Mobile phones affect the fetus of pregnant women. Pregnancy and mobile phone: apart - boring, together - dangerous Negative impact of mobile communications on a pregnant woman and child

A couple of decades ago, people had not even heard of mobile phones. And now life without them seems impossible. Moreover, now they combine many functions and replace cameras, video cameras, players, and even partially computers. There is no doubt about the benefits of these gadgets. But the question arises about their safety for human health, especially children and pregnant women.

Caution doesn't hurt

All mobile devices undergo a security test. However, a pregnant woman's body is more vulnerable, and even minor exposure can have a negative effect on it. In the modern world, it is impossible to completely abandon the phone. It is not only entertainment, but primarily a means of communication. In any case, the expectant mother will need to call, for example, a doctor.

Are phones really dangerous?

The main factor is the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the body, especially on the body of the unborn child. How justified are these fears?

According to the UN Communications Agency, the number of mobile phones in use on the planet is equal to the number of people on Earth. WHO reported in 2011 that there is insufficient data to confirm the safety or danger of using mobile devices and more research is required. However, the EU is proposing to ban the use of mobile phones by children under adolescence. And in the UK a ban has already been introduced for children under 8 years of age.

Research on the effects of mobile devices on the fetus

A study conducted by Professor Taylor has gained wide popularity. Under his supervision were female mice who were expecting offspring, and then the offspring that were born. Based on the results of the study, Professor Taylor concluded that radiation from mobile devices harms pregnant women and affects the nervous system of the fetus.

Scientists from the Danish University in Aarhus came to the same conclusions. Here, research was carried out from the moment children were conceived until they reached the age of ten. As a result of such a long-term study, scientists came to the sad conclusion that with daily use of communication devices during pregnancy, newborn children suffer from hyperactivity, increased irritability, and inattention.

Moreover, signs of deviations can appear both immediately after birth and several years later.

Negative effects of mobile communications on a pregnant woman and child

Conducting research in this area is complicated by the fact that the range of gadgets is constantly updated and improved. But all groups of scientists involved in research made one conclusion - a mobile phone in any case creates an electromagnetic field that affects a person.

A radio wave field when exposed to a pregnant woman can lead to the following reactions in the body:

Disturbances at the DNA level of fetal tissues and cells, leading to developmental defects;
fetal hypoxia as a consequence of narrowing of peripheral vessels under the influence of electromagnetic radiation;
hormonal imbalances in the body of a pregnant woman;
exacerbation of diseases of the endocrine system during pregnancy.

How to reduce the negative impact of radio waves on a pregnant woman?

To reduce exposure, scientists advise phone owners to reduce the total time of mobile phone calls to 1 hour per day, and for pregnant women to minimize it.

If for some reason a woman during pregnancy cannot give up communications, then it is advisable to use several tips:

1 turn off the phone at night;
2 when using the built-in alarm clock, the distance from the bed to the telephone must be at least 1 5 m;
3 carry the phone away from the stomach;
4 do not bring the phone to your ear until the connection is made - during the call the radiation will be maximum;
5 reduce the time of one telephone conversation to 3 minutes;
6 do not be near the device while it is charging;
7 when purchasing, give preference to well-known brands that have a safety certificate;
8 Use a HandsFree headset whenever possible.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones on the adult body has not been fully studied, but there is evidence of the harmful effects of the magnetic field and radio waves emitted by phones on the fetus in the womb. Radio waves can slightly heat tissue, and a strong radio frequency signal can influence biochemical reactions in cells and intracellular metabolism. Scientists have not yet made a final conclusion about the safety of a mobile phone or the consequences of its use.

Is using a mobile phone harmful during pregnancy?

Some studies have confirmed the negative effect of the electromagnetic field on the formation of the central nervous system of the embryo (studies were conducted on animals). Scientists have found that long-term use of a cell phone increases the likelihood of tumors of the auditory nerve. The newborn may be at risk for central nervous system disorders. A study was conducted in the USA in which pregnant women took part: 350 women talked on a mobile phone during pregnancy at least 2 hours (total) a day, and another 250 did not talk on a mobile phone at all. As a result, 600 children were born, of which 350 had disorders of the nervous system, emotional imbalance, and sleep disorders. 250 children born to mothers who did not talk on the phone during pregnancy had an absolutely normal psycho-emotional state.

How to reduce the impact of radiation?

