Is it possible to put your own topic in Odnoklassniki? Beautiful group design in Odnoklassniki. How to fill out the Links section

Modern age information technologies can be considered so enjoyable and, in fact, massive, not because of the incredible number of possibilities it offers, but precisely because it is all unique and personalized. Literally, everyone can create and use what is pleasant and understandable to them. The social network Odnoklassniki keeps up with trends and has introduced design themes for the site that can be downloaded and installed for free, and we’ll talk more about how to do this in this article. They have absolutely no effect on the functionality of the site and do not add new features, but they are definitely capable of creating a certain mood, and users can choose the design based on the time of year, holidays, and so on. Thanks to such little things, the social network becomes more friendly and enjoyable. Additionally, it is worth reading about.

Legality of the function

Despite the possibilities described on the Internet, which will be discussed later, themes for classmates are supported by the developers of the social network themselves and can be installed without downloading and various security concerns.

To open the list of available topics, go to home page in the list of tabs you need to select “More” and at the very bottom click on “Themes”. The number of options available is truly large and is constantly increasing. It can be:

  • themed things,
  • seasonal,
  • festive
  • and many more.

By clicking on a specific theme, a small preview window will open, where you can see how the site will transform if selected. All actions are safe and supported.

What does the chosen topic influence?

Such abundance possible options design, including themes, is explained by the fact that everything that changes is, in fact, only the background image. Neither fonts, nor icons, nor menus are transformed one iota. For the same reason, each user can use various tools on the Internet to create and install their own page design theme for classmates.

Where else can you find options?

Some topics for the Odnoklassniki group can also be found on the Internet. Most often they are installed using various browser extensions. And it is precisely such solutions that can not only add background picture, but radically change appearance networks. Or, for example, add . However, in this case you need to be more careful. After all, it is often with the help of such extensions and themes that attackers commit their bad deeds. And losing access to your personal account in Odnoklassniki will be the minimum problem you may encounter.

If you want to make your personal page on Odnoklassniki more attractive, giving it an interesting, unusual look, then site design themes will come to the rescue. No professional design skills are required. Any user who wants to change the appearance can cope with the task.

Installing themes for Odnoklassniki

Go to your profile, at the top of the page you will find a colorful button in the form of a circle (1), when you hover over it, the inscription appears: “Decorate your page” (2). By clicking the button, you go to the “Themes” section.

Another way to access this page is to select the “More” category (1), located to the right of the “Gifts” section. In the list of the “More” category, the penultimate item is the necessary section (2).

The social network offers a wide variety of topics for Odnoklassniki. Here are not only simple images nature, animals, plants, but also animated pictures with moving objects. Each user will choose an option to their liking without downloading from the Internet.

To view the theme, click on the image to see how the page changes when purchasing new background. Once you have decided on the appropriate pattern, click the “Install” button.

New unusual wallpapers will appear on the main page of your profile and will not disappear when you move to other sections or browse the site. The selected theme can always be changed.

If you want to cancel the selected design by returning to standard view profile, select the “Standard Theme” picture. There are no additional images, the site's appearance remains classic.

IMPORTANT! The themes section includes options that can be installed absolutely free. In contrast, the subsections “VIP Themes” and “Live Themes” are paid. When selecting images from these categories, instead of the “Install” button, users see the “Buy” button.

How to put your own theme in your profile

In addition to the functionality available on the Odnoklassniki website, it is possible to change the appearance of the site using popular Internet browser applications. For your profile, themes are just the right option. One of the most popular theme installation applications is Ok Tools. First of all, you need to install it for free and in your Internet browser.

After installing the application and updating your profile on Odnoklassniki, the Ok Tools section will be added to the main menu bar of the site.

It has several subsections, one of which is called “Topics”.

By moving to this point, you will have a wide choice ready-made images various topics.

If you want to install a specific theme that is not included in the app, simply upload a photo required size by clicking the “Create Topic” button.

If you have your own group on a social network, you can also change its design at your discretion.

Focusing on the topic of the community, select an appropriate image on the Internet, saving it on your computer for later uploading to the site.

