Denwer does not work on windows 8.1. Install Denver. Detailed installation process in pictures from DENWER developers

Denver- local server. Download Denver, install WAMP server for localhost (PHP 5.3.13, MySQL 5.1, PostgreSQL 8.4 etc.)

Web developer's gentleman's kit ("D.n.w.r", read "Denver") - Dmitry Koterov's project, local server (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl, etc.) and shell used by Web developers for developing sites on a "home" (local) Windows machine without the need to access the Internet. main feature Denver - convenience when working remotely immediately above several independent projects and the possibility of placement on flash drive.

You can download this program here (, if you do not want to download from the developer's website, you can merge it from the cloud ( Click the big orange link, fill in the field Email and learn the link. After you have downloaded it, run setup file.

We get such a window, to confirm our intentions, if you have not changed your mind, click "YES".

Close the browser

Press "Enter". After that, Denver will ask you to specify the path to install the package. The default is " C:\Web Servers". I would not recommend changing it - so press "Enter".

Denver will ask you to confirm the path. To confirm the path, press "Y" and again "Enter". And we see:

Press "Enter" again. And now D enwer prompts us to choose the letter of the future virtual drive:

I advise you to leave it unchanged and press "Enter" again. Denver will create a virtual disk and once again ask you to press "Enter" - click. And we see the following:

Denver now offers to create shortcuts on the desktop to start the server:

press "y" (y) and again "Enter". Everything, the server is installed! To launch it, open your Desktop and launch the "Start Denwer" shortcut.

To test, go to C:\WebServers\home and create a folder there with the site address you need, it will be written in hosts when you start it, you can put a file in it and access the site at the address that you specified plus / your file name and extension, if OK, then it will open.

It's so easy to install Denver-Denwer in windows 8.1.

So you've decided to install Denver. It has something like a core, or "heart" - the so-called "base package", which occupies about 5.5 MB. Everything else comes in the form of expansion packs, about which we will talk in other articles (see Table of Contents). Basic package contains most of the necessary programs and utilities:

  • Installer (installation on a flash drive is also supported).
  • Apache, SSL, SSI, mod_rewrite, mod_php.
  • PHP5 with GD, MySQL, sqLite support.
  • MySQL5 with transaction support.
  • Template-based virtual host management system. To create a new host, you only need to add a directory to the /home directory, no configuration files need to be edited. The default directory naming schemes of many popular hosts are already supported; new ones can be easily added.
  • Launch and shutdown control system for all Denver components.
  • phpMyAdmin is a MySQL management system through a web interface.
  • sendmail and SMTP server emulator (debug stub at localhost:25 , adding incoming letters to /tmp in .eml format); work is supported in conjunction with PHP, Perl, Parser, etc.

Select PHP Version

PHP 5.2 is older but includes Zend Optimizer and more modules.

Preparing to work with the network

To immediately dot the “ё”, let's make sure that your computer is really configured to work with the network. This is usually the case by default, but still ...

Many associate the word "network" with the Internet, local network Or at least a modem. And absolutely in vain. The phrase “set up the network” can make sense even if the computer does not have any of the listed devices! This only means installing drivers and network protocols that will allow Apache to start and run on the local machine.

So, the easiest test: open Start - Run and enter the command there:

After pressing Enter, you should see something like the following picture:

The process continues for several seconds. If you see this, then everything is in order, and you can proceed with the installation of the distribution. If, for example, the window only “blinks” (opens and immediately closes), or some unpleasant messages are displayed, then network protocols you have not installed, so read on.

You probably already understood that your task now is to get the address to “ping”. In case of problems:

  • Windows 98/ME users need to go to Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs - Windows installation and add there Remote access to the network. This will automatically install all the necessary protocols.
  • Users of Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, etc. - check that the manually installed antivirus or firewall does not interfere with the ping command. Try disabling these programs: if it helps, then you need to deal with their settings.

Distribution installation

Run the downloaded Denver installer. You will see something like the following in front of you:

You will be asked in which directory you would like to install the complex (the default is C:\WebServers , you only need to press Enter to accept this choice). In the specified directory will be located everything system components, and no further files are created outside of it (except for shortcuts on the Desktop).

