How to delete messages on orders in aliexpress. How to delete old, completed, canceled, unpaid orders for Aliexpress on a computer and in a mobile application in Russian? How to remove an item on Aliexpress from the cart

Deleting an order on Aliexpress is easy. Read about it in the article.

Aliexpress is a trading platform, which is known to almost every person in every country in the world. Many people buy goods here constantly at low prices. It is profitable and convenient, since you do not need to go to ordinary stores and spend time comparing prices and finding the right thing.

  • If you are new to shopping on Aliexpress, then you may not yet know how to manage your account so that it is convenient to make new orders.
  • If you are just about to place an order, then you need to read the information on how to do it correctly and quickly. Read about how to register and how to make your first order.
  • You can also register yourself on it.
  • But, if you need to clean up your page on this site, and delete all completed orders so that they do not interfere, then read the article below.

How to delete old, completed orders for Aliexpress on a computer?

Take your time to delete orders that have only recently been completed. After all, you may need to place an order again or simply remember the seller from whom you made the purchase. But, if you need to clean the page in your account in the section with orders already received, then read below how to delete old, completed orders for Aliexpress on a computer. Instruction:

Go to the "My Orders" tab. A page with completed purchases will open in front of you.

How to delete old, completed orders for Aliexpress on a computer?

On this page, orders can be sorted or a specific order can be found using the filters at the top of the page.

How to delete old, completed orders for Aliexpress?

Once you have decided which orders to delete, click on the trash can icon to the right of the general information.

How to delete completed orders for Aliexpress on a computer?

How to delete old orders for Aliexpress on a computer?

If you still decide to delete the order, click on the trash can icon, and then in the window that appears on "Delete order".

How to delete old and completed orders for Aliexpress on a computer?

After that, the order will be deleted and the page will open before you without it. But it can be found in the "Remote Orders" tab. From this page, you can already delete the order permanently or, conversely, restore it. But in order to do any actions with the order, it must be ticked in a small box (in the picture it is circled).

How to delete all old, completed orders for Aliexpress on a computer?

Now you know how to delete orders for Aliexpress. As it turns out, this is very easy to do.

How to delete old, completed orders for Aliexpress in mobile application?

Many people use the mobile application for shopping on Aliexpress. You can save money by using the mobile app, as this marketplace offers big discounts for customers who buy from their phone.

How to delete old, completed orders for Aliexpress in the mobile application? A few tips:

  • When you have received the item, acknowledged receipt, and provided feedback, the status of the order will change to "Completed". You will see this if you log into your Aliexpress account through the mobile application.
  • If you decide to delete completed orders, and you need to do it from your phone, click on the trash can icon.
  • Then confirm your action by clicking on the orange button in the window that opens.
  • The order will be moved to Deleted orders, from where you can restore it or delete it permanently.

As you can see, in the mobile application, the algorithm for deleting completed orders is almost the same as on a computer - everything is simple and convenient.

If you canceled the order or considered it necessary not to pay for the selected product, then its status will be as follows: “Payment pending”. After a few days, if you do not make any payment actions, the status of the order changes to "Closed". Now it can be deleted.

To delete a canceled order for Aliexpress, click on the basket icon, which is located to the right of the order information.

How to delete a canceled order for Aliexpress?

You can also add the order to the basket again if you plan to pay or receive it in the future. To do this, click "Add again to cart".

How to quickly delete a canceled order for Aliexpress?

It is worth noting that orders that are canceled or not paid on time have the status "Closed". Orders that are received are on your page with "Completed" statuses.

How to delete a canceled order in Aliexpress?

How to delete an order for Aliexpress if it is not paid?

If the order is not paid, then it automatically becomes canceled after 3-7 days. The algorithm of actions for deleting a canceled order was described above. Use it if you need to delete an order for Aliexpress that has not been paid. Click on the trash icon, then confirm the deletion. After that, the order will appear in the "Remote Orders" tab.

Aliexpress has done everything for the convenience of customers. Make purchases, make a payment or select a product, delete orders - you will spend only a few seconds on these actions. Enjoy the shopping!

