Download objects for mta map editor

The MTA:SA map editor allows you to create maps for game modes.


To launch the editor, just click on the button Map editor in the MTA main menu.


Once launched, you will see two menus: the main menu at the top and the items menu at the bottom left corner.

Main menu

This menu consists of several buttons:

Item Menu

The elements menu is used to add new elements to the map.

In addition, if you have loaded , scrolling with the mouse wheel will reveal new specific elements to you.

Using the editor

This section will teach you how to create and edit maps.

Moving around the map

When you start the editor, you are in camera mode(camera mode). Use the keys WSAD for movement and the mouse for rotating the camera. If you need to move the camera slower, hold down ALT, to move quickly use SHIFT.

To access the editor interface and control panel, go to cursor mode(cursor mode). You can switch between cursor mode and camera mode by pressing F. When you are in cursor mode, the camera position is fixed and you can use the cursor to manipulate map elements and use the graphical interface.

The camera mode is easy to recognize by the crosshair in the middle of the screen. In it you can select and move elements, just like in cursor mode.

Launch of a new map

  • Launch the editor, and if it is already running, select from the menu New.
  • Select Map settings. In chapter Meta fill in the fields Name(name) and Author(author) with the names of the map and your name, respectively. Also open Gamemodes and add the game mod to your map (they will be moved to the list Added game modes). You can do this by selecting them and clicking Add, or double click on them. Click OK when finished.

  • Select an item Definitions and add the resources whose elements you want to use. They will be used in the game mods you selected in the window Map settings, as well as possible additional resources. For more detailed information about "editor definitions", see here. Click OK when finished.

Creating New Elements

Adding new elements to the map, such as vehicles or objects, is very simple!

  • If you are in camera mode, switch to cursor mode by pressing F.
  • Click on the button in the element menu that corresponds to what you need. For example, click on the car button to add a vehicle.
  • A new element of the type you selected will be created and attached to your cursor. Move it to the place you want and click left mouse button to unpin it.

To create your own resource-specific elements, hover over the element menu and roll the mouse wheel until the desired resource appears. Note that in order for this to work, you must first add a -resource file to the window Definitions.


  • Click left mouse button by element to select it and go to keyboard control mode.
  • Click right click to select it and go to mouse control mode.
  • Click space or click on an empty area to deselect it.

The selected item, if any, is highlighted with a yellow conical marker at the top. Elements (particularly objects) with bad collisions can be more easily identified by enabling "high sensitivity mode", to activate it, hold down the key E. This increases detection ability at the expense of accuracy.

The list of all elements can also be used to select elements. Double clicking on an item from the list will select it in .


Moving elements can be done in several ways.

Using a mouse

  • Simply drag the element to the desired location using left mouse button.
  • Select item in mouse control mode (right button mice), move it to where you want it and click the button again.

You can also adjust the position of an element far/near relative to the camera in camera mode, to do this: right click element by element and rotate mouse wheel.

Using the keyboard

  • Select item in keyboard control mode (left button mice).
  • Use arrow keys to move the element horizontally, and PgUp/PgDn to move the element vertically. Clamp ALT to reduce the element's movement speed, or SHIFT to increase the speed of the element's movement.

By default, elements move relative to the camera and are not fixed along any axes. This can be disabled in the menu Options.


Using a mouse

You can also rotate selected elements about the Z axis using the mouse wheel.

  • Select the item you need in keyboard control mode (left mouse button) and rotate the mouse wheel while holding down the key left CTRL.
  • Select item in mouse control mode (right mouse button), press CTRL and rotate the mouse wheel.

Using the keyboard

  • Select item in keyboard control mode (left mouse button).
  • Together with a pressed key CTRL(the conical marker located above the element will turn green), use arrow keys And PgUp/PgDn to rotate elements about different axes.

With both methods you can additionally clamp ALT to reduce speed and SHIFT to increase it.

Changing the model and other settings

Most elements have many customization options to change their appearance and behavior. Examples are the model, color and visual upgrade of the car.

  • Open the properties window of an element by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and pressing F3.
  • Make changes as you wish. For example, to change the model of a car or object, click the button Browse Near model to open the model browser.
  • Click OK when finished.

Copying (cloning)

You can copy (clone) an element by selecting it and clicking C.

  • IN mouse control mode the copied element will “stick” to your mouse cursor, click left mouse button to place the element in the location you choose.
  • IN keyboard control mode the copied element will remain in the same position as the element from which it was copied. Click F2 for quick access to mouse control mode when the element is selected.

If you pinch CTRL while you click, the element will be copied and “glued” to the mouse cursor again. This way you can easily fit a large amount of something.

Pullout (> ) located in the lower right corner of the element's properties window to copy it.


