Rambler single portal. Setting up Rambler mail – version for PC and smartphone. How to write a new letter in Rambler mail

). Rambler in 2011 finally became an ordinary ordinary portal(though with a multimillion-dollar audience) and their search is now carried out with the help of their once sworn “friend” Yandex. You can see for yourself that their search results for the same queries are identical.

But nevertheless, I consider the decision to write a short essay about the formation, development and slow death of this very first search engine on the RuNet to be justified (Rambler was born a year earlier than Yandex and Google, when the number of sites in the Russian-language segment of the network was measured in only hundreds).

The Rambler search engine is no longer such

In the summer of 2011, an agreement was concluded between Yandex and our hero, according to which searches on this mega-portal will henceforth be carried out using the RuNet mirror. A little earlier, the option of using Google search was considered, but a compatriot was able to make a more advantageous offer (he could not lose after losing his partnership with).

An important aspect of the agreement was the division of zones of influence between the systems and Begun. Initially, there were three main players in the context market in RuNet: Direct, Google Adwords and Begun. Each of them took the bulk of their profits from the results of their search engines.

It was already not easy for the runner, because its donor Rambler was losing its share in the search market with noticeable regularity. Although he had nowhere to go, since the controlling stake in the Context Runner belonged to Rambler.

Well, here, after the arrival of Yandex, he had to tighten his belt even tighter - his contextual advertising blocks were moved to the periphery of Rambler’s search results (shown on the right), leaving the most profitable places to a competitor in the person of Direct:

Of course, in addition to Rambler’s search results, the context from Begun is shown on a number of large portals, as well as in the network of partners, but its market share is steadily falling.

And the quality of advertisers in this system leaves much to be desired, which is why not many webmasters are willing to cooperate with Begun (the earnings are simply ridiculous). Usually they turn to him if the site is denied both (the most profitable option, in my opinion, especially when working through Profit) and .

The owners of Begun expected that with the advent of Yandex, Rambler's share in the Runet search pie would increase slightly, which would allow them to increase their income, but this did not happen and now it is a tiny amount (slightly more than a percent):

Along with the decision to stop working on the search engine, Rambler owners. Firstly, the spelling of the name was changed - letters were replaced by Russians, which, in fact, should have been done a long time ago. Secondly, the company logo has also changed, although for such a well-known brand the logo is no longer of decisive importance:

Gradually, all services included in this mega-portal will change their appearance to match the new image. Will this help Rambler get out of the abyss into which he has driven himself? Time will show.

This portal includes many well-known services (you will even find the Nichrome browser there, and much more), which developed along with the search engine or were purchased by the portal owners over time (more detailed description and the purpose of services you can see in the help):

It seems to me that Rambler is now used mainly by experienced Internet users who got hooked on it and its services (mail, cards, price.ru, ferra.ru, poster, etc.) at a time when it had not yet fallen into the “cool” dive."

Rambler is more alive than dead (for how long)

About a year ago I read a post by a blogger who is also a school teacher. At the beginning of the school year, he surveyed schoolchildren about what search engine they used. What is noteworthy is that none of them named Rambler, and many had never even heard of it. From this we can conclude that for this search engine almost everything is already in the past.

The only service that appeared almost simultaneously with the search engine and has existed until now without any major changes is. I have already written about it several times, including in an article about. In fact, this is a service that provides a free traffic counter and, based on its readings, builds the Top Runet sites, dividing them into appropriate sections.

The appearance of the Rambler Top 100 has not yet been rebranded and, by and large, it looks like nothing. In addition, the monetization method is somewhat striking, when advertising blocks that strongly resemble . are displayed on the top and side of the catalog. I have nothing against them, but many people get the impression that the project is not serious (the next step could be teasers with adult content):

Although there are still blocks of contextual advertising below, but again from a former competitor in the person of Yandex. Initially, the Top 100 rating was intended to simplify the life of advertisers - I chose a category and now they are the leaders at the very top of the list. I don’t know how relevant this is now, but I personally add all my sites to this Rambler service without fail. Why?

