How to remove offline mode on your phone. What is airplane mode on a phone or smartphone? How to disable permanently

Airplane mode is a stand-alone mode that stops signal transmission. In other words, the network will be unavailable. This also turns off Wi-Fi if it was turned on, but this is not a problem since Wi-Fi can be turned back on even in airplane mode. In this article we'll talk about how to enable airplane mode on smartphones. Android based. For example we use Samsung Galaxy.

First way

Let's start with simple option. Swipe your finger from the top of the screen to the bottom, that is, do the so-called swipe.

A panel will appear quick access. Here you can find an airplane icon - this is the airplane mode icon. In our example, it is called “Airplane Mode”. If the mode is disabled, the icon has the appropriate color, as in the example:

If airplane mode is enabled, the icon has a different color:

To enable or disable airplane mode as needed, simply tap this icon once. It's that simple.

Second way

If something doesn’t work out or this icon is not in the quick access panel and you cannot add it there for some reason, you can always enable or disable airplane mode through the settings.

Go to the menu of the same name.

Find "Airplane Mode" or "Airplane Mode" and move the switch to the desired position. In this example, Airplane mode is turned off.

And in this one it’s on.

We talked about what happens on tablets and smartphones based on Android OS quite recently. Let us remind you that this is a standalone mode, which disables all functions capable of receiving or transmitting signals. These include: first of all cellular, then Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. Use this mode not necessarily on the plane, it can be activated at any time. For example, do you want no one to bother you with calls in the morning? You can turn on airplane mode and no one will be able to reach you.

How to enable airplane mode on your phone?

In fact, turning on airplane mode is easier. There are several ways and the simplest is using a curtain. We swipe from the top frame to the bottom so that the curtain appears, find the flight mode in it (usually depicted as an airplane sign) and click on it to activate it.

When airplane mode is turned on, you will see a notification in the notification bar.

If for one reason or another there is no such mode in the curtain, it doesn’t matter, you can do the same thing through the device settings. Go to "Settings".

Select "More".

Check the box next to Airplane Mode.

Please note that on some devices this item is called differently. For example, on Samsung Galaxy - offline mode.

However, this does not change the essence. It is also important to remember that the scheme for enabling airplane mode in your device may be slightly different - it depends on the device model.

How to disable airplane mode on your phone?

Actually, turning off this mode occurs in the reverse order. First of all, turn off the flight mode from the curtain so that the icon is no longer activated (it is activated in the screenshot).

After disabling the function, the airplane icon will disappear from the notification panel.

If airplane mode was activated through settings, go to settings and disable the feature by unchecking it.

As you can see, nothing complicated.

From normal Samsung phone, to do this, simply reboot it, and when asked by the system whether to continue working in this mode or switch to normal, select the answer by checking the second system option.

You can also configure the transition in the system configuration, usually this is the very last item in the Samsung configuration menu. Also, if there was no SIM card previously, simply return it to its place and it will work as usual.

Turn off Samsung's offline mode in the same way, but pay attention to the phone's operating modes menu - some models contain settings for transitions between modes. Also use the device's on/off button to set the mode, if your model has such an option.

If you want to disable your Nokia smartphone, open the menu, select the “Control Panel” line and the “Modes” item. In the section, enable or disable offline mode. In ordinary Nokia phones This feature is usually located in the phone's settings configuration menu. The device also turns on in this mode if the SIM card is not in its usual place. At the same time, a window appears asking you to either turn off the phone or continue working offline.

Nokia smartphones also have a function for switching modes through the device's on/off button; use it if you want to continue working autonomously. However, it is not suitable for setting the mode parameters - it is better to configure it through the “Control Panel” or “Configuration” mode in regular phones. When working with Nokia smartphones It’s best to immediately find out how to disable one or another mode, since this procedure in some (few) outdated models has its own characteristics.

Helpful advice

Use your phone offline on airplanes and other places where communications are restricted but you need access to other features.

Popular Microsoft browser Internet Explorer, included with almost all versions of Windows OS, provides the user with a convenient opportunity battery life with web pages. In this mode, pages previously marked as “available offline” can be viewed without an Internet connection. However, to subsequently update the content of these pages, you should disable offline mode.

You will need

  • - Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.


Launch Microsoft browser Internet Explorer. Check if there are shortcuts to launch this browser on your desktop, in the Start menu, in the Quick Launch toolbar, in the taskbar. If you find a shortcut, click on it. If the shortcut is missing, use the Launch a Program tool. Click the Start button on the taskbar. In the menu that appears, select “Run”. In the dialog that appears, enter the string iexplore in the “Open” text field. Click OK.

Disable for individual pages identified by specific Internet addresses. Click on the “Favorites” item in the main menu of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. From the child menu that appears, select Organize Favorites. A dialog will open with a title identical to the name of the selected menu item.
On the right side of the dialog there will be a list of saved page addresses. Some of them may have been enabled offline mode. Select the item in the list that corresponds to the address of the page for which you want to disable offline mode. Set the "Make available offline" switch to off. Do this for all pages that you no longer want to be accessible offline. Click the "Close" button in the dialog.

Deactivate the offline mode of the browser itself. In the main menu of the application, click on the “File” item. In the child menu that appears, find the “Work offline” item and, if it is checked, click on it.

Close or restart your browser. Select “File” from the main menu and then “Close” or press the key combination Alt+F4. If necessary, launch the browser again using the method described in the first step. When you exit, all changes made will be saved. The next time you start, offline mode will be disabled.

Video on the topic


To avoid losing the ability to view pages available offline after turning offline mode, save them in web archive format on HDD computer.

Disabling the offline mode of most supporting this function applications provided in the operating system Microsoft Windows using the means of the system itself and does not involve the involvement of additional software.


