After cleaning, the computer stopped turning on. After cleaning the computer, the monitor does not turn on. Resetting BIOS Settings

Many computer users, noticing a noticeable decrease in performance, open system unit and are horrified by the presence of a mass of dust on the elements of the system. Next, you should clean the dusty components yourself. At the same time, they do not hesitate to use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust. Then, it seems that you just need to turn on the computer and continue your work on the PC, but your digital friend refuses to start. - a fairly common problem.

Why is independence sometimes harmful?

Cleaning your PC from dust is not quite as simple as it might seem at first glance. It would seem that what could be simpler than ordinary computer care? However, the answer to this question is not so obvious. If you look at the system unit and its components from the outside, like a closed box, then dust settled on its surfaces can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

However, we should not forget that cleaning occurs on surfaces digital device, which accumulate a static charge. Therefore, removing dust from these surfaces is not enough. You also need to wipe the body with a damp cloth soaked in an antistatic solution. When it comes to the internal elements of the system unit, removing dust with a vacuum cleaner is out of the question. Here you will need the help of a specialist, otherwise the manifestation of excessive independence may result in the collapse of the system.

Preventive Maintenance

Bring it to us at SoftCompService - we will quickly deal with this problem. It must be remembered that the removal of this unpleasant substance is part of a whole range of preventative maintenance measures.

  • Cleaning the system unit from dust and dirt.
  • Cleaning oxidized contacts.
  • Removing static charge from computer components and from the surface of its system unit.
  • Monitor maintenance.

This is only a small part of the work that our center’s specialists perform when prevention is necessary. At the same time, we clean the internal components not with a vacuum cleaner, but with cans of compressed air. Our specialists have the knowledge of how to remove excess static charge from computer components so that this substance does not cause failure of PC parts.

Corroded contacts are a big problem for computer operation. They are also subject to preventive maintenance, otherwise they will soon cause the failure of many elements. It must be remembered that even lightly touching a contact on the motherboard with your hand can cause oxidation of this contact due to moisture that has accumulated on the hand.

Overheating problems

Periodically cleaning the system from accumulated debris can not only improve computer performance. This and other preventive procedures will help avoid problems with overheating of the system and its parts. Excessive heating is the cause of rapid aging of parts and their failure.

Every microcomputer is designed to operate at room temperature. If the ambient temperature rises above 29.5 degrees, there is a risk of overheating. The same problem occurs in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, in order to successfully solve this problem, the user must exclude any negligence in relation to his digital pet.

Timely cleaning of dust and other types of preventive maintenance carried out by a specialist from the SoftCompService center is a guarantee of the proper functioning of the computer. The computer does not turn on after cleaning it from dust - this phrase will be completely eliminated if you contact our specialists for timely help.

A personal computer, like any other device, requires regular care and cleaning. This includes wiping the monitor with special wipes, disassembling the keyboard, and, of course, cleaning the system unit from dust. Just about last action will be discussed in this article, since inept and careless handling of the insides of a computer can have unpleasant consequences.

Cleaning your computer from dust

First you need to completely turn off your computer. After it goes out and finishes its work, you need to turn off the network that powers it and turn your attention to the system unit - on the back there is a small “on/off” button, it needs to be turned off. Now you should carefully disconnect all the wires from the sockets (the cable from the monitor is usually screwed with bolts located on the plug) and move the unit to a place with big amount free space.

To gain access to the insides of the system unit, you must first unscrew one of its side walls. Inside there is a board with modules and fans installed on it. Direct dust removal is best done with a large brush and a vacuum cleaner at low power.

ATTENTION: When cleaning the system unit, you should never bring a running vacuum cleaner too close to the microcircuits - this may cause mechanical damage to the board or one of the parts. The dust is whipped up with a brush or a strong blow, and then it is sucked out of the air with a vacuum cleaner.

For more thorough cleaning, you can unscrew/unhook some elements from the board (but only if the user is confident that he can put them back) and blow on them from all sides.

After completely cleaning all parts of the system unit from dust, you need to assemble it and put it in place, repeating all the steps in reverse order - screw the cover, put it in place, connect the wires, move the button to the “on” position, start the computer.

If after this procedure any problems arise with the operation of the system, it means that an error was made in assembling the components of the system unit.

Checking the computer monitor cable

If the monitor does not turn on when you start the computer, but there are operating sounds, the monitor cable may have become unusable. It is he who serves as an intermediary between the video card located on the motherboard and the monitor itself. Such cables are divided into three types:

  1. VGA is the oldest and simplest type, secured using a trapezoidal protrusion and a pair of bolts. As a rule, forks are blue.
  2. DVI is a newer type, but very similar to the previous one. The transition from one to another is carried out using an adapter.
  3. HDMI is a cable for modern monitors. He already has a fork smaller in size, and there are no bolts.

