Mo rf settlement. Personal account of a military man: instructions. How to enter a military personnel's personal account

An employee today has the opportunity to use a convenient and official resource on the Internet, which will allow him to quickly view the following data: information on accrued wages, salary, social benefits. The user also has the opportunity to always be aware of deductions. We will tell you further about how the site works, how to register a serviceman’s personal account and how to restore contacts if they are deleted.

Serviceman's personal account on the official website - instructions

Login to your personal account is carried out through the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Naturally, first you need to register. You won't be able to log in without registering initially, because... a person must start a box.

So, there is a single settlement center that performs authorization services and maintains the corresponding military register. Those. resource exploitation is carried out only with home page The Russian Ministry of Defense, and nothing else.

You can access your page for the first time only after the knowledge of the administrator, who will send you a unique password (you can change it later), which is what you should enter. If the user has forgotten his login or password, he can always get it again and enter it. Recovery is possible using mobile phone, which is indicated for security or to answer some security questions.

How to register?

Since the summer of 2012, all amounts transferred to military personnel are displayed in special section official website of the Ministry of Defense. After entering in address bar the serviceman's personal account becomes available. Further actions are individual.

Personal account of a military man: instructions

Access to your personal account is provided through the official portal of the Ministry of Defense; therefore, registration on the website itself is required. It is impossible to log in without the administrator’s knowledge for the first time; you need to request a password (in the future it is recommended to change it yourself), which will be sent to the specified mobile number. If you lose your login or password, you can always get it again or restore it through the administrator. After answering Secret Question Login information will be sent via SMS to your phone.

It is recommended to create your personal account after reading the information in the “Help” section. Next, a tab opens where, after filling out a special form, you can view your personal information. You can view a serviceman's pay slip without registration, but only for informational purposes.

It should be noted that the funds that the ERC transfers every month to all employees (from a simple private to a general) are called monetary allowance, and not military wages.

Government agencies recently launched special program for military personnel on the Internet, providing access to Personal Area gives a serviceman access to pay slips that previously could only be obtained through a system of closed channels. The program was launched in response to persistent complaints from the military regarding discrepancies in payroll, bonuses and other allowances. Providing the employee with information about accruals is mandatory.

The document must be issued along with the monetary allowance and contain the following information:

  • Components of the salary due to an employee for a certain period of time.
  • Other cash accruals, including vacation pay, sick leave, etc.
  • Total amount of charges.
  • Amounts withheld from
  • The total amount to be issued in person.

The personal account of a military personnel without registration or registered persons is available not only to the military, but also to other employees of the institution. Thanks to the functionality of the service, each employee can order the necessary statements and certificates online, without wasting time visiting departments. All requested documentation is provided free of charge and is available for printing.

The functionality of a serviceman’s personal account is very extensive, but the section for generating pay slips is especially popular. You can use this function and create a document for any period starting from 2012. On the main page of the Ministry of Defense website, you need to go to the appropriate section and indicate the period of interest to you. A sheet will be created automatically indicating all available information. The document can be saved in Excel, Word and PDF formats.

Login to a military personnel’s personal account without registration

It is not always necessary to enter a login to enter the site. Also, for users of the Ministry of Defense website, login is provided via personal number. This opportunity allows you to receive a serviceman’s pay slip without registration. To view personal information you must:

  • Click on the “Login without registration” button.
  • In the window that appears, indicate your personal number and date of birth.
  • Enter the digital code.

After all the manipulations, the user will be able to enter the internal part of the portal and view the information of interest to him. The simplified system for logging into the site is completely safe, since manually entering the code, as well as specifying individual information, allows you to visit your account by a stranger impossible.

If a citizen is a government employee and not a military man, he will need to enter his mandatory pension insurance number and date of birth. It must be taken into account that the pay slip of a military serviceman without registration only provides the user with limited quantity information. Registration is required for full access.

How to enter a military personnel's personal account

Any military member can use the Department of Defense portal to view payroll information. To ensure that this information is not available to unauthorized persons, the site user must go through a simple registration process. Having completed this action, the serviceman will create his own personal account, in which he can easily control his own allowance. In your personal account, it is possible to generate a military pay sheet in in electronic format.

How does registration in a military personnel’s personal account take place? When visiting the site for the first time, there may be some difficulties, for example,

  • You will see a message stating that it is impossible to log into your personal account because the system is being tested or the certificate is invalid. This should not stop you, you need to agree with the system and continue moving to the next section.

  • To access the user's personal account, you must go to the registration section.

It is possible to enter a serviceman's personal account without registration. To do this, you need to indicate the military personnel number and date of birth in a special line.


