Directories of electronic components. Directories of electronic components Low-power transistors directory

Bipolar Transistor Reference Data

From the compiler

This reference book is an attempt to combine in one publication the completeness of coverage of instruments, compact presentation of information, and ease of use.

The directory is intended for a wide range of users from developers of radio-electronic devices to radio amateurs.

The reference book presents the main electrical parameters of bipolar transistors. For compactness and ease of use of this reference book, it uses a tabular form of presenting information. In addition to the electrical parameters, the reference book provides overall and connection dimensions, as well as a typical area of ​​application of bipolar transistors. The described approach made it possible to create a compact, convenient and inexpensive reference book that will bring practical benefits to its owner.

The reference book contains parameters of bipolar transistors scattered throughout the domestic literature. Since the main principle in compiling the reference book was the completeness of the nomenclature, for some devices only a few parameters are given (which were given in a scientific article by the developers of the device). As additional information became available, it was included in the reference book.
For some devices, instead of limit parameters, typical parameters are given, when information about limit parameters is not available, but there is information about typical values.

How did this guide come about? In the mid-70s, the compiler of the directory was faced in his work with the lack of a directory that suited himself and his colleagues. Existing directories had many shortcomings, the most obvious of which are described below.

1. Great redundancy:

A) Many reference books had a lot of graphs that were either described quite well by theoretical curves or reflected insignificant dependencies;
b) Most developers are not interested in such parameters as storage time in a warehouse and the degree of resistance of semiconductor devices against the effects of mold and fungi;
c) From 10% to 30% of the volume of reference books was occupied by well-known things - symbols on electrical circuits, classification of devices and similar concepts repeatedly described in various literature.

2. Incompleteness - the long period of passage through publishing houses led to the rapid obsolescence of the reference book. Most of the compilers gravitated towards a certain circle of semiconductor device manufacturers, and while the products of one manufacturer were presented fairly fully, the products of another manufacturer did not include new developments. To work, I had to use several reference books at the same time (especially since different compilers included a different number of parameters known for a given device) and a number of journal articles that described new semiconductor devices.

3. Inconvenient to use - most compilers introduced a breakdown of the directory into parts according to such criteria as power dissipation, operating frequency, type of transition. In addition, very often within a section the material was additionally grouped according to similar principles. All this significantly complicated the search for the right device and especially the comparison of several semiconductor devices according to a number of parameters.

4. Unreliability - during the publishing process, errors accumulated in any reference book. If errors in ordinary text are easily detected during proofreading, then errors in numerical information are difficult to detect even by a specialist.

All the reasons described prompted us to compile a reference book more convenient for the developer of electronic equipment. Thanks to its compact form, the directory is quite cheap and satisfies most needs. If the developer needs more detailed characteristics of a product (this happens quite rarely), he can always turn to either a specialized publication or an industry standard. In his daily work, this little book is enough for him.

The directory was compiled in 1993 and translated into HTML in 2000.

Compiled by: Kozak Viktor Romanovich, email: kozak @

A selection of reference data for domestic bipolar transistors of low, medium and high power. Mainly produced in the Soviet Union

Semiconductor devices low power have permissible power dissipation in the collector junction up to 0.3 W. (By power in this classification we mean the power released at the collector junction of the semiconductor.) Heat is removed from the collector junction to the body along a thin base plate, which has low thermal conductivity. They are designed to work without special heat sinks (radiators). All external terminals are located along the diameter of the bottom and usually the middle terminal is the base one, and the emitter one is located closer to the base one than the collector one.

These semiconductors include devices with power dissipation in the range from 0.3 to 1.5 W

For high power transistors, power dissipation exceeds 1.5 W.

Types of housings of foreign and domestic transistors

The housing is the main and largest part of the design of absolutely any transistor, which performs a protective function from external influences and is also used for connecting to external circuits using metal leads. The housing types of foreign transistors are standardized to simplify the manufacturing process and use of products in amateur radio practice. The number of typical transistors currently amounts to hundreds.

Each semiconductor device, including the transistor, has its own unique designation, by which it can be identified from a bunch of other radio components and parts.

The main element of a bijunction bipolar transistor is a single crystal of a p- or p-type semiconductor, in which, with the help of impurities, three regions with electron and hole electrical conductivity are created, separated by two p-n junctions (see the figure at the top of the page). If the middle region has electronic conductivity of type p, and the two outer regions have hole type p, then such a transistor has a pnp structure, in contrast to pnp transistors, which have a middle region with hole conductivity and outer regions with electronic conductivity.

The middle region 1 of an n-conductivity semiconductor crystal is called the base. One extreme region 2 with p-conductivity, injecting (emitting) minority charge carriers, is called an emitter, and the other 3, carrying out the extraction (removal) of charge carriers from the base, is called a collector. The base is separated from the emitter and collector by emitter 4 and collector 5 pn junctions. Metal leads (B, E, K) are made from base 1, emitter 2 and collector 3, which pass through insulators in the bottom of the housing.