We strongly recommend that you install the complex in the first level directory - that is, C:\WebServers , and not, for example, C:\My\WebServers . The fact is that the installers of expansion packs are looking for the base set at the first level on all disks. And, if they don't find it, they force you to enter the directory name manually. Perhaps you do not need extra delays when installing extensions?..

Next, you will be prompted to enter the name of the virtual disk that will be associated with the newly specified directory. We recommend that you accept the default value (Z:). It is important that the disk with this name is still shouldn't contained in the system - most often this happens with the Z: drive.

After that, copying of the distribution files will begin, and at the end you will be asked how exactly you are going to start and stop the complex. You have two alternatives:

  1. Create a virtual disk when the machine boots (naturally, the installer will make sure that this happens automatically), and do not disconnect it (the disk) when the servers stop. In my opinion, this is the most convenient mode, and I myself use it only.
  2. Create a virtual disk only by an explicit command to start the complex (by clicking on the launch shortcut on the Desktop). And, accordingly, disconnect the disk from the system - when the servers stop.

    There is a bug in some versions of Windows 98 that causes the drive to not turn off the first time - my experiments and research have shown that this is a bug in subst, and nothing else.

Actually, that's all. You will be able to complete the installation of the complex, having only 2 keys on the keyboard: Enter and Y (to enter Yes).

Denver's first run

Finally, the installation is complete. Immediately click on the shortcut created by the installer Start Denwer on the Desktop, and then, after waiting for all the console windows to disappear, open the browser and type in the address: http://localhost/denwer/ . It is not necessary to leave the Internet.

Some OS have a habit on first start Internet Explorer call Connection Wizard. If this happened on your machine, order the unfortunate master to “back off” - supposedly, you have already set up the connection yourself.

If the test page still doesn't load, check:

Finally, if all else fails, take a look at the list of frequently asked questions, and then, if the problem persists, post a detailed description of the error in the forum.

Denver has been tested on the following operating systems:

  • Windows 95/98/ME;
  • Windows NT/2000/XP/2003;
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7.

Working with virtual hosts

Attention Windows users NT, 2000 or XP (and older). Before continuing, make sure you have the DNS Client service running. This can be done by opening Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. Otherwise, virtual hosts will not work.

If you're a Web site developer, you'll probably want to serve multiple hosts on the same server. In other words, entering the path http://localhost in the browser will take you to one site, and typing will take you to a completely different one (but also on the local machine).

Adding a new virtual host in Denver is extremely easy. Let it be . You need to do the following:

  • Create a directory in the /home folder with a name that matches the name of the virtual host (in our case, Yes, yes, you understood correctly: the directory name contains a dot. This directory will store third-level domain document directories for . It's not clear?.. For example, the name is associated by the server with the directory /home/ , and the name - with /home/ . And, of course, the www subdirectory corresponds to the addresses and just . In general, cheap and cheerful. The figure shows what the /home directory might look like. Don't forget to create a www folder in the virtual host directory, because that's where its pages and scripts will be stored!
  • Restart the server using, for example, a shortcut Restart Denwer on the desktop.

That's all there is to it. And where, you ask, is the modification of httpd.conf and the hosts file? .. She's just not there. The httpd.conf file never changes at all. A little more complicated with the hosts file: it is modified automatically, adjusting to the current configuration of directories in /home . This uses a very intelligent algorithm to recognize which hosts were entered by Denver, and which ones the user added manually (if he, of course, wants to do this). That is, automatic change hosts file does not mean that all comments will disappear in it and you will never be able to edit it "by hand" again. And, of course, when the complex is stopped by the shortcut Stop Denwer host file restored to the state it should be.

I don't say "into the previous" because that's not generally the case. Imagine that the complex is running and the user has opened hosts in Notepad and added some host to it. For example, he assigned the domain the same IP address as . After shutting down the servers, this address will not be deleted, but will be saved in its original form, while all virtual hosts will be "turned off". There is a principle: "clean out only what you have spoiled yourself."

We are at war with the Remote Access Controller

Once you start creating virtual hosts, it can get crazy on some systems. It will offer you an alternative like this when you first open the host:

or even like this:

Thank God this doesn't happen every time. Do you see how he wriggles just to keep the person from working? .. So, in this case, you must be firm: always choose connect or Repeat.

