On Xperia how to set up Google app. OK Google - Android voice assistant. Voice search Yandex and Google

Reading time: 3 minutes. Views 278 Published 01/02/2017

If you have already evaluated the work of Google voice search on your smartphone, then I can please you. This function can be enabled on a computer or laptop. If you don’t have a separate microphone on your computer, I recommend purchasing it, but for our purposes, the built-in microphone in a webcam or headset is also suitable. The laptop has a built-in microphone. In order to install Ok Google voice search on your computer, you do not need to download any special software. All you need to do is install a browser Google Chrome. You can download the browser on the official website: google.ru

By default, browser developers disabled the voice search function back in 2015, since according to statistics, few people used this function on desktop PCs and laptops. Nowadays, many of you must have appreciated the voice search feature and want to use it on your PC. At the same time, as practice shows, for many smartphone users, using the OK Google function has become a habit. Therefore, let’s proceed to enable the function: OK Google voice search on your computer.

How to enable voice search OK, Google?

If you have old version Google Chrome browser, you can enable the voice search function in the settings.

After you activate the function, you can check how voice search works in action.

Note! As I said above, this function is only available on older versions of the browser. If you have it enabled automatic update(Google Update service), then most likely your browser version is up to date.

To check the version of the Google Chrome browser. You must click on the “Menu” button and select “About Google Chrome browser” in the drop-down list in the “Help” item.

Let's turn on Google voice search on your computer using the extension.

If you have the latest version of the Google Chrome browser installed on your computer, you will not be able to enable voice search using the menu. This function is not available in latest versions browser. But don’t be upset, enthusiasts have developed analogues of voice search. To enable this function You and I will need a special extension.

Let's start installing it.

  1. Opening Google browser Chrome;
  2. Click on the button that opens the “Menu” and go to “Settings”;
  3. In the window that opens, go to the “Extensions” item;
  4. In the tab that opens, click on the link “Go to the Chrome Online Store”;
  5. An online store will open;
  6. Enter into the search “ Voice search»;
  7. A list of found extensions will appear, click the “Install” button;
  8. After installing the extension, a “Microphone” icon will appear next to the search bar. When you click on it, you will be asked to say a question.


In today's short article, we learned how to install Google voice search on your computer. Hope, this instruction helped you solve your problem and now you can easily use voice search functions on your computer or laptop. If you have any problems during installation, ask questions in the comments.

The “Okay, Google” function is not new to anyone today; program developers are bending over backwards to make the search faster/more accessible/more functional. But not everyone knows that voice search can also be used on a computer, be it a desktop computer or a laptop. All you need for this is presence of a microphone. On laptops it is a built-in device; for a desktop PC you will have to purchase it. Of course, your computer must have an Internet connection.

In addition to having a microphone, you need to make sure that the Google Chrome browser itself is installed on your PC. If you go to the Google search bar through, for example, the Opera program, the voice search function will not be available.

In previous versions of Google Chrome, you were required to connect voice control. On the Internet you will find a lot of information on how to manually set up “Hey Google” for PC. But this data is already outdated.

Google Chrome is constantly improving and now you don’t even need to configure anything. A new version already has a search engine built-in voice control.

That is, all you need to set up “Okay, Google” is to make sure that your browser has Latest updates. For January 2018 this is the version 63.0.3239.132.

Installing and configuring “Ok Google”

To check the update, click the icon in the top right (circled in red) and go down to the line “ Settings».

In the settings field, select the bottom line “ About the browserChrome"(arrow indicates).

By clicking on it, you will see the following:

It checks for updates and, if your version is out of date, the program immediately makes the necessary changes.

Then the line “ Latest versionGoogle Chromealready installed».

On home page you will see in search bar on the right is a microphone icon (indicated by an arrow). This is the “Ok Google” function.

All that is required of you is click on the icon voice search, in which the browser requests access to the microphone. To use voice search, you must confirm permission.

Feel free to start testing the function. Left-clicking on the microphone icon will activate it. It looks like this:

Now say any request that interests you. There is no need to say the phrase “Okay, Google” anymore. The voice command must be spoken clearly, but it does not have to be spoken loudly.

The search engine processes your request and displays the result, the robot voices the answer found.

For the query “How to get to the library,” Google requested permission to determine my geolocation. Having determined the location, the program found the nearest library and plotted a route to it. All this took no more than one minute!

If Google Chrome doesn't find a specific answer to your question, it will return search results for your phrase with a list of links.

When you launch, the browser will prompt you to register an account with Google Chrome. This will allow you to save the necessary settings: routes in maps, calendar reminders, mail configurations and much more.

Voice assistants for smartphones and computers from different companies are now gaining popularity. Google is one of the leading corporations and is developing its own Assistant, which recognizes spoken commands. In this article we will talk about how to enable the feature "Okay Google" on an Android device, and we will also look at the main causes of problems with this tool.

Google introduces its own application for searching the Internet. It is distributed free of charge and makes working with the device more comfortable thanks to built-in functions. Add and enable "Okay Google" you can by following these steps:

  1. Open Play Market and search for Google search. You can also go to his page using the link above.
  2. Click on the button "Install" and wait for the installation process to complete.
  3. Launch the program through the Play Market or the icon on your desktop.
  4. Immediately check the functionality of "Okay Google". If it is functioning normally, there is no need to turn it on. Otherwise click on the button "Menu", which is implemented as three horizontal lines.
  5. In the menu that appears, go to the section "Settings".
  6. Scroll down to category "Search" where to go to "Voice Search".
  7. Select "Voice Match".
  8. Activate the feature by moving the slider.

