How to transfer bookmarks to stock Android browser. How to transfer bookmarks from the browser. Tab Sort & Backup

It's no secret that the majority Russian users They use Opera as a browser on their computers or Google Chrome. A few days ago I wrote about which I use in my daily life. Sometimes cases arise when you need to synchronize bookmarks, transfer bookmarks from Opera to Google Chrome, or import bookmarks from your phone to Opera on your computer. And most people have a question: how to copy, for example, bookmarks from Opera Mini on the phone in Opera on PC, or transfer from Google Chrome on phone... If you are still asking yourself this question, then you simply must read the article to the end)).

1.Transfer bookmarks from Opera Mini to Opera on your computer

Most users use on their phone Opera Mini. The easiest way to transfer bookmarks from mobile Opera to the “computer version” is to use the service Opera Links.
For fans of Opera Mini Mod, there is an easier way.
Open Opera Mini Mod, click “bookmarks”. Press the left soft key and select import/export bookmarks. Click “export” and save the file on your phone. It is advisable to export bookmarks without icons. Everything described is shown in the screenshot below.

As a result, your phone will have a file with something like this name: Bkm_Exp_25092011_165412.htm. The date in the file will be yours)).

Open Opera on PC. In the sidebar, click “bookmarks”. In the field that opens, click right click mouse and context menu select file >> Import Firebox bookmarks. Select the bookmarks file and import them.
If you use Opera AC, then do the following: follow the path: bookmarks >> bookmark management >> file >> import Netscape/FireBox bookmarks.
In the window that opens, select our file with the extension .htm
Bookmarks have been successfully copied (imported).

2. Transferring bookmarks from Opera on your computer to Opera Mini Mod
The process of copying bookmarks from a computer to a phone is the same as described above. It's just the other way around))
Open Opera on PC. Let's follow the path: bookmarks >> file >> export as HTML.
The output is a file bookmarks.htm
We copy it to the phone and through the Opera Mini menu import the bookmarks into the phone.

3. Transferring bookmarks from Opera Mini Mod to Google Chrome
To import bookmarks to Google Chrome from phone must be done first paragraph 1, and then point two. Google Chrome refuses to understand the bookmarks file created by the Opera Mini mod. After you do both steps, you will receive bookmarks in the form of bookmarks.htm. Opening Total Commander and change the file extension to html. Everything is simple - just add a letter at the end of the extension .htm, To obtain .html You can rename the extension more in a convenient way for you.
Now open Google Chrome, click on the settings wrench in the top right corner. Select bookmark manager. In the window that opens, click on “arrange” and select “import bookmarks from HTML file.”
The import process will be completed successfully)).

4. Transfer bookmarks from Opera to Google Chrome
To transfer your bookmarks from Opera in Google Chrome, do it first point 2. The resulting bookmarks file .htm rename it to bookmarks. html and complete the final part of point 3.

5. Transferring bookmarks to Internet Explorer
If you are an IE user, then transferring bookmarks will be just as easy for you...
All you have to do is get the file bookmarks.htm. It all depends on where you decide to transfer from - from your phone or computer. Having received a file with bookmarks, go to IE. Click the “Favorites” button. In the window that opens we see the “Add to Favorites” link and an arrow next to it. Click on the arrow and select export/import, and then import from file. We select our bookmark file and rejoice)).

No bookmarks, no saved passwords from the old one, and it’s understandable.
What to do in this case? You can read an article that describes how you can save all the data from one browser and transfer it to another.

But what if you only need bookmarks? It seems that this is the main thing (after saved passwords) that I would like to see in the new browser. And bookmarks can be transferred in several ways.

1) Manually transfer the file with bookmarks from one folder to another. The method is extreme and may not work. Just for information and I think it will be interesting to know.
All bookmarks are saved in system folder Windows (as well as others necessary files all programs) and it is called AppData().
To get into it, you can immediately enter address bar conductor


and you will fall into it.

Here look for the folder with your browser. It's similar in name.
For example, in Opera this path is: AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable
In Comodo Dragon: AppData\Local\Comodo\Dragon\User Data\Default
IN Mozilla Firefox: AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\(profile name)

I think the meaning is clear. In all these folders you need to find the Bookmarks file, which stores all the bookmarks. All you need to do is move it to the same folder in another browser and replace it with the one that is located there.

I haven't used this method, but I think it might work

2) Another manual (and this time proven and effective) method is to simply drag and drop (or copy) bookmarks directly from one browser to another.
For example, you want to transfer bookmarks from Opera to Mozilla Firefox. You first open bookmarks in Opera:


and then bookmarks in Mozilla:


So that in the end the window with them will be open

just like in Opera.

Now all that remains is to select everything (by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+A or by highlighting with the mouse cursor) or select only some (hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on the ones you need), and then copy them (right-click on the selected ones -> “Copy” or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C) and paste them into another bookmark window browser (also right-click anywhere -> "Paste" or the key combination Ctrl + V).
If you find it difficult to copy and paste like this, you can simply select the desired (or all) bookmarks, and then simply drag them into the bookmarks window of another browser. Just like you work with regular folders or files in Windows Explorer.

