Write the phone number in German. Telephone conversation in German: all the necessary words and phrases. Local cellular

This article contains the most important words and phrases for making a telephone conversation in German: How to call someone on the phone, leave a message, give a reason for calling, ask, and also make an appointment.

Start a conversation in German

1. Sich melden, Hilfe anbieten- answer the call, offer help
Guten Tag. Hier ist Martin Fischer.- Good afternoon. This is Martin Fischer.
Was kann ich für Sie tun?- How can I help you? (literally: What can I do for you?)
Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?- How can I help you?

2. Jemanden sprechen- ask someone for the phone
Kann ich bitte Herrn Klein sprechen?- May I speak with Mr. Klein?
Ich möchte gern (mit) Herrn klein sprechen.- I would like to talk to Mr. Klein.

3. Den Anrufen verbinden- connect the call
Ich verbinde Sie. Einen Moment bitte.- I'm connecting. Just a second, please.
Wie war Ihr Name? - What's your name?
Können Sie bitte Ihren Namen buchstabieren?- Can you spell your name?

4. Die gewünschte Person ist nicht da - the interlocutor is not present
Tut mir leid, Herr Klein ist heute nicht im Büro.- Unfortunately, Mr. Klein is not in the office today.
Kann ich ihm etwas ausrichten?- Can I give him something?
Möchten Sie eine Nachricht hinterlassen?- Would you like to leave a message?

Leave a message and ask the reason for the call

5. Eine Nachricht hinterlassen - leave a message
Könnten Sie Herrn Klein ausrichten, dass die Verträge noch nicht da sind?- Could you tell Mr. Klein that the agreement has not yet arrived?
Könnten Sie Herrn Klein bitte sagen, er soll mich zurückrufen?- Could you tell Mr. Klein to call me back?

6. Nach dem Grund des Anrufs fragen - ask about the purpose of the call
Worum geht es?- What is it about?
Worum handelt es sich?- What is it about?

7. Den Grund des Anrufs nennen - name the reason for the call
Ich würde gern einen Termin vereinbaren.- I would like to make an appointment / make an appointment.
Es geht um unsere neuen Produkte.- It's about our new products.
Ich rufe an, weil Ihnen ein neues Produkt vorstellen möchte.- I'm calling because I want to introduce you to a new product.

Find out information

8. Informationen erfragen- learn more (literally: request information)
Ich möchte gerne wissen, wann Herr Klein zurückkommt.- I would like to know when Mr. Klein will return.
Könnten Sie mir sagen, wann Herr Klein zurückkommt?- Could you tell me when Mr. Klein will return?
Ich habe eine Frage: Wann kommt Herr Klein zurück?- I have a question: When will Mr. Klein return?

9. Einen Terminvorschlag machen - suggest time for a meeting / reception
Geht es am Dienstag, dem fünften März um 11 Uhr?- How about Tuesday, March 5th at 11 o'clock?
Passt es Ihnen am Dienstag, dem fünften März um 11 Uhr?- Tuesday, March 5th at 11 o'clock will suit you?
Haben Sie nächste Woche Zeit?- Do you have time next week?

10.Auf den Terminvorschlag reagieren - respond to the offer of time
Nein, das tut mir leid. Am Dienstag habe ich leider keine Zeit.- No Unfortunately. I don't have time on Tuesday.
Ja, der 5.3. (fünfte dritte) um 10 Uhr passt mir.- Yes, the fifth of March at 10 o'clock suits me.
Ich hätte am fünften März Zeit.- I have time for the fifth of March.
Am 5.3. würde es mir passen.- The fifth of March would suit me.

11. Einen Termin absagen- cancel appointment / reception
Ich muss den Termin am 5.3. leider absagen, denn ich muss verreisen.- Unfortunately, I have to cancel my appointment on the 5th of March as I need to leave.
Können wir den Termin verschieben?- Can we reschedule the meeting?

End a call

12. Das Gespräch beenden- end the conversation
Danke für Ihren Anruf.- Thank you for your call.
Vielen Dank!- Thanks a lot.
Ich melde mich morgen wieder.- I'll call again tomorrow.
Auf Wiederhören.- Goodbye.

