How to protect your tablet from falls. Effective ways to protect gadgets in summer. Bumps and falls

It is difficult to find a person who would not love to swim in the wonderful warm summer water and lie on the sandy beach. Unfortunately, our smartphones, tablets and laptops are strictly against such entertainment.


Let's start with everyone's worst enemy. electronic technology, that is, water. In addition to the good habit of checking the presence of a smartphone in the pockets of shorts before a swim, it will be very useful to protect the device from possible contact with water in general. This is especially true at sea, because fresh water gives technology a chance, which cannot be said about salty sea water. Craftsmen give all sorts of ways to save a sunken device, suggesting placing it in a cup or any other container with rice. Rice perfectly absorbs moisture and this method can really help, the main thing is not to forget to additionally dry the device before it is disassembled, that is, remove all removable parts, especially the battery (hello iPhone owners).

Still, it’s better not to waste some money and buy a waterproof case. In terms of the relationship between the level of tightness and ease of use the best option waterproof bags remain. It's not very stylish, but it's reliable. In addition, such packages are not tied to the dimensions of the device, and they can easily fit an iPhone, another smartphone, and even a tablet if you take a package with a larger capacity. An example of such protective equipment is products from DryCASE, however, you can always find cheaper options on the Internet.

Sand, dirt, etc.

In fact, any waterproof case or container will equally effectively protect the device from sand, dirt and other accompaniments of active outdoor recreation. As a super cheap alternative, we can suggest wrapping your smartphone in cling film. This will allow you to maintain the ability to use touch screen, and with due diligence you can achieve almost complete waterproofness, however, such tightness can be broken at any time, therefore this method can only be recommended as protection against splashes and drops of water, as well as against sand, dust and dirt.

Bumps and falls

The main condition that helps soften a blow or fall is the presence of an elastic or soft surface. Fortunately, you can find thousands of similar protective bumpers, covers and cases in stores for almost any model of smartphone or tablet. As a rule, the choice in such a situation has to be made between the degree of protection and the dimensions/ease of use of the device with the selected case. An example of such protective equipment would be cases from Otterbox. If you just need to deliver the device to its destination safe and sound, you can get by with the film with air cavities, beloved by many.

Comprehensive protection

For comprehensive protection of your gadget from water, sand, dust, dirt, sun, shocks, falls and other troubles, you should search the Internet for case-bags like this one. The main criteria when choosing such a means of protection should be the presence of an external waterproof surface, sealed locks/fasteners, and an internal shock-absorbing layer (as an option - air cavities). It is worth taking a close look at the wear resistance of both the internal and external surfaces.

Any better suggestions?

The proposed protection options are only basic ways to protect your favorite gadgets during the summer holidays. Can you recommend the best price/effectiveness ratio for protecting your smartphone, tablet and laptop from water, sand and shock? We are waiting for your options in the comments.

We always want the device we purchase to serve us for a long time and always have excellent appearance. To protect against scratches and possibly other damage to your phone or tablet, it is recommended to purchase a special case, and to protect the touch screen you need to stick on a protective film. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly stick a protective film on the screen. Our guinea pig will help us with this - tablet X - Digital Tab 711 3G, a review of which you will see in a week. We didn’t look for a protective film because it was included with the tablet :)

So, how to stick a protective film on the screen:

1. For a high-quality result, we will need the following items: microfiber (which can be purchased at the nearest optician), a water sprayer (you can use something similar, but so that it sprays water well), a plastic card (this can be a credit card or a discount card), paper towels or napkins, and of course protective film.

2. Preparing the phone for gluing the film. That is, before gluing the protective film, we wipe the tablet screen with microfiber so that there are no stains, hairs, dust particles, and so on.

3. Now we take our sprayer and apply enough water so that it completely covers the tablet screen (about the same amount as shown in the photo).

4. The film has two protective coatings: the first - on the side of the adhesive layer of the film and the second - on the front side. We remove the first covering and carefully lean it against the pre-moistened screen.

5. Now it looks terrible, so we take our plastic card (in our case it’s a credit card) and smoothly displace the water from under the film. Wipe off the water that comes out from under the film with a napkin or paper towel.

6. After this, remove the second covering of the protective film. Once again we pass the plastic card across the screen so that there is no water at all. We wipe our tablet dry.

7. We enjoy the excellent work, because there is not a single bubble under the protective film. This is probably the fastest and easiest way to stick the film.

We look forward to your feedback and thanks in the form of thumbs up! and good luck to you!

Translation of an article from the site

When using a tablet, the case or screen sometimes gets damaged from accidental impacts, scratches, chips or dirt. In order to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of damage, and in some cases, correct the damage, there are useful additions to protect your tablet: cases, display films, scratch removers and cleaning agents. A catalog is presented on the TechnoPortal website accessories for the tablet.


The most popular models of cases are listed below.

Case cover

It is used to protect the back plane and side edges and is constantly located on the tablet during use. The screen remains open on most models.


With a stand design for installing the gadget on a table;

Cases with a strap for holding the tablet with one hand;

Cases for increased protection - they also protect the screen from drops and splashes through an installed polycarbonate plate.

Case cover

Protects the entire body of the tablet, and in the open position it is used as a stand.

Covers are:


With a function that supports screen unlocking when the case is opened.

To secure the cover of the case when closing, fasteners with magnets, Velcro, buttons, elastic bands and straps are used.

Case plus keyboard

The cover-style case is complemented by a keyboard, which simplifies the typing process.

. manufactured for specific device lines or for a specific model.

To connect interfaces, both cable connectors and options for wireless connection(Bluetooth).

Materials for the production of covers are:

Natural or artificial leather;
. polycarbonate;
. nylon;
. neoprene;
. silicone;
. polyester;
. textile;
. cork;
. metal.