3) The next method is the standard ability of browsers to import and export bookmarks.
Import is downloading a bookmarks file, and Export is downloading from the browser.

Import to Mozilla Firefox is in the same library, which can be opened as in the second method above, or by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + B.
In this window, select “Import and backups” and export the file to any location convenient for you:

Accordingly, to add bookmarks from another browser to Mozilla, select “Import bookmarks from an HTML file” in this drop-down menu

There is no such thing in Opera standard method and therefore it is best to use a special extension called Bookmarks Import & Export and you can add it on the page

After installation, the extension icon will appear in the top right

You just need to click on it and you will go to a simple page

Here you need to click on the EXPORT -> button and the bookmarks will be immediately saved in the Bookmarks.html file
Accordingly, in order to import (download) bookmarks, you must first select a file with bookmarks by clicking the corresponding button, and then click on IMPORT.

In Google Chrome and browsers based on it (Iron, Yandex browser, Amigo, Comodo Dragon, etc.) you need to enter the Bookmark Manager (either select through the menu, or by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + O, or by entering in the address bar chrome://bookmarks/ ) and there click on the "Manage" link and select "Export bookmarks to HTML file..."

To load other bookmarks into this browser, select the item next to “Import bookmarks into an HTML file...”, select the file and add it.

4) And of course, this popular topic did not bypass program developers. Exists special utility which is called Transmute

The Standard version is free and suitable for transferring bookmarks from one browser to another. Below there are links for installation file and portable (no installation required)

Let's imagine the situation, friends, that you have just installed Yandex. Naturally, there are no bookmarks on it yet, and you don’t want to look for your favorite sites again. It would be nice to import them from another web browser or a pre-prepared document in one fell swoop. This is what we will do in this article.

How to import bookmarks from another browser to Yandex

Launch Yandex and click on the menu button in the upper right corner, then select “Bookmarks”:

Afterwards, click on the “Import” item:

The window shown in the screenshot below opens. We find the line called “From” and select from the list another web browser from which we are going to transfer them.

After all this, don’t forget to click on the “Transfer” button:

How to import bookmarks from an HTML file

If you originally used a browser from Yandex and want to reinstall it without losing your favorite sites, read:.

If you saved a file with the necessary sites in some other browser in advance, you can use it. For this we need a dispatcher.

Again click “Menu – Bookmarks”, and then click on the appropriate item:

In the next window, on the right side, we find the “Arrange” button, click on it and from the drop-down list select the “Copy from HTML file...” item:

With the development of the Internet, we prefer to browse websites using our Android phone or a tablet. But you may run into problems like countless others. We may lose our bookmark due to various accidents. Here we will introduce you to some of the most convenient and easy to use apps to help you create backup copy bookmarks on your Android devices A. Hope you enjoy them.

Part 1. 3 most popular applications for backing up bookmarks on your Android devices

1. Tab Sort & Backup

Bookmark size Sort & Backup very little. But it is useful to help you back up your bookmarks on your Android devices. And you'll no longer worry that you'll spend too much time finding your bookmarks, Bookmark Sort & Backup helps you organize your bookmarks. You can also order bookmarks by long pressing a bookmark and decide which one comes first. But there is one thing we need to remind you, Bookmark Sort & Backup can only be performed on Android version above 1.5.

2.Maxthon Add-on: Backup Bookmark

Maxthon Add-on: The Backup Tab is very similar to the Sort & Backup Tab. They are very small in size and are of great help. When backing up bookmarks using Maxthon Add-on:bookmark, this will create backup file and save it to your SD card. What's more, it also allows you to transfer bookmarks to others' default Android browser. There is one thing we need to remind you. Maxthon Add-on: The bookmark cannot be used on its own.

Find your Maxthon Add-on:BookMark here.

3.bookmark manager

Bookmark Manager is a great app to backup your Android device's bookmarks to your SD card. With the help of a bookmark manager, these files can be easily restored to your Android devices. If you have a lot of bookmarks and feel it's hard to find any specific one, it can also organize the bookmarks on your Android devices and order them in alphabetical order. Also, there is one thing we need to remind you, if you want to use the bookmark manager, on your Android device you have to be on Android versions OS between 2.1 and 2.3.7.

Find your bookmark manager here.
HTTPS:// = com.effectivesoft.bookmarkmanager.lite

Part 2. 3 Methods to Backup Browser Bookmarks Cloud or Computer

Although we use Android phones to browse websites more and more, the computer is still the primary device for browsing websites for most people. Thus, we must learn how to backup bookmarks on PC to the cloud. In the content below, we will make some instruction details to 3 Appendixes. Help may help some of the readers.

1.Google Chrome Sync:

Google Chrome may be one of the most popular browsers in the entire world. If you also install Google Chrome on your Android devices, you can use it to transfer bookmark data between Android devices and PC. Click the Chrome menu option and sign in to your account Google. After signing, you will find additional settings synchronization on Google Settings Chrome. Here you can select the file types you want to sync. These types include:

1.ID Password 2. data bookmarks 3. history 4. Programs 5. settings 6. Themes 7. Autofill

In the Chrome menu, you must select Bookmarks. Then click on the Bookmark Manager icon, find the organization and click on it. The last step is to select Export bookmarks to HTML file. This will create an HTML file that you can save if you want. The HTML file can be restored in any other browsers.