To remove an item, simply press the key DEL with the element to be deleted pre-selected.

Also you can use the button Pullout (> ) located in the lower right corner of the element's properties window to delete it.

Creating maps for specific mods

To create a map for a specific mod, you need to do two things:

  • Click on the button Map Settings in the top menu, click on the tab Gamemodes and add any mods your map will be used with.
  • You will most likely want to add one or more . This will allow you to place mod-specific elements on the map, such as spawn points, racing checkpoints or CTF flags. You can add EDFs by clicking on the button Definitions in the menu and adding relevant mods.


Here is a list of control keys. To change them, you need to enter the MTA settings while Map Editor is running



Element Manipulation

move element forward arrow_u (Arrow Up)
move element back arrow_d (Arrow Down)
move element left arrow_l (Arrow Left)
move an element to the right arrow_r (Right Arrow)
move element down pgdn (Page Down)
lift element up pgup (Page Up)
bring closer Mouse wheel down
move away Mouse wheel up
quickly move an element in one direction "move mode" key + mouse wheel up (Left CTRL + Mouse Wheel Up)
quickly moving an element to the other side "move mode" key + mouse wheel down (Left CTRL + Mouse Wheel Down)
turning on "Move mode" (key must be pressed) lctrl (LEFT CTRL)
mode "slow speed of movement\camera" lalt (Left ALT)
"fast movement/camera speed" mode lshift (LEFT SHIFT)
delete selected element delete
stop performing action on the element space
start producing action on the selected element F2
cancel move mod_rotate + r (Left CTRL + R)


Switch gui screen F4
Switch cursor f
Select the required element (in Keyboard control mode) mouse1 (Left mouse button)
Select the required element (in Mouse mode) mouse2 (Right mouse button)
next EDF mouse_wheel_up
previous EDF mouse_wheel_down
Cancel Ctrl + z
Return Ctrl + y
settings window F3
browser_up arrow_u (Arrow key Up)
browser_down arrow_d (Arrow key Down)
bring closer mouse_wheel_up
move away mouse_wheel_down
confirm enter
currentelements_up num_8 (Numpad key 8)
currentelements_down num_2 (Numpad key 2)
go to test F5


The editor has both server and client components built-in, so it is natively compatible with multiplayer. To connect multiple users to the editor, simply copy all of the editor's resources to your server, start the "editor" resource, and allow other users to join.

Please note that on this moment the editor is deprived of any system of rights, so all users have full access to functionality.

Plugins and external resources

The editor allows basic importing of elements from external resources. This can be useful for resources that will need to handle an element in some special way that cannot be done through the editor. For example, a map resource that uses specific models (and has a script to import those models) cannot be managed through the editor by default.

Through using the command import In the console, resource elements can be imported through the editor.


I have a black screen when starting Map Editor

This is usually caused by the Map Editor's resources being installed incorrectly. If you are using the stable MTASA client, please reinstall it and make sure to use the Client and Server options when installing.

If you are using the nightly build, you will need the latest resources for it to work correctly (step 3), unzip the archive and place its contents in: MTA San Andreas 1.3\server\mods\deathmatch\resources, where MTA San Andreas 1.3- the folder where you installed MTA San Andreas (default: C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas 1.3).

Putting them in: MTA San Andreas 1.3\mods\deathmatch\resources - common mistake- this will have no effect. So make sure to place them along the path highlighted above italics.

If the problem still persists even after you've checked the note above and made sure you installed everything correctly, it may be due to an outdated file acl.xml. You can get the standard one in the archive. It must be placed in server/mods/deathmatch/

I see "Could not start the local server. See console for details" when using the "Map Editor" button

This happens because you have an outdated editor.conf file. You can get the standard one in the archive. It must be placed in server/mods/deathmatch/ in the folder with installed MTA: San Andreas.

I saved the map, but I can't find it in the resources folder of my server, but I can see it in the editor itself

This is because Vista/7 restricts write permissions to the Program Files folder for processes not running as administrator. The files are written to the "VirtualStore" folder instead of the actual Program Files folder. You can find your resource map in a similar path:

C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\MTA San Andreas 1.3\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\

Running the San Andreas server/MTA with administrator rights will allow the map to be saved in its normal path.

I have another problem with the map editor

Sometimes resetting the editor can resolve certain issues. The easiest way to do this is to install MTA:SA in a new, completely different folder. Or you can try the following steps:

1. Go to the resources folder and delete the folder editor_dump 2. Go to the resources folder, server/mods/deathmatch/resources/ and delete the folder editor_test

I found a bug or have a suggestion/feedback on the map editor

Please use the official bug tracker to report bugs. Also feel free to join us on

Multi Theft Auto
"Map Editor"

1. First, we need to install the MTA (Multi Theft Auto) client itself.
2. You can do this by downloading it from the official website:
3. Go to the website and click on the “Download” button

4. After you install the game, go to “Map Editor” on the main menu. (After the first login, the client can request a game update, press “Yes” or “No”, think for yourself)

5. You will be asked to complete the “Training”, click “Skip Tutorial”, we don’t need this

So, first, let's look at the basic camera controls:

W,S,A,D– Move the camera, up, down, left, right, respectively.
Shift + W,S,A,D– Fast movement.
Alt + W,S,A,D– Slow movement.

