Russian postal identifier: what it is and where to find it. Tracking Russian Postal Parcels What is a postal identifier

Each of us in everyday life has had the need to send something by any postal service. Any sent parcel, parcel post, registered letter or with a declared value, always has great value for the sender and recipient, so you want to be sure that nothing will happen to the shipment on the road, and it will reach the addressee safe and sound.

For peace of mind and comfort of postal service users, there is a postal identifier (code, number).

Mail ID– an individual combination of letters and numbers, it forms the postal item number (code). This identifier is entered in single base data, and in the future it will be possible to trace the route of movement and the fact of delivery of the parcel to the addressee. Regular letters are not assigned postal numbers.

The international postal item identifier includes 13 characters - Latin letters and numbers. The domestic identifier includes only 14 digits.

The question logically arises: where can you find out the postal ID of the package you just sent? The ID must be indicated on the check; it will be given to you by an employee of the post office where the parcel, parcel or other registered postal item is sent. The same identifier is affixed to the postal item itself.

How to find out the postal ID number if you are the recipient of a parcel

If the parcel was sent by a private person, then he will tell you the postal ID number from the receipt about payment and sending of the parcel. If you are expecting a product purchased from one of the online stores, then all the shipping data, including the parcel ID, is usually indicated by the sender on its website in the order menu. For example, how to find out the postal identifier on Aliexpress - after the seller sends the parcel, he must indicate the identifier number in the menu of your order, this number will be in international format and consist of Latin letters and numbers. Usually it is also indicated which service sent the package and the tracking site.

You can find out about the parcel by postal ID number on special websites and resources on the Internet. You will need to enter the number of your parcel in a special field, after which you will see all the information about the movement, location this moment and estimated arrival date. You can find out where the letter is by postal identifier in the same way as the parcel tracking procedure - by postal identifier.

How to find out postal ID by last name

Unfortunately, tracking based on the recipient's address or last name is not possible. The only one possible way tracking - presence of postal identifier.

It is impossible to find out the sender of a letter by postal identifier; the sender can be found out from the data of the notification of the letter's arrival at the post office. The postman will bring this notice to your home and place it in your mailbox. If it is a registered letter with a notification, then the notification will be brought to you against signature.

How to find out what has arrived by mail ID

To do this, you need to go to mail tracking resources on the Internet postal items and enter the mail ID number in a special line, after which you will see what exactly was sent to you and where this item is currently located.

The website's online postal tracking service will help you track the status and location of your parcel delivered by Russian Post.

The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Russian Post" receives, sends and delivers postal items in the territory of Russian Federation and other states. The branches of this national postal operator process the sending and receiving of both domestic and international parcels. If parcels and postal items are sent within Russia, then the parcel is assigned a unique 14-digit identifier number consisting of numbers, and when sent internationally, an identification number of 13 characters (numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet) is assigned.

Both numbers comply with the S10 standard of the Universal Postal Union and parcel tracking can be carried out by both the sender and the recipient of the mail.

Features of Russian Post parcel tracking numbers

Russian Post track numbers differ by type of parcel and differ in appearance.

  1. Packages, registered letters and small parcels have a 14-digit number.
  2. Parcels and packages are tracked using a 13-digit code (4 letters and 9 numbers).


    • The first 2 letters of the code indicate the type of shipment
    • 9 digits - departure code
    • The last 2 letters are the country of departure of the parcel
  1. EMS parcels - track number starts with the letter E

Parcel tracking by shipment type ZA..HK,ZA..LV (Aliexpress)

Thanks to the cooperation of Russian Post this type Parcels from Aliexpress have a simplified registration system, which allows you to send them even faster and cheaper. It is worth considering that this type of delivery can only be tracked within the sender’s country; when the parcel arrives in the territory, the shipment will no longer be tracked, but after the parcel arrives at the recipient’s delivery location, a similar status will appear. The approximate delivery time is 25-30 days from the date of departure.

Parcel tracking ZJ..HK (JOOM)

Parcels with a number containing the letters ZJ at the beginning are parcels from the Joom online store, which also cooperates with Russian Post. This type delivery service is low-cost and is used mainly for the delivery of cheap goods and at the same time has limited tracking functionality. The fact is that Joom parcels, when tracked, can have one of only three statuses:

  • Package sent
  • The parcel arrived at the office
  • The parcel has been received by the addressee

That is, your parcel cannot be tracked at all stages of delivery, but important information, the fact that the goods have been sent or have already arrived at the post office will be known.

Problems tracking Russian Post parcels?

