How to transfer photos from phone to laptop. How to transfer photos from Android to computer. USB cable for synchronizing your mobile phone with a computer

Hello everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I would like to tell you how to transfer photos from your phone to your computer in several different ways. As it turns out, not everyone knows how to get rid of it, so they are content with taking photos only on their smartphone.

Transmission via cable

Naturally, the easiest and most obvious way to transfer data to a computer is to connect a USB cable. Sometimes it comes with the phone, and sometimes it doesn't. It even happens that they will simply give you a combo charger, which consists of a data cable and a removable unit.

This does not require any drivers. You simply connect the device, after which it should appear in Explorer. And then it’s a matter of technology. Simply copy data from the device as you would from a regular hard drive.

But, unfortunately, such a seemingly simple method cannot always be implemented due to various reasons:

  • The computer doesn't see your phone
  • Error copying data. This happened to me on my previous Samsung. The computer saw the device, but as soon as it came to copying, nothing happened. The process seemed to be happening, but not a single file was copied. As a result, the device turned off. I still didn’t understand what the problem was, but it certainly wasn’t the cable itself.
  • The port on the phone is broken and much more.

Therefore, read on to learn how to cope without a cable.

How to transfer files over Wi-Fi?

As for me, the method of transmitting data via Wi-Fi is the most adequate if suddenly there are problems with the cable. The only thing is that you will need to install a special application on your phone, namely ES Explorer. You can download it for free directly from Play Market.

But besides downloading the application, you need to do one more setup on your Windows computer. The operating system version is not important. I did all the manipulations on Windows 10, but for 7 and 8 these settings will also be relevant. To do this, go to the Network and Sharing Center. This can be done in two ways:

Now, in the window that opens, select "Change advanced sharing settings".

And here comes the most important thing. We select the item wherever possible, set the permission for network discovery and sharing, and also set it at the very bottom "Disable password protected sharing". All.

Now that you have installed it, go to the application, enter the menu (the standard three bars in the upper left corner), then select “Network” and "Remote access".

After this, you will see the status of your wireless network and the “Enable” button, which you, in fact, will have to click on. After this, an IP address will appear on the screen of your mobile phone, which you will have to enter on your computer, exactly as it is written here, starting with ftp.

Of course, you can use a special FTP client like Filezilla to connect, but in fact you can do without it. Just go into Explorer and enter this address in full, of course accompanying all this with a keystroke Enter.

And now a window with your phone’s folders will open in Explorer. You simply search for the files you need and copy them in the standard way. As a rule, all photos are stored in a folder DCIM. Therefore, transferring files from your phone to your computer will not be difficult for you.

Transfer using a card reader

The second popular point is to transfer data directly from a memory card to your PC. This can be done in two ways:

  • Using external . That is, you insert your card into a special card reader, and then insert it into any USB port. And then you work as with a regular flash drive.
  • Using the built-in card reader. Today, quite a few computers and laptops have their own ports for memory cards (usually for SD and a couple of others). As a rule, smartphones use MicroSD cards, so to insert them into the SD port, you need a special adapter, which is always included with the memory card.

Naturally, this method is not always convenient, since:

  • You need to keep the photos on a memory card. In principle, I don’t think it’s stressful, because you can make sure that all recent pictures are automatically saved to MicroSD. The next point is much more important.
  • You will have to constantly remove the card and then insert it back. Many people engage in this process with great reluctance.

Therefore, if you don’t want to bother with this, then I would like to offer you another less stressful method, where you do not need any additional intermediary devices.


Today, cloud technologies are actively developing, providing users with tens of gigabytes of free space on cloud storage, for example Cloud Mail, Yandex Drive, Google Drive, DropBox and many others. But that’s not all, because by downloading the mobile application, you can set up synchronization so that your photos are immediately copied to the cloud.

In addition, you can choose which files from your phone to send to the cloud. Well, then, we download photos directly from the cloud (or other files directly to the computer. Let me show you in more detail using the mail cloud as an example (I just use it most often).

Naturally, for the experiment to be a success, you need to have your own account on, that is, create your own mail. The second step is to install the official free Cloud Mail application. Well, now let's go!

Well, then it’s a matter of technology. Go to the place where you sent the images and download them to your computer or laptop. The situation is exactly the same with other cloud services. I think you shouldn't have any problems.

Of course, we could talk about how to transfer files via bluetooth, but I believe that bluetooth is not relevant today, and of the methods presented it will be frankly weak.