2.Firefox Sync:

This app is for Firefox user only. Firefox has provided a way to transfer bookmark data between Android devices and your computer. You need Firefox browser on both your Android devices and computer. This service is called Firefox Sync. To get more information, you can find it there Firefox Sync can only be used on the Firefox browser platform. For a long time, it was just a separate program plugin. But now it's part of the main Firefox programs. On the home screen Firefox browser You will find the Firefox Sync icon and click on it to use the service. Types of data that may be transferred include:
1. Also import bookmarks from your Android browser
2. 60 days of history
4. ID with passwords
5. Open Tabs
6. Backup bookmark to file
7. This application creates and edits bookmark

Find the Bookmarks option and click on it. Then select the Show all bookmarks option to open the Library window. It will pop up a library window, there you can click the Import and Backup button and select the backup option. What you need to do next is simply wait for the backup process to be finished.

This is a convenient and useful application plugin. You can download the application from their official website: (HTTP:// It is used to backup and sync bookmarks from Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc. If you want to use the Xmarks service, you must register for an Xmarks account and log in. And then all your browser bookmarks will be saved. And you can recover bookmark data for any browsers you want on any computer.

Just get from the official Xmarks website which we have provided above and select the Xmarks download option to add the Xmarks app in your browser. There is one thing we need to remind you, you must download the version that matches your browser.

Additionally, you need to download then install Xmarks on your Android devices. The version that runs on your Android devices is called Xmarks for premium clients. Your Xmarks account must be signed in, then you can use the bookmark service saved. After this, you can use the synchronous backup feature of your bookmarks in mobile phone With Android browser. But there is something that we have to remind you, this application can only be used for free for just 14 days. After this trial period, you will need to pay $12 every year for a premium Xmarks subscription.

IN Google Play You can download Premium Customers from Xmarks>>(Notes: Remember, once you download Xmarks for Premium Customers, do not confuse it.)

Yandex browser for Android is easy to use and offers many useful options for demanding users, in particular, the bookmark function, thanks to which you can quickly find saved sites, add new ones, and even import and import.

It has a simple, minimalist interface, thanks to which the vast majority of the screen is occupied by the page we are viewing.

The app also includes a Turbo feature that compresses data to improve site speed, and thanks to the SmartBox feature, you can enter your search criteria in a special window, and a hint system will allow you to quickly find the content you need and correct any spelling errors.

The Yandex browser automatically imports settings (bookmarks, browsing history, etc.) and you don’t need to worry about viruses - sites are scanned by the security system using Kaspersky antivirus.

The application allows you to translate foreign sites and supports nine languages, such as English, German, French, Polish, Ukrainian, Italian, Spanish, Turkish and Russian.

An interesting addition is also the colorful widgets presenting current information, including weather and traffic.

How to add bookmarks to the Yandex browser on an Android phone or tablet

Let's start with the fact that you first need to log into your Yandex account - otherwise you won’t be able to add bookmarks, since you will be in incognito mode.

Then, after logging in, open any site that you want to add to your bookmark and at the bottom right, click on the vertical ellipsis.

A section with settings will open. There you should find the item: “Add to bookmarks” and click on this line.

Like this in a simple way you can quickly and easily add a bookmark in the Yandex browser for Android (see picture above).

How to find and open bookmarks in the Yandex browser android

How to find Yandex browser bookmarks on Android? It's not difficult to find. All you need to do is click on the square icon.

After this, a small control panel will appear below on a black background - we are interested in the “star” icon.

He is the first one on the list on the left side. After clicking on it, a section with bookmarks will open.

To open any of the bookmarks, just click on the required one and you can say that you can open it instantly (depending on the Internet speed and the “weight” of the site) See the image above.

Where are bookmarks stored in the Yandex browser on Android?

You can find where bookmarks are stored in the Yandex browser, but you won’t see anything there, since they are encrypted.

This is a folder in the phone's memory. The path is: “Device memory” -> “Android” -> “data” -> “com.yan...browser”.

Unlike, for example, Internet Explorer, where everything is displayed in understandable language, here the situation is different.

Perhaps some things depend on the version of the application, but this moment I couldn't make out anything.

Export and import bookmarks on Android

Export and import bookmarks to mobile version The Android browser is different from the computer browser.

To import bookmarks, you need to enable “Synchronization” in the settings.

It is also possible via “Bluetooth”, “ Wifi Direct", in "Notes" in "Viber" and other options.


The appearance of the browser is fully consistent with the current style of minimalism and there are several interesting points.

When we enter a query, we see not only hints and possible answers, but also search buttons in other search engines. Of course, the default search works, but you can choose another option:

What appears in Chrome in a new tab is available on every page in Yandex browser. The developers have bookmarked the most popular services in advance.

At the same time, some of them work interactively as widgets. The current indicator of weather or social messages is displayed here Facebook networks or Vkontakte. Good luck.