How to log into a private profile in Odnoklassniki? Is it possible to view private profiles in Odnoklassniki? How to make a page on Odnoklassniki available only to friends? How to do what in Odnoklassniki

Regular insults or indecent comments from strangers, reluctance to expose personal data and photographs to the public, the desire to close themselves from prying eyes - these and many other reasons encourage users to look for an answer to the question of how to make a page on Odnoklassniki accessible only to friends. In fact, social network offers several ways to solve the problem, each of which will be described below.

Not everyone likes it when published photographs, videos, thoughts in statuses become publicly available and every person who looks at the page can look at, rate, comment on, or even save the material they like to their device. For those who came to Odnoklassniki to communicate with a limited circle of trusted people, relatives, good friends or former classmates, the site provides the opportunity to set the boundaries of profile openness.

There are two ways to make a page available only to those you have added as friends:

  • free - changing publicity settings;
  • paid - closing the profile.

Changing publicity settings

To restrict access to your page for free, you need to do the following:

Reference! Using the standard publicity settings, you cannot completely close your profile, since some items, for example, viewing achievements, searching in TamTam, can either be made publicly available or completely disabled.

Closed profile

“Closed Profile” allows you to set access rights to data and publications in ok. With its help, you completely protect your page from unauthorized persons, allowing you to write personal messages, comment on photos and posts, and rate materials only to friends. All unauthorized users, when going to their profile, will see a sign about hiding all information.

Important! By purchasing this feature, you can open and close your profile an unlimited number of times.

There are several ways to activate the account closure service:

Reference! At the time of writing, the price for the service is 100 OK. If there is the required amount in the account, then after clicking on the “Buy” button, advanced page protection options will become available in the settings section. If there is insufficient funds, the site will offer to top up your account with any in a convenient way.

To prevent strangers from visiting your Odnoklassniki page and bothering you with their messages, comments and ratings, make your account available only to friends. This way you can enjoy communication to the fullest.

There are two ways to create a page on Odnoklassniki only for friends: free (through the “Publicity Settings” menu) and paid (connect to the “Private Profile” service) - after that, only friends will be able to access the page and be active on it.

Public settings

To change “Publicity Settings” for free, you need to:

  • Login to your profile;
  • Select “Change settings” under the main photo;
  • Go to the “Publicity Settings” section.

To limit unauthorized access to the page, opposite each item in the “Show” and “Allow” subsections you need to put a marker in the “Only friends” column, and in the “Confidentiality” subsection - in the “No” column.

“Closed profile” service

With a private profile on Odnoklassniki, only friends can view the information. To activate the paid “Closed Profile” service, you need:

  • Login to your profile;
  • Click “Change settings” under the main photo;
  • Select “Close profile”;
  • Pay for the service following the instructions on the website.

The profile remains private until the user opens it. For re-closing you need to reconnect the service.

Topping up your account on Odnoklassniki

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How to make a page on Odnoklassniki available only to friends?

Despite this fact, there are still inadequate people on Odnoklassniki from whom you should protect your page, and thereby ensure the safety of your personal life posted in the electronic space. In this article we will tell you how to make a page on Odnoklassniki available only to friends. This process is quite simple, so it will not take more than two minutes of your personal time. There are two ways to close a page - paid and free. We will start describing the process with free method.

Free way

First, you need to go to your profile settings in Odnoklassniki. You can enter the settings in two ways: 1) Click on the “More” link in the main menu, and then select “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
2) Click on the white arrow in the upper right corner and select “Change settings” in the menu that opens. Regardless of which method you use, you will see a page with a list of all your profile settings. Now open the "Publicity" tab and set all the switches in the "Who can see" section and in the "Allow" section to the "Friends Only" position.
And then click on the “Save” button. Done! By these actions you have significantly reduced the influence of strangers on your Odnoklassniki page, but you can only be completely protected if you close your profile from strangers on a paid basis.

