How to create your own theme for google chrome. How to create a theme for Google Chrome. Berry themes for Google Chrome

Despite the fact that there are a great many Browser Themes on the Internet Google Chrome to suit every taste, most users would like to create and use their own.

After all, everyone has different tastes and from a large catalog of those, the background image suits someone, but the color scheme of the browser does not suit or vice versa, and also everything can ruin the color of some button or panel.

You can create your own theme by changing the code of a theme that was already created by someone, but why understand the code if it exists? free application for a browser called My Chrome Theme. Dear blog readers, today I will tell you about using its functionality in practice.


Open your Internet browser and paste the direct link to install the application from the Chrome Web Store into the address bar:

or, if you don’t trust me and are afraid of catching a virus from the link, you can. You can also find this application yourself through Search in the online store and click on the “Login and add” button. IMPORTANT! For the application to work fully and to install it, you need to have account Gmail email that you can easily register.

Log in to your account by entering your E-mail and password in the required fields.

A window will open with information about the application, where you need to click on the “INSTALL” button.

When you receive a pop-up window with information, click the “Add” button.

We wait until the download process (file size is about 1.5 Megabytes) and installation of the application is completed, after which a page with an icon for quick access to the application.


To create your own theme, click on the My Chrome Theme icon and on the page that opens, click the “START MAKING THEME” button.

In the first step, choose to upload your image for the background by clicking on Upload Image or Use Webcam.

Having loaded the image, we can adjust its position (button – Adjust position), add several effects (button – Image Effects) and look at the result (switch below – DESIGN MODE/PREVIEW MODE.

Having finished with the picture, click on the “Continue to Step 2” button at the top of the page.

When you click on browser objects (they are highlighted), we can select the color we want to color them in (you can select different color schemes) or apply the optimal colors by clicking the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.

Having finished selecting colors, proceed to the 3rd step by clicking the “Continue to Step 3” button at the top of the browser.

Write the name of your theme in the “Give your theme a name” field and click the “Make my theme!” button.

After clicking the “INSTALL MY THEME” button, click on the “Next” button in the lower left corner of the browser.

We agree to the installation by clicking on the “Add” button.

That's it, now you have a self-created theme for Chrome.

Please leave comments on the article and share the link with your friends. Thank you for your attention!

The time comes and you get tired of the usual one, you want to add some zest to the most popular browser and such a “unique feature” in Chrome can be a “theme”, and not downloaded from the official online store, but your own, unlike anyone else.

As you may have already understood, today we will look at the question of creating own themes For Google browser Chrome.

To create we need:

  1. simplest graphics editor(even Paint will do);
  2. Our detailed instructions;
  3. A little bit of desire.

And I'm not trying to deceive you, the coolest topics for Chrome browser are created in a matter of minutes, but let’s move from words to action.

There are two ways to create a theme for Google Chrome:

  1. Write from scratch (by creating one Text Document and a few pictures);
  2. Use a specialized online service.

While you decide which method to use, I’ll start with the “hardest” one.

Creating a theme for Google Chrome from scratch

Themes, as well as extensions for browsers based on the chromium engine, are based on the file manifest.json.

Manifest.json is a text document that stores settings for themes and extensions, as well as a title, description and other service information.

Let's create on the desktop new folder with the name of our future topic, I will call it “Do not do it!”, and inside it we will create a text document - manifest.json, where manifest is the name of the document, and json is its . In addition, create an empty folder called “images” that will contain all the graphic elements of our theme.

The next step in creating a theme will be preparing images.

You can already use ready-made pictures, downloaded from the Internet or make my own, I will make completely unique images for subsequent uploading of the theme to the Chrome online store.

We will need images of the following sizes:

1. 1920x1080px (HD format) – for use as the main background in the browser.

2. 30x256px – this image will be used as a Chrome window decoration.

3. 1100x40px – this image will act as a splash screen in the upper left corner of the browser (I don’t know why you should use an additional image in this place separately - you can use it for additional “customization” of the theme).

4. 30x200px – it will act as a fill for inactive open browser tabs.

5. 30x256px – this image will be used to fill the active open tab and Chrome bookmarks bar.

Pay close attention to the images, in particular their sizes; if you don’t know how to make a picture of exactly this size and shape, study one of ours.

Well, if you already have everything ready, go ahead and create a file manifest.json.

You can download the completed file that I prepared as a sample - or compose it yourself according to the instructions below.

The document in which the code of our theme will be described begins with a curly brace “(”, then you need to fill in the fields:

( "name":"Do not do it!", // field indicating the name of the theme; "version": "1", // version number of your theme (later, when making changes to the themes, you need to update the version); " description":"Can still think twice?", // brief description of the topic; "manifest_version":2, // version of the manifesto (there are two versions of the “manifest” - 1 and 2, version 1 - for Chrome browsers below version 18, 2 for browsers version 18 and higher, inclusive).