If activation does not occur, try these steps:

This completes the activation and configuration of the function "Okay Google" completed. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about them; everything is done in just a few steps. You only need to download the application and set the configuration.

Solving problems with turning on “Ok Google”

Sometimes there are situations when the tool in question is not in the program or it simply does not turn on. Then you should use methods to solve the problem that has arisen. There are two of them, and they are suitable in different cases.

Method 1: Google Update

First, let's look at a simple method that requires the user to perform a minimum number of manipulations. The fact is that mobile app Google is regularly updated, and older versions do not work quite correctly with voice search. Therefore, first of all, we recommend updating the program. You can do it like this:

Often gadget users are faced with the fact that voice search does not work on Android. This can be caused by a number of reasons, ranging from a software failure to technical malfunctions of the smartphone hardware.

There are several problems due to which “Okay Google” may not work on Android:

  • No Internet connection.
  • Invalid language settings.
  • The microphone on your device is faulty. Here, the phone will not only not respond to a speech command, but the interlocutors simply will not hear the owner of the smartphone.
  • Disable voice control features.
  • Failure in work Google programs on your phone, or using an old version.
  • Inconsistency installed updates with the operating system.

The problem may also lie in the inability of other functions of the Android device, so each situation must be considered individually, having first determined whether the speech control function is enabled.

Understanding the settings

To activate the ability to control the search engine’s voice and use the “Ok Google” command, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to Settings, then tap on “Voice Search”, “Language” and “Russian”.
  2. Select “Voice Search” again, then click on “Recognition “Ok, Google”, move the button to the right opposite the “From Google application” option.

There is another option for which you should install “Google Now” and open it:

  1. Open Google Now in the upper left corner of the screen and look for the menu.
  2. After that, click on the program settings item by clicking on the corresponding menu with a gear.
  3. In the window that opens, find the voice search section, then go to the command recognition subsection.
  4. We activate the recognition function “From all applications”, after which the system will ask you to say the command three times in order to better recognize speech.
  5. After several repetitions, a notification will appear indicating that the setup is complete.

Reboot Android device

Sometimes a simple reboot eliminates many problems, because voice control allows you to quickly search for all the necessary information. How to do a restart:

  1. Press the power key and hold it for no more than 10 seconds.
  2. When the screen goes dark, press the same button again.
  3. The logo will appear on the display and the system will boot within a few seconds.

You can check the functionality of the function by pressing the volume control up and the “Home” button. This action activates voice command settings.

If you cannot restart the device in the standard way, you can use a forced reboot:

  1. Press the Power button + Home key + Volume up button at the same time.
  2. We wait a few seconds until the device performs an emergency restart.

Google app update

Often the reason for deactivating a parameter is outdated version BY. To update it, you need to perform several steps:

  1. Go to Google Play and find the application there.
  2. Select “Update” by clicking the corresponding button.
  3. Wait for the updates to download on their own.

Restarting the Google app

If restarting the device does not solve the problem, you can try restarting the Google program separately:

  1. Go to Settings, then select “Google”.
  2. Click on “Stop”, then click on the icon this application and activate it again.

Uninstalling updates

IN Android system There is an option to remove updates, and it’s quite simple:

  1. We perform the corresponding action independently or using the “Go to phone settings” command.
  2. Select “Google”, click on the icon and click on “Uninstall updates”.
  3. After this, the system will roll back the updates to previous version, and you can see full information about it.

You can download it again if necessary. free updates on the Internet, using the store Play Market.

Clear Google App Cache

On Android, it is possible to independently delete the cache of individual programs. How it's done:

  1. Select Settings, then go to the desired folder.
  2. Click on the “Google” program, Next – “Memory” and “Clear cache”.

The procedure takes less than one minute, after which all information about search commands and other details of using the program will be deleted. You can use special software, but in this case, the entire cache in the system is usually deleted.


Smartphone users on Android based can easily cope with such a problem as the inability of the “Ok Google” voice control function. To do this, just find out what the reason is, and then use the troubleshooting instructions.

Without a doubt, the ability to issue voice commands to control our smartphone or tablet or search necessary information a very convenient thing that can help us in a variety of situations.

All the more unpleasant is the fact when one day we discover that voice commands and Okay Google search do not work on our device. Today we would like to introduce you to several ways to fix this.

So let's get started:

How to fix voice search and commands not working OK Google

1. Try the easiest method first: restart your smartphone or tablet. In this case, it is advisable to turn it off completely and then turn it on. In many cases, this helps fix some of these types of problems.

2. Uninstall updates Google apps and install the latest version again. To do this, go to the “Applications” section of the main system settings, find the Google application here and uninstall its updates.

Reboot your device, go to Play Store, find the Google app in the My Apps section and update it to the latest version.

To do this, go to the Google application settings -> “Settings” -> “Voice search”

Here, first of all, you need to make sure that you have downloaded a voice package that corresponds to the language installed on your system by default (the “Languages” item). To do this, go to the “Offline speech recognition” section and if the voice pack for your language is not here, download it.

4. If all of the above did not help you, go to the settings section of the Google application with the name “OK Google Recognition” and make sure that the mode for recognizing voice commands on any screen is enabled here:

5. If this does not help, re-record your voice sample by entering the corresponding menu item Google settings(screenshot above right).

6. Disable S Voice on your smartphone or Samsung tablet. If you want to use voice commands Okay Google on your Samsung smartphone or tablet, disable the S Voice proprietary voice control system on it, which may conflict with Google voice search.

7. Check the microphone of your smartphone or tablet. This advice is more suitable for tablet owners who may not be aware of problems with the microphone or the microphone of their device not working at all: smartphone owners will be informed about this by their subscribers during the first phone call.