Laser optical disk. Characteristics of optical storage media. process of transferring information to disk

Or when working with graphic editors when you need precision with cursor control.
Windows 7 allows you to control your computer without a mouse.

How to control a computer with a keyboard?
Press the key combinations in sequence:

left Alt+ left Shift + NumLock

Let me explain a little.
First press the key Alt located on the left side of the keyboard, then, holding it down, press the left one next to it Shift, then, while holding down these two buttons, press NumLock.

Important Note:
You need to press the left ones Alt And Shift. This will not work with the right.

As a result, you should see a window like this:

where we click Yes and the mouse pointer control mode using the keyboard will be activated.

By the way, pay attention to the link in this window above, Go to Ease of Access Center to disable the keyboard shortcut, you can ignore it, but if you still click, a settings window will appear in which you can increase/decrease the speed of cursor movement and other parameters:

If this mode is running, the corresponding icon in the form of a mouse will be shown in the tray:

To exit this mode, you need to press the same key combination again as described above to enter.

Keys to control the mouse cursor using the keyboard.

To control the cursor, use the number pad on the keyboard.

Pressing NumLock turns it on/off in this mode

Cursor control buttons:

1-9 (except 0 and 5) - are responsible for moving the cursor. Accordingly, when you press 4 or 5, you will move the cursor left or right. Pressing 9 will move it diagonally to the right and up. And so on.

5 - emits a LMB press ( Left Button Mice).

Double click button 5.

/ - switch to LMB mode.

Switch to RMB mode (Right Mouse Button).

* - switch to LMB and RMB mode simultaneously (to be honest, I didn’t quite understand its need).

0 - hold down the mouse button.

Releases holding the mouse.

The current state of the button is always displayed in the tray, on the same icon. Try clicking different mode transitions and see how the icon changes.

That's all, now you can control the computer mouse cursor using the keyboard.

The computer and its components fail, usually at the most inopportune moment. And if in the event of a hardware failure it will not be possible to continue working, then in the event of a failure of peripheral devices, not all is lost. This article will talk about how to control the cursor if computer mouse stopped working.

You can work on a PC or laptop without a mouse.

It is possible to control the cursor using the keyboard. There is nothing complicated here.

After the above steps, the system will give you the ability to control the cursor without using a mouse. To work, you will use the following Num Lock panel keys:

In fact, this mode is simply emulation (imitation) of a mouse using the Num Lock panel. Using it is not difficult at all - a little practice and you will quickly get the hang of it.


Working with hotkeys is not new, but for inexperienced computer users it will be quite a challenge. We will list a number of the most popular hotkey combinations.

  • Ctrl+C -Copy;
  • Ctrl+V -Paste;
  • Ctrl+X -Cut;
  • Ctrl+A -Select all;
  • Ctrl+F -Search;
  • Ctrl+Z- Undo last actions;
  • Ctrl+Y -Repeat last actions;
  • Alt+F4 -Quit the application;
  • Alt+Tab -Switch between elements;
  • F5 -Update the active element or desktop;
  • Ctrl+S -Save;
  • Ctrl+N -Create document;
  • Ctrl+O -Open;
  • Ctrl+P -Print;
  • Ctrl+W -You can close/open a file or folder;
  • WindowsKey+E - Opens Explorer;
  • F1 - Help;
  • F7 - Spell check;
  • F12 -Save as...;
  • Power -Turn off the computer;
  • Alt+PrtScr - Snapshot of the active window;
  • Win+D - Minimize all windows;
  • Alt+Enter - Disable/enable full screen mode;
  • F2 - Rename object;
  • Shift+Delete - Delete an object, bypassing the trash bin;
  • Ctrl+Esc - Start.

Such a number of combinations is quite difficult to remember - for this reason, the previous method will be more practical for inexperienced Windows users. As practice shows: the more time a person spends at the computer, the more often he uses hot keys. If you remember at least some of them, your work will immediately become more productive. However, the above list is not a complete list of hotkeys. To view all available combinations, you can go to Windows Help.

Assigning hotkey shortcuts

This method implies preliminary preparation and will not be suitable for users whose mouse suddenly fails. Its essence is that for each shortcut you can assign any key combination not occupied by the system. To do this you need to take the following steps:

  1. Click right click mouse on the label you are interested in.
  2. Go to properties.
  3. Click on the field called “Quick input” and hold down a convenient key combination.
  4. Click OK.

That's all. If you have a lot of free time, you can assign hotkeys to almost all shortcuts on your computer. This will help partially avoid using the mouse.

How to control a laptop without a mouse

Operating a laptop without a mouse is very simple - the developers themselves took care of this by inventing a touchpad (English touchpad: touch - touch, pad - pad). This device is located below the keyboard and is a small rectangle, usually equipped with buttons. Using the touchpad is not difficult, but some skill is required to manipulate the cursor. Otherwise, it is no different from a mouse.