Sometimes problems arise with tracking Russian Post parcels. Most often this happens for the following reasons:

  1. Not enough time has passed since the parcel was sent and the tracking number has not yet entered the database, since not enough time has passed since it was sent. It is worth remembering that the period can take up to 7-10 days.
  2. The sender provided an incorrect tracking number. In this case, it is worth checking the number again with the sender and copying it correctly into the tracking line on our website.

How to track a Russian Post parcel?

Tracking the status and location of a parcel by the postal company Russian Post is extremely simple: to do this, you need to enter the unique track code of the parcel in the tracking line. After specifying the number, click on the “Track” button and find out the most up-to-date information about the status of your shipment by Russian Post.

If you need to save data on several items sent by Russian Post at once, then register in personal account online parcel tracking service website, and track several shipments at once and receive accurate information for each parcel.

In order to determine which post office your parcel is located at, use our

What is a mail ID?

Currently, many people use postal services to send transfers, letters or parcels. This article will talk about the postal number that is assigned to almost every shipment. A postal item identifier is a specific non-repeating code by which items are registered and tracked. I would like to clarify that simple parcels and parcels are not assigned such numbers.

Types of mail identifiers

At the moment there are 3 types of mail ID:

  • domestic Russian postal identifier;
  • international postal identifier;
  • postal identifier for EMS shipment.

What are they made of?

A domestic identifier is assigned to any parcel, registered or declared value letters and parcels. The international postal identifier is similar to the domestic Russian one. But any EMS shipment is assigned its own code. The code for sending within Russia consists of 14 characters. The first 6 characters determine the index post office places of departure. The next 8 digits indicate the individual number. International and EMC identifiers consist of 13 characters and numbers. IN international code The first is a letter, then 10 numbers and at the end 2 letters indicating the country of departure. WITH EMS shipments almost the same, except that there are 9 numbers, and the first and last 2 characters are represented by letters.

Postal tracking

Postal items can be tracked using this identifier. To do this, you need to ask the sender for the number of the parcel or letter and call the post office or go to the Russian Post website and look for yourself. In the first case, you need to call your post office and ask them to find the item. It is very important to name his number correctly. In the second option, you need to go to the Russian Post website and dial your number in the “Post tracking” tab. A sign will be displayed in which you can see where the mail is currently located and how long it is delayed at each check and dispatch point. In order to find out the mail ID number, you need to contact the sender and ask him to look at the number on the check. The code will be written before the recipient information and the sending amount.

If the shipment is already at your post office, but the notification has not yet been received, then you need to go to the post office and ask to look for it. Here it is very important to say what exactly was sent (letter, parcel or parcel) and in what way (registered or with declared value). Also provide the shipment number so that it can be viewed on incoming invoices. It may happen that the sender simply incorrectly indicated the recipient's address or the postman gets sick and the correspondence arrives late. In this case, you should not make a problem out of it and bring it to public attention. And if the parcel (letter, etc.) was sent back for any reason, then you have every right to write a complaint against the post office employees and then return the order and explain the reason for this situation.

tracking number) - a unique alphanumeric or digital number (barcode identifier) ​​assigned to postal items.

The system of worldwide forwarding and exchange of postal correspondence involves assigning registered mail items (except for ordinary registered mail items) a unique postal identifier. At each stage of forwarding, the postal identifier is entered into a single database about the status of postal items. This allows you to track the passage of postal items through the Internet sites of postal and courier services and the fact of delivery of the postal item to the recipient.

The identifier of an international postal item contains 13 characters of the form XX123456789YY and consists of 4 semantic parts:

1. Two letters at the beginning (XX) - the type of postal item. Each type of postal item is assigned a two-letter series of numbers:

  • each of the first eight digits of the number is multiplied by 8, 6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 respectively
  • the obtained values ​​are summed up
  • the result is divided by 11 to get the remainder
  • the remainder is subtracted from 11
  • the result obtained is a verification code if it is greater than or equal to 1 but less than or equal to 9
if the result is 10, then the verification code is 0 if the result is 11, then the verification code is 5

Example: Calculation verification code for departure number 41034224

The domestic mail identifier usually consists of 13 digits (domestic 14-character).

Example mail ID international departure: CA123456789UA Example of internal mail ID: 0123456789123

Using the postal identifier, it is possible to find out about the location and condition of the postal item. Information by mail ID can be obtained regarding:

  • domestic registered mail sent within one country,
  • international registered mail sent outside the country,
  • international registered mail arriving in the country from another country.

Residents of Russia can also use a call to the toll-free telephone number 8-800-2005-888 “Russian Post”, dictating the postal identifier to the operator, and find out information about the last registered location of the postal item.


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