Providing services on the Internet. How do you promote goods and services on the Internet? Building a unified network

  • Popular services
  • Where can you look for work?
  • Summarize
  • Current and proven platforms for earning money

Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about making money on the Internet by providing all kinds of services. Why does the article indicate the figure of 500 rubles? Because this is a popular query that is typed into the search engine more than 10,000 times a month. People want to earn exactly the “five-hat” salary, although in fact it’s ridiculous money and you can earn much more online. Well, lando, as they say, you need to start small.

Let's talk about this idea of ​​making money online in more detail.

There are plenty of ways to earn 500 rubles in the virtual world, and I have talked about this more than once in other articles. This time we will look at earnings from providing services and the services on which you should look for such work. Below I will provide a list of those services that are popular on the Internet and for which you can find daily orders.

Popular services

Most works cost at least 500 rubles:

  • Posting reviews of companies on various websites and forums
  • Article writing (copywriting)
  • Formation of groups on social networks
  • Creation of logos for the site
  • Providing links
  • Translations of texts
  • Getting likes and subscribers on social networks, promoting groups
  • Correcting errors in website texts
  • Posting advertisements
  • Creating vectors
  • Increase website traffic
  • Creation advertisements(on Avito, for example)
  • Calling a contact database using a ready-made conversation script
  • e-mail distribution, letter preparation
  • Business cards development
  • Creating colorful avatars for VKontakte groups (I personally ordered a similar service. The guy made it for me in 10 minutes and earned 300 rubles).
  • Treating viruses on your computer
  • Setting up contextual advertising
  • Writing a business plan
  • Photo processing, work in Photoshop
  • Project administration
  • And many many others.

Absolutely everyone can find a suitable job if they want to. See in which area you are more or less strong or what you have an interest in. If you lack knowledge, no problem! There is a lot of information on the Internet on studying this or that issue. What, you won’t be able to post a review about the company, or write a simple text? There are plenty of such basic part-time jobs on the Internet and they pay good money for it.

Where can you look for work?

You can search for orders on specialized freelance services. Be sure to register and create a portfolio on the following resources: a popular database of freelancers. There are many serious performers registered here and the prices are very high. For example, copyright here costs at least $1, while on exchanges texts are bought for $0.6 - $0.8. no less popular project. One of the first Russian-language projects to find freelancers. There are a lot of regular and serious customers. For example, as of January 11, 2016. The “search for an artist” database contains 2,761 projects totaling 24 million rubles. This service for real professionals. a relatively new, but at the same time rapidly gaining popularity project for finding freelancers. It has a base of inexpensive performers on such topics as: website audit, writing and editing texts, setting up contextual advertising, creating logos, promoting groups, and so on. The highlight of the project is that all works initially have a price tag of 500 rubles. very high quality project with big amount customers. Here you can find work on the following topics: website development, design, printing, texts and translations, administration, 3D graphics, engineering, advertising and marketing, management, networks and information systems, photography, animation and flash.


Register for all services at once, since customers are different everywhere. In this case, you can receive daily orders. In addition, you can place free ads on Avito, on specialized forums (like, and on social networks. Smaller, lower-paying jobs for beginners can be found on pay-for-action services. This is the work of writing reviews, comments, subscribing to news, entering captcha, watching videos, etc. To complete such tasks, no knowledge is required in principle, and you can start earning money immediately after registering in the system.

Necessary skills to get started

Despite the fact that they may provide completely different Internet services, the start-up for these types of businesses is approximately the same. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about financial consultations or creating your own cryptocurrency, you will need, at a minimum, Personal Computer or laptop, as well as access to the global network. As for professional skills, you must have general concepts working with a PC, office applications and browsers. A truly serious business requires registering an entrepreneur or your own LLC. You must be able to use social networks and place contextual and other types of advertising. At first, it is important to attract at least a small flow of clients in order to stay afloat.

Taxation system for internet entrepreneurs

It is better to register as an individual entrepreneur from the moment the site is opened, but the provision of services or the sale of goods has not yet started. From this moment on, accounting of income and expenses begins. Some register even before opening their own website or platform, so that all costs are already included in the entrepreneur’s expense column. As for the tax system, you often have to choose between general principles and simplification. If counterparties do not need a VAT refund, then it is best to choose the simplified tax system and pay 6 or 15% of turnover. The tax office reluctantly allows the patent form and UTII for Internet services, since these are special regimes, and their use requires clear grounds. But apart from the simplified tax, you won’t have to pay anything else, except perhaps insurance premiums.