For constant control over your monetary allowance, it is recommended to register on the site. This process is very simple. The soldier will need to provide some personal information:

  • The number assigned to him.
  • Date of birth on
  • Create a password for authorization. The access password should not be easy and simple; to create it, it is recommended to use the combination Latin letters and numbers. To verify and confirm, you will need to enter this set of letters and numbers again.
  • Enter your email. In addition to providing personal information and creating a password, you must specify email address for further account activation and password recovery if lost.

After completing all formalities, the user can re-enter the serviceman’s personal account to check the correctness of all actions taken.

Personal account of a Russian military serviceman

When you have successfully logged into the system, you can try to create the first pay slip displaying complete information about the movement of military pay, details of accruals, deductions, bonuses and other things. To do this, you need to enter the year and month of interest in a special form.

For convenience and control of payments, all generated payslips can be saved on the desktop in separate folder. The system stores data for the entire current year. If errors and other dissatisfaction are identified on the part of a serviceman, he has the right to apply to the military unit in which he is serving for clarification. You can also figure out the problem with incorrectly specified user initials by telephone numbers « hotline» Central personnel regulation of the Ministry of Defense. For problems related to cash payments, you should contact the Unified Settlement Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense. A serviceman's pay slip is the main document confirming that his service is appreciated.

What actions can be carried out in your personal account?

On this moment The personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense is completely ready for work. Then you can do the following:

  • Generate a payslip that will indicate all detailed information about accruals, receipts and other actions with in cash military
  • Save payslips electronically to Personal Computer, which will make it possible to view documents at any time.
  • Continuously monitor payments.

How to generate a payslip

It is possible to generate a pay slip for a serviceman without registration; registered users can also do this. Process steps:

  • Go to the main page of the site or to the “Calculation Sheet” section.
  • Indicate the period of interest for which the report will be generated.
  • Click on the “Generate” button.
  • Next, a window will appear in which a report sheet for the specified period of time will be displayed.


Thus, it is clear that the personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense is presented in a fairly understandable and simple form for the user. He has the opportunity to log into his page at any time and check all the information.

IN Russian Federation since ancient times there has been an official website of the Ministry of Defense, where you can familiarize yourself with personal matter serviceman and each person, all his contact details, as well as date of birth and year. The Russian army under the Finnish contract has a special official format and center. Anyone can log in without registering using the Russian Federation Defense Center number.

In order to gain access to your personal account, section and perform the necessary operations in Russia, you need to know your personal code. This is necessary primarily in order to secure your account from hacking and provide protection.

Serviceman's personal account, official website

If you are logging in for the first time, you must start with Soviet registration. The system may ask for personal information and you will have to enter it. Military SNILS contains authorization information. Here you can specify information about housing, sale, enter the registry number, dress code, salary scheme. For your convenience, the Ministry of Defense has developed a special table that contains data on all types of payments to a specific person. A military man only needs to enter his login to receive information. How to register? The Central Academic Theater provides discounts to military personnel on repertoire.

How to register?

Without special password It won't be that easy to log in. For this you will need the Internet. There is a registration button in a special tab. Afterwards, the Zeldin system will ask you to choose an option - whether you are a civil servant or a military servant. Next, enter your personal number and date of birth indicated in your passport. The www site is easy to use. Unique number provided to every employee.

How to log in without registering using a personal number?

If you do not want to register, you can log into your personal account using your individual number. If you are an employee who is in the public service, then you can log in using a special insurance number or certificate issued to you in the service. Reduced ticket prices are available. Rusipoteka in Novosibirsk places the administrator's phone number in the office.

By personal number and date of birth

How to order a certificate for a military man and how does it work? There are corresponding instructions in a special tab.
In order to log in using your personal number or date of birth, you must fill in the special fields that are intended for this. It is definitely worth noting special numbers that confirm that you are not a robot. Next, click the login button and your page will load. The system will indicate the opportunity to register. If the browser does not find the individual military code, a note about the user’s mistake will appear on the screen.

There is no point in printing out the state directory for May. It is contained in a special section where you can see the day you need. How to get to the FSB, calculator, mortgage for apartments, Sberbank address, pay slip, telephone and email of the Ministry of Defense, metro ticket offices, social development, EIR poster, info, help, register, salary - you can find all this information in your personal account. How to restore your salary? The state undertakes to accrue unified payments. Registration is required.

SRC RF Ministry of Defense personal account of a military man

The unified settlement center of the RF Ministry of Defense, the personal account of a serviceman is inextricably linked with the website of the Ministry of Defense World. RU. This form is very comfortable to use.