Video: Aliexpress - is it possible to delete an unnecessary order?


On Aliexpress, there are quite common cases when the buyer decided to pay for one of the goods, but due to certain circumstances changed his mind and settled on another product. As a result, the list of orders is replenished with an unpaid lot and a completely natural question arises: is it possible to remove one of the goods? How can I cancel an order if I managed to find a similar product, but at a lower price?

In our today's material, we will consider in detail such an urgent and widespread situation related to the need to cancel and delete orders for Aliexpress. So, first of all, you need to go to the "My Orders" section, it is available at the link

How can I delete an unpaid order on Aliexpress

Until recently, deleting unpaid orders was not available to users. As a result, the order “hung” in the personal account for several weeks with the status “payment pending”, after which its status can be changed to “completed”. But after that, it was impossible to remove it.

The absence of the corresponding functionality was deliberately implemented, since the Chinese tried to impose the goods on the buyer in this way. Perhaps a week or two will pass and the client will “ripen”, press the treasured “pay” button. But in recent months, things have improved. Now, next to each order, a “trash can” icon is displayed, by clicking on which you can get rid of an unpaid or closed order:

As a result, the order is automatically redirected to the “Deleted orders” category, from which you can get rid of it forever.

How to delete a received order for Aliexpress

It was forbidden to delete a recently paid and received item displayed in the "My Orders" section. Now there is such an opportunity. Experts strongly recommend not to use such functionality, since the order history is quite a useful find. After all, you can always view new products from a trusted seller, ask him for a small bonus or discount.

However, if you do not like that all orders are displayed in a solid list, then the top part provides the ability to sort orders by their status. There are also several options for filtering products and orders - take a look, you will certainly find a lot of useful things for yourself.

But if you still decide to delete the received order, you can click on the basket icon, which is located next to the order. Among other things, you should confirm the fact of receipt of the goods and wait for the end of the buyer protection period. After that everything closes automatically.

Faced with the fact that they can not delete their order. It is not difficult to do this at all, and after reading this article, you will definitely succeed.

First you need to decide which order you need to delete or cancel. Orders are divided into several categories: paid and unpaid, maybe you just need to remove the order from the basket or from the general list of already received goods that you previously ordered.

Cancellation of an order for Aliexpress - options

If you placed an order, but for some reason did not pay for it

By going to the "My Orders" tab ( this tab is located in the upper right corner of the page, just hover over your profile, after which a menu will appear where you will find the button you need), you will see your unpaid order.

It will be offered, to choose from, two virtual buttons: "Pay now" and "Cancel order". We press the second option. The system will ask you to cancel your choice again, only in a new window. After you clicked "Cancel order" again, a window will pop up in which you will need to specify a reason, for example, "I want to change the delivery address of this order."

If you have not paid or canceled your order within 20 days, the system will automatically cancel it itself.

Cancellation of an order you have already paid for

There are many reasons when, after choosing and paying for a product, you change your mind about making a purchase and want to cancel the order. But how to be? The money has already been paid. In this case, the order can be canceled only if the selected purchase is being processed and the order has not yet been sent.

You need to go to "My orders", select the product you want to refuse, and click "Cancel order". After that, a window with your order will open, where you need to indicate the reason and confirm the refusal.

Removing an item from the cart

To remove the selected products from the basket, go to the "Basket" section by clicking on the basket icon. Then select from the list what you want to delete, and by clicking the "Delete" button, delete the product.

If the order has already been shipped

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to cancel or change the order if the goods have already been sent to you. It is only possible to open a dispute, but only after the expiration of 6 days, as the product fell into the category "Awaiting confirmation".

The Aliexpress system is set up so that it is not possible to delete any orders. They are all displayed in one common list. For convenience, you can use a filter that will allow you to filter the display of orders as you like.

AliExpress is one of the largest trading floors worldwide. It is very popular, here you can buy almost everything at minimal prices. Shoes, clothing, electronics and components, accessories and other categories of goods are presented in a wide range. AliExpress gathers a lot of sellers from all over China, high competition makes them offer goods at low prices, regularly hold promotions and sales.

