Odnoklassniki social network delete your page. Step-by-step guide to deleting a profile in Odnoklassniki. Add to blacklist

Surely you all know how to add a person as a friend on Odnoklassniki. But what to do if, for example, you made a mistake in your choice and sent the application to a completely different person? Is it possible to cancel an application and if so, how to do it?

Of course, this can be done very simply. We will show an example on both the computer and phone versions.

How to cancel a friend request in Odnoklassniki from a computer?

Let’s say you went to a user’s page and clicked on the “Add as a friend” button, which is located under the user’s avatar.

The message “Request sent” appears.

What to do now if you made a mistake with the user or just want to cancel the application? Click on the button with three dots and a menu will appear. In it, select “Cancel application”.

After this, the “Add as a friend” button will appear again, which means that you have successfully canceled the request.

How to cancel a friend request in Odnoklassniki from your phone?

Is it possible to cancel a friend request via phone? Alas, we were unable to find such functionality either in the mobile version of the site or in the application, but there is a way out.

Open Odnoklassniki in mobile browser(not an application), then call up the menu and click “Full version” in it.

Your page has opened, only now in the same form as on the computer.

Find the user to whom you sent the application, then on his page, click on the button in the form of three dots and select “Cancel application” from the menu.

The “Add as a friend” button has appeared, the application has been successfully cancelled.

There is a menu at the bottom of the page, click "Mobile version" to return mobile version site.

Let's be honest: deleting a page on the Odnoklassniki social network is not at all difficult. Everything that is needed for this is at hand, but hidden from the user’s eyes. Apparently this was done to prevent the user from deleting a page on Odnoklassniki, for example, in the heat of the moment. Yes and lose the user social network Of course he doesn't want to.

Deleting a page from a social network is entirely your right, and you must give credit to Odnoklassniki - they respect this right.

The reasons why people ask how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki forever

The reasons why people ask this question are varied. Before deleting your Odnoklassniki profile, you should ask yourself a couple of questions:

  • Am I ready for the fact that I will no longer have a page on Odnoklassniki?
  • Am I ready to lose all my photos, friends list, saved notes, music list, game achievements?

If both answers are positive, then you can act.

Delete a profile in Odnoklassniki

First we need to go to the so-called "basement"(end) of the page. This cannot be done from the feed, since it will load endlessly as you scroll to the bottom of the page. To still get to the “basement”, you need to go to some page on which the amount of information has a limit - this could be, for example "Guests", "Friends", "About Me" and so on. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the link "Regulations". Click on it.


Regulations- a set of certain rules and a legal document at the same time. Its task is to regulate the legal relations between us (users) and the social network. It is advisable to read. But since we wondered how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki forever, and we no longer want to have a relationship with the social network, we simply scroll this document to the end, or press the button to speed up the process.

Now we just have to indicate the reasons for our decision to delete the page on Odnoklassniki. Let's respect the network that has been our home for so many years, and check the boxes for the reasons. We will also enter our current password.

The finishing touch is to press the button. <Удалить> .

Immediately upon clicking this button, we will be taken to the login page. Now if we try to log in to Odnoklassniki, we will see the following message:

“The profile was deleted at the request of the user and cannot be restored” .

Some time ago, Odnoklassniki changed its design and removed the “basement”. But the page with the regulations remained accessible. Just follow the link: https://ok.ru/regulations

Let's say right away - there is only one way. And since everything on Earth has its shortcomings, this method not an exception:

You should “forget” about the page for 90 days.

One of the unpleasant moments is that the page on Odnoklassniki will finally be deleted only after 90 days. Until this time, it can still be restored. To do this, just try to register again and you will be offered your old profile. If you decide to delete the page permanently, you will have to wait 3 months.


Despite the fact that the page will be permanently deleted only after 90 days, there is a rumor that the linked phone number will be released according to various sources in 1-30 days. Well, Neoshibka.Ru will check it out. After this time, it will be possible to register a completely new page for this number.

Video for clarity

A person you don’t want to see on your friends list or have simply changed your mind about communicating with him. It will be useful to know how to cancel a friend request on Odnoklassniki, and we will consider this issue as part of our article. Also on our website you will find information on how to decline a friend request on Odnoklassniki.

How to cancel a friend invitation in Odnoklassniki?

So, you visited the page and sent a request to another user. As a result, when he goes to his page on a social network, he will see a new notification. The second user can make a choice: either reject your request, or approve the application and accept you into their friends list. If you do not want to wait for a person’s decision, you can withdraw your own request using the following instructions:

  • Go to the page of the desired person;
  • Under his avatar, click on the “Unsubscribe” item;
  • After that, confirm the action and click OK.

