Macbook wifi doesn't work. How to fix Wi-Fi problems in macOS Sierra. Selecting a Wi-Fi router channel

You've probably already checked the functionality of the router and made sure that everything is in order with it, but just in case, let's remind you. This must be done first in order to eliminate problems with the wireless network and make sure that other devices connect to it without problems and the Internet works on them.

2. Install system updates

Sometimes problems with wireless internet occur due to macOS software glitches. Typically, Apple quickly finds and fixes them, releasing system updates that contain corresponding fixes.

To check and install the update, go to “Settings” → “Software Update” and click the “Update Now” button. On macOS High Sierra and above earlier versions start Mac App Store, go to the "Updates" tab in top panel and install the available ones.

If your computer does not have an Ethernet port, then use an adapter or distribute the Internet via iPhone using USB mode.

3. Turn Wi-Fi off and on

Oddly enough, this banal advice helps. Turning off Wi-Fi completely deactivates the Mac's wireless module, and often this manipulation allows you to solve the problem if it arose due to some minor problem.

You can disable Wi-Fi by clicking on the Network icon in the menu bar or through system settings in the "Network" section. Wireless access is resumed by pressing the same button again.

4. Change network location

With the Placement feature, you can quickly switch between different sets of Network settings, such as at home and in the office. In some cases, creating a new location can help fix Wi-Fi problems.

To apply this method, open Settings → Network and in the Placements list, select Edit Placements.

Click “+” and confirm creation by clicking “Finish”.

After this, macOS will automatically switch to the new connection and try to connect to the wireless network.

5. Delete the Network and connect to it again

8. Reinstall macOS

Finally, the last option you can try is reinstalling the system. If it is performed correctly, all previous errors that could have accumulated after macOS updates from previous versions are erased and if the problem was in them, then it should be solved.

If you came to this page, then most likely you also encountered a problem when your MacBook does not see Wi-Fi network. At the same time, the Wi-Fi network actually exists, and everyone else around is successfully using it. Why then doesn’t the MacBook find it at all?

I found myself in this situation twice... and each time there was a smart guy who started making fun of MACs in general. “ How so? Such an expensive MacBook, and it can’t even connect to Wi-Fi...”.

Why doesn't MacBook see Wi-Fi network?

Let's understand a little theory wireless networksStop! Don't go! I will quickly tell you only what the problem is connected with, and then we will immediately move on to the solution.

Most Wi-Fi routers operate at frequencies in the range of 2.412GHz to 2.484GHz. Wherein given range usually divided into 14 channels. Each channel has its own specific frequency.

So your Wi-Fi router operates at a certain point in time on one channel. Usually in the router settings it is specified Automatic selection channel (at the discretion of the router).

The router itself selects the channel depending on how many third-party Wi-Fi networks are nearby. You're probably already thinking why am I rambling on here? So, the whole problem lies in the channel (actually in the frequency) why your MacBook does not see the Wi-Fi network.

The thing is that most MacBooks were brought to us under gray schemes from America and Canada. According to overseas standards, the Wi-Fi receiver built into the MacBook does not operate on all frequencies, but only on those that correspond to channels 1 to 11.

Thus, if your router automatically switches to channel 12, 13 or 14, then the MacBook simply will not see this Wi-Fi network.

This fact explains the situation when you successfully used wireless Internet on your MacBook, and at one point the network stopped being detected, although other devices still see it.

I hope that you learned at least a little useful information from the two paragraphs above. Let's now move on to solving this problem. To do this, we will need to manually specify any of the first 11 channels in the router settings.

Selecting a Wi-Fi router channel

So, we have already understood the essence of the problem and the way to solve it. Regardless of your router model, follow the steps below to select Wi-Fi channel.

STEP 1 - Take your Wi-Fi router in your hands and turn it upside down. On the bottom side there is a sticker with various information. We are interested in the login/password to access the settings.

Please note the IP address for the Web Configurator. Usually it is the same for all routers:

STEP 2 - Enter the IP address V address bar any browser. Since there was no other computer at hand, I used my iPhone.

STEP 3 - A window should appear to entering login and password, which you should have seen on the router sticker. In my case it is admin/1234.

You will have something similar. If the login and password from the sticker do not match, someone could have changed them (for example, the administrator who set up the network).

STEP 4 - The picture may differ depending on your router model, but the meaning remains the same - in the settings you need to find the item with the channel number.

STEP 5 - Having gone into the settings, I discovered that the router works on channel 13. Manually change to any from 1 to 11. I chose 7.

STEP 6 - Click “ Apply” and wait for the router to make changes to the wireless network.

Immediately after the procedure, my MacBook detected a wireless network and successfully connected to it. Many users begin to blame the Wi-Fi router itself and even run to buy a new one.

Others start trying to install new firmware and do completely unnecessary things. Who would stop them? After all, the reason that the MacBook does not find the Wi-Fi network is completely different.

As you already understand, the only limitation that may arise on your way is obtaining a login/password to access the router settings. After all, if you want to use the public Internet, you are unlikely to be able to get that deep. Although, try it, and then write in the comments.