In no case don't give him an answer Offline , do you hear? ..

But if your Remote Access Controller bit the bit and answered connect starts dialing furiously on the modem, go to Tools - Internet Options - Connection and in the section Setting up remote access check the box Do not use(or Never Dial a connection).

We are at war with a proxy server

Many Windows versions come with a proxy server enabled by default. This can cause some problems when working with Denver (however, easily resolved).

  • If the http://localhost page doesn't work after starting Denver, you most likely need to disable the proxy server in your browser settings. For "plain" hosts (like localhost , test , dklab , etc.) the checkbox "Do not use a proxy server for local addresses» tab Internet Options - Connection - Network Settings - Advanced.
  • If localhost works, but (and multi-part hosts in general) does not, then your browser probably cannot recognize the last host as local. This, alas, happens. You need to either disable the proxy completely or list the hosts in the list Connection - Network settings - Advanced - Exceptions.

Problem solving

Before rushing to ask a question in the forum, check if the answer is already in the list of frequently asked questions on Denver. With a probability of 85%, it will turn out that way: after all, you are not the first to use the project.

If the FAQ does not answer your question, ask it in the forum.

But first, in order not to get into a mess and not waste time on fruitless altercations with moderators, read and absorb the material of the article How to ask questions correctly. You can be sure that the knowledge gained from there will be useful to you more than once in your life.

After installing Windows 8, at first there were no problems with the operation of the virtual server based on the Denver package. But my happiness did not last long. The following morning, Denwer refused to run on my brand new Windows 8, citing some bug in the WinSock2 API. I didn’t succeed in recognizing the error itself for sure because everything is written in the console in kryakozyabry.

As a result, the server crashed, urgent work got stuck. I don't want to waste extra time.

Possible causes of Denwer failure on Windows 8

I had a similar problem with the WinSock2 API once when I was working on a machine running Windows control 7. Then I tried to find a solution, but in the end I had to act radically - reinstall the operating system with all the leaks.

As you understand, I didn’t want to reinstall Windows this time at all (well, it’s not good for everyone to demolish a stable working system and spend the whole day installing software and setting up all the necessary goodies).

So this time I spent 2 days googling for a solution to a mysterious problem with the WinSock2 API. There were a lot of solutions, but none of them helped me. The only conclusion I made was that Apache refused to start. Port reconfiguration didn't help.

Running Denwer on Windows 8: Solution 1 (Dead Number)

Reinstalling Denwer itself did not help (by the way, last time I lost databases from all my work due to this error with the WinSock2 API). I decided that once again (2 similar cases are already hinting at a bad trend), losing a virtual server does not smile at me at all.

Running Denwer on Windows 8: Solution 2 (not our method)

So I installed latest version Virtualbox and drove into it the ancient and hated Windows XP (it takes up little space and does not require large resources from a virtual machine). I configured everything on the virtual machine, as I used to.

Previously, I had to work with a bunch of my favorite virtual machine based on Virtualbox and a virtual server based on Denver. Convenience and speed of work are not up to par, of course. After sitting for an hour, I realized that I didn’t want to constantly drive myself into a framework.

Conclusion: the solution to install a virtual server on virtual machine viable, but you don’t feel the buzz from such work. Although in cases where you have to work on a physical machine with infringed user rights and not the usual comfort of a Windows machine administrator, this option remains, perhaps, the only possible one.

Running Denwer on Windows 8: Solution 3 (long and tedious)

You could try to restore the previous convenience of work by manual installation followed by self-configuration of PHP, MSQL and Apache. It’s long, dreary and it’s not known what will happen in the end (it’s not a fact that for the first time it will turn out to install and configure everything normally).

Running Denwer on Windows 8: Solution 4 (quick and easy)

After all the torment, I decided to try installing another virtual server. Agree, well, the world did not converge like a wedge on one Denwer package ?! After googling for fifteen minutes, I chose Xampp.

I downloaded the distribution, launched the executable and waited. It took quite a long time to install Xampp, but the installation process itself turned out to be much simpler than that of Denver (I chose in GUI the location of the root directory and that's it!).