"theme":( "images":( "theme_frame": "images/theme_frame.jpeg", // image used in the browser window design; "theme_toolbar": "images/theme_toolbar.jpeg", // image used as fill active open tab; "theme_tab_background": "images/theme_tab_background.jpeg", // filling of inactive open tabs; "theme_ntp_background": "images/theme_ntp_background.jpeg", // the main background of our theme; .jpeg"), // fill in the upper left corner.

"theme" :(

"images" : (

"theme_frame" : "images/theme_frame.jpeg" , // image used in the browser window design;

"theme_toolbar" : "images/theme_toolbar.jpeg" , // image used as fill for the active open tab;

"theme_tab_background" : "images/theme_tab_background.jpeg", // fill inactive open tabs;

"theme_ntp_background" : "images/theme_ntp_background.jpeg", // the main background of our theme;

"theme_frame_overlay" : "images/theme_frame_overlay.jpeg"} , // fill in the upper left corner.

The code on this page uses the symbol “//”, it is necessary to “comment” the code. Directly in the file manifest.json– it can be deleted.

Having specified the paths to the pictures, you should specify the colors of the fonts and interface elements. IN manifest.json are used RGB colors– you can get their codes in any online converter.

"colors":( "frame":, // Fills specified color empty space of the main background;

"toolbar":, // Fills the area in the lower left corner where the site's "url" is displayed;

"tab_text":, // Font color of the active open tab; "tab_background_text":, // Font color of the inactive open tab;

"bookmark_text":, // Font color of bookmarks on the browser panel; "ntp_background":, // Fill color of the background under the “application” icons in the browser;

"ntp_text":, // Font color of application names; "button_background":), // Color of the "Close", "Minimize", "Full Screen" buttons in the upper right corner.

"colors" :( "frame" : [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] ,

// Fills the empty space of the main background with the specified color; "toolbar" : [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] ,

// Fills the area in the lower left corner, where the site’s “url” is displayed; "tab_text" : [ 255 , 255 , 255 ] ,

// Font color of the active open tab; "tab_background_text" : [ 167 , 167 , 167 ] ,

// Font color of an inactive open tab; "bookmark_text" : [ 167 , 167 , 167 ] ,

// Font color of bookmarks on the browser panel;

"ntp_background" : [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] ,

Did you go through all the steps with me? Great, you can close the manifest file and save it and start testing the resulting theme by first loading the previously created images into the “images” folder.

Testing the theme for Chrome

Testing sounds too loud, in fact, we need to check whether we have made any mistakes in our work.

Do you already have a theme installed in your browser and need to modify it a little? No problem! The files are already installed themes in Chrome are stored at C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Extensions

Open your browser and go to Settings, Extensions tab and click Load unpacked extension. Be sure to check that “Developer Mode” is checked.

In the window that appears, select the folder with your theme for Chrome and click “Ok” - in my case, this is the “Do not do it!” folder.

Congratulations! The theme in the browser should have changed to yours, if not, then return to the code above and look for errors in your files and image resolutions, or download the archive with my files from the link - and compare with yours.

Now you can enjoy your own theme for Google Chrome, but in every barrel of honey there is a spoonful of you know what.

Every time you open your browser, a window will appear in the upper right corner informing you that one of the installed extensions or that was not downloaded from the official store. There is only one way to avoid this - upload your theme to the official Chrome online store and install it in the browser from there.

How to upload a theme to the Chrome Store

If you decide to part with your hard-earned money, go through a simple registration in the online store at

Having created a beautiful and unique theme, you can make installation paid for users - this way you will receive a small passive income.

After registering and paying for a developer account, you will have the opportunity to upload your own extensions and themes to the store with minor restrictions - no more than 20 extensions per account, the number of themes is unlimited.

First of all, package the theme files in and upload it to Chrome Store as shown in the screenshot.

If no errors occur, home page In the developer panel, information about your theme will appear with a link to the settings page, where you can change the description, add an icon, and publish the theme.

I will not describe all the fields available for filling - they are, therefore, well commented - if you have problems, write a comment under the post and I will try to help you.

Creating a theme for Chrome using an online service

In the first part of the article, I described a “complicated” method of creating themes for the Google Chrome browser, now let’s move on to a simpler one that does not require digging into the code and creating a lot of additional images. All you need is to go to the website - with a pre-prepared large background.

Chromium-based browsers do not support animated themes, but Opera does.

Once on the service, which, by the way, is in no way officially related to the Google corporation, you will see a work area where tools with comments (in English) are located on the left, a visualized Chrome browser window on the right, in which all changes made will be displayed, and At the bottom there are buttons for positioning your image relative to the browser window.

Enter theme name and download background image. Immediately - make positioning settings or leave them at default.

On the “colors” tab you can set the colors of the fonts used in different places browser. Hover your cursor over any of the proposed options on the left and the location of the change will be highlighted in red in the visualized window. All you have to do is work with the color palette to choose the ones you need.

Without downloading a lot of additional images discussed in above, your browser window will reflect the installed color scheme Windows, i.e. For complete “customization” of the theme, you need to upload all the proposed images in the “images” tab, according to the sizes stated in the first part of the article.