Paid method

The policy of the social network Odnoklassniki is designed in such a way that the user will have to pay a small amount of money to close his page from unauthorized persons. At the time of writing this article (spring 2017), closing the page cost 48Ok (48 rubles). To close your profile, you need to follow these steps:1. Click again on the white arrow in the upper right corner, and then in the menu that opens, select the “Close profile” line.

Or go to settings and at the very bottom find the “Close profile” link.

3) Then click on the “Close Profile” button

4) Finally, click on the “Buy” button.

If you don’t have Shackles on your account, then you need to top up your balance; we talked about how to do this in the article How to find animated gifts? So, that’s all for us, if you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments, also join our VK group and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Next article: How to cancel a friend request in Odnoklassniki?

How to make a page on Odnoklassniki available only to friends

Many users have probably seen pages with closed access who are inaccessible to other people on a social network and are wondering: “How to make a page on Odnoklassniki available only to friends.”

In this article we will figure out what needs to be done.

How to make information on a page in Odnoklassniki available only to friends

You can make information on your Odnoklassniki page available only to friends using a special paid function “Closed Profile”, which hides almost all user data except the basic ones, prohibits viewing photos, photo albums, recordings, etc.

To connect the “Closed profile” you need:

This is how you can simply make a page on Odnoklassniki inaccessible to other users.

Connecting this service you can be sure that no one will be able to bypass the protection and see the information on your Odnoklassniki page, except your friends.

I hope the article “How to make a page on Odnoklassniki available only to friends” was useful to you.

Making a page on Odnoklassniki available only to friends - services, profile options

Odnoklassniki is a multilingual social network designed to find fellow students, classmates, close relatives and new acquaintances. About 150 million people are registered on the site, and more than 40 million users visit the site daily. Using the Odnoklassniki website, social network members can exchange personal messages, rate photos and leave messages on forums.

If the user does not want his profile to be viewable by all website visitors, you can make the Odnoklassniki page available only to friends. The profile can be closed completely using paid service“Closed profile”, or limit access only to some personal information in the publicity settings.

Quick navigation according to article

Closed profile

In order to completely close your profile from users who are not on your friends list, you must:

Most users, when they go online, first of all open their page on social networks. After all, there you can chat with old friends and find new ones, share news, post interesting photos, view the latest publications and discuss them, listen to music, play games and much more. One of the most popular social networks on the Runet is the website.

In order to automatically get to Odnoklassniki when you start the browser, you need to make some settings. The procedure will depend on the browser you are using. The most common browsers, in addition to the default one installed on the system Internet Explorer, are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

How to customize your home page in popular browsers

To open browser settings from Google, you need to click on the icon with three horizontal stripes or with a wrench (in previous versions browser). It is there that the “Settings” (“Options”) item is located in the drop-down menu. Clicking on this item will open a page displaying the settings. In the "main" section, select "Start group". Select the “Next pages: add” option from the list provided. Click on the word “add” and enter the website address The problem is solved.
If, when setting up the start page, you check the “Windows and tabs opened last time” option, then you will continue to work on the Internet from the last web pages you viewed, as if you had never left the Internet.

To customize the home page in popular Mozilla browser Firefox, click on the “Tools” button and select “settings” from the drop-down menu. Open the “Basic” tab, there in the “Start” menu there is a field “When Firefox starts”, in which set the “Show home page” option from the scrolling list. Then enter the desired address and confirm the changes with the OK button. Now you don’t have to waste extra time on transitions; the page on Odnoklassniki will load immediately.

To set the home page in Opera, in the “Settings” menu, select “ General settings" After that, in the window that opens, on the “Basic” tab, set the browser’s startup actions. To set the Odnoklassniki site as the default, select the “Start from home page” option. Enter the address of your favorite social network in the “Home” line. OK - to confirm.

The session manager extension for Firefox allows you to save the states of all tabs before exiting the browser and give the session an appropriate name, and then, when starting the browser, choose which session you want to open.