On the main page, select “More” (1), then switch to the theme settings subsection (2). By clicking the colorful “Decorate Your Page” icon (3), the “Create Theme” button appears. Upload your favorite image from your computer or select a theme from those already available on the website or in the Ok Tools section.

You can also change the group theme at any time. When conducting technical work The site may have some difficulty changing the theme.

Good afternoon, dear friends! It's been a while since I wrote for you. But today I decided to write this post, which will touch on the topic of beautiful group design in Odnoklassniki. Of course, I won’t describe the manuals here, but I would like to offer you a service for creating a group on Odnoklassniki. I hope that there are already more than 10,000 people in your groups, even if you read the blog and followed at least the minimum recommendations for promoting groups in Odnoklassniki. Then the number of your participants has crept over 10,000.

You have all seen that popular groups have excellent artwork, their own designs, beautiful fonts and some chips in the group’s header. So, all these beautiful designs are available only to those group owners whose groups have exceeded 10,000 users. If this indicator is near or far from 10,000, do not despair, apply the ones I mentioned and you will definitely succeed! I also started small, but as they say, “patience and work will grind everything down!” The main thing is to have the desire and will to successfully promote your groups!

Today I want to offer for those group owners who would like to beautifully design their groups on Odnoklassniki, but without doing the design themselves, their own group design services. The prices are affordable and if you don’t want to waste your time on organizing groups, I suggest using my services. The cost of services is from 300 to 500 rubles, depending on your task and the elements that you would like to use in the theme of your group.

You can agree on the design on Skype, my login is: deniskawoewodin add yourself 😉 You can pay for the order using Yandex Money, Webmoney or by transferring funds to a bank card.

For an example of already drawn themes, I can show you the themes in following groups our clients:

Over time, the list of groups will be replenished as people turn to my services.


Beautiful design groups in Odnoklassniki are an integral part successful promotion groups, because the better designed your group is, the more interest users will have in joining it. I hope that each of you will listen to these words and start taking action today!

Good luck to you and successful promotion of your groups in Odnoklassniki!

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog and my pages on in social networks. That's all for today, friends. I promise that in the next post I will be able to please you with a new one, useful information by Odnoklassniki. Thank you for being with me and supporting me! 😉

Among all the opportunities that the Odnoklassniki website provides its users, there is also a personalization function, that is, changing the appearance of your profile. In this article we will look at how to decorate a page using special design themes.

Getting rid of the standard theme

You can make your Odnoklassniki profile more interesting and memorable by replacing the standard background with another one. To do this, go to the menu called “More”. Then click on the inscription: “Themes” in the drop-down list.

You can also go to the list of designs by clicking on the circle with a palette and the “Decorate your page” link located above the list of friends. Choose the design you like from the ones offered and see how the appearance of the profile changes. Confirm the choice of design by clicking “Install” or select a different design.

The change function is available to all Odnoklassniki users for free. Unfortunately, the choice of profile design is small: several animated backgrounds and about seven dozen static images. Returning to the previous website design is even easier than changing it. We go to the list of topics through the “More” menu or via the “Decorate your page” link.

Click on the first theme, called “Standard”.

Click “Install”.

Decorating the group page

Administrators of groups with more than 10 thousand subscribers and official pages public people, brands or companies have the opportunity to add their own themes.

  1. Follow the link “Decorate the group page.”

  1. Click on the inscription “Upload a theme for the group” and, following the prompts, upload three images for the new skin in jpg or png formats to the site.

  1. We wait for the topic to pass moderation and install it on the group page.

In order for a self-created design to be approved by Odnoklassniki moderators, you need to take into account several points:

  • the main image, repeating background and skin cover must be in harmony with each other;
  • the maximum height of the top image is no more than 140 pixels;
  • The main image should blend into the background smoothly and without obvious joints.

Can I set my own theme?

In answers to frequently asked questions, Odnoklassniki developers clarify that it is impossible to upload your own skin. However, resourceful users have figured out how to install their own theme in Odnoklassniki using third-party software. For these purposes, the OkTools browser plugin is used. It can be downloaded for any web browser.