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telephone- telephone … Spelling dictionary-reference

telephone- a, m. téléphone m. 1. The famous inventor of the musical telegraph, Mr. Sürd, invented a new instrument called the telephone. It is a kind of trumpet or horn by means of which signals can be given to ships at night at sea at a distance of 2,200 toaz ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

telephone- a turntable, a phone with a coat of arms, a buzzer, a payphone, a mobile phone, an intertelephone, an automatic machine, a traffic phone, a video phone, a radiotelephone, a stereotelephone, a eurotelephone, a mobile phone, a centurion, a cell phone, a pay phone, a mobile phone, a microtelephone, an ebonite one ... ... Synonym dictionary

TELEPHONE- Difficulty with spelling contributed a lot to the popularity of the phone. "Pshekruj" Phone conversation is halfway between art and life. This is not a conversation with a person, but with the image that develops in you when you listen to him. ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

TELEPHONE- PHONE, telephone, husband. (from the Greek. tele into the distance and phone sound). 1.units only. A device for transmitting sounds over a distance along wires using electric current... Talking on the phone. Long distance telephone. Call someone by phone. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

TELEPHONE- (from the Greek. tele far, and phone sound). An apparatus invented in 1860 that transmits sounds over a long distance by means of wires to an acoustic telegraph. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TELEPHONE ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

TELEPHONE- Despite the fact that T. was invented back in 1876 (by Alexander Bell), it is undoubtedly a bright omen and symbol of the 20th century, which is simply unthinkable without telephone conversations, orders, quarrels without telephone communication. T. a lot ... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

TELEPHONE- PHONE, ah, husband. 1. Communication system for transmitting voice information over a distance using electrical signals via wires or radio. City t. Long-distance t. 2. Apparatus for talking in this way. T. machine. 3. Subscriber number ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Telephone- military. In Russia, in the cavalry, in fortresses and in military telegraph companies, a manual magneto-electric telephone is used ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

TELEPHONE- (1) the common name for two-way telephone communication (see (1.6, d)), which allows the transmission of sound information over a distance via electrical communication channels; (2) a low-power converter of electrical oscillations into sound, in which ... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

TELEPHONE- (from the body ... and ... the background), 1) an electro-acoustic device for converting electrical vibrations into sound ones. According to the principle of transformation, telephones are distinguished by electromagnetic, electrodynamic, piezoelectric, etc. The greatest application is found ... Modern encyclopedia


  • Telephone, Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich. All children and their parents must have such an edition of "Telephon" (as, incidentally, all children's works by K. I. Chukovsky with illustrations by V. M. Konashevich). Chukovsky is written "...

Who among us has never complained about our memory at least once in our life? "Oh well, I won't remember this phone number!" or “I can't pronounce this word! And even more so to learn… ”- how often did you personally say something similar? I confess, quite often.

What about learning a foreign language? Is it possible to memorize a large number of new foreign words and grammar rules without having an excellent memory? Yes. And this can be done in two ways:

1. By ordinary cramming... Working. Checked. But this method has a big disadvantage: it takes a lot of time and patience.

2.Using mnemonics... I will say right away: we are not talking about a newfangled direction in the study of foreign languages. Mnemonics is a long-standing method that allows you to memorize any information faster and easier.

What is mnemonics?

Let's take a look at Wikipedia. This is how the popular electronic encyclopedia interprets this strange word: “ Mnemonics (mnemonics)- a set of special techniques and methods that make it easier to memorize the necessary information and increase the amount of memory through the formation of associations (connections). "

Simply put, mnemonics are ways that help you remember the information you need.

And any: phone numbers or dates, names and surnames, foreign words. Mnemonic methods are based on a completely obvious fact: it is difficult for a person to remember letters, numbers and other symbols that are meaningless to him. It is much easier to keep vivid pictures in memory.

Well, here's how, tell me for God's sake, do I remember a set of 15 numbers? These are just signs that don't mean anything to me personally! Of course, if I regularly repeat these numbers, then the result will appear, but this takes time and patience. In addition, "jagged" information that is not used is very quickly forgotten.

