Why doesn’t video play in Safari and YouTube applications on iPhone, solution to the problem. How to download from youtube on Mac OS without installing additional programs. Add-on for Chrome, Safari browser Why safari 9.1 1 does not open youtube

In fact, this method allows you to download not only clips from YouTube, but also any files that are not explicitly linked to on the page opened in the browser.

For this purpose in Safari with a loaded page containing the clip that we will download, you need to open Activity Window, which is called through the program menu Window:

or a key combination Alt+Cmd+A. Example (picture clickable):

This window contains links to various page objects, the size of which is indicated in the right column - Status. Among them you need to find the largest one. In the picture with an example, such an object of size 18.0 MB highlighted in red.

You can upload an object (in this case a video clip) double click on it while holding down the key Alt. It will end up in the folder as usual Downloads.


Usually clips with downloaded as videoplayback.flv files. But sometimes similar objects can be downloaded from other sites with arbitrary names and extensions. Therefore, they will need to be renamed after loading.

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

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A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the battle is Apple repair- this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts for current models, so that you do not have to waste extra time.

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This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you don't have to pay a penny for it, even if you don't repair the device based on its results.

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If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
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So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

If you access the most popular video hosting site through the Safari browser, you have probably noticed that the youtube.com page takes a suspiciously long time to open. Do you think your ISP is doing something weird? But no! What to do? There is a solution!

First, let’s thoroughly understand the question “who is to blame”? Google! “Good Corporation” has set a course for optimizing YouTube exclusively for the native Chrome browser. Now YouTube has gone through a code redesign called Polymer and runs on the exclusive Shadow DOM v0 API. Shadow versions for Safari and other popular browsers - Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera and so on - no (at least not yet).

As a result, YouTube loads up to 5 times faster through Chrome than through any other browser.

But everything can be fixed!

All we need to do for this is to go back to what we had before Polymer.

1. (unfortunately, on macOS Mojave does not work).

2. Tell Safari that you trust Tapermonkey.

3. Install - it will force YouTube to use classic mode.

Black screen in YouTube player and videos not playing in Mac OS X is a common error. After searching the Internet for a solution, you can find quite a few troubleshooting suggestions, but many of the suggested solutions do not fix the video player error. However, after doing a small amount additional settings, you can use a workaround that offers some simple troubleshooting steps.

Problem when video doesn't work Safari browsers, Firefox or Google Chrome in Mac OS X mainly deals with a combination of settings and compatibility issues Adobe Flash Player with software, which allows you to play this video. Using the following tips for troubleshooting video problems on Mac OS X, you will have video working on your Mac.

Uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Flash Player(make sure you have the latest version)

This may or may not fix flash video problems, but it's worth a try. First, go to the official Adobe website and download Flash Player Uninstaller for OS X. Run the uninstaller and simply uninstall Flash Player from your Mac and restart your computer.

Once your computer boots up and you're signed in, go to Adobe.com to download the latest Flash version Player. Install and check if possible YouTube video Already working.

Reset Safari, Firefox, Chrome and clear cache

If Flash Player is still not working properly, you can try clearing your browser cache, then exit the browser, and restart it. Some users have reported that after doing this, the video starts working properly.

Running Safari, Firefox, Chrome in 32-bit mode

This is a solution that works for many people who have problems with YouTube videos in Safari. Simply open a new Finder window on your Mac and navigate to your Applications folder. There, find the Safari/Firefox/Chrome icon, and click right click mouse to bring up the context menu.

Select Get Info from the menu. After that, click on the checkbox Open in 32-bit mode.

Close the window and exit Safari/Firefox/Chrome. After the browser closes, open it again and it should be running in 32-bit mode.

Try playing a YouTube video.

Disabling hardware acceleration

While there is a black rectangle on the screen with a YouTube video that is not working correctly, right-click on the window area to call context menu Flash Player. Select the Settings option from the menu. Cancel the option Turn on hardware acceleration and click the Close button.

Close the browser completely and check how YouTube videos play after restarting.

Disable HTML 5 setting in YouTube

Depending on what your settings are account YouTube, you can customize the display of HTML 5 content. Follow the link to http://www.youtube.com/html5 to change this setting. This means that if you are not currently participating in the HTML 5 Beta program, click on the Join the HTML 5 Trial button. Otherwise, if you are participating in the HTML 5 beta program, click the Opt Out button.

Close your browser and then launch it and check if YouTube and other Flash videos are working.

By the way, if you decide to try another product from Apple and buy an iPhone 5s, the problem with YouTube and Flash videos will probably also be relevant for you.

Despite the closed nature of the Mac OS environment, which is hinted at to the inexperienced user and Mac App Store, and iTunes (a treasure trove of media content), YouTube rules the world of multimedia, and YouTube was, is and will be available to all Internet users, regardless of operating system, installed on the computer, because the “YouTube businessman” needs viewers.

Method No. 1

Method No. 2

YouTube includes clips, video podcasts, live broadcasts, video clips, and even films. Therefore, the desire to download from YouTube is completely logical, but contrary to the mac ecosystem, since the habit of paying for content in the USA has been developed and tempered over the years, both by the Internet environment and at the legislative level. But as long as there is demand, there will always be supply.
Having looked through the pages of the App Store, you are unlikely to find a program for downloading from YouTube, except for programs that will help you view YouTube pages in an interface more familiar to Mac users with beautiful effects, smooth transitions and powerful search. You will not be able to view content offline. You can check this yourself by typing in the search. Apps Store something like “youtube download”. The only application for this request is Tuba for Youtube; perhaps, when you read this article, some other application will appear, but the likelihood that one day you can simply download from YouTube is extremely low.
So, how to download from YouTube to a computer running Mac OS?! It's quite simple, first check the name of the browser you are using, it is most likely one from this list: Chrome or Safari. If you already know which one is yours, then proceed to view the instructions below; each browser has a separate description in this article.
If you accidentally stumbled upon this article while looking for a solution for Windows, then this is the place for you.

Download from YouTube with Safari browser

1. Download the Safari browser add-on.

2. The file you downloaded can be found here:

3. Double-click on its name and click “install” in the extension installation window:

Check the result; when watching videos on YouTube, there will be a “Download” button under the video.

Download from YouTube with Chrome browser

1. Save the extension file to any folder or desktop.

2. Click the settings icon on the browser toolbar, then select the menu “Tools” - “Extensions”, as shown in the screenshot:

3. Drag the saved extension file “helper_last.crx” to the extensions page.

4. Click the "Add" button.
Check the installation result by opening the video on YouTube, the “Download” button should appear.
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