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Our joint shopping site has been operating since 2007. Over the years, millions of things have been purchased on the site, and project participants have saved hundreds of thousands of rubles.

By teaming up with buyers from all over Russia, users can purchase the offered goods at retail at wholesale prices.

Joint purchases in Omsk on the site are a guarantee of a favorable price and a huge range of goods from all over the world. Choose and order!

Joint purchasing in Omsk: 6 reasons to buy on the site

  1. A huge range of products from all over the world. Every day on the site there are more than 1 million products available for order from more than 17 thousand brands in Russia, Belarus, Italy, China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey and other countries.
  2. Unique offers. Organizers of group purchases in Omsk and other cities offer customers goods that are not available for free sale. Every day there are profitable express offers of quality goods at affordable prices.
  3. Full information about the product. Each item offered for sale is supplied detailed description: high-quality photo, size chart, features, price, terms for collecting orders, payment and delivery. There are more than 10 such points in total. Additional questions can be asked to the organizer privately.
  4. User-friendly interface. The site is running on own engine. This allows organizers to use dozens of convenient tools, and customers order necessary goods literally in a couple of clicks.
  5. Control by the administration. The administration does everything possible to ensure that every joint purchase is safe for the organizer and buyers. She strictly controls compliance with the Purchase Rules and may request supporting documents regarding the transaction (price lists, contracts, invoices, warranty cards, etc.).
  6. True ratings and reviews. The satisfaction of organizers and buyers with cooperation is reflected in the ratings. Based on the results of inspections, the administration can raise or lower the ratings of each party. Before moving a purchase to the archive, all users can leave feedback on the work of the organizers and the goods received.

Delivery of orders

In Omsk you can receive goods ordered on the website:

  • at 5 SDEK delivery points located at the following addresses: st. 5 Armii, 6, st. Gagarina, 8/2, st. Mayakovskogo, 84, st. Pushkina, 137, st. Stepantsa, 10/2;
  • in Russian Post branches;
  • using delivery service international shipments EMS.

Group purchasing in Omsk finds new fans every day. Join the economical and modern shopping experience right now!

Buying goods from a direct manufacturer and seller is cheaper than in stores and from distributors. In order not to overpay for purchases, the OmskMama forum was created. On the forum, several people agree on the purchase of a product and make Joint purchases small wholesale from a direct seller or manufacturer. Each seller indicates the minimum quantity of goods sold.

OmskMama Page

On the OmskMama website for joint purchases you can purchase a variety of products:clothes and shoes for the whole family, toys, books, home textiles, kitchen goods, everything for beauty and health, for sports and tourism, automobiles and fishing, everything for the garden and garden.

On the forum you can not only purchase goods, but also participate in discussions on various topics: clothing, beauty, child education, child development, psychology and much more.

Each product is provided Full description material of manufacture, size and weight of the goods, wholesale and retail prices are indicated. Similar products from this seller are offered next to the product. Each seller specifies shipping times and stipulates the minimum order value. Before placing an order, the buyer can read the available reviews about him or the seller in general.

Assortment of children's clothing

To make joint purchases, a member of the OmskMama forum needs to create an account. To do this, the site user registers. The registration procedure is very simple and fast: you only need to indicate your nickname and address Email and a password is created. An activation link is instantly sent to your email, after which registration is completed. In the account, the participant fills in all the necessary data for a quick and convenient search for people, goods and for making joint purchases.

The OmskMama forum contains the rules for using the “Joint Purchases” service. The minimum order of participants can be made in the amount of 5,000 rubles. When searching for participants, the word “Start” appears next to current purchases. When an order totaling 10,000 rubles is received, the set stops and the word “Stop” is indicated next to the product. The participant pays an organization fee of 15%. If payment is not received on time, a penalty of 1% is charged for each day of delay, but the amount does not exceed 25% of the order value. When payment is made, the word “Collect” is indicated next to the item.

Events of the month OmskMama

Orders are issued atRC "Alice" or at paid points of the Central and Peripheral distribution centers. When purchasing a product, the buyer pays shipping costs. Costs include free transportation of the parcel to the transport company in the supplier’s city, its delivery to the transport company in Omsk and throughout the city to the place of delivery of the goods. The cost of transportation costs is divided depending on the amount of the order between all customers - participants in the OmskMama forum.

Placing an order is very easy. Next to the selected product, the participant selects “order” and indicates the required characteristics. The “trial purchase” offers instructions for using the joint purchase service. All placed orders and data on the location of goods are collected in “My Orders”.

Option "My orders"

The order is considered accepted after receiving 100% payment. Payment days are set by the organizer. Payment is made to a Sberbank card by transferring funds from a Sberbank card to the organizer’s card. When transferring funds, the last four digits of the card from which the transfer was made are indicated in the comment.