Now let's try to replace the numbers with bright pictures. For example, the number 2 is very similar to a swan, so every time you need to remember a two, imagine a swan. Number 8 is a bit like a nesting doll, and 1 is a pencil. Thus, in order to remember the numbers 281, we need to imagine a swan, a nesting doll and a pencil, while they must interact with each other. For example, a swan swims on a lake, grabs a drowned pencil with its beak and begins to draw a nesting doll on land. Wouldn't it be better to remember such a mini-story than just 281?

I gave an example with numbers only so that you understand the essence of mnemonics. But, of course, you are interested in how this method will help you learn German.

How can you learn German using mnemonics?

To learn a foreign language (including German) means to remember a huge amount of new information: foreign words, grammar rules. And, in general, for a beginner to do this is no easier than memorizing a set of the same numbers or, say, hieroglyphs. Indeed, what is the difference? Mnemonics can simplify the task. With the help of mnemonics, you can learn:

  • words;
  • some grammar rules, namely:
    - articles
    - forms of irregular verbs
    - prepositions
    - verb control
    - declension of adjectives

How to learn German words?

New German words can be memorized using the keyword method. This method is very simple and it consists in the following: to the German word you need to choose keyword from the native language, which will sound similar to it.

For example, you need to remember the word Brille which means glasses. Let's use the keyword method. To do this, take a few steps:

  1. We are looking for a keyword. To do this, close our eyes and repeat the word Brille several times. What word from the Russian language does it remind you of? It seems to me very much like a "diamond". This word will be our key.
  2. We present the situation. This means that you need to come up with a mini-story in which the keyword (in our case, the diamond) and the translation word (in our case, the glasses) will interact.

    For example: You were given an unheard-of generosity gift: GLASSES, but not simple and not even gold, but BRILLIANT. More precisely, instead of glasses there are two huge diamonds. Blimey!

  3. Mentally create a picture(it will be called mnemonic picture), which reflects the fictitious situation. Visualize these diamond glasses, visualize them in detail. What kind of frame will they have? What will the diamonds look like? Nice, isn't it? For example, my diamond glasses look like this:

Sometimes, finding a key word for a new German word is absolutely no problem. For example, the German word Tier (animal) extremely similar to the Russian word “ shooting range". We apply the above-described mnemonic method and we get the following mnemonic picture and the situation for it:

Situation: You are happy to visit TIR and shoot at the drawn ANIMALS... You are against the killing of animals!

I already foresee skeptical statements from some readers. "But there are not many similar words like that!" or "I don't have such a good imagination to invent keywords and stories!"

And I understand you very well! Indeed, there are not so many words that are similar to Russian. But it has been proven in practice: most often we only need to remember the initial letter or the first syllable of a word in order to name the whole word. Surely, you had this: someone suggests the first two letters of a word, and you instantly remember the whole word. For example: You cannot remember a word Lffel (spoon)... It spins on your tongue. "Well, how is it ... Lu ... Le ...", - and the teacher tells you "L ...", and you happily substitute the last syllable "Ah, L-ffel!".

Remember, you don't need to search for a keyword with absolute sound similarity!

The main thing is that it is for you REMINDED about that new word that you want to remember! For example, for Lffel, I chose the keyword "löffa" or "leva". I know, in Russian there is no word "loffe", but something similar may well be pronounced by little children.

Regarding the doubts on the subject of fantasy, I will say this: it really takes a little creativity to search for keywords. But, I think, each of us is capable of imagining a little.

How do you learn articles?

Most German learners find articles the most difficult topic. Indeed, how can you remember the gender of a noun? The word "milk" in German is feminine (that is, "she"), and "girl" is neuter (that is, "it"). Why? Fair question. But, unfortunately, we will not get an answer to it. But we can make it easier for ourselves to memorize articles.

There are several mnemonic ways to memorize German articles. I talked about them in detail in my video tutorials. We will now consider only one way.

Pairing method

Let's see what the meaning of this method is, without touching on the topic of articles for now. Imagine that you need to memorize one pair of words: TV - table.

They are just two unrelated words. Of course, memorizing them for a short time will not be difficult. However, our task is to keep them in memory for a long time. To do this, we will need to take 2 steps:

  1. Link words together. We will do this with the help of this proposal: I see a huge table on which there is a TV.
  2. Visualize the proposal. This means you need to come up with a bright picture for it. Imagine a completely concrete table and TV.

How to use the method for German articles?

