Switching between screens in Android. Switching between applications in Android Quickly switching running applications

The Launcher tab, which opens from the Home screen, contains icons for all applications installed on your phone, including applications downloaded and installed from Android Market or other sources.

When you open an app, other apps you're using don't stop; they continue running, playing music, displaying web pages, and more. You can quickly switch between apps to work with multiple apps at once. operating room Android system and the applications running on it communicate so that unused applications do not consume resources. Applications are stopped and started again when necessary. Therefore, there is no reason to stop applications unless you are sure that the downloaded application is not functioning correctly. For details about how applications use memory and how to manage those applications, see .

Search and installation information additional applications for your phone (including performance tools, utilities, games, reference materials and other types of software) see in the section.

Opening and closing the Launchpad

If open more apps than can fit on the launcher, you can scroll the panel up or down to view all applications.

You can add an application icon to main screen: To do this, press and hold the icon on the Launcher until it vibrates, and then drag the icon to the desired location on the Home screen.

The Launchpad closes automatically when you tap an icon to open an app or move an icon from the Launchpad to the Home screen.

Opening an application

  • Click the application icon in the Launcher panel.
  • Tap the application icon on the home screen.

Switch to a recently used app

A small window will open containing icons of all recently used applications.

  • Tap an icon to open its associated application.

Or click the button Back to return to the current application.

Loop- This system application for Android, which is designed to quickly switch between running applications. Unlike standard method, the application creates two active zones on the sides of the screen, by clicking on which you can view and go to any of the running applications. The application is designed for both smartphones and tablets, and it works stably even on budget models.

Interface and features

The appearance of the application is quite stylish. By clicking on the active zone, you will see a drop-down list with icons of running processes. This type of display allows you to see all applications in a small space, and to switch you only need to click on the icon. The main thing is that “jumps” between applications are carried out with a simple gesture, and this operation can be performed on top of any running window.

In the settings you can change the size and sensitivity of the active zone, which will allow you to adjust the application to the size of your screen. You can also change the list opening effects, color scheme, download and change the appearance of icons. As you can see, no additional features the developers did not provide it and, in fact, the application has one purpose - to switch running programs.

It is worth noting that some functions are only available if the device is rooted. For example, adding a “Back” button to the list for quick use anywhere or to lock an application while typing. The functions are not that important, so the presence of superuser rights does not affect the overall performance of the program.

Features of Loopr for Android:

  • Good interface;
  • Several effects to choose from;
  • Additional set of icons;
  • Ease of use;
  • Stable operation on tablets and smartphones.

The program cannot be blamed for its unstable operation; all actions are performed smoothly and without bugs. The disadvantages include the fact that additional functions Requires root access and purchase full version(full version is purchased through the application interface). In particular, the premium version will be required to download and use external icons, additional effects and displaying information about the duration of the selected process. If the lack of these functions is not critical for you, then you can download regular version applications are free.

Bottom line

Loopr is system utility for Android devices, which will simplify the transition between running processes and will reduce this action to one gesture. Many people may like the application due to its simplicity and will allow you to replace the standard function. Among the analogues, we can note those that differ in functionality and additional settings.

I'm making an application that needs to be able to switch between applications that the user has open (for example, applications in the multitasking menu), I have the ComponentName of 10 new applications, and can start them (i.e., switch to them) like this:

Intent = new Intent(); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.setComponent(info); startActivity(intent);

However, when I try to change on Facebook (And probably some similar applications), it asks for a specific permission:

java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent ( flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.facebook.katana/.activity.FbFragmentChromeActivity ) from ProcessRecord(42310bc0 8578:com.javanut13.multitaskheads/u0a10095) (pid=8578, uid=10095 ) requires com.facebook.permission.prod.FB_APP_COMMUNICATION

Is there a way around this by actually switching to the app instead of starting it? Can I just send the focus to a different application?


1 answers

If you don't have permission, I think you can only start another application's activity when its "export" attribute is set to true. Similar Facebook app might set this to false and does not give another application access to its activity.