When payment is made, the buyer checks the purchase amount, card numbers and sender's name, date and time of payment.

In his profile, the service user must indicate his real name and phone number. You can fill in the information on the card and the identification document for subsequent issuance of the order.
If a defective product arrives, a CR employee records the defect and then, within five days, a claim can be made. If the claim is accepted, the entire purchase price plus the organization fee and transportation costs are paid. If the clothes do not fit, but there are no complaints against the seller, then they can be resold at special section site "Pristroy".

Goods from the outbuilding

Members of the OmskMama forum write good feedback About the site. Moms like the idea itself, the concept of the forum. Pregnant women and mothers on maternity leave find a lot of useful information, buy and resell children's products, such as strollers, cribs, clothes, etc. Participants find friends with similar interests, become friends with families, and consult with each other. The site organizes competitions with the presentation of gifts and prizes, and holds unforgettable parties.

Forum OmskMama is helpful information for pregnant women, everything about children for parents, information about kindergartens and schools and much more interesting things. On this forum you can not only read something, but also order a wide variety of products at wholesale prices.

Do you like branded items, but the price in the store is too high? Do you want to buy something new for your child? OmskMama joint purchases will help with this. There are several organizers of joint purchases on the forum who accept orders for various goods sold at retail at wholesale prices. Purchasing directly from suppliers allows you to avoid store markups.

Branded items actually cost much less than they are sold in stores, which can be easily verified if you order them once on a joint shopping forum. It’s very easy to order the item you like; all you need to do is choose from the offered assortment and send a request to the organizer. The order is sent to the seller and its payment is carried out after accumulating a certain number of applications.

There is a minimum order amount or quantity of goods that the organizer of joint purchases must collect in order to place an order from a particular seller.

Discounts based on order volume

A discount is a sign of attention that you receive on Milofo. The larger the current order amount, the greater the discount.

More than 10,000 products at super prices

We have a large assortment popular product categories that are 100% likely to interest potential buyers. And the low price of our products will allow your customers to feel the benefit. And you have loyal customers.

Add. discount for joint venture organizers

To get an additional discount you need:

  • When placing an order, send a link to your purchase (group, website).
  • Send screenshots of your customers' orders.
  • The manager will confirm that you are the organizer of the joint venture. It will recalculate the amount of the current order and in the future you will place orders with your discount without confirmation.

Free uploading from the catalog to social networks and websites

Download products from our website VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Excel or CSV.

It's free.

Online support and personal manager

After placing your order you will be assigned a personal manager

Also on the website in work time online consultant works

Priority assembly and shipping

Orders from wholesalers and purchasing organizers are collected first.

Popular categories and bestsellers


Men's (381 items) and women's perfumes (978 items) from 360 rubles

Compact perfume

1,200 titles

Decorative cosmetics

1,065 titles. 19 brands.

Gel polishes

4,183 titles. 11 brands.

Nail design materials

2,167 titles. 6 brands.

Good day to all! Today I want to introduce you to the joint shopping site “OmskMama”. In addition to the opportunity to save a little on purchasing popular products, the site has a very useful forum.

This is what it looks like home page website:

I registered on the site a long time ago, in 2011, on the advice of a friend. But for a long time I just talked there, so I didn’t make many purchases.

Registration. So, to make a purchase, you need to register. Click the registration button.

Fill out the form.

After successful registration, you will be able to log in to the site using your login and password. Click the “Login” button (under the “Registration” button).

Here is the site user menu.

Click on the “Profile” button. Fill in your registration information. Some information is visible to all registered users.

And these fields must be filled out by those who are going to participate in joint purchases.

It is also useful to set up notification messages via email.

Joint purchase. Let's move on to joint purchases (hereinafter referred to as joint purchases). Click on the SP section at the top of the main page.

Cost of joint venture consists of: the wholesale price of the goods, 10-15% to the purchase organizer, transportation costs. Also, for the delivery of goods to the distribution center in the first 4 days of distribution, the procurement participant (hereinafter referred to as the PZ) pays 10 rubles. You will have to pay 10 rubles to be transferred to a central location convenient for you.

The product sections are different: from clothing to groceries. Let's look at my example.

Find the required section.

Lyrical digression:

Purchases in sections are published by the date of the last message. This is not very convenient, since sometimes it takes a long time to search for the necessary SP.

We are looking for those joint ventures where there is an inscription after the name "Start".

Click on the SP we need.

Registration of the joint venture:

The first post always publishes: nickname\name of the procurement organizer (hereinafter referred to as the organization), the current status of the joint venture, the supplier’s website, the conditions of the current joint venture. The product table is on the second page.

