How to log into ICQ if you forgot your password. Recovering icq password or how I forgot my qip password. Using special software

There are times when users forget their ICQ password. Some find a way out of this situation by re-registering and receiving a new UIN. This option is good because you don’t have to worry about remembering the secret combination of numbers, answering some questions, or anything else. But if you have been using the messenger for a long time and there is still important information and contacts, then restoring access to your account is an important step. Let's look at ways that will help us do this.

How to recover your password by email

This procedure is possible if you have specified a valid email in your profile settings. To do this, you need to know her address and password. It is also worth noting that you need to recover your ICQ password only from the official resource.

Go to the main ICQ website. At the top of the screen you will see a “Forgot your password” link, click on it. A window will open in front of you where you will be asked to enter the address Email, which is attached to the account. Please complete this field. Then enter the captcha below, that is, the combination of characters indicated in the rectangle next to the “Captcha” line. Click the “Confirm” button.

If you specified the correct e-mail, the support service will send an email to it with a link to restore your account. Go to your mail and open the message. Click on the link there, and the service will automatically redirect you to a page with a form to receive a new password.

Write in the appropriate field new key security, which must consist of at least six characters and include letters and numbers. Below, enter your password again and click the “Done” button.

It is restored in the same way secret code via telephone and UIN numbers. If in top line enter your phone number, you will receive an SMS message with a code that will allow you to reset your old password. When entering the UIN number, the system automatically recognizes the user and sends a letter to Mailbox, attached to the profile.

Recovering your password using security questions

If you don’t remember the email address that you linked to your ICQ profile, the developers have come up with a way for you to gain access to the application again. These are the answers to security questions. If you indicated them during registration and still remember them, then follow these steps.

  • On the official website of the program, click on the link to recover your password “Retrieve Password”.
  • In the “I Forgot my ICQ Password” form that opens, you will see a field for entering data. In the “ICQ number” line, enter the ICQ number and click on “Next”.
  • Complete the “Get a new password” area by entering your answers to the security questions. Then enter your active email and the code shown in the picture (captcha). Click "Submit".
  • An email with a new password will be sent to your mailbox.

The peculiarity of this method is that the user can enter any valid email address, even if it has never been specified in the ICQ profile.

After restoring secret characters in this way, it is recommended to change them again in the profile settings and link your work email to your account.

What else can you do?

You can restore access to your ICQ account by selecting a code. Exist special programs to select combinations, but they can cope with the task if the lost password was simple. But this is not the most The best way to solve the problem. You need to resort to it if there are no other options. Sometimes selecting the right symbols makes the device work without interruption for about a month.

Holders outdated versions ICQ used to be able to return the password using DeCrypt ICQ software, which by scanning HDD, found the messenger profile file and pulled out the necessary information from it. And also with the help Password programs Cracker – it displayed symbols disguised as asterisks.

Now these methods are not relevant, because the service developers have improved security measures.

Another way to return to ICQ is to find the password in the browser settings. This action is possible if you saved the password when you entered it there for the first time. Let's give an example on Google Chrome.

Open your browser settings, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on “Show Extra options" Then find the “Passwords and Profiles” item, next to the “Offer to save passwords for sites” line, click on the “Customize” link. Find in the list that opens. Next, you need to select the password and click on the “Show” button.

If none of the methods helped you, unfortunately, you will not be able to return to your profile. You will have to register again. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and write down a new conventional set of characters somewhere in a notebook.

Sometimes cases arise when a user needs to recover his password in ICQ. Most often, this situation occurs when the user has forgotten his ICQ password, for example, due to the fact that he has not logged into this messenger for a long time. Whatever the reason for the need to recover your ICQ password, there is only one instruction in order to complete this task.

All you need to know to recover your password is your email address, individual ICQ number (UIN) or phone number to which this or that account is registered.