The fact is that due to its monstrous age (it was launched in the spring of 1997), the site of this service has a huge trust, and links from its pages are not blocked from being indexed by search engines. Can you guess where I'm going with this? No matter how slow and uninformative the Rambler Top 100 service may be, participating in it will be useful for any project.

There is such a powerful bourgeois service for analyzing sites and their link mass as Ahrefs (Misha Shakin made a video review of it). So, there you can see all the backlinks leading to your resource. Moreover, they can be sorted by the internal rating of this service (AhrefsRank), which indirectly reflects the quality of a given backlink.

In general, the service is useful and, perhaps, after rebranding it will look more humane (well, and its counter will no longer periodically slow down). If we talk about Rambler as a whole, then the decline has been evident for quite some time and the decision to change the search engine was correct, because their own search was long behind the times.

There were probably quite a lot of reasons for the decline and decline in the quality of search in Rambler, but, as I see it, the collapse began ten years ago. The great and terrible Igor Ashmanov, who once stood at the helm of this search engine, writes about this in his book “Life Inside a Bubble.”

When I wrote articles about the history of the creation of Yandex and the history of creation and features of promotion in Google, I mentioned one common point, which, in my opinion, became decisive in the fact that both of these search engines are thriving and are still developing successfully. In both of these companies, the same people (Brin and Page, as well as Volozh and Segalovich) who stood at its origins remained at the helm.

Moreover, in both cases these people were enthusiasts of their business, for whom income was secondary, and the primary thing was the development and movement forward of their brainchildren. This is exactly what I did not find in the history of Rambler's development. As Igor Ashmanov wrote, the split occurred about ten years ago and those who worked on the search system initially were thrown out of the picture. Well, as it were, the result was not slow to tell.

The sad story of the search engine Rambler

In general, the history of the creation of the Rambler company is quite interesting. It began in one of the scientific towns of Pushchino near Moscow. If you remember, then you know that this system was first focused on the military needs of the states, and then for quite a long time served as a means of communication for America’s scientific communities (institutions).

The science city of Pushchino in the early nineties of the last century was notable for the fact that it became the first city in the Moscow region to have a dedicated line connected to the Internet through Moscow. It was precisely the interest in exchanging data on the latest research in the scientific world that spurred activists to lay a cable to Moscow almost on their own.

In 1991, the Internet had just begun its victorious march across the planet and practically did not yet exist (only in 1989 was it invented The World Wide Web WWW was used to create modern websites). Enthusiasts from Pushchino themselves raised postal and Ftp servers for their needs and even within the entire Internet, they were a significant unit.

Well, the logical conclusion of the complete internetization of the city’s scientific community on its own was writing a search engine. Within a few months, programmer Dmitry Kryukov successfully completed this task. In the fall of 1996, the domain rambler.ru was acquired, and on October 8, the site with the search engine became available to Internet users.

Rambler means tramp in English. He did not have any special competitors in RuNet and therefore, until Yandex appeared on the horizon (autumn 1997), he became the sole and absolute leader in search. True, at that time there were only about a hundred sites on the RuNet.

Six months later (spring 1997), the Rambler Top 100 rating, which is still successfully existing to this day, appeared, which we already discussed a little higher in the text.

The further history of the development of the search system is not as clear and straightforward as we could see with Yandex and Google. I don’t want to go into the details of the change of leadership and structural changes in the company, but now those who were at its origins no longer work in it. The creator of Rambler himself, Dmitry Kryukov, died in 2009 from a stroke. Igor Ashmanov created his own brand on the other side of the barricades - he went over to the side of SEO specialists ().

Although until a certain point (2006-2007) Rambler was well known and it seemed that its prospects further development were very favorable. New services were opened or acquired, and the company’s traffic and profits grew.