Effective promotion of services on the market is the primary task of any businessman. At the same time, the question invariably arises: how should the promotion of goods and services be carried out?

Most types of businesses benefit most from the Internet. Why? It's very simple: promoting services on the Internet provides the widest audience reach. Television, radio, and the press are still popular, but they can no longer compare with virtual space. Especially in the field of promoting services on the market.

Promotion methods

So, we have a certain product or service. Our task is to organize their promotion on the Internet. To the most popular and effective ways promotion of services on the Internet should include:

  • search engine optimization. This method involves bringing the content and code of pages into a form that meets the requirements of search engines. If a site is relevant to the queries being promoted, is popular among users, has useful content and the correct structure, it is highly rated by Google and Yandex. As a result of this, it reaches the top positions of search results for relevant keywords. For example: promoting an online shoe store for the queries “buy men’s shoes”, “buy women’s shoes” or “children’s leather shoes”. This approach provides targeted traffic and directly affects sales volumes;
  • contextual advertising. Placing text blocks appropriate to the context of the page. For example, an advertisement for the Canon brand next to search results th by request “buy a camera”;
  • media advertising. On the Internet, this means brand visualization - increasing its level of recognition through banners, videos, etc.;
  • E-mail marketing. This method of promoting goods or services involves sending targeted advertising letters to e-mail upon receipt of appropriate permission (or absence of refusal) from the owner of the box;
  • partnership programs . Attracting potential buyers through third parties who receive payment for each effective action - impression, click, sale;
  • reputation management (SERM). Forming a positive image of the company on the Internet, promptly responding to biased negative responses, working with complaints on forums and social networks;
  • promotion in social networks (SMM). A set of works on creating and maintaining pages on social media - Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. Work in accordance with the developed strategy and content plan, distributing “viral” posts with a positive connotation;
  • sending SMS messages. The main goals of the method: informing potential consumers about promotions and new products, direct advertising, obtaining feedback. As a result, customer loyalty and awareness increase, and direct contact with customers and service customers is achieved.

Along with this, there are so-called aggressive ways to promote services on the Internet. These include pop-up windows, virus programs, spamming, etc. Aggressive promotion is different low level efficiency and contributes to the creation of a negative reputation of the company in the market. The use of such methods remains the prerogative of short-sighted businessmen who strive in any way to get at least a meager income “here and now” to the detriment of the future of their business.

We will increase your sales, the number of calls, applications and orders from the site in the most effective way!

Advantages of Internet Promotion

According to statistics from VTsIOM (the survey was conducted in October 2014), over 60 percent of Russians are Internet users. However, the benefits of promoting services and goods on the Internet are not limited to the breadth of audience coverage. In particular, these include:

  • attracting target users based on age, regional, gender and other criteria (so-called targeting);
  • cost-effectiveness (the cost of promotion on the Internet is much lower than advertising in traditional media);
  • wide possibilities for efficiency analysis (on the Internet, every user and every target action is taken into account, which guarantees maximum awareness of the businessman about the identity of his efforts and results).

Today, the Internet is still undergoing a period of rapid development and successfully competes with traditional media. According to the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia, the share of online advertising in the total market is about 30% (18.1 billion rubles). At the same time, this channel is only ahead of TV in popularity (30 billion), and radio, print media and outdoor advertising are significantly inferior in terms of the volume of funds spent.

By investing in internet marketing, you are betting not only on immediate profits, but also on your future.

Offering services online is similar to selling goods through a landing page or online store. You inform the consumer about the availability of the product, use the website as a virtual representative. For successful promotion services is not enough to open your own website and wait target audience. Finding and working with clients online requires choosing a marketing strategy. Using sales promotion levers. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Why is promoting services on the Internet profitable?

First of all, we emphasize economic feasibility. Careful attitude towards the time and labor costs of the entrepreneur. In order to get honey, you need bees. If you climb into a hive without the appropriate equipment, instead of sweet nectar you will get bites of varying severity. The same goes for the Internet.

You need to choose a winning marketing strategy that will help drive consumers to pages with a unique selling proposition. Present your services in a favorable light to potential clients. Your costs will pay off and the project will begin to make a profit.

