Setting up an SSD drive in Windows to optimize performance. Windows Indexing Service Windows 10 file indexing enable

This guide is suitable for any of the modern operating systems, not only for Windows 10.

Having already a lot of articles about solid state drives, briefly SSD, it would be time to write an article on how to set up this miracle of technology for the operating system, or vice versa, set up Windows for SSD.

  • You can read about the advantages of solid state drives.
  • Briefly about SSD optimization -.
  • About choosing SSD drives -.

I have given a number of useful links that I recommend you read, later you will understand the pros and cons of the above memory drives, and you will also know how to choose an SSD.

I digress a little, so let's immediately start analyzing 9 cases of correctly configuring the system for solid state drives.

Luckily, Windows 10 doesn't have this problem. To use an SSD, you need to have at least Windows 7. Earlier versions do not have TRIM support, which is necessary for normal disk operation. Although, there are many articles on the Internet on using an SSD in Windows XP or Vista.

I recently wrote about this technology, it allows you to increase the performance of disks, not only SSDs, but also HDDs, and also has a number of other useful features. Read about and about.

Modern operating systems have a file indexing feature that speeds up the search for necessary files on disks, unfortunately, this feature negatively affects the SSD, because the number of operations on the disk increases, and this reduces the life of the drive.

To use an SSD effectively, you can use it as a system disk, and it is also sometimes divided into several partitions. You can see more detailed information in the utility. You can go there by right-clicking on the Start menu and selecting the appropriate item.

How to disable disk indexing?

This is done very simply, we go to the folder with disks, that is, "Computer", right-click on the disk and select "Properties".

Next, you will see a checkmark at the bottom. "Allow the contents of files on this drive to be indexed...". Take it off and press "Apply". A window may appear where you need to select the option to apply "To the disk and to all subfolders and files." The shutdown process will take approximately 10 minutes.

If the SSD disk is divided into several partitions, you need to do this operation with all partitions.

Tip #4 – Disable System Search (Windows Search Service)

Similar to the indexing service, as it also serves to speed up the search for files by indexing. This increases the number of operations on the SSD, so we will disable the Windows Search service. Don't worry, because SSDs are very fast by themselves, and disabling indexing and Windows Search won't slow down file searches in any way.

How to disable the Windows Search service?

Let's go to the "Services" section, for which we press the Win + R keyboard shortcuts and enter the command services.msc. In the list of services we find Windows Search and double-click on it. In the window that opens, in "Startup Type" choose "Disabled" and also click on the button "Stop". Apply the changes.

Tip #5 - Disable Automatic Defragmentation

I already wrote about defragmentation. This technology is designed to increase the speed of hard drives, but not SSDs. In the case of the second type of drives, defragmentation will only shorten its lifespan. In different versions of Windows, disabling automatic defragmentation is slightly different.

On Windows 7

Open the Run window using the Win + R keys and enter the command dfrgui. The "Disk Defragmenter" window opens, in it you need to click on the item "Set up schedule".

Now we press the button "Select Drives" and uncheck all partitions of the SSD. Don't forget to click OK.

In Windows 8, 8.1, 10

In these versions of Windows, disabling defragmentation is similar. Press Win + R and enter the command again dfrgui.

This time, the Optimize Drives window will open. Click on the item "Change settings".

Click on the button "Choose".

In the window that opens, uncheck all SSD partitions and click OK.

If the SSD is used for the swap file, then it must be immediately transferred to the HDD, or disabled. You can read about the swap file.

So, you need to go to the Control Panel go to "System and safety" after "System" and select the item on the left "Advanced system settings".

In the variant "Performance" press the button "Options".

Go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Virtual memory" item, click "Change".

If there is a checkmark "Automatically select the size of the paging file", then uncheck it. Then select the SSD and disable the paging file for it by selecting the item "No paging file". We press OK.

I also wrote about hibernation, you can read it. This mode is somewhat similar to hibernation, but it consists in completely turning off the computer, while files from RAM are written to the system disk. When you turn on the computer, everything will return to its original state. This solution is bad for the SSD, as it again involves a lot of operations on the disk and, as you probably already guessed, reduces the life of the disk.

Of course, hibernation is a convenient thing, but solid state drives are very expensive and I would not want them to fail prematurely. Therefore, I am writing instructions for disabling hibernation.

That's all. If you go to the Start menu, the "Shutdown" item, then there will not be a "Hibernation" button.

Folders such as "Documents, Downloads, Music, Videos" and more are located on the system drive, which may be an SSD. When downloading files from a browser or torrent, they are usually saved in the Downloads folder. An inexperienced user will not pay attention to this, and the disk will fill up over time, which will then lead to slow system operation, and the number of disk writes will also play a role.

To prevent this from happening, you need to move the Downloads folder to your hard drive.

This is done very simply. You right-click on the folder, go to "Properties", item "Location" and press the button "Move", then select the hard drive.

Tip #9 - Move Temp Folder from SSD to Hard Drive

Many of you know that during the long operation of Windows, many different files are created on the disk. To extend the life of your SSD, you need to move these files to another drive.

So, on any partition of the hard disk, you need to create a folder with any name. Since temporary files on the system drive can be stored in the Temp folder, you can also name it the same way.

In the window that opens, find the variables "TEMP" and "TMP" in the section "System Variables" and on each of them click the "Change" button, change the path to the folder you created.

Click OK.

Here are the pies. The article turned out to be extensive, but it should be useful to you. Now you know how to configure Windows for solid state drives so that they maintain a long lifespan.

Useful utility for instant file search in Windows, 3.5 years have passed, and " things are still there"- the regular search service still does not please users. The situation has not changed and the long-awaited release of the "dozens" with the personal assistant Cortana, who learned to search for information not only locally, on the hard drive, but also on the Internet. In this review, I am not boring, brief and in "pictures" I'll tell you about the principles of work and self-configuring a quick search by adding popular directories to an indexed database (index).

How search works in Windows 10

As in previous versions of the OS, the "top ten" uses a similar search mechanism. Index is a set of necessary information about files on a hard disk, stored in a folder as a group of files. C:\ProgramData\Microsoft. Various file properties (path, name, size, etc.) get into the index, and indexing occurs with any of your manipulations - adding, changing or deleting controlled objects. Default Windows indexes a limited number of folders (directories, locations), this list does not include incl. system files, program folders, network drives. Unfortunately, if you save downloaded movies or books not in the directories specially designated for this, then they are also "deleted from the list". Thus, all non-system logical drives are "deleted" from the index, on which personal files are generally stored: video, audio, photos, software distributions, documents, etc. For this reason, the regular search service is so slow, because the system first searches in "its" list of indexed (index) files. Moreover, by default, search outside the index is performed only by file names, ignoring archives (ZIP, RAR, CAB).

How to speed up search in Windows 10

I think you have already guessed what to do to speed up the search in the system: index the folders of daily use. The easiest way to implement this is to add them popup-by-package to libraries, through a right-click → in the drop-down menu, click on the item of the same name → select the desired library or create a new one (screenshot). You can combine folders from different locations into one library (Videos, Documents, Pictures, etc.) and then view and organize files as you would in a catalog. When integrating a folder into a library, its contents will be automatically indexed.

However, there is a method to add a location to the index without using libraries. But first, let's make hidden folders and files visible, which will be useful to us in the future.

So, open the Control Panel and find the applet (section)" Decoration and personalization" → clicking on a subsection " File Explorer Options" (screenshot), switch in the opened window to the tab " View" and activate the option " Show hidden files, folders and drives(screenshot below).

Having finished with a minute optimization, let's move on to the second method of setting indexing and service parameters Windows Search"under yourself".

  • Using the search in the Control Panel, find and open the subsection " Indexing options".

  • All indexed locations will appear in a new window. Click on the button " Change" (screenshot) and check the boxes in the drop-down list for those areas in which you most often have to search. If the computer is powerful, and the decisive majority of the folders are on a non-system drive D:\ is in demand, it is easier to add the entire disk to the index.

  • Also make sure that hidden directories are included in the list of directories to be indexed. C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu and C:\Users\ [Your_Account_Name] \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Main Menu .