Well, this is where I end my article for today. I hope you liked it. By the way, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates, and also share article materials on social networks. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Smartphones or tablets running Android are a convenient tool for creating media content, in particular drawings and photos. However, for finer processing you cannot do without a PC. In addition, from time to time it is necessary to make backup copies of the contents of the internal drive or memory card. Today we will show you methods for transferring photos from a smartphone (tablet) to a computer.

There are several methods for transferring photos to a PC: an obvious cable connection, wireless networks, cloud storage and the Google Photos service. Let's start with the simplest.

Method 1: Google Photos

A replacement for the outdated and now closed Picasa service from the “good corporation”. According to users, this is the most convenient and easiest way to transfer photos from a phone or tablet to a PC.

  1. After launching the application, connect the account into which the photos will be uploaded: the account must match the one to which your Android device is connected.
  2. Wait while the photos are synced. By default, only images located in the system photo folders are loaded.

    You can also synchronize photos or pictures manually: to do this, go to the tab "Albums", tap on the one you need, and when it opens, move the slider.

    Unsynchronized albums can be easily identified by the icon with a crossed out cloud at the bottom right.
  3. On your computer, open your favorite browser (such as Firefox) and go to .

    Log in to the account that is synchronized with the service.
  4. Go to the tab "Photo". Select the images you want by clicking on the checkmark icon in the top left.

    Once selected, click on the three dots at the top right.
  5. Click "Download".

    A standard file upload dialog box will open in which you can download the selected photos to your computer.

Despite its simplicity, this method has a significant drawback - you must have an Internet connection.

Method 2: Cloud storage

Cloud storage has long been firmly established in the everyday life of modern users of both computers and mobile gadgets. These include Yandex.Disk, Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox. We will show how to work with cloud storage using the latter as an example.

  1. Download and install the Dropbox client for your computer. Please note that to use this cloud storage, like many others, you will need to create an account in which you need to log in both on your computer and on your mobile device.
  2. Download and install the Android client application.
  3. On your phone, enter any file manager - for example, ES File Explorer.
  4. Proceed to the catalog with photographs. The location of this folder depends on the camera settings - by default this is the folder "DCIM" at the root of the internal storage "sdcard".
  5. Long tap to select the photos you want. Then click the button "Menu"(three dots in a column at the top right) and select "Send".
  6. In the list that appears, find the item "Add to Dropbox" and press it.
  7. Select the folder where you want to put the files and click "Add".
  8. Once the photos are uploaded, go to your PC. Open "My computer" and look to the left, at the point "Favorites"— by default, it contains quick access to the Dropbox folder.

    Click your mouse to go there.
  9. While in your Dropbox space, go to the folder where you uploaded the photo.

  10. You can work with images.

The algorithm for working with other cloud storage services is not much different from that in the case of Dropbox. The method, despite its apparent cumbersomeness, is very convenient. However, as with Google Photos, a significant drawback is its dependence on the Internet.

Method 3: Bluetooth

About 10 years ago, transferring files via Bluetooth was very popular. This method will work now: all modern Android gadgets have such modules.

  1. Make sure your computer or laptop has a Bluetooth adapter and, if necessary, install drivers.
  2. Turn on Bluetooth on your computer. For Windows 7 the algorithm is as follows. Go to "Start" and select "Control Panel".

    IN "Control Panels" click on "Network and Sharing Center".

    From the menu on the left, select "Change adapter settings".

    Look for the Bluetooth icon - it's usually called "Bluetooth network connection". Highlight and click "Enable network device".

    Done, you can move on to the next step.

The development of information technology has significantly changed the lives of modern people. Previously, photographs took a long time to be produced on special paper. Such images have been replaced by electronic images. It allows you to print a specific photo on a variety of computer media, if necessary. It is very comfortable. The bulk of images are now stored on PCs or laptops. Next we will talk about how to transfer photos from your phone to your computer. What should everyone know about this process? What techniques will help bring your idea to life?

Tools for creating photos

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the development of modern technologies allows you to take pictures using a variety of devices. You can transfer images from them to your computer at any time. The procedure will generally be the same for all devices.

You can take pictures:

  • to the phone;
  • using a tablet;
  • through a photo or video camera;
  • via webcam.

As already mentioned, the process of transferring pictures to a PC is similar in all cases. Even a novice user can cope with the task.

Transfer methods

How to transfer photos from your phone to your computer? There are several options for the development of events. The user can choose the method that suits him to solve the problem.

Today, transferring images from mobile devices is available:

  • using a wired connection (in practice it is used most often);
  • wirelessly.

In the first case, it is proposed to use the device on which there are photographs as a flash card. Nothing special or incomprehensible! Each method will be described in more detail below.