Recovery instructions

Unfortunately, if you don’t remember any of this, you won’t be able to recover your ICQ password. Unless you can try to write to the support service. To do this, go to the support service page, click on the inscription “Just contact us!” After this, a menu will appear with fields that need to be filled out. The user just has to fill in all the required fields (name, email address - you can specify any one, you will receive a response, subject, message itself and captcha).

But if you know the e-mail, UIN or phone number to which your ICQ account is registered, you need to do the following:

Important: New Password must contain large and small letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers only. Otherwise, the system simply will not accept it.

This simple method allows you to quickly recover your password in ICQ. Interestingly, on the password recovery page (step No. 3 in the instructions above), you can enter a different phone number to which the account is registered. A confirmation SMS will also be sent to him, but the password will still be changed.

Situations when users lose access to certain services happen everywhere. And this is quite understandable, because it is difficult to remember all the data from the accounts. Fortunately, there is almost always an opportunity to return them. For example, recover ICQ password It will come out in a few minutes if you know the procedure.


Currently, the messenger offers users the opportunity to log in using one-time codes that come in a message to phone number. But in addition to this, it is possible to authorize via UIN or email. And in such situations, sometimes you need to recover your ICQ password. Let's figure out how this procedure is performed.

Returning access to your account

In the application on your smartphone, in the login window, click on "I already…".And then tap on the inscription "Forgot your password?". Then the corresponding page will open in the browser. And on a computer, the easiest way is to immediately follow the link Now fill in all the fields and click "Confirm". This is how you can change your ICQ password.

Just recently an unpleasant thing happened to me - I lost access to my ICQ account. It would seem that there’s nothing wrong with that - I wrote to technical support and we can communicate again. But it's not that simple.

How did this happen?

There was no break-in or anything hacker attack, the reason is banal to the point of disgrace. For all the time that I have been using QIP Infuim, I have never had to enter the ICQ password myself; it was stored in my QIP account and was entered automatically.

But last week, when I changed the proxy settings in the properties of connecting to ICQ in QIP, the password was accidentally erased. And everything would be fine if not for one thing:

I don’t remember the email to which ICQ was registered

A long time ago, when the creaking hard drive my whole table was shaking, and the Internet was supplied to the house in small doses via telephone cards, I decided to register ICQ. It’s hard to believe now, but at that time the most popular search engine there was Rambler in RuNet and it was there that I decided to look for the ICQ client. It is logical that this search engine suggested that I download Rambler-ICQ.

When registering, you had to specify your email, but I didn’t have one at the time, so I agreed to register my email automatically. The only thing I remember about this box is that I accidentally missed the first letter in the address, and that the name was some kind of variation on the Murzik theme =) Quite meager data, isn’t it?

Why is this so important?

It would seem that what’s terrible about this - you can register new number and move on with your life in peace. But everything is there The address book! More than 100 records, half of which remain only in ICQ. What if they come in handy? =)

In addition, it was at this moment at work that we had to actively consult an indefinite circle of people on our new project. It is most convenient to do this in an informal conversation on ICQ, because... There, at least you don’t have to strictly adhere to the business style of communication.

In general, it was necessary to restore.

Stage one, password recovery form

You can recover your password on the official ICQ website. This form is suitable for those who remember the name of the mailbox to which the ICQ number is attached. I didn't remember this.

But it is not all that bad! Caring programmers showed me the first letter of the name of my mailbox in the shipping notification! (the rest were shown with stars) Thus, the circle has narrowed - only 4 letters remain to be remembered.

Stage two, letter to ICQ technical support

And the shape feedback leads to some service kampyle. I translated my question via Google Translate and sent it, but still haven't received an answer (tried twice on different days)

Stage three, Rambler technical support

Since ICQ was registered in the Rambler program, it means you can write to Rambler! The Rambler-ICQ section is located without any problems, the feedback form is predictably hidden in the corner. We write a letter and wait. The next day we write another one and wait again. The result is zero. Technical support is not responding again.