Personal account of a contract serviceman, login without password

If you have lost your password, or simply do not want to register in the system, you are asked to activate your account using a special number that is assigned to each military personnel. It is possible to log in without a password, but it is still recommended to log in according to all the proper rules. has instructions where you can find all the information. The holding method takes a little time.

Pay slip

Military personnel, just like civilians, have to provide various authorities with a certificate of their income in form 2-NDFL. The certificate may be needed to obtain a loan from a bank, to calculate sick leave, to calculate child benefits, to receive tax deductions, and in other cases.

If an ordinary citizen, in order to obtain a certificate of income, only needs to submit an application, or even a verbal request, to the accounting department of his employer, then a serviceman will have to submit an application for 2-NDFL to the Ministry of Defense of Russia (MOD). This is often a rather lengthy and complex procedure related to the specifics of military service. We will look at how military personnel can obtain the necessary document in this article.

How to order a 2-NDFL certificate for a military personnel

Military personnel perform military service on the territory of Russia or abroad, representing Russian interests. It is our state, represented by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, that is the employer for contract military personnel, which means that you should contact it for a 2-NDFL certificate. How to do it?

You should not apply for a certificate of income to your military unit. You need to write an application and send it to the Unified Settlement Center of the RF Ministry of Defense (USC of the RF Ministry of Defense), or to one of the Financial Support Directorates of the RF Ministry of Defense (Ural Federal District of the RF Ministry of Defense).

The application is addressed to the head of the URC or Ural Federal District and must contain the last name, first name and patronymic of the serviceman, his personal number, passport details, Taxpayer Identification Number, registration address and name of the military unit. The required number of copies of 2-NDFL certificates and the required period are also indicated. If the answer should be sent by mail, then the delivery address is written; if the certificate is to be received in person or through a representative, then this is also reflected in the application.

You can send an application to the ERC or UFO in the following ways:

  • by mail (with inventory and notification),
  • by fax,
  • bring it in person
  • send through the “Serviceman’s Personal Account”.

2-NDFL should not be issued longer than three working days from the date of registration of the application (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2016 No. 03-04-05/36096). The certificate is sent to the serviceman by mail to the address he indicated in the application, or is handed to him personally or to his representative. When ordering a certificate, you should take into account the time it will take to reach the addressee by mail, especially if the service takes place in remote areas of the country, so it is better to send the 2-NDFL application to the military personnel in advance.

Order a 2-NDFL certificate through the Unified Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Today, all contract military personnel have access to information about the amount of their salary and other payments made through the ERC. To do this, you need to go to the “Serviceman’s Personal Account” on the website of the Ministry of Defense ]]> ]]>, where you can see all accruals and deductions starting in May 2012. To log in, you must provide your military personnel number and password.

There, on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, you can order a 2-NDFL certificate for a military personnel via the Internet. By clicking on the “Personal Account” menu button, you will immediately see a table with a list of all Financial Support Directorates of the RF Ministry of Defense, distributed by military districts and regions, which, along with the Unified Center, issue 2-NDFL certificates. All addresses, telephone numbers and opening hours of the Directorates are listed here, and you can also download a sample application form for receiving a certificate of income for each Ural Federal District. The completed application can be sent to the email address indicated in the sample (please note that each PFI has its own address), or sent in any of the above ways.

The application can also be sent to the general email address of the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense. You can also order a 2-NDFL certificate by appearing at the Unified Center or Ural Federal District with an application in person. The application in paper form must be completed in two copies: one of which is transferred to the ERC, and the second, with a mark of acceptance, remains with the serviceman.

Contracted service members view their duties not only as a civic duty, but also as a means of earning a living. In simple words, military service for a military man is considered a normal job, just like for a civilian. Naturally, every profession has its own nuances, and military activity is no exception. An example is that the financial component is represented not by wages, but by monetary allowance. Its size is set according to a certain grid, taking into account a number of factors. These factors include length of service, rank and other arguments for calculating bonuses.

Since some time human factor ceased to influence the procedure for calculating monetary allowances. All calculations are made electronic system, operating in automatic mode. The transition to the principle according to which the salaries of military personnel ceased to depend on the actions of the accounting staff has a number of positive trends.

  • Firstly, the risk of an error occurring when determining a serviceman’s earnings is reduced to almost zero.
  • Secondly, regardless of the position and rank of a military personnel, everyone can log into their personal account and find out by using their personal number all the data on transactions on their personal account. The ability to check your salary definitely affects family budget planning.