I haven't tested this alone, but you can try the following codes:

Intent extApp= getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(facebook-package-name); this.startActivity(extApp);

Hope this helps.

Today, technological progress simply surprises more and more every day. Most companies that are engaged in the field of production mobile devices, they use the Android operating system in their products. This operating system has many advantages, and today it is one of the most well-known and used operating systems. Typically, this operating system can run multiple applications at the same time. To launch additional applications, you must immediately press the home key and select another application, thus allowing you to work in several applications simultaneously. For some people, one question that arises at this stage is how to quickly switch from one application to another. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this process; to perform this switch, you just need to press certain keys several times.

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You can also switch between applications by pressing the home key again, searching for one or another application and selecting it again. This process may take several minutes, as it will require a back-and-forth search for a particular application. However, not all applications support their systematic work and do not have a quick switch function in this way.

To switch between applications faster, you can use the same home key, only in this case you need to not just press it, but press and hold it for several seconds, in this way a standard task manager will appear on the device, on which all open applications will be displayed. Thus, without any problems you can quickly select one or another open application. This method of switching is the most best option for every owner of a phone based on the Android operating system.

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This kind of technology can also be used on phones from Chinese manufacturers. An example of such a system is the Huawei phone. This company's phone has the same keys as phones from more well-known brands.

The presence of a home key, which is usually depicted on the phone as a house, allows you to quickly navigate between applications for different purposes. As a rule, this technology is used on all devices that run on the Android operating system, including devices from Chinese manufacturers.

Multitasking interfaces and interaction with them have always been one of the weaknesses Android operating system, at least for me personally. Either the Google guys just don't want to do a good task switching and are trying to go their own way, or they just good interfaces protected by patents. In any case, the Android operating system has become popular because its interface can be easily changed. For example, Recent makes it easier to work with frequently used tasks. Read full reviewunder the cut.

Before Pintasking appeared, the application already had several analogues, for example and. But they were all imperfect to one degree or another. A new development from the PhinxApps studio offers convenient way switching between “hot” tasks and even adds one interesting gesture, which is analogous to ALT + Tab on Windows computers.

How does it work

The main function of the Pintasking application is to display additional application icons on the side of the display. They appear on top of any application, so you can tap on the icons to switch between related tasks or simply launch programs. At the same time, application icons can be left on the screen forever, but by default they disappear after the device goes into sleep mode. You can add a new icon through the top bar, where a notification from the Pintasking application is always displayed. You just need to tap on it and the current one open application will be added to the side bar for quick task switching.

If you are annoyed by the constantly hanging notification, then you can remove it - just disable Pintasking’s access to notifications in the application manager. The icons in the bar are quite clever, for example: after you launch the browser, its icon in the bar will disappear and in its place a task switch icon will appear, which will return you to the previous application.

Long pressing on the icons allows you to quickly go to the Pintasking settings or remove the icon from the bar.


Convenient swipe gestures are one of the main features of the Pintasking application. The program settings suggest activating two gestures: swipe up from the Home button (replacing the Google Now call) and swipe down from the left side of the notification bar panel. Personally, I don’t use Google’s personal assistant at all, so replacing the gesture from the Home button was easy for me. The gesture switches between the current and previous tasks, which is quite convenient. As a user of a BlackBerry smartphone, where the bottom-up gesture is systemic, I liked Pintasking’s capabilities in this regard.

The task switch gesture is not very fast because it brings up the task menu and automatically switches to the right application, but still saves one tap.

GIF animation on click (lots of traffic!)

Pintasking is full of interesting settings and hidden features. For example, on devices with it is possible to remove the delay when switching tasks. You can also adjust the size and position of icons in the side bar, enable or disable gestures, increase or decrease the speed of animations. And most of these features are only available in paid version applications. The creators of Pintasking have limited the functionality as much as possible free application. In it, users can pin only two icons without settings. The full potential of the application is revealed only in the paid version.

Pintasking will definitely appeal to those who use a small set of programs and often switch between them. Until full multi-window functionality appears in vanilla Android, Pintasking can be useful in everyday use. You can download the Pintasking app for Android on Trashbox.