We wrote about how to work with the site and beyond to increase the number of orders in the article of the same name. New material complements the previous one. Information helps you start promoting services on the Internet without trial and error. Follow the instructions to ensure a positive result. To increase the productivity of your project, we recommend reading both articles.

Establishing an online presence

The first obvious step you need to take when selling services is establishing your online presence. Creating a website and hoping that customers will visit it without your participation is unwise. Moreover. In 2018, a simple business card website or one-page website does not work as productively as in previous years.

The market is oversaturated with offers packaged in a standard selling structure. At the first stage, your budget does not allow you to rely only on contextual, native and other types of online advertising. The costs will turn out to be unprofitable if paid promotion of services on the Internet has a short-term effect. We'll talk more about the latter in the article about paid methods increasing sales.

Tell visitors about your business in more detail. Fill the site with information useful to consumers. Act as an expert, encouraging future clients to use your company's services. By cultivating brand loyalty, trust, and the desire to cooperate regardless of significant pricing policy. There are several ways to do this.


Scientists have proven that 83% of people tend to trust the experience of a stranger. They are willing to question the opinion of a relative, along with a stranger who recommends or speaks negatively on any issue. This fact should be used in your business. Customers rely on customer reviews when making purchasing decisions.

  • Post relevant information in a visible place.
  • Open up the opportunity for everyone to speak.
  • Try not to miss 9 out of 10 negative comments.

Unsatisfied customers, if they really are, along with the machinations of competitors, help your business. Skipping most of it into a post on your site is detrimental. At the same time, feedback on dissatisfaction is very important. We will return to this issue below.

Search Engine Optimization

By optimizing your website for search engines, you will drive more organic traffic to it. Save on advertising and speed up the replenishment of your customer base. SEO is an objective necessity for online presence. Its main goal is to make the resource attractive to visitors and robots. Raise pages in search results by attracting the target audience for free for specific queries.


An effective way to establish an online presence and promote services online. The blog enhances the possibilities of obtaining additional traffic from search engines. Try to retain the visitor by regularly providing him with useful and practical information. It is important to maintain the uniqueness and dryness of the texts. Write about the main thing without lyrical digressions and water. Stay true to the theme of the business. The services you provide and what is directly or indirectly related to your offer.

Finding ways to attract clients

SEO techniques will help you communicate search engines about the company's services so that they can direct people to your website. The work of attracting clients does not end there. Search additional ways will lead you to social networks and specialized platforms.

Social media

In the article of the same name about promoting services through, we examined the issue in detail. They indicated the latter as the most effective and cost-effective way to attract customers to your business. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the infographic on 15 ways to interact with consumers through social networks.

Use gathering places targeted traffic. As of 2018, approximately 3 billion people use the platforms. Take into account the behavioral characteristics of users of different resources. Depending on the type of service you offer, some social networks will work better. While others will not give the desired results.

Special platforms for promoting services via the Internet

Specialized resources will help speed up the process of attracting and converting visitors into clients. Boards free ads, freelancing and other platforms that allow you to directly or indirectly indicate information about services.

For example, forums and sites that work on the “question-answer” principle. Unlike social networks, resource traffic is not diluted by users who are not interested in purchasing or selling services. Create a profile, add contacts, list and description of the offer.

In the section on feedback, we mentioned the importance of responding to a negative consumer experience.

  • Contact the author of the negative review.
  • Apologize to him and ask him to spare you a few minutes.
  • Find out the cause of the problem.
  • Correct the errors, return the client location.

9 out of 10 consumers are ready to change their anger to mercy if they receive a reaction from the company. This allows the client to become happier. Feel your importance. You will be surprised how quickly negativity will be replaced by loyalty, and the reasons for dissatisfaction will turn out to be insignificant complaints.

Caring for the consumer and being true to one’s word, along with the quality of services promoted on the Internet, will be the key to the company’s strong reputation.

Growing the base of regular customers and increasing turnover

Remember the consumers you worked with. Contact them for objective reasons. Congratulate you on the holiday, let us know special offer or updating the range of services. Show you care by reminding them of your existence. Try to create a clear picture of your company's service level to make a better offer.

The policy is designed to retain customers by increasing the organization’s turnover at the expense of old and new consumers. Thank customers for trusting your company. Especially those who showed some dissatisfaction.