Display film

Anti-reflective film on the screen prevents scratches, dirt and dust from appearing on it, allowing you to view information comfortably as glare is eliminated.

Products for masking scratches

For the display and glossy smooth body, products such as Dislex, Digitex, GOI polishing pastes are used.

Means for cleaning dirt

Mechanical means include brushes and wipes. Almost all chemicals contain antistatic agents and substances with antibacterial and disinfectant properties.
Available in:

Wet and dry wipes;
. cleaning pencils;
. liquids and sprays.

The film and case protect the tablet from mechanical damage, and anti-scratch and cleaning products update its appearance.

Users mobile devices Often faced with the problem of protecting the touchscreen from scratches and other minor damage. To protect the gadget screen from such defects, protective glass or film is used. This element is glued independently to the screen of a mobile device. It is especially important to apply protection to iPhones or other expensive devices, since replacing the display will cost a significant amount. The most common question on this topic will be: what is better to stick on protective glass or film in order to maximally protect your device from damage. To figure this out, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each protection, as well as how to properly stick such a safety element yourself.

Protective film

A protective film for a phone or smartphone is a piece of transparent plastic of the appropriate size, which is fixed on the display. This film is produced exactly under specific model mobile device. Sometimes you can find universal film on sale in the form of a sheet of a certain format, from which you need to cut out the protective covering for your gadget yourself. Protective film is produced in three different types:

  • Glossy
  • Matte
  • Mirror

The first type is the most widespread. It practically does not distort the image and color rendition, but thanks to the shiny coating it glares strongly when exposed to direct sunlight and even bright sources of artificial light. All this forces owners of mobile devices to set the screen brightness to the maximum value. In addition, the glossy finish is easily soiled by fingerprints and, like any plastic, is easily scratched.

Matte film is used somewhat less frequently, since due to its grainy structure it noticeably distorts the image. The thickness of matte plastic is greater than that of glossy plastic, which reduces the sensitivity of the screen and requires the use of several more effort when working with a touchscreen display. Despite these shortcomings, matte film is often adhered to the tablet, since it practically does not show fingerprints.

Film with a mirror layer is used even less often than matte. Although the appearance of a mobile device only benefits from the use of a mirror coating, since the top layer is completely mirrored and this effect disappears only when the gadget is turned on. Unfortunately, the mirror coating, although it has good protective properties, quickly gets dirty and the slightest greasy traces remain on it, so it requires regular cleaning.

Which of these three types is better to choose is up to you, but we would recommend the first option; it is the most practical!

Protective glass

This type of protective coating is slightly more expensive, but has much more best characteristics than protective plastic. Protective glass It has the following advantages in front of the plastic film:

  • High strength
  • Shock absorption
  • No image or color distortion
  • Durability
  • Easy DIY Installation

The glass coating reliably protects the screen of your mobile gadget from scratches caused by various metal objects. Most often, minor screen defects occur when the phone is carried in a pocket along with keys or coins. The hard plate will protect the display not only from such damage, but also from serious damage associated with the device falling from a decent height, since the glass coating has high shock-absorbing properties. Tempered safety glass is completely transparent, so you don’t have to worry about image distortion or color rendition. Durable coating is a multi-layer package, where each layer performs a specific function. The thickness of the material usually does not exceed 0.3 mm and at the same time it consists of five layers:

The silicone layer fixes the protective plate on the screen. The fastening layer will hold all the fragments together if the protective coating breaks. A thin anti-glare layer reduces screen reflectivity. The main layer protects the screen from any mechanical damage, and the topmost, decorative - protective layer, thanks to a special coating, protects the coating from contamination with fingerprints.

How to stick protective glass or film?

You can paste the film and protective glass yourself without any problems. The plastic film can be coated with silicone or fixed with special glue. The option of using glue has recently been used quite rarely. The film protection is fixed to the display using a silicone layer.

Let's take a closer look at what actions need to be taken:

  1. First of all, you need to clean the gadget’s display from dust and sweat. The best solution for this purpose is a liquid for cleaning monitor screens, with which you need to lightly moisten a napkin and wipe the mobile phone display.
  2. The screen is then wiped with a dry microfiber cloth, which does not leave lint. The protective layer is removed from the plastic, and the film itself is oriented on top according to the buttons and cutouts of the device.
  3. Then you need to very carefully lower it onto the screen. If it doesn’t work the first time, the procedure can be repeated.
  4. After proper gluing of the protection, air bubbles may remain under the coating, which can be removed with a piece of thick cardboard or plastic like bank card. To do this, you need to delicately iron the protective coating from the center to the edges, squeezing out air bubbles.

Protective glass is glued in almost the same way as plastic. Before work, you must wash your hands with soap. Needs to be cleaned iPhone screen or other device using special means from dust and fingerprints. Remove the thin protection covering the silicone adhesive layer from the glass. Orient the glass plate along the edges, towards the “Home” button and the speaker. Place the protective plate on the display and iron it with a clean, dry cloth. Also, if necessary, the protection can be removed and re-glued if the first attempt was unsuccessful.


If we compare the protective properties of plastic film and laminated glass, then glass coating is undoubtedly much more effective and, most importantly, more reliable than plastic coating. It can protect the display from scratches, but if the device is dropped face down on a hard surface, the protective properties are reduced to zero. The glass cover installed on the gadget will be broken, but the display will remain intact. Owners of expensive mobile devices should not save money and it is best to purchase a proprietary protective coating with a hardness of 9H. This glass provides guaranteed protection against anything that could damage the device’s screen.

The cost of installing protective glass starts from 1,500 rubles, but this price is not commensurate with the cost of the display of an expensive gadget, which will have to be replaced if it is damaged. Therefore, questions about whether it is better to stick film or glass should not arise.