In fact, a German noun and an article are also 2 words. Only one of them - the article - is impossible to imagine in a picture, because it doesn't make any sense.

Our task- replace the article with a word-image that is understandable for us.

Let's choose images for articles:

  • Der- the article is masculine, which means that we need to replace it with an image that we associate with masculinity. It can be a strong man or a lion.
  • Die- the article is feminine. What do you associate femininity with? Most likely, it will be the image of a fragile girl.
  • Das- neuter article. Finding an image for a given article is a little more difficult. Let it be something neutral, something that does not remind us of the masculine or feminine gender. For example, the sea.
Now let's look at this method with a specific example.

Your task: to learn the gender of a noun Glas (glass)... The word is neuter.
We do the following steps:

  1. Replacement... We replace the article das with a symbolic image - the image of the sea.
  2. Interconnection... We build the relationship between the words glass - sea using the sentence: a glass floats in the sea.
  3. Visualization... We represent the situation in the picture.
This situation should be well established in your memory. Every time you deal with the word Glas, a picture with a glass floating in the sea should appear in front of your eyes. “Yeah, a glass in the sea, so it’s of a neuter sort” - you will think and rejoice at your good memory. Keep in mind, you can choose any images for the articles! The main thing is to always use the same images.

"Will mnemonics help me personally?"

You are probably wondering if mnemonics are suitable for everyone? And, most importantly, will she help you personally? The answer is: mnemonics works for everyone! However, under 3 conditions:

  1. You should initially have a positive attitude towards mnemonic methods. Statements like “They come up with all sorts of methods there” or “You just need to cram the language” will not help you. The position should be something like this: “Interesting! It should be tried. Something will help for sure! ".
  2. You must study the methods carefully and thoughtfully. It is important to understand how mnemonics works.
  3. You need to put mnemonics into practice! Read a little, you have to try!
Once I asked the members of my Vkontakte group the following question: “ Does GMS® help you learn German?". Here are the answers I received:

- "yes" - 10 people
- "rather yes" - 12 people

- "no" - 3 people

- "rather not" - 1 person

- “I don’t know, I haven’t tried (a)” - 6 people.

As you can see, the overwhelming majority says that mnemonics works!

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you, dear readers, of one indisputable fact: any information that you remember must be put into practice! Have you learned the words? Excellent! Make sentences with them, use them in your letters and always in conversation! This is the only way you can learn the language!

Good luck in learning German!

Oksana Vasilieva, teacher of German

Distance learning: http: //nem-language.rf/

12-10-2015 05:13

At the very beginning of a telephone conversation, the person who receives the call, as a rule, indicates his last name or the name of the company / organization to which they are calling. In the examples below, an asterisk (*) means a proper name:

  • * am Apparat. - * on theconnections.
  • * . GutenMorgen /Tag. - * . Good morning/ Good afternoon.
  • Sie sprechen mit *. Was kann ich für Sie tun?- You speak with *. How can I help?

In response, the caller must introduce himself and say for what purpose he is calling:

  • Mein Name ist * von der Firma *.Mename is* fromfirms *.
  • Guten Tag, *. IchsprecheausRussland.Good afternoon, *. I'm calling from Russia.
  • Hier spricht * von der Firma *.This isspeaks* fromfirms *.
  • Könnte / Kann ich bitte * sprechen?CanwhetherIto talkwith*?
  • Ichrdegerne *sprechen.I would like / would like to talk to *.
  • GutenTag, *hier,ichwollteeigentlich *sprechen.Good afternoon, this is *, in fact, I wanted / would like to talk to *.
  • Ichchte *vonderBuchhaltungsprechen. - I would like / would like to talk to * from the accounting department.
  • Wäre es möglich, mich mit * zu verbinden?Canconnectmewith *?
  • nntenSiemichbittemitdieserAbteilungverbinden? - Could you please connect me with this department?
  • Warum ich anrufe: ...Why am I calling: ...
  • Ichrufewegen ...an. - I'm calling for a reason ...
  • Entschuldigung, ich hätte noch eine Frage bezüglich ...- Excuse me, atmethere isquestionconcerning
  • Es geht um Folgendes:… - SpeechgoesOnext: …
  • Es handelt sich um ... - SpeechgoesO
  • IchhabeeineFragezu ... - I have a question regarding ...
  • Haben Sie meine SMS erhalten?Did you receive my message?
  • Mit wem möchten Sie sprechen?Who do you want to speak with?
  • In welcher Angelegenheit rufen Sie an?BywhatoccasionYoucall?
  • Mit welcher Abteilung möchten Sie verbunden werden?WITHwhatdepartmentYouwant tocontact?
  • Einen Moment bitte. IchverbindeSie.Wait a minute. I am connecting you.
  • Bleiben Sie bitte dran. Ichverbinde.Please stay in touch. I am connecting.
  • Bleiben Sie bitte in der Leitung, ich stelle Sie durch. Stay, please, on thethe lines, IconnectYou.
  • * ist unter der Nummer ... zu erreichen.WITH* cancontactonnumber … .
  • Tut mir Leid, da haben Sie sich wohl verwählt.I'm sorry, you probably got the wrong number.
  • Entschuldigung, ich habe mich verwählt! Sorry, I wrong/ was wrongnumber!
  • Entschuldigung, da hat man mich wohl falsch verbunden. excuse me, menot properlyconnected.
  • Entschuldigen Sie bitte, da hat man mir wohl die falsche Nummer gegeben. Sorry, please, quickerTotal, to megavewrongroom.
  • Der Anschluss ist besetzt. Linebusy.
  • Tut mir Leid, da ist gerade besetzt. - Sorry, there on this moment busy.
  • Tut mir Leid, da wird gerade gesprochen. - Sorry, they are talking there at the moment.
  • TutmirLeid,dahebtmomentankeinerab. - Sorry, no one is picking up the phone at the moment.
  • Sie müssen sich da bei der Vorwahl vertan habe.You, Maybe, wrongcode.
  • Tut mir leid, da meldet sich niemand. excuse me, nobodynotanswers.
  • * istimMomentleidernichtda. - * currently out of stock.
  • Entschuldigen Sie, ich erhalte gerade einen dringenden Anruf auf der anderen Leitung.Sorry, atmeurgentbellon theanotherthe lines.
  • Die Leitung ist sehr schlecht. Ich kann sie kaum verstehen. Connectionverybad... I can hardly understand you.
  • Hier bin ich wieder. Wir sind eben getrennt worden. – This isagainI... USdisconnected./ Failed.
  • Die Verbindung ist sehr schlecht. Könnten Sie bitte noch einmal anrufen?Connectionverybad... Could you call again?
  • Der Akku von meinem Handy ist fast leer. Ich rufe Sie besser später noch einmal an. Batterymymobilealmostdischarged... I'd rather call you back later.
  • Ichmussihn /siepersönlichsprechen.I need to talk to him / her personally.
  • Wannkannichihn /sieerreichen?When can I contact him / her?
  • Ich rufe besser später noch einmal an.IbettercallThenmoreonce.
  • Ich rufe in einer Stunde noch einmal an.Icall backacrosshour.
  • Wannist *wiederzuerreichen?When will you be able to contact * again?
  • Können Sie mir vielleicht seine / ihre Handynummer geben? NotcouldwouldYougiveto meroomhis/ hermobile.
  • Sie können * auf seinem / ihrem Handy erreichen.Youcan youcontactwith* by mobile.
  • nnenSiemirbittedieDurchwahlgeben? - Could you please give me an extension number.
  • IchgebeIhnenseine /ihreDurchwahlnummer. – I will give you his / her extension number.

If the person is not there, and you need to send a message:

  • Soll ich etwas ausrichten?Can I convey something?
  • Wollen Sie eine Nachricht hinterlassen?Want toleavemessage?
  • SagenSie *einfach,dassichihn /siesprechenchte.Just tell * that I wanted / wanted to talk to him / her.
  • Sagen Sie *, dass ich angerufen habe.Tell*, whatIcalled/ called.
  • nnteermichsobaldwieglichzurückrufen?Could he call me back as soon as possible?
  • Hinterlassen Sie ihm / ihr eine Nachricht auf der Mailbox oder schicken Sie ihm / ihr eine SMS.Leavehim/ to hermessageorsendhim/ to hersms.

Messages on the answering machine.