For example, in 2006, Rambler was in second place in the Runet search market with a very significant percentage:

He was even seriously ahead of Google, which now seems somewhat fantastic. But gradually the management’s flaws and reluctance to seriously work on the search engine took their toll. Over the next few years (2007-2009), the share of Rambler searches decreased several times:

When it seemed that it couldn’t get any worse (about 5% of the total market), it proved that it was possible, and its share decreased several times over the following years (2009-2011):

Well, now, when the search on rambler.ru is carried out using the Yandex engine (by the way, my situation is exactly the same), there are no objective reasons for the decline in its popularity due to poor search quality. It is possible that a market share of approximately one percent is the current benchmark for this once popular search engine, now a mega-portal.

In general, it’s not so bad, in any case, I’m ready to change places with Rambler, but I’m afraid that its owners will be against it. Now it makes no sense to talk about features for Rambler due to the use of someone else's engine.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Having appeared in 1996, it quickly gained enormous popularity and remained a leading player in the Russian search market until 2011. Rambler launched the first rating classifier in RuNet (Rambler Top100), the first Internet portal, and was the first among domestic Internet companies to go public.

In 2012, the philosophy of the portal was completely rethought - Rambler became a media portal for personalized news.

Rambler has won the Runet Prize four times.

As of July 2013, Rambler ranked 11th in popularity among Russian websites (according to other sources - 9th). The monthly audience of Rambler in 2015 is 26 million people.

On April 5, 2016, Rambler got a new logo - “/” (slash). This is one of the basic symbols of an Internet address, which emphasizes that Rambler stood at the origins of the Runet and has always been and will be associated with the Internet and technology. Slash defines the strategy of Rambler as a single platform that helps in solving all the basic desires and needs of a person.


Stack Company (1991-1996)

Among the company's first projects is laying an IP channel from Pushchino to computer network. This was the first Internet channel connected to the network in Russia, extending beyond the capital. Subsequently, the company launched its own ftp, mail and www servers. In 1995, Stack Company launched one of the country's first websites.

In order to provide scientists with high-quality information, the Stack company created free network with tens of thousands of documents. This became an important help in the early 1990s, when, due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, they stopped sending scientific journals.

In 1994, the Stack Company team decided to create a search engine.


The decision to create our own search engine was made due to the fact that foreign search engines often did not accept the Cyrillic alphabet and Internet pages with multiple encodings well, and the depth of indexing of Runet pages was also low.

The core of the search engine was written over several months in 1996 by Dmitry Kryukov. He gave it the name Rambler (translated from in English- “wanderer”, “tramp”, “loitering person”) - an allusion to a search robot “wandering” the network. The Rambler logo was also the authorship of Kryukov. The work to create the search engine was financed from the internal resources of the Stack company and was extremely labor-intensive:

Oh, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, if anyone wants to create something like this, I will say: think three or four times before you do it. Firstly, the matter is really very labor-intensive. I work from 10 am until two or three. It’s easier now, but you need to be aware that writing doesn’t end...
From an interview with Planet Internet magazine, October 1997.

This was a strategically important and insightful step for the company at that time, since the number of RuNet Internet resources at that time reached only 30-50 sites.

Popularity of Internet resources
Runet (1999, 3rd quarter)
1. Rambler 24.3 %
2. Altavista 16.2 %
3. Anekdot.ru 15.1 %
4. Yandex 14.5 %
5. Yahoo! 13.6 %
6. Freeware.ru 13.0 %
7. Mail.ru 10.2 %
10. Aport.ru
8.2 %

In the first year of its existence, Rambler became the undisputed market leader. At the same time, Rambler was not the first search engine in the Russian segment of the network - Altavista appeared in December 1995, and Aport was announced in February 1996; Yandex was released a year later, on September 23, 1997.

In 1999, www.rambler.ru was recognized as the best website created by a Russian company according to the International Computer Club(ICC) .

The growing popularity of the service prompted the opening of a Moscow representative office, which at one time was located in a room at the Orlyonok Hotel.

Media portal

At the beginning of 1999, a controlling stake (53%) in Rambler was sold by Stack to the investment companies Russian Funds and Orion Capital Advisors. On January 26, 2000, the consortium that emerged in this way received ownership of the Rambler, Top100, and iXBT trademarks. On June 27, 2000, the Rambler Internet Holding company was registered. According to the recollections of witnesses to the events, this step became fatal for Rambler. As a result, the company's founders were relegated to the background, and management was left to people far from the industry. The company began to be plagued by frequent changes in management and team, and loss of strategy.