Personalizing relationships helps build a strong network. A group of people who treat you not only as a master or specialist, but also as a comrade. A like-minded person who is ready to help in any difficult situation. Of course, when the problem is related to the profile of your work and services.

The basics of promoting services online will help you establish yourself as an expert in the field in which you are engaged. Think of yourself and your company as a product. A product that should be checked for proper performance, practical suitability and beautifully packaged.

Whether you're a writer, a doctor, a real estate agent, a fitness instructor, or a photographer, you need to show that you're worth your clients' time and money. This will be achieved by demonstrating qualities that provide real value to consumers.

You probably also have a lot of friend requests on Facebook from “Wedding Photographer Natalya”, “China Therapist Ivanov” and “Evgeniy Profnastil”. Or (even worse) “Sandwich Restaurant” or “Old Hag Clinic”. Tell me, do you accept them? So I don't. I understand that people came to the social network to sell their services. But in most cases, it seems that people heard a ringing, but do not know where it is. They may even have chosen the right channel for promotion, but they haven’t learned how to work with it.

Having once again received a friend request from Victor Repair, I decided to write a short guide for those who independently decided to promote their professional services on social networks.

Tip number 0: You can't make a first impression twice.

Therefore, before you become friends with everyone, design the page properly, maintain it for some time, make it interesting. Stop constantly reposting from your website or your company’s website. If your page is empty, was created just yesterday, or is filled only with reposts from some sites or pages, no one will subscribe to it, because there is a chance that you are a robot. Or a person, but you are not interesting to read in any case. And, accordingly, there is no need to keep them as friends.

If you want to promote your professional services yourself, create your content and behave accordingly, pay attention to your page. Without work, you yourself know, nothing will work out.

1. Use your real first and last name

No one wants to keep the incomprehensible “Andrey elite real estate” as a friend. If you are truly rooted in this work and are sure that you will be a realtor for the rest of your days, then use your real name. People are more likely to add as a friend the unknown Andrei Ivanov, who enthusiastically writes about real estate in their city, than the faceless “Andrei elite real estate” with a photo of a house instead of an avatar and constantly reposting from different real estate sites.

2. Tell stories

Everyone is interested in looking behind the veil of secrecy about professional tricks. Otherwise, the “How It Works” format on The Village would not be so popular. If you really don’t know where to start, read these columns by anonymous experts - get an idea of ​​what people are interested in reading about.

But the most important exercise is to remember what you talk about with your non-professional friends in your industry, what you can laugh about together. For example, if you are a dentist, talk about the funny behavior of your clients (well, they really act very funny sometimes!). Of course, everything should be as anonymous and kind as possible, and ideally even with some kind of morality - like, don’t take your children for a walk in Africa.

3. Share your experience

Surely, you have been in this profession for so long that you have a whole list of obvious tips and recommendations that no one ever does. For example, if you are a financial advisor, you know that you need to have an emergency reserve amounting to 3-6 months of expenses. But, to put it mildly, not everyone knows this.

Tell us, model the situation, again, using the example of your clients and real cases, illustrate what this leads to. Sometimes people don't realize they have a real problem with something until they see the real consequences. Based on your many years of experience, you can talk about these consequences and give advice. Plus, this is another way to prove to your followers that you are an expert and worth spending money on.

4. Don't skimp on good photos

By looking at your avatar (and the page in general), a stranger should understand that you are a professional. A good portrait photographer will help you create this impression. Professional photography It’s not that expensive, but the effect is permanent.

Take a photo set of 8-10 photographs that are different from each other at once, so that you can change them from time to time and use them in other resources - for example, in the media.

By the way, if you suddenly get your hands on a photo from some professional get-together, post it in the news with a note that “Here, I told you about new trends in N on the M forum.” Show your subscribers that you are part of a professional community.

5. Write simply

No need for abstruse formulations. Remember that your readers are mostly people who do not understand your topic. Therefore, write your posts on social networks in the same language in which you communicate with the client when he asks stupid questions.

6. Make it possible to subscribe to your page

VKontakte and Facebook have the ability to subscribe to a page for non-friends. That is, a person may be embarrassed to knock on your friend’s door, but he is interested in what you write. In this case, a subscription is required.

7. Chat with subscribers in the comments

If you wrote interesting post, and subscribers bombarded you with questions, take time and answer their questions, give advice, clarify unclear points.