By going to the “Pack” tab, you will be given three actions to choose from:

  1. Install the resulting theme in the browser (remember the drawback with the window when opening the browser).
  2. Package theme into file format crx and download it to your computer (this file is the installation file for themes and extensions in the Chrome browser).
  3. Download the “source code” of the theme at zip archive(you can immediately upload the finished theme to the online store).

I note that when using of this service– your theme will be placed in the directory and will be available for download and installation by other users.

If you are interested, in the following posts I will describe the process of creating animated themes for the Opera browser.

I've always envied people who are blessed with programming skills coupled with the ability to create software beautiful from an artistic point of view.

Fortunately, we live in a time when we don’t have to depend on strangers and make the software look the way we want it to.

Customization isn't an afterthought here; it was built in almost from the start. Being able to choose a color scheme for our apps is good, being able to create your own theme is even better. For Chrome, there are websites and separate plugins available through the Chrome Web Store that can create a unique appearance for your browser.

When we first think about visual personalization in Chrome, two names come to mind. The first is Chrome Theme Creator, available as an online application or as a standalone plugin. The second application is called My Chrome Theme. The operating principle of these programs is almost the same.

And this is how to create a theme for google chrome:

1) Download and install one of the above plugins. Installation usually takes just a couple of clicks and does not require any special knowledge.

2) Select a background image.

3) Select the color you like for the active window and tab.


In this instruction I will tell you how quickly and easily create a theme for the Google Chrome browser. This is the easiest way, but just in case, I will write everything down in detail.

What you will need:
-My Chrome Theme
-Registration in Google

1.First, open Chrome and go to applications.

2.Now go to the Store. (don’t be afraid, you don’t need to buy anything).

3.In the search, enter My Chrome Theme and press Enter.

4. Find the My Chrome Theme application and click on the Free button.

5.A window like this will appear, click add. By the way, after you click the Free button, you may be required to log in to Google.

6.Now we wait for it to download and install.

7.Now go to Applications again and select My Chrome Theme.

8.Click Start Making Theme

9.Here you can now choose to upload a picture from your computer or from a web camera. In my case, I download from my computer.

10.Choose a picture or photograph.

11.Now edit the position of the picture or photo and click Continue to Step 2.

12.Here we click on the brushes and select colors for each element separately. After that, click Continue to Step 3.

13.Write the name of the theme and click Make my theme!

15. At the bottom where the downloads are, a new download will appear. Click Next.

16.Now click Add.

17.And we admire. True, in my case, the photo is not suitable. For those who have been familiar with the Internet for a long time, this instruction will seem funny, since everything is described in too much detail. But let's not forget that some people are not such experts in using the Internet and they require a detailed description.

A theme is an archive containing several images that define the appearance of the browser. You can change them manually, or you can use online service to create topics.

You can, of course, go to the Google web application store or another site and choose a suitable theme for yourself, or you can create a theme yourself and be proud of your work. Also, using this online editor you can download a theme you already have and change it.

If you decide to create a theme for Google Chrome, then first, you will need several pictures comparable in resolution to your monitor and curiosity to figure out what's what.

By going to this address, a simple theme editor will appear in front of you. There are two options for creating themes: simple (Basic) and advanced (Advanced). IN simple version The theme is created in two steps, the third step involves downloading and installing the theme.

1. Clicking on the first green button loads background picture For empty tabs. It is advisable to take a picture, on the one hand, that is commensurate in resolution with your monitor, and on the other, not too large, as loading a new tab may slow down.

2. In the second step, you need to select the color of the window frame and top panel. There are a few preset color options to choose from. If you haven’t found one that’s suitable for you, then you’ll need to work with the advanced editor.

3. You are ready to download and install the theme. When you click on the blue button, the theme will download, after which you will be prompted to add a theme on your screen. After evaluating the result, you can leave it or cancel its use.

The very last button allows you to upload a theme to the site and change it to your taste.

Advanced settings appear when you click on the tab Advanced and are located on the three subsequent tabs, after the first. The main features are concentrated on the first four items of the tab Images.

NTP Background– New Tab Page Background. This is the background image new page new tab. This option is equivalent to the first button from the basic mode, but unlike it, it allows you to align the background and set its repetition if the picture is a pattern or is small in size.

Frame- This is the window frame. You can set both color and image. Usually, I specify an image. You can also take it in a large size.

Toolbar- This top panel, where the tabs are located, address bar, plugins and bookmarks panel. You can also get creative with the toolbar by giving it an image or just a color.

Tab Background– color of background tabs. Everything here is the same as in the previous paragraphs.

On the next tab Colors You can set colors for any text in the browser interface. I will not describe them, since they are highlighted when you hover over them with the mouse in the preview panel.

Last, fourth, tab Pack allows:

— package and install the theme

— package and download the theme without installation

— pack and download the theme as a zip archive

After clicking on the first button, the theme will be downloaded and installed in an unknown location, so you can use the second button and first download the theme, and then install it.

The last button will be useful to you if you want to show someone your newly created masterpiece, as I will now show you what I came up with: