How to freeze 2 columns in Excel. Freezing cells in Excel. How to freeze the desired range in Excel

In this lesson I will tell you how to freeze a row or column in Excel. Pinned areas will always be visible on the screen when scrolling vertically or horizontally.

Let's start with the easiest thing - learn how to pin one row or one column. It's very easy to do. Go to the tab View -> Freeze Areas. Next, select the required action from the drop-down list Freeze top row or Freeze first column.

It gets a little more complicated when we need to freeze more rows or columns than one. Let's say you need to fix the top 2 rows. To do this, select line 3 by clicking on its number on the side.

A special division will appear at the border between the second and third lines.

This means that the lines are anchored and will remain in place when you scroll down the document.

You can freeze a column in the same way. To do this, select the column that is next to the one you want to dock and click To fix areas. In my example this is the second column.

Please note that you cannot freeze both rows and columns at the same time.

To remove pinned areas, simply go to View -> Freeze Areas and select the item from the drop-down list Unlock areas.

Congratulations, now you know how to freeze a row in Excel.

In this lesson I will tell you how to split text into columns in Excel. This lesson is suitable for you if you want to split text from one column into several. Now I will give an example. Let's say you have cell "A", which contains your first name, last name and patronymic. You need to make sure that in the first cell “A” there is only the last name, in cell “B” - the first name, and in cell “C” the middle name.

In this lesson I will tell you how to put a plus sign or zero before a number at the beginning of a cell in Excel. Let's imagine a situation where you need to enter a phone number in a cell in the format "+7 987...". Normally, Excel will simply remove this plus sign.

In this lesson, we'll look at the Excel functions found in the status bar. The status bar in Excel is represented by a strip at the very bottom of the program window, where you can display additional information.

Table column and row headings make the information contained in the cell data useful by giving it meaning. That's why it's important to anchor rows and columns with headings when scrolling through long tables and always be aware of the contents of cells.

Excel tools allow you to freeze the top rows, right columns, or the area enclosed by them.

For simple fixing top line go to the “View” tab of the top menu, and in the “Window” group, click on the “Freeze areas” button and select “Freeze top row”.

After this, a black horizontal line will appear indicating the line's anchor boundary.

Now about how to freeze rows in Excel(two or more top lines). To do this, select the line under the sticky headings (first scroll line) by clicking on the line number.

And select “Pin areas” by clicking the button of the same name. After this, a horizontal line will appear delimiting the scrolling area.

To freeze the first column, simply select the “Freeze First Column” item from the drop-down list on the “Freeze Areas” button on the “View” tab.

If you need to pin the first few columns, then first select the right column from the pinned area by clicking on its number.

If your work requires displaying column and row headings, you should freeze an entire area of ​​the Excel table. To do this, place the cursor in the upper left cell of the moving area.

And select "Freeze Areas". After this, the top rows and left columns will be fixed.

How to unfreeze rows and columns in Excel

Once the table has frozen rows, columns or areas, the “Freeze areas” item changes to “Unfreeze areas”, and to unfreeze you just need to click on this item.

Today you will find another lesson dedicated to working in Excel program, I’ll tell you how to freeze a row in Excel.

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Excel is very easy to use; when processing it is enough large volume data. In Excel, everything is arranged in such a way that when creating a table, you can not only enter information, but also edit existing input data. At the same time, the calculated indicators automatically change depending on the specified conditions.

However, often, when dealing with a large amount of information placed in a table, you need to go back and look for a specific row or column every now and then.

Because of this, you need to constantly scroll the page. Naturally, this moment causes significant inconvenience. After all, when scrolling, you can forget or lose a cell that needed to be filled in according to the header.

Therefore, Excel provides the ability to make the task easier by pinning certain areas that you can return to at any time.

This is exactly what will be discussed in more detail in this material.

How to freeze a row in Excel, instructions

When working with a table, headers are always used. However, when adding a large volume, the title may gradually move to the very top.

And as a result, when you need to find it, or any other section in the table, you will need to scroll all the way up.