Another advantage of this site are safe shopping. The buyer pays for the goods immediately, but the funds are not credited to the seller's account until the receipt of the parcel is confirmed. A large number of payment systems are available for payment.

AliExpress equipped user-friendly interface which even inexperienced users can understand. All orders are saved in your personal account. Until recently, it was impossible to remove them. With a large number of purchases, this is not very convenient. AT new version site, you can remove unnecessary information. However, many users save their purchase history in full in order to be able to see the name of the seller whose product they liked. For quick search in a long history, you can use sorting by date or order number.

Instructions for deleting orders

You need to enter "My Aliexpress", and then select the menu item "My Orders". Next, select the line that you want to delete, and click on the trash can icon.

After that, you need to confirm the transfer of the order to "Deleted".

Now all the information is in the "Remote Orders". Just like with a normal recycle bin, you can restore the data or permanently delete it.

As you can see, there are no difficulties with deleting unnecessary orders, everything is extremely simple. But keep in mind that only completed orders can be deleted in this way. Canceling a paid order that has not yet been completed is a completely different procedure. This can be done only with the consent of the seller, provided that the parcel has not yet been sent.

Ways to restore disappeared and deleted orders.

Let's start by trying to find the disappeared orders, and only then we will figure out why they disappeared after all.

  • Go to menu My Aliexpress. Activate tab My orders.
Menu My AliExpress
  • Enter necessary information in the filter lines at the top of the window. Be sure to fill in the line Order period. Icon activation Calendar at the corner of the line Order period will allow you to easily designate the time intervals in which the search will be performed.

Filter to search for orders in Personal account on Aliexpress
  • After filling in all the filter lines, click the button Search and wait for the results.
  • Also, be sure to check Remote orders by activating the corresponding line in the left part of the window.

Why did orders disappear from the shopping cart on Aliexpress?

And now consider the main reasons for the disappearance of orders and the actions of the buyer.

#one. Technical failure of the system. Failed system update.

Buyer actions: Wait 2 to 24 hours. Try to find the order in the way described above in the text. contact Aliexpress support service.

To contact Support:

  • open home page Aliexpress website. Activate the menu at the top of the window Help tab Buyer's guide .

  • In the window that opens, select the menu My orders and activate the line Checking orders.

How to contact Aliexpress Support?
  • In the window that opens, select the required request. In our case: Can't find order in my profile. Activate it.

How to contact Aliexpress Support?
  • Act on the recommendations that appear in the window.

How to contact Aliexpress Support?

#2. The seller has removed from the sale the lot that you put in the basket.

Buyer actions: If the order has disappeared and the money has been paid, contact the seller. If the seller does not respond, please contact Aliexpress support service, the button of which " Need help" is located on the same page on the right side.

Important: before proceeding with the order, be sure to check the availability of goods directly on the seller's website.

#3. Incorrect registration.

If you have not yet registered on the site, go to and study our recommendations.

Remember, during registration, you went through the procedure for verifying your e-mail address? If so, have you received letters from Aliexpress to your mailbox?

Very often, when registering an account, the buyer automatically enters an incorrect email address. Check if notifications are coming from Aliexpress. Check folder Spam.

If there are no letters

Buyer actions: think about what mistake you most often make when entering your email address? Log in to your account by entering the address from your possible mistake. In extreme cases, please contact Customer Support and follow their recommendations.

Important: be sure to save screenshots of all your actions on Aliexpress. This will help you communicate with Aliexpress support service.

How to restore the basket, where to find deleted orders for Aliexpress?

How to find deleted orders on Aliexpress written in the previous part of this article.

Important: if you have thoroughly cleaned your records in your personal account before, you will not be able to restore the basket automatically.

But you can use the button Recently Viewed located at the bottom of the screen. By activating this button, you will open a feed with lots that have piqued your interest.

How to find the Recently viewed button on the Aliexpress website?

In addition, you can view your browser history, which saves all the links you have opened.

Video: How to return a deleted order on Aliexpress?