People need to see that you are a real person and not a bot.

There are, of course, a number of moral and ethical restrictions - that, for example, it is impossible to make a diagnosis using a social network. But I hope you know about such subtle aspects of your profession.

However, you don’t need to immediately sell your services in the comments. If you can give free advice that a subscriber can use to solve their problem on their own, give them this advice - it will only strengthen the level of potential loyalty.

8. Have your own opinion

Everyone in the industry periodically experiences a fashion for something: black furniture and brick walls, rhinestones in teeth, Chinese toilets - you never know. You probably also know about this, and you have some kind of personal and professional relationship to it. You can clearly state your opinion (this will be especially popular if you criticize this fashion trend).

For example, you are a dentist and you think that rhinestones are good only on perfectly white teeth, and in other cases they only emphasize the yellowish tint of the enamel. Or that it is unsafe for teeth and not entirely hygienic (for example). Your opinion may be based on your practice, a recent patient's experience, or something else. But a reasoned opinion from a professional is always interesting to read.

9. Don’t write about things you don’t understand.

Those topics that online trolls can happily savor are taboo for you. You are too busy to discuss the cost of Peskov’s watch and the political consequences of an invasion of some little-known country (unless you are a watchmaker and political strategist, respectively).

10. Be yourself

You can write not only about work - it is also important to remain a person.

You can post photos of bouquets sent by satisfied patients or colleagues, share jokes and professional humor, tell a little about your life, your time studying and becoming a professional. Then it will seem to your subscribers that they have known you for a thousand years, and it will be easier for them to trust you to perform the service.

11. Don't spam

If you have some kind of super service and you want to talk about it, write about it in your own words. Something like “Hurray 🙂 Finally we can talk about it. My colleagues from Clinic X and I have finally launched service N. It’s something like... and it solves the problem with... In our city, no one is doing it yet, although in the USA almost everyone is already practicing it. In general, if you’re interested, I’ll be happy to tell you and show you everything.”. Agree, this is much more pleasant to read than “Clinic X is pleased to offer you a full range of services for N. High-quality work, a professional approach to their work - this is what unites the professionals of Clinic X!”.

12. You are not a company

Firstly, everyone is very annoyed by company accounts that are added as friends. Everyone understands that they will spam. A separate page should be created for the company, and if you want, put a link in your profile that you work for this company. The link will be active, and by working on your personal page, you will thus attract attention to the employer brand. In other cases, you will only benefit from the fact that you are a professional who is passionate about your business, and not an impersonal company profile.

13. If possible, make a portfolio

Of course, this works for those professions where you can show results. Designers can show photos of interiors they designed. Builders - photos of built houses. If you decorate the premises with balloons, this can also be shown.

Photos must be beautiful and high quality! Remember - everything on your page should speak about professionalism and a serious approach to business.

And most importantly, add a few words from yourself, write what you felt and what difficulties you encountered while working on the project, what the client wanted, where were your personal suggestions. This always helps to build personal relationships with subscribers who are not yet very interested.

But, still, if you have such an opportunity, it is better to hire a professional who understands something about managing social networks, the technical and reputational aspects of personal pages. If your budget is very limited, then hire such a person at least at the very beginning - to design the page. It doesn’t cost that much, and the result is not immediate, but guaranteed.

I want you to promise me that you will NEVER create such mediocre pages as those of the so-called “Victor Repair”, okay? They do not solve the problems of potential clients, they do not captivate, but most importantly, they do not bring any financial or reputational results to Victor himself.

Services are a great business because... Most often, no investment is required, just skills and knowledge are enough. But what to do if there are very few clients (for example, you have just started and word of mouth has not yet reached its full potential)? Where to find them, where to advertise your services, where to advertise services? The fastest way to advertise your services is to place an ad on the Internet.

Below I will look at several places where you can successfully place advertisements for your services, tell you how to look for such places and what free way attracting customers is the best.

1. Freelancing or Where is the last place to offer services.

If you intend to build a business and not do a side hustle, then I would avoid any freelance sites to find clients. Now, for almost any field, there are platforms where performers can receive orders for work or offer their services. The disadvantage of such services is that there will be a lot of people willing to do the work and, accordingly, the payment is very low (or you need to have a very good portfolio and rating).

Such sites are more suitable for honing skills, training and part-time work in your free time (or during work).

Examples of such services:

5. And still advertising