Confirm all changes with the button " OK", give Windows time to index new areas. Now you can be sure that Cortana integrated into the service will work very, very quickly.

Who liked and helped the voiced solution to the issue and who voted for it on social networks (not necessary, but desirable!) - read the review on how to replace the search field with a compact icon and how to disable search (Cortana) in Windows 10 . By the way, turning off the personal assistant (web search) will speed up the search process even more.


In the case of k.-l. problems with the service Windows Search(search does not work in Windows 10), such as slowing down or displaying incomplete results, in the "Indexing Options" window, through the appropriate link, run the troubleshooter to perform diagnostics (penultimate screenshot).


An attentive and experienced computer user must have noticed that the outdated "Internet Explorer History" has disappeared from the locations included in the indexing.

Dmitry dmitry_spb Evdokimov

Unlike previous versions, Windows 7 is endowed with a powerful search service, so for more accurate results, the operating system runs a background file indexing service. Indexing is imperceptible to our eyes, but requires significant resources of the PC hardware. As practice has shown, home computer users practically do not use this search service; in this case, it is better to disable it to improve performance.

Open the Run dialog box with keyboard shortcuts Win+R and enter services.msc or go to Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. In the opened window of the list of services, select the Windows Search service and click the Stop button

Go to the "My Computer" folder and right-click on the drive icon (C:, D:). In the menu that opens, click on the "Properties" menu item and uncheck "Allow the contents of files on this drive to be indexed in addition to file properties." Set the radio button to "To drive C: and to all subfolders and files" and click OK

If the Access Denied window pops up, click Continue. If an Attribute Change Error window pops up, select the Ignore All button. Wait for the files to be processed and restart your PC.

The Windows 7 operating system uses an index to perform a quick search for the most frequently used files. By default, all the most common files on the computer are indexed. Indexing includes all folders that are in libraries (for example, everything that appears in the Documents library), email messages, and offline files. Program files and system files are not indexed because these files are rarely searched. If the system does not specify which folders to index, then all disks will be indexed, which will negatively affect the performance of the computer.

To customize the indexing options to suit your needs, open the . Start - Control Panel - .

This window shows that the disk is being indexed D. To change the parameters, press the button Change.

Now we leave the checkboxes on those folders that we access most often. Also in this folder you can select subfolders for indexing

Let's move on to the final step of the setup. We return to the main window, and press the button Additionally

In this window, select the tab File types to set what type of files will be indexed and to add your file extension for indexing

Here you uncheck those extensions that you do not need. In field Add a new extension to the list, enter your file extension. Click Add and OK. We return to the window Additionally- and press the button Rebuild

Click OK and wait for the end of the index rebuild. If you do not want to use indexing, just uncheck the disks in the window Indexed Locations

Advanced users of Windows operating systems - what are sevens, what are eights - use third-party file managers and, accordingly, search for files on disks with their help. Novice users generally rarely use the explorer search and they don’t really need it. If you do not often use file search in Windows Explorer, then there is no point in keeping the file indexing service enabled - it will only waste precious system resources in vain. Therefore, it can be disabled.

To disable the file indexing service in Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, do the following:

1) Click the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" from the menu. Next, we need to select the "Administration" >>> "Services" section. By the way, you can get into the "Service Management" faster. Just press the key combination Win + R and enter the command services.msc:

Click "OK" and we open the Windows services.

2) Looking for a service Windows Search:

Double click on it with the left mouse button.
3) In the service properties window that opens, you need to set the startup type to "Disabled" and click on the "OK" button.

4) Close the "Service Management" window and go to "My Computer".

5) On each of the local drives, starting with drive C, you must right-click and select Properties from the context menu of the drive.

6) In the window that opens, on the "General" tab, you need to uncheck "Allow the contents of files on this disk to be indexed in addition to file properties":

Click on "Apply". Windows will display this window:

Here you need to check the box "To the disk and to all subfolders and files." Click on the "OK" button.

If at the same time the message “Access Denied” pops up, just click on “Continue”.
If "Error changing attributes" appears, you will need to select the "Ignore all" option.

I repeat - this must be done for all local Windows drives.

7) Reboot Windows.