It is better to carry a mobile phone in a bag, rather than on a belt, chest cord or pocket. It is recommended to turn it off in the metro, since there the device constantly works in network search mode. Pregnant women should not talk on a cell phone for more than three to five minutes at a time; In this case, it is better to use a hands free headset. It is also not recommended to leave the phone in standby mode under the pillow or close to the bed overnight. The recommended limit for talking on a mobile phone is no more than 55 (total) minutes per day.

Is it true that it is better to buy a phone without an antenna?

Indeed, it is the antenna that is the source of high-frequency radiation that can have a negative impact on the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. However, there is no point in buying a new mobile phone during pregnancy, choosing a model without an antenna. In fact, absolutely all models of mobile communication devices have antennas, it’s just that some have them hidden in the case. The radiation level of the device does not change at all.

Are there safe mobile phone models?

The phone's power settings are usually indicated in the documentation. SAR (Specific Absorption Rates), measured in watts per kilogram, determines the level of radiation (electromagnetic field energy released in the tissues of the human body in one second). The European radiation standard for phones is from 1.51 to 1.58 W/kg.

Today, you and I can no longer imagine our lives without communication using various devices - computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones. We write SMS, send messages by mail, on ICQ, and call on Skype. And we don’t even think about how these devices affect our health. But pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life, when a new life is born inside her, and any expectant mother wants her child to be born healthy and strong. But does modern technology and communication affect the child? Will it be harmful for the expectant mother to sit at the computer or use a tablet or make cell phone calls?

The influence of computers.

Naturally, pregnancy is a special event in a woman’s life, and this state lasts long enough to completely and categorically isolate oneself from the influence of any technology. But, during pregnancy, a woman’s body works in a special mode, and it may be more sensitive to the influence of various external and internal factors. During pregnancy, the fetal body does its best to protect the fetus from the influence of the external environment - it is protected by the abdominal wall, uterus, and amniotic fluid. But many household appliances have electromagnetic radiation invisible to the eye, and many devices also emit various radio frequency rays, and many others - our home is full of invisible networks: Wi-Fi, cellular networks, wireless communications. Will it harm the baby?

The issue of the dangers of computers has been studied for a long time, since their appearance in widespread use by people, and, naturally, the influence of computers on children, including unborn children, has also been studied. Based on the fact that we have been using computers widely for twenty years now and a generation of children born in the computer age has already grown up, it is impossible to say that they have a sharply negative impact on children. But it is probably wrong to consider them completely harmless. Computer monitors, especially old, box-shaped ones, are capable of creating electromagnetic and electrostatic fields, however, these are not the types of radiation that can cause mutations or genetic damage. Therefore, talking about harmful radiation from a monitor is still not relevant. But nevertheless, a computer or laptop with a tablet cannot be called completely harmless.

If you are glad that the computer does not harm your baby’s health with its radiation, you should not sit in front of the monitor for the entire maternity leave - this is harmful to your health, and therefore to the baby. Working at a monitor for a long time can cause headaches and dizziness, eye pain and even blood pressure. Visual tension is high, and when combined with a static pose it gives a lot of stress. Therefore, communication with the computer and its mobile friends should be dosed and regulated. During pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend limiting communication with the computer for several reasons.

First of all, monitors of all devices are a large visual load, and during pregnancy the work of the eyes and their blood circulation change, significant changes in the fundus of the eye can occur, which can even lead to myopia and its progression. And when you spend a long time behind a monitor screen, these changes occur much faster and more actively. It is worth limiting your interaction with the computer, and in addition, follow a few simple working rules: you need to purchase special anti-glare glasses - they preserve your vision and reduce the risk of headaches from the monitor. Nowadays you rarely see old-style monitors; they are contraindicated for pregnant women; during pregnancy it is necessary to work only with a liquid crystal screen. When working at a computer, you need light; using a computer in complete darkness is unacceptable, it is too much strain on the eyes.

Another harmful factor is a prolonged static posture when sitting; it is unpleasant because it sharply limits the access of oxygen and nutrition to the fetus and placenta, which disrupts its condition, causing a state of hypoxia. When sitting during pregnancy, static loads on the spine increase, especially if the position is not entirely comfortable, which leads to pain in the back, shoulders, and neck. Prolonged sitting also causes such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids. Therefore, if you sit at a monitor, you need regulations on working hours and monitoring your posture.