What you need

How to transfer photos from your phone to your computer? The user must first select the type of device synchronization. The equipment needed to implement the idea will depend on this.

For a wired connection you will need to take:

  • mobile device;
  • cable with a USB connector (usually included with the device).

Wireless connections are used primarily on smartphones or tablets. It requires the following items:

  • a gadget that contains photos with wireless communication support;
  • PC application for synchronizing devices via Bluetooth;
  • special Bluetooth adapter (usually not needed for laptops).

Wired connection

How to send photos to your computer? If you use a wired connection, you can bring your idea to life on any gadget. Under such circumstances, the device is used as removable storage.

To transfer photos from a mobile or camera to a PC, you need to:

  1. Turn on the computer and gadget. Wait until both devices are fully loaded.
  2. Connect one end of the USB cable to the mobile device, the other to the PC.
  3. Wait a little. Especially if this is the first connection. The operating system recognizes the connected device.
  4. Go to "My Computer". There, in the “Other” or “Devices with removable media” section, a new icon will appear with the name of the gadget on which the photos are stored.
  5. Double click on the corresponding picture. How to transfer photos from a camera to a computer? Or, for example, from a mobile phone? To do this, you will have to find the folder in which the captured images are saved. On tablets and smartphones, most often the required section is located in Pictures/Camera.
  6. Open the folder where the images are stored. Select the required documents with the cursor and drag them to the save location on your PC. It is recommended to create a separate folder for this purpose in advance.

That's all. Now it’s clear how to transfer photos from a camera to a computer. You can use one more technique. It speeds up the process and imports all images to your PC at once.

To do this you will have to:

  1. Connect your smartphone or tablet to your computer using a wire.
  2. Go to "My Computer".
  3. Right-click on the connected device. Select the menu item "Import images and videos".
  4. If necessary, place a mark in a special field on the screen that will be assigned to all submitted documents.

Files are saved in Windows in the Videos and Pictures root folders. They are located in "Libraries".

Without wires

How to transfer photos from your phone to your computer via Bluetooth? This method is not particularly popular, but you need to know about it. The process boils down to the following algorithm:

  1. Connect the Bluetooth receiver to your computer. On laptops, just enable the corresponding function.
  2. Install a special driver program for the connected device.
  3. Enable Bluetooth on your smartphone or tablet.
  4. Open the program and find the desired gadget in the list of available devices.
  5. Select "Synchronize" from the function menu. Sometimes this inscription may have a different form, but its meaning will not change.
  6. Log into the device on your PC. To do this, double-click on the connected device in “My Computer”. Some programs for working with Bluetooth allow you to immediately access the contents of the gadget.
  7. Find the photos you need to save.
  8. Select the required documents. Drag them to a designated location on your PC.

From now on, it’s clear how to transfer photos from your phone to your computer in one case or another. Everything is simpler than it seems! You can use Wi-Fi technology in the same way.

A situation may unexpectedly arise when you need to transfer photos from Android to your computer. This allows you to open and view images on a large widescreen monitor, providing maximum convenience and comfort. Considering the fact that modern smartphones are equipped with high-resolution cameras that make it possible to achieve excellent quality media files, we can conclude that photographs taken with a smartphone camera are almost as good as photographs taken with a non-professional camera. Another advantage of storing images in computer memory is the guarantee of their safety. Smartphones often experience malfunctions, which may require a reset to factory settings to fix, which involves clearing the mobile device's memory. When storing media files on a computer, their loss is possible only in one case - if the hard drive breaks down. To ensure the safety of photos, we recommend creating user data and transferring images to your computer’s hard drive. Several simple methods will help with this; knowing about which, you can transfer photos to your hard drive. The choice of the optimal method depends on the technical equipment and capabilities of the smartphone. It is necessary to take into account whether a desktop computer or laptop runs on Windows OS or Mac OS.

The easiest way to transfer photos from Android to a computer is to connect your mobile device via USB. All gadgets have a connector that provides high-speed information transfer. After connecting your smartphone to your computer, you need to unlock its display, then be sure to check whether the phone icon appears in the Computer folder (the name may be slightly different, for example, “My Computer” or “This Computer”). You need to log in to the connected smartphone by double-clicking on the shortcut.

All images can be divided as follows:

  • Photos from the camera stored on a memory card;
  • Photos from the camera stored in the memory of the mobile device;
  • Images downloaded from the Internet.

All photographs stored on the memory card must be searched in the SD card folder, and those in the gadget’s memory will be located in the Internal storage directory. You should be aware that camera photos are automatically placed in the DCIM folder. You should also look for photos in the Camera directories, where application information can be stored, for example, Viber, Facebook. Typically, all pictures downloaded on the Internet should be looked for in the Downloads folder. are automatically placed in the Pictures directory.