In this case, not only the place where the required value should be entered is lost, but also the time, which sometimes is not so much. In order not to lose the headings, it is worth fixing the top line of the sheet where they are indicated.

For this:

  • Go to the “View” tab;
  • Next, find the windows section, and then select the “Lock areas” line in it;
  • From the drop-down list, set the value to “Lock top row.”

As a result of performing the above steps, a thin line will appear under the heading line, Demarcation line. It indicates successful title anchoring.

If you need to fasten several lines at the same time, under the last one, simply click on the outermost cell on the left side.

Next, everything that was described above happens, only in the “Lock area” column you select “Lock areas”. As a result, a thin line will appear just under the second line, indicating that everything was successful.

To cancel this action in the program, also go to “View” and in the window section, selecting the “Lock areas” column and select “Unlock areas”.

Freeze a row and a column at the same time

First, it’s worth understanding how a column is selected without grabbing a row.

To freeze a row and a column at the same time, you will need:

  • Select the desired cell and go to the “View” section;
  • Next, in the “Window” tab, after selecting the “Freeze areas” section, select “Freeze first column”.

To pin several columns, as in the case of rows, select the cell next to the required columns. Then, as described above, go to the “Freeze areas” section and set the highest value.

As a result, a thin vertical line will appear separating the main table from the pinned area.

Now let's move on to how simultaneous freezing of a column and row occurs:

As a result, horizontal and vertical thin stripes will appear, indicating that the selection of the required areas was successful.

As you can see in the screenshot, Excel has clear visual and text prompts to help beginners quickly master the program. In the first point - pinning areas, the exposed cell is marked in blue, and the areas that will be pinned are marked with a stroke.

As you work, carefully read the tips and look at the explanatory pictures.

Add to Quick Access Toolbar

When deciding how to pin a row in Excel, if you have to perform this action often while working with tables, then you should think about adding an icon to the panel quick access. This is done for greater convenience, so as not to constantly navigate through tabs.

The quick access panel is located in the upper left corner and is presented in the form of a small line with an image of a floppy disk and two arrows.

To add an additional icon to this field, you will need to go to “View” again and move the mouse in the “Window” section to “Freeze areas”.

Only now you need to click on this line right click mouse and select “Add to Quick Access Toolbar” from the drop-down menu.

As a result, an icon in the form of a lined square will appear in the upper left corner.

To remove it from the quick access panel, you need to hover your mouse over this icon, right-click on it and select the appropriate action.

How to freeze a row in Excel, summary

This is where we can finish the lesson, I hope that I clearly explained to you how to freeze a line in Excel. If you still have a misunderstanding, or cannot complete this action, then do not hesitate to ask questions in the comments. I will be happy to answer all your questions.

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When working with large databases, the user scrolls the worksheet up and down from time to time. Moreover, the most important part, i.e. The table header becomes invisible. It seems like a small thing, but sometimes this can cause difficulties, especially if the table has many columns. The solution to this problem is very simple: you just need to know how to freeze a row in Excel.

Video instructions for pinning a row in Excel

How to freeze a row in Excel?

So, the essence of the problem is as follows: the user has a fairly large database in Excel, and it is necessary that when scrolling down, the first row remains visible all the time. Before you begin this task, there are 2 things to note:

  1. You can only fix those lines that are at the top (i.e., either only the first, or the first two, the first three, etc.).
  2. If the worksheet is protected or in use, then this procedure will be unavailable (to exit this mode, press the “Esc” key).

Fixing the table header in Excel differs slightly depending on the version of the program. To ensure that the first row in Excel 2007 (or 2010) is visible at all times, you need to click on the field that is located below it (in this case it will be field A2), and then go to the “View” tab in the menu bar. After that, in the “Window” group, you need to click on the “Freeze Panes” button and specify that the top line is always displayed at the top (even when scrolling the worksheet up and down). Another way is to select the entire row by clicking on its number. After this, you need to execute the already familiar commands in the menu bar.