The most annoying thing is that they don’t even give out case numbers, otherwise you could complain about the mess.

Stage four, change tactics

Since technical support did not help, you need to help yourself. The best thing would be to strain your memory and remember what kind of email I registered then. The first letter is known to me, the remaining 4 letters and numbers should somehow resemble the word Murzik without the letter m. The number of possible combinations does not exceed 12 pieces. Not so much.

Stage five, determining whether the box belongs to a security question

In all my important accounts, I try to fill out the security question with some completely illogical phrase, the answer to which I can write unambiguously. It was hoped that by then I had already begun to suffer from this paranoia and filled out this field.

To find out, just go through all 12 email combinations on this page

We enter it once, enter it a second time and then...

Stage six, use the Rambler captcha bug

... and then it turns out that the captcha is cached! (either Firefox is so smart, or our corporate proxy) That is. The numbers and letters for protection against robots are always the same. Moreover, in all the checked boxes the control phrase was “Your favorite number”!

This greatly simplifies the task, because... people are lazy and don't bother to enter more than three identical numbers in this field. As it turned out later, most of them generally enter one digit.

Final stage

Half an hour of crunching numbers ends with random access to several boxes, some of which were actively used. At this moment I felt somewhat embarrassed, but I decided not to read other people’s correspondence and not to disturb users in any way. Half an hour later - voila! My mailbox was found after a specific phone number was entered in the field, before it was changed (I managed to remember =))

The contact information is the same, but access to it is blocked. You can unlock the box with a simple click mice. Well, after gaining access to the mailbox, the form from the first stage recovers the password without any problems.

So I was lucky with the restoration of ICQ =)

Greetings, friends and guests! Forgot your password or hackers got yours account? Then you have come to the right place. Today we’ll look at how to restore ICQ if you forgot your password and it’s not written down anywhere. Quite a common situation. This, of course, is not water skiing, but sometimes the process can seem exciting. Of course, the simplest solution is to start new account, but how can you leave such important contacts?

There is one most effective way, which allows you to quickly return access to ICQ - recovery via email. Don't remember which email you linked? It’s okay, just remember the ICQ number (UIN) or the phone number that is linked to it. During the recovery process, the system will tell you which mailbox the necessary information was sent to. Lost access to this email? Go through the recovery procedure, which was described in previous articles for different postal services. For example, about the features of recovering a password from Yandex mail.

Restoring access

It happens that when starting ICQ for the first time, users check the “save password” box. If this is your case, then log into your account on the official website of the program. The “my profile” section will come in handy. The current one will be indicated there mailing address. You have the opportunity to change the e-mail that was selected during registration.

If you can no longer log into your account, then we move on to the simplest and most common procedure for restoring access. We follow to the ICQ website. At the top of the page we find “Forgot your password?”

We will be offered to restore access using the ICQ number, phone number or email address to which registration was made. Next, enter “captcha” and click “confirm”.

After completing this algorithm of actions, you will be sent an email containing a special link.

You see, the system showed which email address The required letter has been sent. Accordingly, we are looking for him there. If there is no access, then we restore it. The algorithm has already been described in previous publications.

It is advisable to change the sent data after logging in. To do this, click “menu” - “my profile” - “change password”.

If something doesn’t work out, and you can’t find the right answer in the official help, then there is only one recommendation - consult with customer support. It's quite easy to contact. Need to open home page ICQ site. We scroll to the end of the page and see the treasured word.

After the transition, a help section will open where you can search for the information you need or write to support staff.

Congratulations in advance on successfully resolving the issues. By the way, you know that now you can do without ICQ settings on computer? Web-ICQ has been developed for a long time. Sometimes it can be very convenient when you constantly move from one computer to another.

  • Always provide a current email address.
  • Prepare security questions and answers carefully.
  • Copy data that is important to save to a safe place.
  • Change your password periodically.
  • Protect your computer with antivirus software and update it regularly.

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