Xampp works without virtual disk. Instead of three Denver icons, one Xampp control panel icon settled on the desktop. Starting MSQL and Apache is done with separate buttons in a pretty window.

True, Apache again refused to work. I solved the problem by reassigning the port from 80 to 888. To do this, open the httpd.conf file (you can open the file by clicking on the “Config” button next to MySQl in the Xampp control panel).

And we change all the lines associated with the 80th port to these:

Listen 888

All. Now start Apache and type address bar browser


Everything is intuitive here, and it will not be difficult for a familiar person to create a database in phpMyAdmin. You need to download the source code directory with the source code of the site to the folder

and the Xampp root directory. In my case, the full address of the first site looked like this:


this is the location of the root directory where I installed Xampp and

this is the directory where I uploaded the site sources.

I can now admire my creation and continue working by typing the address in the browser


That's all. I hope the article will be useful to you, and in the event of an emergency with the WinSock2 API on Denwer, you will save a couple of days of personal time

Those who develop websites are familiar with a program like Denwer, which creates an imitation local hosting. In such a program there is a basic set of documents and software for work. But, with the release of new versions operating systems there may be problems installing the program and in this article we will look at how to install denwer on windows 8.

How to quickly install the denwer program?

The first step is to test the network. It is from her performance that will pass local connection. To do this, you need to run the command in the Start line - "ping127.0.0.1". If the network is working properly, the computer displays information about the processes for several minutes, and if the screen starts flashing or disappears altogether, then this behavior of the programs indicates that network protocols are not installed.

In order to start network protocols, you need to go to the Control Panel and select "Add or Remove Programs", then the "Windows Setup" submenu and tick the "Dial-up Networking" box in it. All the necessary protocols will be loaded automatically.

The progress of loading Denwer.

Now it's time to start the loaded Denver. To do this, first of all, disable all antivirus programs and other applications that may affect the loading of the platform. Such antiviruses as Kaspersky, NOD 32, Dr. Web and Avast do not need to be disabled - denwer works fine with them.

When the platform is launched, a series of windows opens in front of the user, where it is proposed to select the required complex and a place for installation on the hard drive.

Detailed installation process in pictures from DENWER developers

Choose the path where you want to install the program and other related settings.
After the installation is completed, click on the Denver icon on the desktop or in the start menu or from the folder where it was installed and run the program.
Type in the address bar of any of your browsers localhost / denwer and if the picture above opens, then the program is working.
Type in the address bar, if the picture appears as in the screenshot, this means that the test site has launched and you can start creating your sites in Denver.

And now, finally, all installation processes are completed and it's time to run the application. You should immediately use the downloaded Start Denwer installer by clicking on its shortcut. Wait until all pop-up windows are closed go to http://localhost/denwer/ in your browser. In some cases, the "Connection Wizard" command opens before the user and prompts to reconnect. Sometimes the loading page does not load at all and gives a loading error. In such cases it is necessary:

Convinced of correct connection to the Internet;

See if the proxy server is disabled in the web browser settings;

Is there a launch of the Denver platform;

Are there others running applications interfering with the launch of Denver.

Having eliminated all these interferences, the user will be able to independently launch the platform on his PC.

Denwer connection issues on Windows 8

The application installs well and works on "old" versions of Windows and causes no small hassle when installing it on Windows 8 and 8.1. The main reason is the inability to properly launch the application. When you click on the launch shortcut, a window is displayed " Missing library msvcr71.dll"And this stops the whole process. Each user begins to look for this same msvcr71.dll library in the programs of his PC, but, as it turns out, it does not exist at all. In such a situation, you must do the following:

1. First of all, download this library to your PC and put it in the "\Windows\System32\" or "\Windows\SysWOW64" folder, go to the folder properties and check the "Unblock" box.

2. Also, you may need to update the Denver package and install this package on an already downloaded package of documents.

3. If this does not help, then we fix the problems with the port. The reason may be port number 80. To check that this is the port you need to download special utility NetMonitor and check.

Summing up.

As you can see from everything, the process of installing Denver on new versions of the OS is quite real with the correct and accurate knowledge of the entire process of installing and running the program.