Photos are usually stored in the DCIM folder

After searching for all the images you want to reset, perform a simple and quick copy in the most familiar way - through the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Of course, you can use other copying methods that you are used to using in practice.

Transferring images from Android to Mac OS

Transferring an image to another popular Mac OS system is also quite easy. To do this, as in the case of Windows, you need to connect your smartphone to your computer and unlock its screen. After this, you need to run the Image Capture program in the Applications directory. In the Devices section you need to find the name of your gadget, that is, the smartphone model. After these steps, you should set a convenient folder in which the media files will be placed after copying.

In order to select specific photographs, hold down the Command key and click on the necessary files. Immediately after making your selection, you must execute the Import command. It is worth noting that Import All allows you to import all images stored on your smartphone.

Android File Transfer allows you to quickly transfer files from Android to Mac OS

Sometimes Image Capture may not recognize your mobile device. In this case, you need to use the second method of transferring an image from a computer to Android. To do this, you should download and install the free official Android File Transfer software product. After this, you need to connect your smartphone, launch the program and find the Pictures and DCIM directories, then you can transfer pictures in the usual way.

Using Data Warehouses

Today there are many special services that allow you to store and transfer data. Among them are such well-known ones as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Yandex.Disk, You can put the pictures there and then download them to your computer. Usually the described actions are not very difficult. In addition, some data can be stored in cloud storage permanently and free of charge. In the same way, an image can be transferred from a computer to Android.

Application of Google+

All users who register with Google email simultaneously become members of the Google+ social network. You can set your Android device to automatically send images to Google+. To do this, you need to configure the appropriate settings. You should activate the standard Photos application and execute the Menu - Settings command. After this, you need to activate Auto Backup.

There is another command - Back up all. It will allow you to send already taken pictures to Google+. When they get to the social network, you need to log into it through a computer or laptop, open the downloaded photos and download them to your hard drive.

Using Wi-Fi

You can quickly transfer pictures and other media files from Android to your computer. It is worth noting that all modern laptops are equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. Often, in order for a desktop computer to receive a wireless network signal, you need to additionally buy a Wi-Fi adapter. We recommend installing the free Software Data Cable application on your Android mobile device. After this, you can easily send media files to your computer or laptop. Among the advantages of the method is high speed.

Modern mobile phones perform many additional functions, and one of them is photo and video shooting.

The quality of the cameras on cell phones allows you to view pictures on a large screen, edit them, and print them. However, to do this you will first need to transfer the photo from your phone to your computer.

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USB cable

Most modern phones are equipped with a USB slot. To transfer photos to your computer using it, you need to:

  • Connect one end of the USB cable to the phone and the other to the computer;
  • Go to “My Computer” (a new device should appear - a phone memory flash drive). On the phone itself, you may need to select “Use as USB storage” or something similar;
  • Find a folder with photos and copy it to your computer.


Bluetooth is built into many mobile phones and laptops (it can also be purchased separately). To use it, you need:

  • Install the necessary software for Bluetooth to work (if it does not exist);
  • Enable Bluetooth on your computer and phone;
  • Specify the password for the connection on the phone and confirm it on the computer (by finding the computer from the phone through the appropriate menu);
  • Submit the required images.

Card Reader

If you need to upload a large amount of photos, it is best to use the phone’s memory card directly. To do this you need:

  • Remove the flash drive from the mobile phone;
  • Insert it into the computer's Card Reader;
  • Copy all necessary files.

Phone cable

A special cable for connecting to a computer can be sold complete with the phone. To use it, you need:

  • Install special software on your computer (it can also be downloaded from the official website of the mobile phone manufacturer);
  • Connect one end of the cable to the phone and the other to the computer;
  • Using the installed software, go to the photo folder on your phone and copy it to your computer.

Mobile Internet

You can transfer photos from your phone to your computer using the mobile Internet. To do this you need:

  • Connect to the Internet on your phone (or connect to a WiFi router, if you have one);
  • Log in to your email;
  • Create a letter, attaching all the necessary photographs;
  • Send to your email address;
  • Log in to your email via computer;
  • Save images.


Using a wireless WiFi connection is another way to transfer data from your phone to your computer. To do this you need:

  • Using a special program, configure your phone so that it becomes a WiFi access point;
  • Enable WiFi on your computer;
  • In the list of available networks, select the one that was configured on the phone;
  • Open “Explorer”, go to the “Network Neighborhood” section and browse the phone folders, saving the necessary photos.