How to help yourself at work? This is not difficult - choose a comfortable chair, place the monitor in front of your view, below eye level, so as not to raise your head when working. The limit for simultaneous work at the computer is no more than 45 minutes, after which a break of at least 15 minutes is required to rest the body and head. There should be enough distance in front of the workplace to stretch out and relax your legs. In between sitting in front of a computer monitor, walking, gymnastics, and yoga are useful. And also, try not to put the laptop on your lap in front of your stomach; when using it at home, use it at your desk.

Use of cell phones.

It is difficult to imagine a modern woman without a mobile phone, or even two. Phone manufacturers are constantly improving their models and making them more complex, adding new options. But is it worth using this benefit of civilization while carrying a baby? After all, this is a source of constant signals. Specific and scientifically confirmed data on the negative impact of a cell phone on the health of children have not yet been provided, although sensational reports about various potential risks and deviations periodically appear. But the period of use of phones on a mass scale is still short enough to draw global and categorical conclusions. However, discounting constant presence in an invisible radiation field is also stupid.

So far, data on laboratory tests with animals and the identification of the not entirely beneficial effects of these fields on molecular, genetic and tissue structures are known. Genetics suggests that constant and very active use of cell phones can disrupt the functioning of genes and chromosomes, which could affect the development of the baby, especially in the first and most important period of pregnancy. Scientists do not yet have exact evidence of the connection between developmental defects, but they are wary. The influence of radiation on tissue metabolism has also been proven - cells under the influence of various fields need more oxygen and antioxidants.

It is believed that cell phones, when actively used, impair blood circulation by narrowing peripheral vessels, which can impair blood circulation in the area of ​​the uterus and placenta, causing fetal hypoxia. This may increase the risk of preterm birth. Cellular waves can cause hormonal changes in the body, which can provoke miscarriages in the early stages of fetal development, waves can worsen the state of health and the course of diseases, toxicosis - but so far this is also at the level of hypotheses and not one hundred percent confirmed data. In some observations, an increase in the activity of tumor cells in the experiment was revealed. There may be behavioral disorders and problems with nervous activity. But these hypotheses still require testing and confirmation.

In any case, there is no smoke without fire, and therefore during pregnancy you should still be more careful when using a cell phone, limiting communication with it if possible. You shouldn’t hang on the phone for hours, constantly “hang out” on social networks and “write” SMS. It is known that carrying a cell phone around your neck is harmful, so try to remove the phone as far away from your stomach and chest as possible. In addition, there are a number of small rules and recommendations for using a cell phone during pregnancy:

You should carry your phone in your purse or pocket, in a case made of special materials that suppress radiation. By the way, today special clothing for pregnant women has already appeared on the market, reflecting the effects of various radiations.
- reduce conversations on your mobile phone to the required minimum, a particularly high level of radiation occurs when dialing and when searching for a network, keep your phone away from you, use hands-free devices.
- do not place your cell phone next to you at night (under the pillow, at the head of the bed, on the bedside table).
- do not buy cheap Chinese phones, they do not have international safety certificates and may emit more radiation than is allowed by international standards. They usually do not have any standardization permits and are not officially permitted in our country precisely because of the radiation exposure.
- try to walk a lot to prevent hypoxia, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, they are rich in antioxidants that protect cells from harmful radiation.

Of course, you shouldn’t completely abandon the benefits of civilization and communication via modern means of communication; a pregnant woman with a phone at hand feels calmer, she can always contact her family and call for help if necessary. But you shouldn’t overuse modern devices either; use them in moderation.

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a woman who does not use a mobile phone. We are so used to being always connected that we panic when our smartphone battery runs out and can’t imagine how we can leave home without a charger. But are mobile phones really that safe, and is it possible to use cellular communications during pregnancy?

Endless debate about the dangers of phones

Many scientists are inclined to think that constant use of a mobile phone can be dangerous for a person. Women planning and carrying a child are at particular risk. Some doctors strongly advise their patients to reduce contact with mobile devices until the birth of the child, explaining this as undesirable consequences for his health.

In contrast, there were experts who pointed out that a mobile phone is not dangerous for a growing fetus. They say that the radiation from the device is not too high and do not consider modern smartphones to be a cause of congenital pathology. This group of scientists emphasizes that various forms of radiation are always present in human life, but this is not at all a reason to abandon the benefits of civilization.