To make Odnoklassniki home page V Internet browser Explorer, in the “Tools” menu, click on the “Internet Options” item located at the very end of the drop-down list. In the window that opens, select the “General” tab. Then, in the line called “Home Page”, enter the address of “Odnoklassniki” and click the “Apply” button. Now the page will automatically open every time you start the browser.

After creating a page in Odnoklassniki, installed settings allow any network user to view your personal photos, leave comments, give ratings, and make entries in the forum. Not every person likes someone else's interest in their personal page. How to make a page in Odnoklassniki accessible only to ? The social network offers two ways to restrict access to a page - publicity and private profile.


Setting publicity is a way to limit access to a profile according to several set parameters. And absolutely free. You need to follow the instructions below:

  • In the main menu, click on “More” (1);
  • In the drop-down list, select “Settings” (2);
  • A small menu will appear on the left;
  • Select the “Publicity” subsection;
  • Two sections will open - “Who can see” and “Allow”;

  • Once you've finished changing your settings, scroll down the page;
  • Click on the “Save” icon.

This option for limiting the capabilities of visitors has disadvantages, so a second method was created in OK.

REFERENCE. You can enter the settings change menu in another way. Just click on small image in the upper right corner (1). In the menu that appears, find the line “Change settings” (2) and repeat instructions, starting from 3.

Closed profile

This method allows you to configure access rights to publications: access to the page will be closed for unauthorized users, only friends will be able to write messages, comment and rate photos. The closed profile service is paid. To connect you need to do:

  • Find a short menu under the main profile photo;
  • Select “Private profile”;

  • In the pop-up window, click on the icon with the same inscription;

  • In the new pop-up window, check out the advantages of this type of restriction;
  • Purchase the service by clicking on the “Buy” icon.

REFERENCE. If there is insufficient funds in your account, top it up. This can be done in any convenient way. The most profitable option is to transfer money via a bank card.

IMPORTANT. By purchasing this service, you can get it for an unlimited period. The cost of the service as of December 2017 is 100 OK.

Thanks to simple steps that will take a couple of minutes, you can limit access to your personal page to strangers by two different ways, making it so that they only go to the profile

About Odnoklassniki - website

Odnoklassniki is a social network that is used by more than 50 million people a day and is the 7th most popular site in the Russian-speaking territory. is constantly developing and expanding - new functions are added every year and the number of users is growing, of which there are already more than 200 million people.

Realizing that information about network users can provide unnecessary information to potential ill-wishers, the resource administration has provided the opportunity to block access to personal information for outsiders. The function is paid and costs, in network currency, 40 OK, which is equivalent to approximately $2.

Step-by-step instruction

So, to close a personal profile in Odnoklassniki, it takes a little - right on home page profile, click the “close profile” button, after which a confirmation and payment window for the service will appear.

As a result, a data entry window will open. The resource provides its users with several popular options to pay for the service - by bank card, with mobile phone, using replenishment terminals (so-called “refills”) or electronic money(webmoney, qiwi, etc.).

The peculiarity of replenishment is that the amount by which it is possible to replenish the account is fixed. For example, if you want to pay using a bank card, the amount paid at one time is 20 OK. Accordingly, in order to activate the service of closing a profile and managing access to publications, payment will need to be made twice.

Immediately after payment, the service is activated automatically - the profile becomes closed to outside visitors, and when updates are published, the user can determine who will have access to the information. This is all. You don't need to do anything else. You can open your profile again at any time.

Instead of a conclusion

Information that appears online about users, even if it is simple notes and ordinary photographs, can provide a lot of information for a specially trained person: by observing changes over time, it is quite possible to determine the time a person is absent from home during a vacation or other or features of life that it is not desirable for outsiders to know about. Therefore, if you have something to lose, for the sake of personal safety and well-being of loved ones, it is advisable personal information on your personal page, close it from prying eyes.