At the end of 2000, a conflict arose between the creators of Rambler and investors, which ended with the departure of the former (among them were Dmitry Kryukov and Sergei Lysakov). From then on, the Stack company and the search engine it created lived a separate life. The founders sold the stake to an FMCG company (First Mercantile Capital Group). According to the memoirs of Anton Nosik, who worked at that time as the president of Rambler:

Since then, Rambler began to turn into a large web portal, focusing also on the American Yahoo! . However, he began to lose the technological race to his competitors.

year 2000

By this time search system outdated. The fact is that until the end of 1999, the search engine was supported by only one person - Dmitry Kryukov. There was no search by numbers, morphology, or linking to the catalog, which distinguished the product unfavorably from local competitors - “Yandex” and “Aporta”.

Therefore, from summer to December 2000, the development of a new search engine, presented at the Russian Internet Forum next year.

Although it should be noted that in 2000 Rambler was still the most popular search engine RuNet. As of the summer of 2000, the project accounted for 47.4% of the Internet audience.

In August 2000, e-mail (Mail.Rambler.ru) appeared, working in test mode since June 23. This year the following services also appeared: information and legal resource “Rambler-Pravo”, “Dictionaries” ( electronic versions dictionaries), “Rambler-Career” (job search service), FreeNet (free Internet access service), “Photo report” and “Maps on Rambler”. In November, a search for Russian ftp servers appeared.

In September, the design and structure of the site underwent a significant update taking into account the concept of a “horizontal portal”.

Overseas projects were launched for Germany and Bulgaria. The German project (www.rambler.de) had a search and rating system and was created for Russian-speaking residents of Germany (about 3 million people), with content in Russian. The Rambler-Bulgaria project (www.rambler.bg), opened on October 9, 2000, on the contrary, was aimed exclusively at local topics, with an interface, content and counter in the Bulgarian language and indexing of Bulgarian resources. The Bulgarian version was created with the aim of testing the likely mass cloning of Rambler abroad; 12 days before the opening of the portal, Rambler management arrived in Bulgaria, consisting of Dmitry Kryukov, Oleg Bartunov, Ivan Panchenko and Evgeny Rodichev.

The company participated in 10 “What? Where? When? » 2000 for the purpose of advertising the brand after abandoning direct advertising campaigns in the spring of that year. From August 27, along with experts and television viewers, a team of Internet users (or simply the Internet team) began to participate in the games. To participate, it was only necessary to register on the Rambler website (igra.rambler.ru - today this is a redirection to gaming service"Rambler"); From the registered ones, the computer randomly selected a thousand people. The question was asked simultaneously to experts and the Rambler team, and after a minute the portal gave the most common answer from users. Participation in the Connoisseur Games was a hugely successful publicity stunt and resulted in a surge in attendance and registrations. This is how Igor Ashmanov describes what happened:

According to the original idea, the Portal was supposed to appear in this game as a sort of World Mind, united by the intellect of millions, another participant who guesses the answers almost better than the living erudite participants. It was a good idea and, perhaps, the most successful marketing project of the Portal.
Igor Ashmanov, Life inside a bubble

Overall, at the end of 2000, Rambler remained the most popular website and Internet brand in Russia.

year 2001

2nd portal logo

However, despite the launch of a new version by Rambler search engine, in 2001, the leadership in Runet was seized by Yandex; “Aport” began to drop out of the search race. In the spring of 2001, there were rumors about a possible merger of Rambler and Yandex. According to Anton Nosik, then general director of Rambler, “We are considering the prospect of a merger, and very seriously.” Also in May 2001, rumors began to appear that the Rambler company was allegedly planning to abandon its search engine and rent a search engine from the American company Google. Subsequently, both rumors were refuted.

Among the launched projects:

At the end of 2001 - beginning of 2002, the Bulgarian (with 15 thousand users) and German divisions of Rambler were closed.