Most modern monitors provide the ability to connect all types of cables, that is, the choice of connection type is only important for quality. To check the functionality of the cable, you can try connecting the system unit to the TV - if it shows, then the problem is in the monitor itself, if not, the cable is to blame.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes the cause of the problem is that the cable is not inserted tightly into the socket of the system unit or monitor.

If the system unit does not show signs of life upon startup, then perhaps its own power cable that connects to the network is to blame. It should be tested on another computer, if possible.

Resetting BIOS Settings

BIOS is a kind of tool for controlling the operation of a number of functions on a computer. In some situations, its incorrect settings may cause the image not to be displayed on the screen. To restore this function, you will need to reset the BIOS settings.

To do this, you will again need to disassemble the system unit (using the instructions outlined above) and find the coin cell battery located on the motherboard - the diagram on which most of the wire sockets are located. Next to this battery there is the inscription CLR_BIOS and a small jumper located in position 2-3. The jumper must be removed and placed on the adjacent contact so that it is in position 1-2. After ten seconds, return everything to its place - the BIOS has been restarted.

The video card burned out

This option should be considered after all the others, since video cards burn out infrequently, and they do it unnoticed even less often. To check a discrete video card (one that can be replaced without replacing motherboard) it is enough to disconnect it and install another, working one. The discrete video card is removed from the motherboard socket. You can find out that this chip is a video card by looking at the sockets into which the cable from the monitor goes.

If the video card is built-in, then you will have to borrow a discrete video card from somewhere and install it in your motherboard for testing. Installing a discrete video card does not require any extraordinary effort; you just need to install it in the designated slot on the motherboard. To do this, you need to find a slot suitable for the video card contacts (95% use the same fasteners), bend the fixing plug, and insert it until it clicks, and the plug will knead on its own. The computer itself will determine the required video card.

Problem with drivers and operating system

If, after checking with working parts, the screen still does not want to turn on, then you need to contact the drivers. Wrong installed drivers may slow down the system or prevent the computer from working at all. If after startup nothing appears at all, then it is better to take the computer to a service center.

If, after startup, messages appear on a black screen, but then nothing happens, then you can try to reinstall the drivers. To do this, immediately after launch, you need to press F8 until the action options appear. You need to select " Safe mode" or "Load Last Known Good Configuration".

After starting the PC, you need to go to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “System Tools” - “System Restore”. In the window that opens, click “Select point...”. A menu will open where you should select a date at least a day earlier than the moment when the incorrect drivers were installed (when the computer was working normally). This will not affect photos, videos, computer games and so on, will only affect drivers and system components. After choosing, all that remains is to wait for the system to be restored.

ATTENTION: if none of the solutions to the problem presented here helped, or you simply do not want to tinker with the computer yourself, or there is a fear of breaking something, the device should be taken to service center. They work there knowledgeable people, which will help solve the problem and accurately determine the breakdown.

For the second time in a row last week People contact me with the following problem: “after cleaning the computer does not turn on”, to be more precise, it stops starting - the system unit itself turns on, the coolers work, but the signal does not go to the monitor. The reason in both cases turned out to be the same.

This is what an AMD processor looks like:

Another angle:

Bottom part AMD processor

As you can see, the back side of the processor consists of contacts in the form of “antennae” or “legs”.

In both cases, the user independently cleaned the dust and removed the heatsink from the motherboard. At the same time, the processor due to old thermal paste stuck to the radiator of the cooling system.

The result was the following picture:

In this case, it is MANDATORY separate the processor from the heatsink. As you may have guessed, they did not do this, but tried to insert them back.

This is difficult to do because... It is not clear whether you are inserting the processor correctly into the motherboard socket. (But there are more than a thousand contacts on the processor; a couple will still be missed).

If it doesn’t fit, then you can push harder. In the worst case, when the user is especially active, it turns out like this:

The reason why the computer stopped turning on was dented processor legs.

I was lucky because... There were few bent legs (from 5 to 15). I carefully straightened them with a needle, inserted the processor into the socket, after which the computer started working again.

Experts advise remove a processor stuck to the heatsink using alcohol. Like dried thermal paste softens and it becomes easier to unstick them. I did this with a screwdriver, using it as a lever (hello Archimedes!). Still, the processor is quite hard and difficult to break.

Handle your computer carefully, or better yet, entrust it to someone who understands this better than you.

If your laptop does not start after cleaning, then the first thing I recommend is re-stick RAM sticks ( random access memory). Usually, everything is limited to this. If there are no changes, it means something wasn’t assembled yet. Check more carefully