Now object management

“F” - Enter the menu.

Control panels:

Map Options

Object Options

(Use the mouse wheel to open the additional menu of objects of the selected mod)

Additional example Menu mod "Race"

To add any object, click on:

Let's look at the "Card Options" Menu
"New"- Creation new card(I recommend clicking every time after entering the “Map Editor”)

"Open"- (not hard to guess), Open an existing map or a created one

"Options"- Options, cameras, icon sizes.

"Undo, Redo"- Step back, step forward (similar to Ctrl + Z)

"Locations"- Select a location, or add your location.
(To add your location, you need:
1. Go to “Bookmarks”
2. In the “name” field enter the name of the card
3. Install the camera above/near your building and click “Dump current position”
4. Then click “Add”)

"Current elements"- Select one of the elements of your building.

"Map settings"- Directly the map settings themselves and the choice of map mod.
(this option does not need any special comments; we will consider it separately when considering the creation of DD/DM/Race “Cards”)

"Definitions"- Selection of installed mods on the map.

"Test"- This button will help you check your creation in action
(to go back to the “Map Editor” press F1, at the very bottom “Finish testing”)

Keyboard shortcuts for managing objects:

"E"- The cursor will turn red and you can select the smallest objects

Click on the object (LMB or RMB)

Using the keyboard arrows:
"Alt"- Slow movement
"Shift"- Fast movement
"Ctrl"- object rotation
Many people said that in this editor there is no combination for “Raising” and “Lowering” objects, but my friends, this is not so
"Shift + Pg Up/Pg Dn"- On "NumLock numbers 9 and 3"- Raise and lower objects.
"Shift + Alt + Pg Up/Pg Dn"- Slowly raise and lower.
"Shift + Ctrl + Pg Up/Pg Dn"- Tilt the object.
(I don’t think there’s any need to write about the fact that if you combine this combination with the “Alt” key, the object will rotate slowly)

Looks like we've sorted it out.

"Let's start creating Maps"

Let's start with the “DM” mode

1. To begin, go to the “Map Editor” and click “New”
2. Let's go to "Map settings"
3. We go to “Meta”, and what do we see there? That's right, the name of the card and the name of the author, I think you can handle this yourself.
4. We go to “Gamemods”, select “Race” in the left column, then click “Add” and see that “Race” appears in the right column, that’s all.

5. Go to “Definitions”, “Race” should appear in the right column, click “OK”
6. Go to “Map settings” in the “Environment” tab, set the time (morning, afternoon, evening, night), check the “Locked Time” box, set the weather you need, and click “OK”
7. We go to and build our map.

"Checkpoint"- Mainly for the racing mode, I think you yourself understood what it was.

"Race Pickup"- Pick-ups, treatments, nitro, car change.
(to choose between healers, nitro and car change, double-click on PickUp)

"Spawnpoint"- the place where players will appear.
(to select the car in which players will appear, click on Spawnpoint twice, similar to Pick-Up)

8. After all Pick-Ups, player Spawn places, nitro, etc. have been placed on your map, click “Test” and check your creation; as testing progresses, we update, correct, and add new objects.
(let me remind you, to exit testing, press F1, at the very bottom, finish testing)
9. Always, before you start testing, be sure to save your map! You never know.

Good afternoon, dear users and visitors of the Play`N`Trade website. The editor is with you - Matros. And now I'll tell you about the “Map Editor” program in SAMP and MTA.

What is Map Editor used for?

This program will be very useful in creating your own server in SAMP or MTA. It initially has 30,000 added objects that you can put on your map. There are also special mods for this program. With their help, you can set up an MPC bot, record a route for it, build your own interior, and much more.

How to enable Map Editor?

To install and enable Map Editor we need to carry out some actions. First, you need to unpack editor.exe. Next you will need to open this exe file. In the window that opens. Then we can build any buildings. Move and place all objects on your map. This program is also very useful in MTA on the DayZ server. With it we can build islands like on many popular DayZ servers. To learn everything in Map Editor, you can watch the “Pawno” lessons. You can find everything in these lessons. Starting with the IDs of all items and ending with job / faction codes.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Find others interesting articles you can on the Play`N`Trade forum. And Matros was with you. See you!