to restore it if any problems arise with ICQ.

After that, the program will not be able to update. Windows with an offer to download it will still appear, but they will not be able to do anything without your knowledge. And if you accidentally agree to the download (click on the wrong button, for example), then the installer will give an error. And it will not deliver a new messenger.

Through autoload

And here's how to disable ICQ update in autorun:

  1. Go to the start menu.
  2. At the bottom there is a line for entering text. Write "msconfig" in it (without quotes).
  3. A file will appear at the top. Open it up.
  4. It is necessary to remove or disable the UpdateICQ parameter (if it is there). So ICQ will not be able to update via autorun.

After that, do the following:

  1. Go to "Start" - "Run". Or press Win + R (Win is the Windows logo button. It usually sits between Ctrl and Alt).
  2. Enter "services.msc" (remove quotes) and click "OK".
  3. In the window that opens, find the UpdateICQ or ICQUpdate item. This is the service that is responsible for updating.
  4. Right-click on it and click Stop (or Disable).
  5. In the same context menu select "Properties".
  6. In the "Startup type" drop-down list, select "Manual".
  7. To turn on automatic updates again, click on the "Start" button there.

You can also use third-party software to work with autoloads. For example CCleaner, Startup Manager, or Autoruns. These utilities have tools that control autostart and prevent applications from opening on their own.

ICQ Update Patch

The simplest and efficient way disable updates - use the ICQ Update Patch add-on. Unlike other solutions, which may not get rid of the problem, this utility will definitely remove automatic updates. It is placed on the sixth, seventh or Lite version ICQ. You need to work with her like this:

  1. Run the patch.
  2. Specify the path to the directory with the messenger. To do this, click the "Change" button.
  3. Check "Create a backup of existing files" if you want to save backup copy original files.
  4. Click on "Start".

To use the ICQ interface, to which you are accustomed, you must remove it yourself and install the previous version of the utility. After all, it is no longer possible to roll back ICQ through the menu of the program itself. Before erasing it, save the message history in separate documents (if it is activated in the settings). To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the contact you want to add to the file.
  2. Select "History". In different ICQ this menu can be called differently.
  3. Click the "Save" button. It is sometimes presented as a floppy disk icon.
  4. Give it a name and path. The history will be converted to a text document.txt. This way you can always view it. And it will not be scary to roll back the program, because your data will remain in the computer's memory.
  5. Do this with all the contacts you need.
  6. In some types of messengers, it is impossible to save the correspondence.

After that, you need to get rid of ICQ, which does not suit you.

  1. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel".
  2. Open Programs and Features (or Uninstall Programs if you have Category Display enabled).
  3. In the window that appears, find ICQ.
  4. Click on it with the right mouse button and click "Delete".
  5. Confirm the action and wait for the process to finish.
  6. After that, some single program files or registry entries may remain. To get rid of them, use a system cleaner and complete removal utilities. For example, Revo Uninstaller is suitable for this.

Now you need to download the installer, which has no updates yet. And already there, block them. If you do not have the required file, find it on the Internet.

  1. Open any search engine.
  2. Drive in there key phrase- for example, "download old ICQ". Or specify the specific version of the messenger that you want to use.
  3. Find the program you want, download and install it. This will return the utility that you liked. And you will be able to work with a user-friendly interface.

It is not so easy to cancel automatic update in "new" ICQs - there is simply no such option in the program settings. You can prevent it from downloading updates via autorun or block the bootloader. But it's best to use a dedicated patch. So the messenger will definitely not be able to install anything on its own. And after that you can figure out how to return old version ICQ.

Many modern programs have an automatic update that automatically downloads updates. There is such a function in ICQ. Thus, developers add new functions to the utilities, change the design, and make the interface accessible and understandable. But many users want to work with the messenger that they downloaded, and they don't need all these changes. Let's figure out how to disable automatic ICQ updates if you don't want updates to be installed in this program.

Figure out how to disable automatic ICQ updates if you want to prevent updates from being installed

In the old ICQ, this function is available in the options:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Uncheck Automatic Updates.

But in the new ICQ there is no such item in the parameters. The program downloads updates without even asking the user for permission. And you cannot disable this option or cancel the installation in the utility itself. But there are several workarounds.