Click “Install Now”.

Click “Add to FireFox” and confirm the installation.

After restarting the browser the plugin will add new element in the website menu.

Wed 10 Jun 2015

In order to save a GIF image from the Odnoklassnian website you will need simple easy program - with its help you can write videos, as well as record all animation from any site, including from classmates - GIF animation using GifCam. Suitable for everyone - both experienced users and beginners. Just two buttons - nothing complicated. So, let's get started. First you need to download the program itself. You can download the program here:

For convenience, pin it to the taskbar so you don’t have to look for it later when you need it

1.Opens the GIF image you need in full view

2. Click on the program icon on the taskbar - a frame with the program will appear. The program will automatically be on top of all windows with its own frame. We select the area for recording by simply changing the size of the frame - drag the cursor over the corners of the frame to fit the size of the animation.

3. All you have to do is wait for the animation to start and press the REC button - the program starts recording. Play once twice and that’s enough - otherwise the picture will weigh a lot and will not be uploaded to the site later. Next STOP. After recording, click - SAVE. Give a name to the picture and be sure to remember it path - where it is saved!!!

4.Wait until the process is completed - the green path will reach the end and leave. Close the program - that’s all. Nothing complicated. Good luck! Imagine that the program is a camera. Everything inside the frame will be your GIF. Manage it, change its size. You can record anything by opening it on your computer. Games, movies, websites, yourself via webcam or sites like YouTube. To create a GIF animation from a video, start some video and select the desired area. Editing is possible. We go to Edit and see the frames in horizontal scrolling. Clicking right click can be called context menu

. It allows you to delete: one frame, a selected frame to the beginning or end, or delete all frames. Add or remove delays. “Delete even frames” is needed to delete half the frames and save the animation (to reduce the size). There is a checkbox to show green screen or not. Savings are possible in 5 formats of different quality: 256 colors, 12, gray, and so on.

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Sat May 23, 2015

Yesterday a personal meeting was held between the OK management and representatives of the initiative group from the administrators. A number of proposals were submitted for consideration to improve the work and cooperation of the site and groups.

Based on the results of the meeting with the OK administration, the following information/results are available. 1. Classmates went to a meeting about the issue. Our representative will be added to the Skype chat for close communication with the OK administration. There is a preliminary agreement for regular live meetings, tentatively once a quarter.

2. On the issue of monetization of communities, real work is now underway on the part of the OK to change the situation with the issuance of promos. Search results will improve, but you definitely shouldn’t expect a return to previous positions. It’s trite - it will be better than it is, but worse than it was. It is a fact. Over time, a target will appear that has already been tested. With the introduction of the target, the promo will most likely change or go away completely. This issue is being discussed, please suggest your ideas. It is impossible to cover everything in one meeting and one contact.

3. Pre-moderation of posts is now possible via email: (mail address will be available in the next couple of days). It will take a couple of days to get the process going. The essence of this action is a prompt response to your promotional post. Suitable or not. How Alternative option You can consider offers in sj, they are approved. And as an example, their posts.

4. According to our suggestions in OK:

Every day people join and leave groups. Giving them a laconic window asking them to subscribe to other official groups is considered a good idea.

Testing, trying out the idea of ​​reposting groups is accepted as a good idea, moreover, work has already been done and it will happen soon.

Blocking profiles - we need a clear statistical report on this issue, then we can decide. For example, profile N posted N posts in N groups and received a block. If you repeat, there is a high probability that the block will occur again.

Group blocking will cease to be instantaneous and forever. Our proposal for some kind of stable system of several warnings has been accepted and, moreover, has already been worked on before.

Commenting is possible only for group members - supported/approved

Function all user messages - supported/approved

Removing unnecessary tags along with the post being deleted, searching by tags - supported/approved

Add roles editor, moderator, admin, with different rights - supported/approved

Leave regular posts when deleting a moderator's profile - supported/approved

This is something that can be said with some obviousness now. Even more specifics, details, new developments and implementations will appear in the course of further communication.