Who to believe? What should an expectant mother do – throw away her phone or continue calling her family and friends without worrying about the baby’s health? Let's try to figure out whether mobile devices are so harmful, and whether it is possible to protect yourself from potentially dangerous radiation during pregnancy.

The cons of mobile phones

Speaking about the dangers of cellular communications, most experts cite the results of a study by Dr. Hugh Taylor (Yale Institute, Washington), head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology. With the support of the institute, the scientist conducted a very revealing experiment on laboratory mice. A mobile phone was left turned on in one of the cages with pregnant females, and turned off in the other. The offspring that were born were studied. It turned out that the mice born in a cage with the device turned on were much more active. The cubs beat against the walls of the cage, and their behavior showed inappropriate reactions to ordinary stimuli. In the control group (with the phone turned off), nothing like this was observed.

Dr. Hugh Taylor, after a study, stated that mobile radiation negatively affects the development of the fetus in the womb and reported on the likely consequences of cellular abuse:

  • the risk of congenital malformations of the fetus increases (in early pregnancy);
  • blood flow to the fetus is reduced due to vasoconstriction;
  • there is a threat of oxygen starvation (hypoxia);
  • the likelihood of fetal development delay increases;
  • the excitability of the newborn's nervous system increases.

According to some scientists, using mobile phones during pregnancy increases the risk of developing autism.

Arguments for mobile devices

Researchers at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, led by Dr. Eleni Papadopoulo, conducted an interesting study on a controversial topic. They studied the birth histories of more than 45 thousand women, and also conducted a survey among patients in maternity hospitals. Next, the scientists assessed the state of the nervous system in children born to the women studied. The testing group included children aged 3-5 years.

The results of the study surprised the scientific world. The hypothesis about the adverse effects of mobile phones was not confirmed. Researchers said children whose mothers used cell phones during pregnancy develop age-appropriate developments. “No language, motor or communication disorders were identified in the children,” said Dr. Eleni Papadopoulo. The researcher also points out that all previous tests were carried out only on animals, and their results are ambiguous.

Professor Jan Alexander, who also took part in the Norwegian Institute's tests, stated the beneficial effects of mobile phones on the intelligence of unborn children. The scientist warned that the information has not yet been verified and is only a hypothesis, so he did not advise expectant mothers to pay close attention to this.


The studies conducted do not provide a comprehensive answer to the question of whether mobile phones are dangerous for pregnant women. No scientist can say for sure that cellular communications are harmless. Research is underway, but it is still far from completion. It is not yet possible to speak unequivocally about the security of mobile communications, so it is worth taking some precautions:

  1. You should not carry a switched-on phone on your chest or in your pockets - in the projection of the reproductive organs (uterus, appendages, mammary glands). The best place for a smartphone is a bag or backpack.
  2. Don't forget about protective covers. They will not only protect your phone from scratches, but will also reduce the risk of radiation.
  3. It is believed that a woman is at greatest risk when dialing and searching for a network. Scientists who talk about the dangers of mobile devices advise keeping the phone away when making calls and using a hands-free headset. You should not call where the network is poor and the phone takes a lot of time to find it.
  4. It is not recommended to leave your phone on in the bedroom all night. It is better to turn off the device until the morning. Do not place a mobile phone under the pillow.
  5. You should not talk on the phone for more than 5 minutes at a time, especially in early pregnancy.
  6. The selected device must be certified and meet modern safety requirements.

Compliance with these rules does not guarantee absolute safety, but it reduces the possible harm of mobile phones and reassures the woman. Reducing general anxiety definitely has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and will benefit the growing baby even more than following the suggested instructions.

Just over two decades ago there were no mobile phones. That is, they, of course, already existed, but they became available to a wide range of consumers only in the 2000s. However, today it is simply impossible to imagine life without a mobile phone. In addition, a mobile phone has become not just a means of communication - now it is also a camera, a radio, a player, Internet access, and a voice recorder...

In a word, the thing is certainly convenient and useful. But can everyone use this gadget? And a very important question: won’t such a familiar and irreplaceable mobile phone harm the expectant mother?

Pregnancy and mobile phone - a reason for caution

On the one hand, everyone understands perfectly well that any industrial product undergoes the most serious safety testing. On the other hand, any person understands that a pregnant woman’s body is very vulnerable, and what is practically safe for any other person may be completely undesirable for the expectant mother. But be that as it may, how to deprive a pregnant woman of her favorite phone? After all, this is not only entertainment, but also constant communication with family or a doctor. How are things really going?