If everything was done correctly, now the table header should always be at the top. You can verify this by scrolling down the worksheet. This is also confirmed by a barely noticeable black stripe, which emphasizes the recorded range.

In more old version table processor (2003) there are 2 ways to fix the table header.

The first method is exactly the same - select the desired field (i.e. A2), and then click on the menu bar “Window - Freeze areas”. If the specified range is underlined with a black line, then everything has been done correctly.

The second method is a little more complicated. First, you need to click “Window - Split” in the menu bar. After this, 2 lines will appear: vertical and horizontal. A vertical line can be deleted by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. A horizontal line must be moved so that it emphasizes the first row. Then you need to select the “Freeze Areas” command again in the same item in the menu bar, after which the header will always be displayed on top.

In order to remove the fixation, you need to select the appropriate command in the “Window” item, which is called exactly the same.

Freezing Columns and Ranges

To fix a row in Excel 2007 and 2010 versions, use the “Freeze Areas” button. As you may have noticed, there were as many as 3 options in the drop-down list. In addition to a row, you can also mark a column or a specific range of cells.

The fixation procedure follows exactly the same principle as for strings. The user can mark only the left columns: for example, the first, first two, first three, etc. In order to mark a column, you need to select the corresponding cell, which is located to the right of it. For example, if you want only the first column to be visible, then you need to select field B1 and click on the “Fix column” item.

The area is marked similarly (i.e., row and column at the same time). For example, if you select field B2 and select the “Freeze Areas” command, Excel will freeze the first row and first column.

In new versions of Excel, freezing rows has become much more convenient - just specify the source row and how many of them need to be frozen

Thanks to such simple manipulations, you can fix the required row (column or range), which will make your work with the Excel spreadsheet processor simpler and more convenient.

Modern Excel is very powerful tool to work with big amount information in tabular form. For those cases when there are quite a lot of lines, it is possible to fix the top line and the first column. But not everyone knows how to freeze a region in Excel.

Let's look at how to do this, since there is nothing complicated here.

  1. First you need to create some kind of table. Preferably with a large number of rows and columns.

  1. Then we select all the lines that contain the main information.

  1. After that, go to the "View" tab. Click on the "Freeze Areas" button. In the menu that appears, select the first item.

  1. Immediately after this, you will have a vertical and horizontal line, which show that everything that is before them will be motionless.

The steps described above are only suitable for modern editors (2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016).

With older versions the process is a little different.

  1. We highlight the main information in the table, which should be movable during the work process.
  2. Open the “Window” menu section.
  3. Select the item “Freeze areas”.

  1. As a result, you will see a limit in the form of a horizontal and vertical line. The highlighted part will come after them.

You can scroll the sheet down and to the right. You will see that the first column and header are in place.

Using this function, you can freeze more than just one row or column. There may be several of them. It all depends on what exactly you highlight before pinning.

How to remove a pin

Undoing all changes is quite simple. Let's look at how to do this using an example different versions editors.

Modern Excel

  1. Go to the View tab.
  2. Click on the "Freeze Areas" button.
  3. Select the indicated item.

  1. As a result of this, everything will return to its original form (the separating lines will disappear).

Old Excel

  1. Open the "Window" section of the menu.
  2. Click on the item “Unlock areas”.

  1. The result will be similar. Now all rows and columns will be movable while scrolling.

No View tab

Some users may encounter this problem. If you open Microsoft online help, you can read that this function not available in Excel Starter. If you don’t have this tab, then most likely you have just such an editor.

You can find out more about this.

What happens when printing

Try scrolling down the sheet until the first lines disappear.

Then press the Ctrl + P keys on your keyboard. In the window that appears, check that the printer is connected and ready to print. Then click on the “Print” button.

The result will be the following.

As you can see, everything is in its place. Nothing has disappeared anywhere, since consolidation occurs during the work process, and not when printing documents.


This article showed how to secure a certain space in different versions Microsoft Excel. If things don't work out for you, you may be highlighting the wrong cells. Or, as mentioned above, your editor may have limitations.

Video instruction

If anyone has any questions, below is a video with various comments to the instructions described above.