In the summer of 2001, the Russian Funds + Orion Capital group stepped away from management; FMCG (First Mercantile Capital Group) took their place.


At the beginning of 2002, the company moved from the Science Park of Moscow State University to the production premises of the Dynamo plant, to the so-called “Silicon Settlement”.

The server park was modernized, which made it possible to significantly improve the search system. A new search algorithm and page popularity coefficient were introduced, the indexing system was changed, and the search robot.

The projects Ferra (a joint portal of Rambler and Computerra), the travel service Rambler-Travel, and Hosted Search (a resource search system of the company Mail.ru) were launched.


In 2003, Rambler is still one of the most popular brands and the most visited and popular sites, far ahead of Mail.Ru and second only to Yandex.

On January 1, 2003, the company launched its own educational and entertainment channel “Rambler TV Network”. $46 million was invested in the project over a five-year period.

The following were launched: Rambler-Real Estate, Radio Rambler and Audio Digest (allows you to listen to materials from the largest radio stations in the world), search through archives of mailing lists of FreeBSD OS. The portal design has undergone an update.

In the fall, for its birthday (September 26), Rambler prepared a list of the most popular sites “Top100: The Best of the Best”. The Rambler Future Music Fest music festival in St. Petersburg was also dedicated to the date.


In 2004, the interactive video hosting Rambler Vision opened, the services “Rambler Mailings” and “Rambler-ads” (including dating) appeared, mail and Top100 were updated.

The Mobile Rambler service has appeared - the first full-fledged portal for mobile phones in Russia.

Projects Rambler Vision and Mobile Rambler won the National Award Russian Internet in the “Internet Innovation” category. The company itself also received an award in the category “ Free service Runet".

2005 year

The company acquires 25% of the Begun contextual advertising service.

According to the firm's research Arton Consulting, the Rambler search engine has the highest quality audience in RuNet, the greatest browsing depth and confidently ranks second after Yandex, significantly ahead of other competitors.

The portal design has been updated. The Rambler-Planet blog service (integrated with other company services - Photo, Vision and Groups) and the Rambler Store online hypermarket were opened. In September it became known that Rambler was becoming the exclusive distributor of ICQ in Russia. The Rambler-ICQ service was opened - a Russified version of the fifth generation ICQ with additional services - IP telephony, radio and video calls.

In the summer of 2005, Rambler was the first Russian Internet company to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) on the alternative platform of the London Stock Exchange. The company managed to raise $40 million, and the cost of Rambler as a whole was estimated at $153.5 million. The proceeds will be used to acquire companies in the fields of multimedia, communications, e-commerce and entertainment.


The services “Rambler FIFA 2006”, “Rambler-New York” (a project about the life of Russian-speaking Americans), and the voice portal Rambler-IVR appeared. The post office has new interface.

Rambler Media managed to acquire: 51% of the shares of Price Express (which gave control over Price.ru, Domoteka.Ru and Tyndex.Ru.), 26% of the shares of Chess Planet, 51% of Damochka.ru and 51% of the banner exchange service BannerBank. Search technology was also purchased from Fast Search & Transfer. On October 30, 48.8% of Rambler Media shares were purchased by the ProfMedia holding.

In the fall of 2006, the company celebrated the 10th anniversary of the creation of the search engine. At the ceremonial press conference, the concept of the portal and the strategy for further development for the next 10 years were announced.


In February 2007, the textbook “The Internet is Easy” was published, written by Leonid Kaganov and Alex Young, commissioned by Rambler.

Open: a people search service integrated with mail, Rambler-Finance, a service for printing and delivering photos via the Internet. Updated mobile portal, Rambler-Real Estate, Top100 and Rambler-Games. The search engine experienced updates in August and September, leading some experts to say that Rambler is winning the market again."

The management of the company has changed. The reshuffle was made by the new owner of the company, ProfMedia, who bought Rambler in October 2006. As a result general director companies Rambler Internet Holding and Rambler Media became Mark Opzumer, who worked with the managing director and vice president of the European office of Yahoo! from July 2001 to December 2003.