Now you know how to cancel a friend request on Odnoklassniki. It is worth noting that the person will still receive a notification that you have subscribed to his page, so anonymity cannot be achieved here.

How to delete (remove) someone else's friend request in Odnoklassniki?

If a person is being added to you, but you do not want to accept their request, then you need to decline it. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • Go to the “Friends” section on your personal page;
  • Here you can view all incoming requests;
  • Select the required one and click the “Reject” button.

If this user is bothering you and you want to get rid of his notifications forever, then add his page to . Read more about this in the next section of our website.

If you don't want to friend a specific person, but want to receive updates from their page in your news feed, then you need to do the following:

  • go to the user profile;
  • under the avatar, click “Subscribe” instead of “Add as friend”;
  • after that, all posts and comments from the person’s account will be displayed in your feed. In this case, you do not need to wait for confirmation of the application.

Deleting a friend request is not difficult and now you are convinced of it.

Also on our website you will find instructions on how and much more useful information about this social network.

How to cancel a friend request

Experienced users of social networks know that complete strangers can ask to be friends every day. These could be spammers, bots who need a large number of friends on their page, or simply very active and sociable people who make new acquaintances on social networks every day.

    • How to cancel a friend invitation in Odnoklassniki
    • How to remove a friend on Odnoklassniki
    • How to hide friends in Odnoklassniki

If you do not want to add these people to your friends, you need to know how to cancel a friend invitation in Odnoklassniki.

How to cancel a friend invitation in Odnoklassniki

Along with the friend request, you will see two options: “Accept” and “Close”.

If you click “Accept”, you, accordingly, accept this person as a friend. In order to reject the application, you must click “Close”. This is how easy it is to protect your page from unwanted users of the Odnoklassniki network.

How to remove a friend on Odnoklassniki

If you decide to end your friendship with someone, or simply decide to clear out your friends list and keep only those with whom you keep in touch, you need to remove someone from your friends. For these purposes, you need to do the following.

Hover your mouse over your friend's avatar on a social network. At the very bottom, in addition to various functions, you will see the “End friendship” option.

Pressing this option, you will see a window in front of you in which you will need to confirm the action to end the friendship.

After you confirm the termination of the friendship, this user will be removed from the list of your friends in Odnoklassniki. Then a window will pop up confirming that the user is no longer your friend on Odnoklassniki. This is how you can simply delete your friends on Odnoklassniki.

How to hide friends in Odnoklassniki

If you want to hide your friends in Odnoklassniki, then you should know that there is no “Hide Friends” function in Odnoklassniki as such. But if you don’t want outsiders to be able to see your friends, then the “Private Profile” function will help you.

If your profile is closed, then the information from your page will not be available to outside users.

No photos, no friends, no music, no news strangers they won't be able to see. All this information will be available only to you and those users who are your friends on Odnoklassniki.

A private profile will help you protect yourself from unwanted “friends” and overly intrusive fans.

The world around us is in constant motion, and we change too. What was interesting and exciting yesterday can cause a sad smile today. And if in everyday life parting with the past is not so easy, then on your favorite social networks you can do this in a few clicks of the computer mouse.

Let's say you were subscribed to updates from the account of another Odnoklassniki user and lost interest in him. Or they sent a friend request to an acquaintance, but never received a positive response, but remained a subscriber. Is it possible to unfollow a person if necessary? Of course, yes, both on the OK website and in mobile applications for Android and iOS devices.

Method 1: “My Subscriptions” Section

First, let's try to cancel the display of notifications about another person's news on the page with your subscriptions and thereby clear the Feed of information that is no longer necessary for you. IN full version For a social networking site, we have complete tools to successfully solve the task.

  1. In any Internet browser, go to the resource’s website, log in by entering your username and access password in the appropriate fields, and get to your personal page. On top panel user press the button "Friends" to go to the desired section.
  2. Among the filters for classifying friends, find and LMB click on the icon "More", in the additional menu that appears, open the block "Subscriptions". At the same time, we see the number of users for whose updates we are subscribed.
  3. We move the mouse pointer over the photo of the person from whom we are unsubscribing, and in the menu that appears, select the item "Unsubscribe".
  4. Now, in a small window, we confirm our actions and forever forget about the object of our past curiosity. Subscription has been deleted. News from this user will no longer appear in our Feed.
  5. Method 2: User profile

    There is an alternative and faster option. You can unsubscribe from a user by logging into his page through a search and performing just a couple of simple manipulations. But this method will not work if you are on the user’s “black list,” since then you will not be able to get into the required profile.

    Method 3: Mobile application

    In applications for mobile devices on Android based and iOS also have the ability to unsubscribe from the news of another social network member. And here it will not cause any difficulties even for a novice user.