The greatest concern is the effect on the body of electromagnetic radiation and especially on the body of the developing fetus. How real are these fears and should they be trusted?

The UN Communications Agency some time ago published information according to which a huge number of mobile phones are used on the planet today - their number has already equaled the number of people inhabiting the Earth. However, the World Health Organization cannot claim that the constant use of such a convenient means of communication is completely safe, and in 211 it reported that there is not enough information for final conclusions, since there is very different information about mobile phones, including reports of the possible provocation of cancer. diseases. Accordingly, further additional research is needed that can convincingly prove the harm or harmlessness of mobile phones.

Thus, it turns out that doubts about the harm or safety of mobile communications for human health in general and for the health of pregnant women have not been fully proven, but also not fully confirmed. However, some countries have banned the use of mobile phones by children, such as France, where both technology and health care systems are at a very high level.

As for the possibility of exposure to electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone on pregnant women, this effect has also not been fully studied. However, there is information that the magnetic field of the phone and the radio waves emitted by the device negatively affect not only and not so much the mother’s body, but the body of the growing and developing fetus. There is alarming information that radio waves can slightly increase the temperature of tissues, and a radio frequency signal, especially a strong one, can affect the course of biochemical reactions in cells and, as a result, intracellular metabolism.

However, no final conclusions have yet been made - firstly, mobile communications can still be considered a fairly new phenomenon, and secondly, the devices used are being improved and changed so quickly that it is very problematic to draw unambiguous conclusions. But still, in studies that were carried out on animals, it was found that the electromagnetic field negatively affects the formation of the central nervous system (CNS) of the embryo and fetus.

When observing children whose mothers constantly used mobile phones during pregnancy, more frequent disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system were noted, and sleep disturbances and emotional instability were especially common. When comparing the results with the control group, which included children of those mothers who gave up mobile communications during pregnancy, it turned out that such children were completely emotionally stable and had a completely healthy psyche.

Research on the impact of mobile communications on pregnancy

One of the most famous studies of the effects of a mobile phone on the body of an expectant woman and on the fetus was conducted at the Yale Institute of Medicine. The study was led by renowned professor of medicine and head of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Yale University, Dr. Hugh Taylor. Observations were made of female mice expecting offspring, and then of the born offspring. During the experiment, a working mobile phone was placed in one of the cages with pregnant females, and the same device, only completely inoperative, was placed in another cage.

The mice born in the first cage were overly active - they beat against the bars of the cage and did not calm down, but the mice from the second cage were completely ordinary. Based on these experiments and observations, Professor Taylor was able to conclude that radiation from mobile communications devices used by the expectant mother during pregnancy leads to hyperactivity in the newborn child, which can be considered a dangerous effect. Since the scientist remains a realist, he does not insist that pregnant women completely abandon mobile communications, but he strongly recommends that they use mobile devices only in cases of extreme necessity and never carry the phone on their chest or in their pocket.

The same conclusions were drawn from studies conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Aarhus, which is located in Denmark. The study lasted several years - from the beginning of pregnancy until the born children reached at least ten years of age.

Such a long period of observation allowed us to draw disappointing conclusions that children whose mothers used mobile phones daily during pregnancy, even if it was only two times a day, have difficulty communicating, are irritable, capricious, hyperactive, and their memory deteriorates. and attention is weakened. Moreover, such developmental deviations do not appear immediately after birth, but after several years, and sometimes even already at school age.

The risk of such deviations increases by another 80% if the child begins to use a mobile phone himself. Unfortunately, the mechanism of such violations has not been studied, so scientists cannot recommend any countermeasures other than pregnant women refusing to use a mobile phone.

Some figures indicate the seriousness of these concerns:

  • 13.159 thousand mothers took part in the survey and observation in Denmark.
  • Children were born in 1997-2000.
  • Observation continued until 2015.
  • The use of a mobile phone during pregnancy increased the negative impact on the child’s central nervous system in 54% of cases.
  • If a child started using mobile communications, the risk increased to 80%.
  • The occurrence of hyperactivity increased to 35%.
  • Deviations in behavior increased up to 49% (in almost half of the cases!).
  • Showing emotions was difficult in 25% of cases.
  • Communication, including with peers, was difficult in 34% of cases.