In the summer of 2007, Rambler increased its share in the Begun contextual advertising service to 50.1% of shares.

As of April 2007, the capitalization of Rambler Media reached $840 million.


At the beginning of February, Rambler announced the implementation of a new strategy. As a result of its implementation, the portal underwent a significant update in the style of “newspaper layout” with big amount news blocks and illustrations. Came out a new version search with the so-called structured search, where “search results for relevant verticals: links to reviews (both in the press and in blogs), prices, articles from Wikipedia and news.” The total cost of developing a new search engine was $25 million over several years.

The Rambler-Kinozal project was launched - a site for free licensed video with advertising, created in partnership with Starmedia, TNT, the Craze music library and others. At the time of launch, the site had 750 hours of video, mainly Russian series, reality shows, music and television programs. In July, it became known about the launch of the Rambler Friends project, which collects into a single feed and allows you to follow friends’ updates on social networks. Came out search service for "Runner".

Google announced an agreement with Rambler, according to which the American company will supply search services to home page Russian portal. As a result, Russia would lose its oldest search technology, and Google would become Yandex's main and only competitor in the search market. Also in the summer of 2008, information was leaked about the purchase of “Begun” by the American giant for $140 million. However, the deal was subsequently blocked by the Russian Antimonopoly Service.

year 2009


The number of visitors reached 38.6 million people.

In the fall, the ProfMedia holding increased its share in Rambler Media to 88%.


The map service has been updated. The number of email domains has been expanded: now, along with rambler.ru, users can choose one of the addresses lenta.ru, myrambler.ru, autorambler.ru, ro.ru, r0.ru. Payment option now available paid services portal cards.

Rambler Media was completely purchased by Vladimir Potanin's ProfMedia holding. In the summer it became known about the merger of Rambler and the publishing house Afisha within the ProfMedia holding.


Rambler entered into an agreement with Yandex to use its search engine and connect to YAN - the Yandex Advertising Network. Moreover, in search results Ads from both “Yandex.Direct” and “Begun” will be displayed.

Web browser is out own development"Nichrom". The Rambler-Contacts and Rambler-Avia services were launched.

The Rambler-Maps service has received the most detailed detail compared to its competitors (

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. At one time, I wrote a number of reviews with my personal experiences and impressions of working with popular email services, or rather with their web interfaces:

  1. — I use it for main mailboxes, because when connecting double verification, this service is a priori the most reliable.
  2. - everything is great, and I was especially pleased with the free and functional email for the domain.
  3. - well, it’s nothing outstanding compared to the previous monsters, but nevertheless, in the new interface of this email service everything is pretty well thought out and there’s nothing to complain about.
  4. — free mail with the largest mailbox capacity of 1 TB. Otherwise, the service does not stand out in any way among its competitors.

All three of the above services are highly stable and, importantly, contain spam cutters. In some places they work better, in others worse, but in general they do their job.

Our hero today is Rambler mail. It appeared at the very beginning of this millennium and at one time enjoyed enormous popularity, on which, most likely, the service still operates. As you remember, it was replaced not so long ago by an engine from Yandex, and Rambler, by and large, became a large portal with a number of popular services (including mail, ratings and much more). However, their approach to this matter clearly began to change, and not for the better. But first things first...

Login, registration and creating a mailbox in Rambler mail

Personally, I haven’t used the Rambler mail web interface for quite a long time, because I was configured to collect mail from the mailboxes available there to the main one, correspondence from which I, in turn, read in the client from the . However, having come across a series negative reviews about the operation of this service, I decided to try out their new (for me) interface, which appeared in 2012. Actually, this article owes its appearance to the impressions that were received.

If you don’t want to log in, but want to create a new mailbox, then on the same page you will find a green button "Get mail", which will help you with this unnatural desire. As you can see from the previous screenshot, there are several options for how your future ends mailbox(in addition to the standard @rambler.ru). This, by the way, can help if the name you choose is already taken:

At the next step, you will be asked as standard to come up with a password, select a security question and answer it (you may need this information when restoring access to your mailbox after hacking or simply losing your password). Actually, that's all. You will be congratulated on your valuable acquisition and invited to inspect your possessions.