If it happens that both your mouse and touchpad are broken, then the methods for controlling the cursor on a laptop and simple computer the same.

A little advice: Buy an inexpensive mouse as a spare. This kind of forethought will help you continue working in the event of an unexpected breakdown.

We hope the article was informative and answered all your questions regarding controlling your computer without using a mouse.

Good day, friends! Let's talk today about an interesting and, I would even say, controversial topic - how to use a keyboard without a mouse in a way that is convenient and functional. For what? Tell me, which of us hasn’t had a situation when we need to do something on the computer, but the mouse is out of order? Did it break on its own or, if wireless, did the battery die?

I am more than sure that almost every person has encountered this. In this case, it makes no difference whether you have a stationary computer with a conventional manipulator or.

How to enable and configure cursor control

I’d like to point out right away that it’s worth getting used to this method of control. There are no problems with the mouse - I hovered the cursor, clicked on the button and opened a window, launched the document, minimized the application, called up the context menu, and so on. Using the keyboard exclusively is a little more difficult, but for you and me there are no barriers!

Before turning on the mode, do not forget to remove the mouse from system unit or laptop. No manipulations are required with the touchpad.

In order to switch control from the mouse to the keyboard, you need to press the key combination ALT+SHIFT+Num Lock, then confirm turning on the emulator in the window that appears.

IMPORTANT: Use the buttons only on the left side of the keyboard, pressing them on the right in this mode will not do any good!

In the same window, the system will prompt you to go to the accessibility center, where you can make more detailed setup pointer.

At running mode emulation, a small mouse-shaped icon will appear in the system tray. This will mean that the control mode is enabled and you can use it fully.

Further control is carried out through the so-called numeric keypad– the one located on the right side and represented by numbers. All the buttons here are responsible for moving the cursor across the working surface of the screen in the order shown in the picture below:

The “5” and “0” buttons do not move the cursor, they act as buttons. So, for example, pressing the “5” button will give the same effect as pressing the left button on the mouse, and the “0” key, respectively, the right one. Pressing "5" twice quickly will return to standard double click mouse. That is, selecting and opening a specific file or shortcut.

The Shift and Ctrl keys help you move the pointer faster or slower. You may have noticed the settings of these functions when home screen setting parameters (see screenshot above).

After you have restored the functionality of your mouse or purchased a new one, the emulation mode can be turned off by pressing the same key combination that was used to turn it on - this ALT+SHIFT+Num Lock.

Keyboard navigation - an easier way

If the previous option seemed too difficult for you to master, then you can easily use the next one. This is where it will come in handy good memory or the active use of those hotkey combinations, which I will talk about a little later.

Arrow navigation. To quickly and easily move through files (within open folder), you can press the most common arrows on the keyboard. To do this you will need to press the button " Tab” until the very first file becomes highlighted (active).

This key is also necessary to navigate through all sections and elements within an open window on your computer. A striking example: you enter your login on some site, then press “Tab” and the cursor automatically moves to the password entry field. In this case, the “Enter” button will act as the left mouse button, and the special key located between the right “Alt” and “Ctrl” will act as the right one. Here, in general, you will not see the cursor moving, but you will clearly notice how the lights will be highlighted the areas, files, folders, or controls you selected.

Useful hotkey combinations

Now let me tell you about the most necessary, important and truly... First, commands for working with files and folders (from the list context menu):

  • Ctrl+A – selecting all objects within the active window (text in the document);
  • Ctrl+C – copy selection;
  • Ctrl+X – cutting the selection;
  • Ctrl+V – paste selection;
  • Ctrl+N – create a new document or open a new window in Explorer (by default “My Computer”);
  • Ctrl+P – print the document;
  • Ctrl+Z – undo the last action.
  • Alt+Tab – switch between open windows and applications;
  • Alt+F6 – switch between several windows within one open application(browser tabs when browsing the Internet, for example);
  • Win+D – minimize all windows and go to the desktop;
  • Win+F – open a search window within the active window;

Here, in principle, are all the combinations that are needed for more or less comfortable work at a computer or laptop without a mouse. Of course, there are many more of them, but others are not so much needed.

What if we have different versions of Windows?

Don't despair, friends. Absolutely all versions of this popular (starting with Windows 7) have identical settings and key combinations. The only difference is the design of the OS, so in versions 8 and 10 all the necessary elements, windows and functions may look slightly different.

It doesn't matter whether you use emulation mode or go for more the simple way- you will achieve what you want. You can learn to control your computer with a keyboard instead of a mouse, even if it takes some practice.

I hope that the article was useful to you! Don't forget to share it in yours in social networks and subscribe to blog updates!

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