The situation when wireless connections on a MacBook stop connecting Wi-Fi networks or Bluetooth, unfortunately, is quite common. In most cases the problems are caused software glitches MacBook or network software, but sometimes the reason for the lack of connection is mechanical failure. In this case, repair of the wireless modules is necessary. Wi-Fi connection and Bluetooth or their replacement.

Defects in the operation of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on a MacBook usually appear as follows:

  • There is no network connection on your Mac or the signal is too low.
  • Connecting to Wi-Fi is only possible in the immediate vicinity of the router.
  • The signal disappears periodically.
  • Lost connection after resuming from sleep mode.
  • There is a wave-like or abrupt drop in data transfer speed via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
  • The MacBook cannot connect to wireless networks or does not see the network equipment inside at all.

Before you begin repairing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules, you must exclude software errors. To do this, it is recommended to reinstall the operating system; perhaps after this the problem will disappear. If this does not happen, you will have to conduct thorough testing to identify data transfer problems; special utilities are used for this.

If we talk about the reasons for the physical breakdown of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module, then most often the component fails due to overheating (if the MacBook is not regularly cleaned) and after liquid ingress (as a result, the contacts oxidize and can close the circuit). If corrosion is detected, you can get by with repairing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules without replacing them with new ones. If the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module fails, it is replaced with a new one. It is often a common case that a Mac has poor reception of wireless network signals, that is, it only works near the router. The repair method is determined by the technician after inspecting the part.

Be that as it may, if you need Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules repaired, take your MacBook to a certified service center.

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Users of the 2013 Macbook Air have reported problems with their Wi-Fi connection. A lot of assumptions are being made in search of answers to a number of questions. Is this flaw inherent in this model at all or did it affect only one batch of goods? Is the problem in OS X or just in the operating system's network protocols?

PC Magazine reviewed some known problems and offered owners MacBook Air who have difficulties, recommendations for solving problems.

Lost Internet connection and slow data transfer

First of all, it is unclear whether most of the complaints relate to loss of Internet connection or internal glitches. home network, for example when connecting to a router or other network devices such as NAS. Judging by posts on the Apple forum, a significant number of users are complaining about Internet connection failures. Several technical commentators and analysts note in their articles low speed data transfer of the new MacBook Air. This points to a more local issue - perhaps within OS X or, as some observers believe, related to network protocol, used by the operating system.

However, the true cause of the failures is still unknown. Apple has made no statement about the problem, although there have been reports that employees Apple services Genius Bar has been instructed to collect information... and MacBook Air computers that their owners are complaining about. But until we know more and receive confirmation from Apple, it is premature to look for someone to blame.

For several days we have been testing the new 13-inch MacBook Air with the latest base station AirPort Extreme Base Station 802.11ac standard. There were no connection interruptions during testing.

Possible solutions to the problem

Update your router firmware. Make sure that the router has latest version firmware is the first step to eliminating communication failures. Visit your router manufacturer's website, download the software for your model, and follow the update instructions.

Disable some router features. Some browsers have reported problems with TCP window scaling. This usually happens automatically in operating system in order to increase network speed. There is no clear indication that the cause of the problem is window scaling. However, it makes sense to disable several network traffic functions that may be involved in the router.

Double NAT. For example, it is useful to check whether your network is running double network address translation (NAT). Sometimes ISPs provide users with a cable or DSL modem that already does the conversion. You could add to it wireless router with NAT. Only one device must be configured for NAT.

Quality of Service (QoS) and other features. Try disabling Quality of Service features or program prioritization rules (if enabled). It is also recommended to do backup copy router configuration (many devices provide this option), and then disable features such as port forwarding rules, DMZ, and any others that can be dispensed with without compromising security. In particular, do not disable firewall or wide area network (WAN) security, but try to disable firewall rules for specific applications.

Of course, you shouldn't disable all these features at the same time! If QoS or any other traffic-shaping feature that improves video streaming or the performance of other programs is enabled, disable it, use your MacBook, and see if that fixes the problem. If not, disable something else. A step-by-step approach is the only possible one in this case.

Restore the router to factory settings. Most users probably won't like this recommendation because it involves completely reconfiguring the router. However, sometimes it is useful to start with a clean slate. If you have the time and desire to configure your router again, try resetting it to factory settings and see how this affects the quality of your connection.

Switch the network to 802.11n mode. Many complaints come from users new MacBooks, working with pre-release 802.11ac routers. Owners of 802.11ac routers who perform MacBook connection in 802.11ac mode, we would recommend replacing this mode with the old 802.11n with a 40 MHz channel. This may solve the problem for a while, at least until new information comes to light.

Try the new Airport. In our tests, there were no connection dropouts when using the 13-inch MacBook Air and the new AirPort Extreme. This does not mean that the new AirPort will solve some of the problems that the MacBook Air may have. If you're in the market for a new router and share a network with many Apple devices, the new 802.11ac AirPort is worth a look.