Remove the file responsible for updates

You can disable auto-update as follows:

  1. Find the icqsetup.exe file in the messenger folder. To do this, right-click on the utility shortcut and select "Properties". The "Object" field will contain the path to the application.
  2. Or enter its name in the search bar. It is located at the top right of any folder window. There is always a magnifying glass icon next to the search.
  3. Block icqsetup.exe from running using antivirus or firewall software. Or just rename the file. You don't need to delete it, it's better to just disable the bootloader. So you will be able to restore it if any problems arise with ICQ.

You need to remove the file responsible for updates

After that, the program will not be able to update. Windows with an offer to download it will still appear, but they will not be able to do anything without your knowledge. And if you accidentally agree to the download (click on the wrong button, for example), then the installer will give an error. And it will not deliver a new messenger.

Through autoload

And here's how to disable ICQ update in autorun:

  1. Go to the start menu.
  2. At the bottom there is a line for entering text. Write "msconfig" in it (without quotes).
  3. A file will appear at the top. Open it up.
  4. It is necessary to remove or disable the UpdateICQ parameter (if it is there). So ICQ will not be able to update via autorun.

You can remove the update via autoload

After that, do the following:

  1. Go to "Start" - "Run". Or press Win + R (Win is the Windows logo button. It usually sits between Ctrl and Alt).
  2. Enter "services.msc" (remove quotes) and click "OK".
  3. In the window that opens, find the UpdateICQ or ICQUpdate item. This is the service that is responsible for updating.
  4. Right-click on it and click Stop (or Disable).
  5. In the same context menu, select the "Properties" item.
  6. In the "Startup type" drop-down list, select "Manual".
  7. To turn on automatic updates again, click on the "Start" button there.

You can also use third-party software to work with autoloads. For example CCleaner, Startup Manager, or Autoruns. These utilities have tools that control autostart and prevent applications from opening on their own.

ICQ Update Patch

The easiest and most effective way to disable updates is to use the ICQ Update Patch add-on. Unlike other solutions, which may not get rid of the problem, this utility will definitely remove automatic updates. It is placed on the sixth, seventh or Lite version of ICQ. You need to work with her like this:

The easiest and most effective way to disable updates is to use the ICQ Update Patch add-on.

  1. Run the patch.
  2. Specify the path to the directory with the messenger. To do this, click the "Change" button.
  3. Check “Create a backup of existing files” if you want to keep a backup copy of the original files.
  4. Click on "Start".

To use the ICQ interface, to which you are accustomed, you must remove it yourself and install the previous version of the utility. After all, it is no longer possible to roll back ICQ through the menu of the program itself. Before erasing it, save the message history in separate documents (if it is activated in the settings). To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the contact you want to add to the file.
  2. Select "History". In different ICQ this menu can be called differently.
  3. Click the "Save" button. It is sometimes presented as a floppy disk icon.
  4. Give it a name and path. The history will be converted to a text document.txt. This way you can always view it. And it will not be scary to roll back the program, because your data will remain in the computer's memory.
  5. Do this with all the contacts you need.
  6. In some types of messengers, it is impossible to save the correspondence.

It is necessary to get rid of ICQ that does not suit you

After that, you need to get rid of ICQ, which does not suit you.

  1. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel".
  2. Open Programs and Features (or Uninstall Programs if you have Category Display enabled).
  3. In the window that appears, find ICQ.
  4. Click on it with the right mouse button and click "Delete".
  5. Confirm the action and wait for the process to finish.
  6. After that, some single program files or registry entries may remain. To get rid of them, use programs to clean the system and completely remove utilities. For example, Revo Uninstaller is suitable for this.

Now you need to download the installer, which has no updates yet. And already there, block them. If you do not have the required file, find it on the Internet.

  1. Open any search engine.
  2. Type in a key phrase - for example, "download old ICQ". Or specify the specific version of the messenger that you want to use.
  3. Find the program you want, download and install it. This will return the utility that you liked. And you will be able to work with a user-friendly interface.

It is not so easy to cancel automatic update in "new" ICQs. There is no such option in the program settings

It is not so easy to cancel automatic update in "new" ICQs - there is simply no such option in the program settings. You can prevent it from downloading updates via autorun or block the bootloader. But it's best to use a dedicated patch. So the messenger will definitely not be able to install anything on its own. And after that you can figure out how to return the old version of ICQ.