How to make a computer shortcut on your desktop. How to add a shortcut to my computer. Full icon for this computer

It turns out that this label is made separately for a reason. First of all, this shortcut cannot be added in the usual way, to add it you need to follow the instructions below. Secondly, there are items there that are not on other labels. This " Control" (manage your device), " To plug network drive " And " Disconnect network drive" It is clear that it is very convenient to have such useful features without opening additional dialog boxes. And in general, this is probably the most popular section file system on almost every device. This is why many of you came here.

To place a computer icon on the desktop there are 2 options. The first one is only suitable for Windows 7, and we will consider it. And the second one can be used both on Windows 7 and on Windows 8, 10, we will look at it below.

In order to return the icon to its rightful place, you must follow the following instructions:

How to put an icon in Windows 7 and 8

Since the instructions are the same in Windows 7 and 8, they are combined into a single section in this article. Let's start.

A computer shortcut is a file that serves as a pointer to an object, program or command. In other words, using a shortcut, there is no need to search for a file/program to launch it; just click on the shortcut on the desktop and the file/program will be launched. There are shortcuts that are natively present in the Windows system - these are Computer/My Computer, Network/Network Neighborhood And Basket. By default, when installing the system, only a shortcut appears on the desktop Basket, the remaining shortcuts must be displayed on the desktop manually, about this we'll talk In this article.

How to display the My Computer and Network Neighborhood shortcut on the desktop in Windows XP.

Click right click mouse on an empty area of ​​the desktop, select " Properties".

In the window that opens Properties: Screen, go to the tab " Desktop" and press the button " Desktop customization".

In the window Desktop elements in field Desktop icons We check the boxes next to the shortcuts that interest us (or remove them if you need to remove the shortcut). Click " OK".

After this, all the shortcuts that you have ticked will appear on your desktop.

How to display the My Computer and Network Neighborhood shortcut on the desktop in Windows 7 Professional / Professional, Enterprise / Corporate, Ultimate / Ultimate / Windows 8.

Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select " Personalization".

In the personalization window that opens, select " Changing desktop icons".

In the window Desktop Icon Options in field Desktop icons select the shortcuts that interest us and put a checkmark in front of them (or uncheck the checkbox to remove shortcuts from the desktop). Click " OK".

After this procedure, changes will occur on your desktop according to your settings.

How to display the My Computer and Network Places shortcut on the desktop in Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium, Home Advanced, Starter.

At home Windows versions 7, "buttons" Personalization"Unfortunately, no. And the method described above will not help.

In order to display the Computer shortcut on the desktop, you need to press the button " Start", right-click on " Computer" and select " Show on desktop".

After this simple procedure, the shortcut Computer will appear on the desktop.

In order to display network connection on the desktop, you need to click "Start" - "Control Panel".

In the Control Panel window, select View: Small Icons, right click on Network and Sharing Center shared access and select " Create a shortcut".

After this, a Network Connections shortcut will appear on the desktop.

How to create shortcuts to installed programs.

In order to create a shortcut installed program, you need to come in" Start - All Programs"select the program you are interested in, right-click on it and select" Send to Desktop (Create Shortcut)".

I really hope that thanks to this article you will make the necessary shortcuts and spend less time launching the applications you need.

I think anyone who uses a computer and works with the Windows operating system for more than several years is accustomed to the fact that there is always a “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop, and many other useful shortcuts. But a problem has appeared in Windows 10 that after installing the system, the “My Computer” shortcut is often not on the desktop!

Then, let’s add it ourselves - for this: open Start-> Explorer-> And drag the “This PC” icon to the desktop:

Ready. You now have a My Computer shortcut on your desktop. But there is one problem, on Windows 7 and below, when you right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and go to “Properties,” it displays all the basic information about your computer. This doesn't happen here!

Let's fix this:

  • Click on an empty space on the desktop to open the context menu;
  • Next "Personalization";
  • Then "Themes and Options" desktop icons;
  • And just put a tick on the “This computer” icon.