Unfortunately, the biological causes and biological mechanism of such serious and massive deviations in the development of children have not been established, so further research is necessary.

Harm from a mobile phone to a pregnant woman and fetus

Data on the effects of mobile phones on the human body are constantly changing, since the objects being studied are constantly changing - new and more improved models appear every year. Thus, it turns out that mobile communications are developing much faster than it is possible to conduct serious research. However, all research groups, working and working in different countries of the world independently of each other, came to the same conclusion: the electromagnetic field that certainly arises around a mobile phone necessarily has an impact on the person located in this field.

For women who are expecting a child, exposure to the electromagnetic field of a working mobile phone can be harmful for the following reasons:

  1. Mobile phone radiation can be unfavorable and even negative at the level of the molecular structure of the human body, as well as at the tissue level. Negative effects are also possible at the genetic level.
  2. Aggressive exposure to electromagnetic waves from a mobile phone can cause chromosomal abnormalities even in the first trimester, which negatively affects the formation.
  3. Electromagnetic waves produced by a mobile phone can cause the formation of congenital malformations in the fetus.
  4. Another danger is disruption of intracellular metabolism and, as a result, oxygen starvation of cells, which is extremely dangerous for the fetus.
  5. Due to disturbances in cellular metabolism, the amount of oxidants in the cells of the developing fetus increases, which leads to disruption of the cells’ ability to divide normally, and this, in turn, becomes the cause of many fetal development abnormalities.
  6. In the body of a pregnant woman, even due to a low-intensity low-frequency electromagnetic field, a narrowing of the peripheral vessels occurs, as a result of which the blood supply to the uterus and fetus decreases, resulting in.
  7. The risk of preterm labor doubles.
  8. Hormonal disturbances caused by electromagnetic waves can become gestational.
  9. Some studies have evidence that the use of a mobile phone by a pregnant woman can trigger active division of cancer cells.
  10. The negative impact of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones on pregnant women with diseases of the endocrine system, including any form, as well as thyrotoxicosis, is especially noted.

Which mobile phones can be considered the most secure?

There is an opinion that those mobile phones that do not have an antenna in their design can be considered the safest, since it is the antenna that is the source of high-frequency radiation that is unsafe for the pregnant woman and the fetus. However, in fact, there are antennas in every mobile phone, no matter what shape it has, it’s just that in modern models the antennas are hidden in the case and are not visible from the outside. But no matter where the mobile phone antenna is located, this does not affect the level and activity of the radiation in any way. That is, no mobile phone model can be considered completely safe.

The European Union has adopted maximum radiation standards for mobile phones. Such standards range from 1.51 to 1.58 W/kg SAR. The radiation power of each model is necessarily indicated in the documentation that comes with the phone upon purchase. It should be understood that SAR is the specific absorption rate, that is, in English Specific Absorption Rates, which is measured in watts per kilogram. It is this coefficient that determines the level of radiation, that is, the amount of electromagnetic field energy that is emitted by the tissues of the human body within one second.

When buying a mobile phone, it is very important to pay attention to this indicator and ensure that the indicators do not go beyond European standards.

Rules for using a mobile phone for pregnant women

The scientists who conducted the research unanimously state that during the day the duration of calls on a mobile phone should not exceed one hour, and for pregnant women this figure should be reduced as much as possible.

If a pregnant woman cannot completely refuse to use mobile communications, she must adhere to several rules.

  1. The duration of the telephone conversation should not exceed three minutes.
  2. During a conversation, you should not hold any device too close to your ear or head.
  3. Since peak radiation is observed in call mode, you can only bring the telephone to your ear after the connection has been made.
  4. Since the radiation increases when the phone is charging, you should not charge the gadget in the bedroom or near the workplace.
  5. You should not carry a mobile phone in your pocket, especially if the pocket is located too close to your stomach.
  6. If the phone works as an alarm clock, then it must be placed away from the bed - at a distance of about one and a half meters, and, if possible, further.
  7. At night, the mobile phone should be turned off.
  8. When buying a mobile phone, it is better to opt for models from well-known manufacturers, because such models must have a certificate of compliance with accepted international standards.
  9. When choosing a bag, you should give preference to models with special pockets made of fabric that shields radiation, and carry your mobile phone only in such pockets.
  10. Pregnant women should use a Hands Free headset when talking on a mobile phone.