Click the "Start" button to open the main menu operating system Microsoft Windows and go to Run to initiate the procedure to disable the offline mode of the Application Virtualization client.

Enter mmc in the Open field and click OK to confirm that the console will launch.

Call context menu element “Application virtualization” by clicking right button mouse and select the “Properties” command in the drop-down menu.

Use the "Connection" tab of the dialog box that opens and uncheck the "Work offline" box.

Go to All Programs and select Internet Explorer.

Expand the "File" menu top panel tools of the program window and uncheck the “Work offline” box.

Once again, return to the main Start menu to perform the procedure for disabling Internet Explorer offline mode using the Registry Editor utility.

Go to Run and enter regedit in the Open field.

Click OK to confirm launching the editor and expand the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings.

Find the GlobalUserOffline key and change the value of the selected parameter to 0.

Quit the Registry Editor tool and restart your computer to apply the selected changes. Please note that the change this parameter to 1 will cause the browser to launch in offline mode only.


Incorrectly making changes to system registry entries may lead to the need complete reinstallation OS Windows.


  • Disable or change offline settings
  • How to disable offline mode Internet work Explorer

Very often, phone owners encounter such a problem as disabling airplane mode. It would seem that there could be something difficult about this, because somehow the person turned on this mode? But it's not that simple. Sometimes it happens that this mode is activated independently or accidentally, or a child can turn it on inadvertently - anything can happen. So, to help those who are faced with such a problem, today we will talk about several simple and effective ways How can I turn off airplane mode?

The easiest way

The first, which is also the easiest way to disable airplane mode, is to use the icon in the status bar or the so-called curtain. Surely everyone saw it when they lowered the curtain to look at notifications or turn on Wi-Fi, for example. The flight mode icon looks standard on all phones - it's an image of an airplane. To disable the mode, you just need to click on this icon.

Phone settings

The second way to disable fly mode is to use your phone settings. Unfortunately, not all devices can disable “flight” through the status bar, because there may simply not be a special “button” there. But don’t despair, because in this case the settings will help. So here's what to do:

  1. First you need to go to your phone settings.
  2. Next you need to find the section that relates to networks and connections. Usually it comes first in the list of all parameters.
  3. Now you need to click on the “More” button, which is located in this section.
  4. The submenu that opens will contain the necessary switch to disable airplane mode. It's simple!

Shutdown menu

The third way to disable fly mode is to use a special shutdown menu. This is also a fairly simple, fast and effective method that will allow you to disable this (flight) mode in just a few seconds.

All you need to do is hold down the power button for a few seconds. A small menu with several items should appear on the screen, one of which is responsible for turning airplane mode on and off. All you need to do is click on the appropriate item.

Important: on some phone models, especially Chinese devices, for example Meizu, this menu may be absent, and all that appears on the screen when you hold down the power button is two items: power on and reboot. So this is also worth taking into account.

Special application

Well last method how to disable airplane mode on your phone - use special applications and utilities. Yes, no matter how strange it may sound, but even for such a small thing as airplane mode, there are special small programs with widgets for the desktop, through which, in fact, this mode is controlled.

There are several interesting applications to note:

  1. Airplane On/Off Widget is a small desktop widget app that creates a small switch on your screen. Using this switch, you can control airplane mode in one click.
  2. Another application similar to the first is Airplane Mode Widget. The principle of operation here is the same as above. A small widget is created on the screen with a switch through which the flight mode is controlled.
  3. Multi Switcher is also an extremely simple application through which you can create any switch widget on your desktop, including one for controlling airplane mode.

You can download all the above programs absolutely free in the application store.

What to do if you can’t disable fly mode

Sometimes many users encounter such a problem that none of the above methods work, and they cannot disable “flight”. This happens due to a software glitch in the operating system, and there is no way to prevent it. In general, these are all the consequences of poorly optimized operation of the OS, as well as the introduction of certain changes to it.

There is only one way to deal with this problem - resetting all phone settings to the factory state. This is done through the device settings. You need to find the menu item called “Memory and backups"(may be called differently in different devices). Almost at the very bottom there will be an item “Reset to factory settings”.

Actually, this is the only chance to get rid of the problem when you can’t turn off airplane mode.

When exploring their first Android device, novice users are wondering what the airplane mode is? What is it for?

Flight mode in an Android smartphone or tablet (or offline mode) is the state of the device in which all transceiver modules are disabled:

  • voice communication and SMS messages;
  • wi-fi connection;
  • bluetooth module;
  • geopositioning modules (gps, glonass).

Depending on the model of your smartphone or tablet, this mode may also be called “airplane mode,” “on the plane,” or “in flight.” Other functions that do not require signal reception and transmission will be available, i.e. the user can listen to music, watch videos, play games, take photos and videos, etc.

What is airplane mode for?

A modern smartphone is complex transceiver, which, when receiving or transmitting data, generates an electromagnetic signal that can negatively affect nearby sensitive electronic devices. Such sensitive devices include aircraft navigation equipment and, although it is seriously protected from external electromagnetic influence, flight safety rules nevertheless require turning off phones or switching them to airplane mode while on board.

Of course, airplane mode can be turned on anywhere and at any time, for example, when the smartphone owner does not want to receive calls and SMS messages. In addition, when airplane mode is turned on, it saves significantly, which can be useful when you are in an area of ​​​​an uncertain signal, when the phone spends too much energy searching for a network. Just turn on airplane mode until you get into the reliable reception zone.

How to enable airplane mode on an Android smartphone

Let's look at enabling the "in flight" mode using an example Meizu smartphone M5 and Android 6.0 Marshmallow OS. In other phone models, the sequence of actions is approximately the same and should not cause any difficulties.

Now you know what flight mode is and why it is needed.