By analogy with or, your login and password for your mailbox for other services owned by the Rambler corporation. You can also set your photo or avatar, which will be visible to the recipients of your letters.

It is worth noting that, unlike the competitors mentioned above, Rambler mail does not link to a mobile phone number, which reduces the safety of working with the box, it seems to me. As you understand, the argument that you have nothing valuable in your box doesn’t really work, because they practically break it on the fly, and not on order. They are hunting not only for money, but also for social network accounts and other things that can then be sold in bulk to spammers or some other “radishes”.

The appearance of the web interface looks like something very simple mail client(a program installed on your computer that collects correspondence from all your mailboxes). By the way, this is exactly what the developers suggest you do by clicking on the “Add other boxes” link located in the left column. Those. you are offered to configure the collection of mail from all other mailboxes you have (including from other services) in order to view correspondence specifically in the brainchild of the rambler.

Quite a bold proposal in light of the fact that the bulk of criticism on Rambler mail is related to bad work spam cutters, and this, in my opinion, along with the convenience of the interface and functionality (filters, settings, etc.) is a fundamental thing when choosing the main mailbox where all correspondence will be collected. Personally, I’m still impressed with Gmail’s spam cutter, and its functionality is more advanced. high level. But this is still a matter of taste.

In favor of this interface its simplicity and obviousness can speak. In the lower left corner you will find a couple of buttons with horizontal and vertical stripes that allow you to switch from a two-column mail view to a three-column one, when the list of letters remains open, and the contents of the letter you are interested in opens to the right in a separate area.

In the same place, but a little to the right, you will find a button to go to the settings of your mailbox in Rambler mail (we’ll go over them a little later).

How can you check your inbox in Rambler mail?

There are traditionally several options.

Web interface (your page) in Rambler Mail

At the top are the most necessary buttons for managing and sorting incoming correspondence:

Also important is the ability to mark individual letters. This is implemented in Rambler mail, although it is quite simple (for small volumes of correspondence it will do just fine). You can mark important letters with stars, the outline of which will be drawn opposite each letter on the right, and you can remove the “Unread” mark using the outline of a circle located on the left. To make a group mark, you can check the boxes next to them and use the drop-down menu of the “More” button located above.

Well, in order to then set up the background highlighting of only important or unread emails, you will need to select the appropriate option from the drop-down list shown in the screenshot. To search through all letters, you can use the search bar located at the top. In my opinion, it would be possible to slightly improve the functionality of working with correspondence, but this option is certainly in the “couldn’t be simpler” category.

Rambler email settings

Let's now go over mail settings from Rambler, which are hidden behind the gear button located at the bottom of the left column.

Actually, there are not so many of them. On the one hand, this will not scare away an inexperienced user, but they may somewhat disappoint a user more or less accustomed to comfort and convenience. However, it is what it is.

On the first settings tab, you can set the name of the sender (and, if desired, specify a different Email to which replies will be sent), add a signature that will be added at the bottom of all letters you send, and you can also change the cover of the pages with your mail (blue is used by default texture, but you can replace it with one of a dozen background options). Well, you can also see how much free space remains in your free mailbox, which initially is not so much given compared to competitors (only 2 Giga).

On the next tab of the Rambler Mail settings page, you can add new folders if the need arises. On the tab "Other boxes" You can, if you wish, set up the collection of mail from all your existing mailboxes in this or any other services. It will be enough just to indicate the login and password for these very boxes. If the service from which correspondence is to be collected is not standard (the addresses and ports of the POP3 server are already known for them), then you will also have to indicate this data.

IN this service emails, of course, are available filters. They live on the corresponding settings tab. They allow you to configure the processing of incoming correspondence by checking all letters for compliance given conditions, and if they are satisfied, perform one of the following actions on them:

  1. mark emails as read;
  2. mark as important;
  3. delete letters;
  4. move to specified folder

There are several options for setting conditions and actions performed when they are satisfied (selected from the drop-down lists shown in the screenshot). By the way, you can set several conditions using the plus button. In general, everything is usual and quite simple, if not primitive. But there is nothing complicated and is accessible to a completely untrained user (unlike, for example, the same Gmail filters and shortcuts).