The specified program is available on the official resource of the Ministry At the moment it is working in test mode, but all provided functions are available to each registered user. Despite free access to personal information, the above methods of protection are quite enough to ensure that data about a serviceman is available only to him and some other competent persons.

The introduction of automatic calculation of allowances was carried out after massive complaints began to be received from military personnel about the discrepancy between salary calculations and practical payments.

The serviceman's personal number serves as an identifier.

The concept of a payslip in the URC

The work of the Unified Settlement Center (SSC) is organized on the official website of the Ministry of Defense, where all information regarding payments to military personnel is presented in the form of a pay slip. Its main advantage is the possibility of round-the-clock access. You can check not only the accuracy of accruals, but also the timeliness of their execution. The resource is considered free, which is very convenient, and if desired, the sheet can be sent for printing directly from the ERC page.

Describe verbally appearance payslip is quite difficult, since it functional interface program, but the content can be presented in the form of separate points.

  • Cash allowance for a certain period of time. To display information, you must use the interactive menu to specify the period of interest.
  • Accruals for the next vacation, if it was granted.
  • Payment of sick leave. In order for the data to be displayed correctly, in case of illness, a soldier is obliged to submit it to the unit headquarters on time.
  • The total amount accrued for the specified period. Please be aware that income tax will be deducted from this amount. Other deductions, if any, will be decrypted without fail.
  • The amount to be paid is the so-called “clean money”. It is very convenient to navigate, because wages are presented minus taxes, and you do not need to calculate this indicator yourself.

The profile created during registration forms a personal account, the main purpose of which is to provide the user with a payslip. The information input field for selecting a time period conveniently allows you to set the desired interval. The soldier has the opportunity to view the amount of all payments made for a specified period.

Login to your personal account

Before you find out all the current information on personal payments, you need to identify the serviceman using his personal number.

Logging into the ERC system of the RF Armed Forces is implemented in two ways: without registration and logging into your personal account. To ensure full functionality, it is recommended to go through a simple registration procedure. In the form that opens, you will need to enter your date of birth, personal number in the specified format, and generate a password yourself that would be easy to remember and would allow you to log into the LC of the RF Armed Forces in the future.

At the next stage, you will have to confirm the password; this is a certain security measure against accidental key presses. On specified address Email You will receive a message indicating the steps to activate your profile. You must remember your login and password. Although the system provides the ability to recover a password, this procedure takes some time.

You can receive a serviceman's pay slip using his personal number without registration. Let us remember that the personal number in this case acts as an identifier. However, the developer is not responsible for data confidentiality, since anyone who has the necessary information can open the page. The ERC system is currently operating in test mode and it is possible that it will be modernized in the near future. The degree of information protection depends on the wishes of the users. If there are more reviews suggesting that the office be protected from unauthorized access, then most likely, entry without registration will be cancelled.

Regular use of the ERC system

The registration and password verification procedure is carried out once. In normal mode, work with the system begins by opening the page. Finding the “Personal Account” tab is not so easy. Due to the fact that the page is filled with various functional links, you will have to take a little time to navigate the first time.

On the right side you can find the treasured inscription. The link takes you to your account form. All data is processed and stored in accordance with Russian legislation. By entering a login and password, a serviceman can access the pay slip to find out all necessary information. By specifying the month and year corresponding to the billing period, you can receive a statement with virtually no waiting.

There is a form for feedback. If you encounter certain problems when logging into your personal account, you can contact the developers directly. However, it should be remembered that if the calculated data does not correspond to the actual payment, all issues are resolved in the military unit where the citizen serves.

The introduction of citizens to electronic documentation is happening quite slowly. Elderly people are especially inert in this matter. Even if you manage to get them to sit at the computer, it’s quite difficult to get them to register. The developers will also take note of this fact, so rumors that entry without registration will be canceled have not yet been confirmed.

Saving data

The online mode was not entirely convenient if there was no way to save the received data. Inexperienced users are advised to create a separate directory where all received statements will be saved. You can request payslip data every month. More frequent requests will result in some statements being the same. If you log into your personal account less often, you may miss the mistake you made, and finding it later will be problematic.

As for unregistered users, they will face certain restrictions. The most annoying of them is the inability to receive a statement for an arbitrary period. It will only be available as of the current month. It’s hardly worth describing all the beauty of providing services using automated systems. It is enough just to remember the long waiting times for a pay slip when applying to a unit. Often such requests ended in refusal from the command, motivated by lack of time.

As negative reviews You can find complaints about various errors when entering your personal account. All questions can be resolved by the support service, which is available both by phone and by email. But statistics show that citizens themselves become the cause of failures in the system, since they enter erroneous data during registration, which should be paid special attention to.