First, let's look at the state of the joint venture. This is just the start.

Approximate move of the joint venture:

Start – orders are collected up to a minimum amount.

Stop – the minimum amount has been collected, orders are not accepted. After the stop you cannot cancel your order! We are waiting for an invoice indicating the availability of the order.

Collection – we collect money through the payment methods specified in the terms and conditions. After payment, fill out the reconciliation form.

We are waiting for the cargo. The orders have been shipped and are on their way to Omsk.

Issue. After the cargo arrives, it is disassembled by the organization and taken to the distribution center (hereinafter referred to as the DC). Transfers to other central centers are carried out a little later - after 2-4 days.

Always read the terms of the joint venture carefully. Most important points I emphasized.

There are 2 types of joint ventures:

Without rows (like this one) - the goods are collected individually.

Purchased in rows - goods are collected in size rows, individually. It is better to sign up for orders where there are already applicants - the likelihood of closing a row (when the goods are fully assembled) is higher.

This is my first time purchasing from this organization, so I’m looking at reviews of previous joint ventures.

On the page that opens, we look at the results of the evaluation of the joint venture (click on the “Results” button at the top): not everyone votes, so we are interested in the reviews themselves.

We look at the description of the product on the supplier’s website by clicking on the appropriate button.

We make sure it is available. The table shows the same models, but different sizes. Select the one you need. Click the “Order” button

Ordered products to stop can be changed and deleted.

After this, the ordered goods appear in the “Basket”. Click on this button in the user menu.

All my current SPs are shown here.

The progress of the joint venture must be closely monitored so as not to miss the stop and collection of money (I usually check every day). So far, orders in these joint ventures have not been approved. After receiving the invoice, the organizer checks the availability of goods and approves or does not approve orders. If after collection your order is approved, you must pay for it. If not, then you don’t need to pay.

Here's what approved orders look like:

This does not apply to phased joint ventures, in which a minimum amount is reached and unapproved orders are automatically transferred to the next purchase. Therefore, you need to sign up for such joint ventures if you do not want to participate in the next joint venture.

All questions about the joint venture can be asked to the organization right there in the procurement topic.

The collection of money is carried out within 24 hours, the details for payment are laid out in the reconciliation. I most often pay for joint ventures using an organization card (in most cases it is a Sberbank card). Be sure to save your receipt and take a screenshot when paying online!

After payment, fill out the reconciliation:

And we are waiting for your orders!

Re-sort. This is when the ordered product did not suit you in size, color, etc. It can be placed in the appropriate section.

This is done simply. My daughter's pants didn't fit properly. Go to the “Basket”→Archival reconciliations→Find the desired joint venture→Reconciliation→Addition.

Select the desired section.

After that, look at your ad in the appropriate section of the annex.

Marriage. I didn't have any defective items. Whether they will accept your defective item depends on the supplier, carefully read the terms of the joint venture!

Today I have 10 joint ventures, 2 of them did not take place. In one, the supplier refused to work, in the second, there was no order in stock.

Here are photos of the orders:

In addition to the joint venture, OmskMama is also a huge forum.

Let's get acquainted with the main sections.

Within sections, topics are organized by the date of the last message. Some topics are constant:

Messages in topics are no different from similar forums:

Along with the message, you can add rulers and signatures with links to other topics, purchases, etc. You can configure all this in the user profile.

The forum was useful for me:

  1. When planning: found out detailed information about the necessary examinations, about where to take the necessary hormones. I was added to the chatterbox of planners, the communication experience was very useful.
  2. During pregnancy: together with other expectant mothers, I struggled with toxicosis, looked through reviews of maternity hospitals, and learned information about three-dimensional ultrasound. I read stories about childbirth.
  3. After the birth of my daughter, I did not know how to care for a child, so the sections on breastfeeding, care, hygiene and feeding were very useful to me. I wrote reviews about the maternity hospital and impressions of the cesarean section in the relevant topics.
  4. Most moms socialize in peer chatter, and I'm no exception.
  5. On the eve of the New Year, I took part in a gift exchange for our children. There is also a similar one for mothers. The essence of gift exchange: all participants give each other gifts by drawing lots. In advance, all wishes for gifts are sent to the organizer of the gift exchange. Moreover, everyone knows to whom they are giving a gift, but they do not know from whom they will receive it themselves. In a gift you can make a hint about the giver. Then we guess the donors! I really liked it and will participate again.

You can also send private messages to any participant.

All questions can be asked online consultant . You can read why it is needed.

As we participate in interesting purchases, the review will be updated.

That seems to be all. Ask any questions you have in the comments.

Thank you all for your attention and patience, I’m the only one!