The autoresponder tab, in my opinion, is of little use, except perhaps for the time of vacation to set up autoreplies and the deadlines when you can respond to incoming correspondence. And here is the tab "Forwarding letters" may well come in handy. As I already mentioned, many people complain about Rambler’s spam cutting, and if it really works poorly, then it makes sense to configure the forwarding of all incoming letters to another service, where spam is filtered out once or twice (the same Gmail or Yandex).

To set up forwarding, you just need to move the checkbox to the “Enabled” area, indicate the recipient’s mailbox in the “To” field and decide whether you will save copies of forwarded letters on the Rambler service.

Well, on the tab « Mail programs» you can find out the data for setting up the reception and sending of mail through this mailbox using the client program installed on your computer (you can use both SMTP and IMAP).

Yes, there is also the “sounds” tab, where you can activate sounds that are disabled by default, which will be played when a new letter arrives in the Inbox, as well as when sending correspondence or when a failure occurs.

Rambler in comparison with competitors

If everything described above (including spam cutting) works in this postal service ideal, then it can be recommended to undemanding network users who want to get the most simple and, not least important, .

However, this service cannot provide serious competition to Gmail, Yandex Mail and even Mail.ru. The functionality is insufficient, the security issue has not been addressed, and the settings for serious work with a large volume of correspondence are clearly not enough.

If we also take into account the mass negative reviews users on the network (here, again, you need to be selective, because when everything is satisfactory, they usually simply don’t write reviews), then the prospects for Rambler mail in the fight against competitors for the market are quite illusory. Their main task now, it seems to me, will be to retain existing customers. IMHO.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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"Rambler"- in the past, a domestic email search system, which has turned into a media and service portal for entry, popular among Russian users. Among its services there is also a free email service, which today provides various useful functions and ensures reliable protection of information from hacking.

Rambler mail entrance

In order to take advantage of the capabilities of the service, you need to enter the Rambler mail to register, i.e. create account, For what:
  • IN search bar browser (web browser) type the address and press Enter;
  • On the page that opens, carefully fill in all the fields with the data required for registration (first and last name, year of birth, login and password, mobile phone number, addresses, etc.);
  • After entering all the data, the user is taken to the mail page with standard settings, which each user can change;

Rambler mail password recovery

Set up a method to restore access if lost Rambler mail login/password, for which you need to select one of the security questions and answer it. The second method is to receive a code to the specified mobile phone number and enter it. There is also a “Delete mailbox” button, which you can use to stop working on this service. After logging into their page, the user will be prompted to upload a photo or avatar. This completes registration. To log into the service, you must enter the login and password assigned during registration, and in order for subsequent logins to occur automatically, you must activate the “Remember” button by checking the box. Login is also possible through popular social media, if they have an account. It is recommended to avoid this possibility, preferring a more reliable and proven method using personal login

and password.

Mail registration rambler
  1. If this data is lost, then in order to register your mail on Rambler and restore access, you should perform the following steps (after a message about incorrect login/password entry appears):
  2. Click the “Restore” button, after which you will go to the next page;
  3. In the appropriate windows, enter the name of your personal mailbox and the captcha (computer test, code), then click the “Next” button; On mobile phone
  4. , the number of which was specified during registration, you will receive an SMS message with a code that must be entered in the appropriate field;
Next, you will be asked to create and confirm a new password; If a phone number was not specified during registration, then to restore the data you will need to answer the security question specified during registration. After these steps, you will be prompted to log in to the user page using a new password, which will allow you to work with incoming letters and respond to them. If the service was not initially configured accordingly, the user’s attention will be distracted by “unobtrusive” advertising. To block it, you should install a filter. Smartphones and tablets are suitable for using mail, thanks to the presence mobile version

service. To configure it, you need to go to a separate section and act in accordance with the information available there. Read