Ready! You will now be able to see information about your computer in the Properties section.

The “Computer” icon on the desktop helps the user, if necessary, very quickly access the hard drive or its logical partitions, as well as flash drives and CD drives. But few people know how to add a shortcut to frequently used programs, folders and system files settings from the Control Panel into it.

By adding these shortcuts, you get the opportunity to quickly open the necessary directory or program, which you previously periodically spent your precious time searching for, or quickly launch any settings file from the Control Panel that you use constantly.

For me, for example, before using this method, it was completely inconvenient to work with the folder cloud storage data, even though its icons are located on the desktop and in the system tray of the operating system. I also very often use the “Run” command.

So why not add its icon to “Computer”? In this step by step instructions I'll show you how you can implement all this on the Windows 7 operating system.

HOW TO OPEN THE NETWORK SHORTCUTS FOLDER. Press the Win + R key combination on your keyboard to launch system program“Run.” In it we write %appdata%, click the “OK” button and then get into the “Roaming” directory.


Using the Explorer context menu, which is called up by right-clicking on a file, we create a shortcut to the required program or directory. We place it in the “Network Shortcuts” folder we opened.

HOW TO ADD A SYSTEM SETTINGS FILE. Go to the Control Panel and simply drag and drop any of the parameters into the same folder.

HOW TO ADD A UTILITY FROM THE START BUTTON MENU. Click on the “Start” button and call context menu on the required utility, go to “Send” and click “Desktop (create shortcut)”.

We also move the created shortcut from the Desktop to “Network Shortcuts”. That's all! All changes take effect immediately and without rebooting the operating system. Now get fast access you can access the most necessary directories and files just by opening “My Computer”.

Thank you for your attention!

How to add my computer to work Windows table 10? Many users ask this question after installing or reinstalling operating systems Windows 8, 8.1, 10.

In Windows XP and 7, my computer icon could be added from the Start menu. In subsequent systems, bringing it to dekstop can be done using a different algorithm of actions. Read this post to the end and you will learn how to do it on the top ten.

Adding a computer shortcut

In my opinion the fastest and easy way, this is adding a shortcut to my computer on the desktop. How to do it? If you don’t have it yet, then on your desktop, near the Start Menu, click on the Explorer folder.

On the left we find This computer, click on it with the left mouse button, hold the button, drag it to free place desktop (create a link).

We have a shortcut - This computer.

We open a new shortcut, look at its clickability and performance.

Video tutorial - how to add a shortcut to dekstop

Full icon for this computer

The procedure is quick and not complicated, anyone can do it. To add a new and full-fledged PC icon, go to the Start Menu.

Then personalization (background, lock screen).

Go to themes and desktop icon settings.

Place a checkmark next to the desired desktop icons. You can change icons, and also give permission to themes to change icons on the desktop. Once selected, click Apply and OK.

For my work, I only need three computer icons, the recycle bin and the control panel; I hardly use the other two. You can make your choice.

Quick access to personalization

The second way to get into personalization is very simple and fast. Right-click on a free space on the desktop and go to personalization in the pop-up menu.

The third way is through Windows search. Click on the magnifying glass in the lower left corner of the monitor, near the start menu.

To find the files, applications and settings you need, start typing the names you need, for example, personalization.

We get to home page— control panels, design and personalization.

In the upper left corner we proceed to changing the desktop icons.

Quickly launch desktop icon settings

If you often change elements on your desktop and need to quickly get to its settings, then you need to follow these steps.

Open the Run window, press the keyboard shortcut . You may be interested in the information.

The Run window appears. Enter the name of the command, folder, program, document or Internet resource that you want to open.

Type the following text<Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,5,> and click OK.

Desktop icon


Today we learned how to add a shortcut and my computer icon to the desktop in Windows 10. We learned several ways to quickly get into the personalization and settings of desktop icons. I hope the information was useful to you.

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