Transistors are manufactured in sealed metal-glass, metal-ceramic or plastic cases, as well as without cases. Unpackaged transistors are protected from the influence of the external environment by a layer of varnish, resin, fusible glass and are sealed together with the device in which they are pre-mounted. Currently, most transistors, including integrated circuit transistors, are based on silicon with a planar junction type. The use of point transitions is limited due to instability. The base region of the transistors is made with a very small thickness (from 1 to 25 μm). The degree of doping of the regions varies. The concentration of impurities in the emitter is several orders of magnitude higher than in the base. The degree of doping of the base and collector depends on the type of transistor.

In operating mode, constant voltages from external energy sources are connected to the electrodes of the transistors. In addition to constant voltages, signals to be converted are supplied to the electrodes. In this regard, a distinction is made between the input circuit, into which the signal is supplied, and the output circuit, in which the signal is removed from the load. Depending on which of the electrodes is common to the input and output circuits when the transistor is turned on, circuits with a common OB base, a common OE emitter, and a common OC collector are distinguished. In an OB circuit, the input circuit is the emitter circuit, and the output circuit is the collector circuit. In a circuit with OE, the input is the base circuit, and the output is the collector circuit. In a circuit with OK, the input is the base circuit, and the output is the emitter circuit.

The physical processes occurring in transistors with p-p-p and p-p-p structures are the same. In p-p-p transistors, unlike p-p-p transistors, a voltage of reverse polarity is applied and the currents have the opposite direction.

Depending on the polarity of the voltages applied to the emitter and collector junctions, active, cutoff, saturation and inverse modes of switching on the transistor are distinguished.

Active mode is used when amplifying weak signals. In this mode, direct voltage is applied to the emitter junction, and reverse voltage is applied to the collector junction. In the active mode, the emitter injects minority carriers into the base area, and the collector extracts (removes) minority carriers from the base area.

In the cutoff mode, reverse voltages are applied to both junctions, at which the current through the transistor is negligible. In saturation mode, both junctions of the transistor are under forward voltage; In both transitions, carrier injection occurs; the transistor turns into a double diode; the current in the output circuit is maximum at the selected load value and is not controlled by the input circuit current; the transistor is fully open.

Cutoff and saturation modes are commonly used by a transistor in electronic switch circuits. In inverse mode, the functions of the emitter and collector are changed by connecting a direct voltage to the collector junction, and a reverse voltage to the emitter junction. However, due to the asymmetry of the structure and the difference in carrier concentration in the collector and emitter regions, the inverse switching on of the transistor is not equivalent to its normal switching on in the active mode.

The reference book contains technical documentation in .PDF format for more than 3,500 types of memory chips. All technical documentation for memory chips is sorted by memory chip manufacturer. Each file can be downloaded separately. Download the file of contents of all archives 86 KB, format.xls Manufacturers: ALLIANCE - file size 16 MB. AMD - file size 15 MB. ATMEL - file size 30 MB. CATALYST - file size 2.8 MB. CROSSLINK - file size 5.3 MB. CYPRESS - file size 44 MB.

Electrician's Handbook. V. I. Grigoriev. 2004

The technical characteristics of existing and new electrical equipment are given: transformers, electric motors, switching devices, cable and overhead lines, etc. Information is given on electrical measurements, electrical materials, neutral modes, power quality standards, lighting devices, etc. The book is intended for engineers, technicians and craftsmen working in the operation of power supply systems in both industry and agriculture.

Diodes and their foreign analogues. Directory. T. 1. Khrulev A.K., Cherepanov V.P.

The first volume of the reference publication provides the electrical and operational characteristics of semiconductor diodes - rectifier diodes and pillars, diode assemblies, blocks of modules and matrices. A classification and designation system, basic standards for the devices described in the reference book are given. For specific types of devices, information about the main purpose, overall and connection dimensions and markings is provided. The appendix gives foreign analogues of the semiconductor diodes listed in the reference book and the names of the manufacturers.

Marking of radio components, domestic and foreign. Reference manual. Volume 2. Sadchenkov D. A.

This book is devoted to the marking of microcircuits, thyristors, indicating devices, sound signaling, switching and protection of electrical circuits. In addition to information on marking, typical connection diagrams, installation dimensions, logos and letter abbreviations for marking microcircuits from leading foreign manufacturers are given. Useful information is presented that will generally help determine the type and purpose of the element and select a replacement for it, taking into account the area defined for it on the board. The book is intended for specialists in the repair of radio-electronic equipment, as well as a wide range of radio amateurs.

Marking of radio components, domestic and foreign. Reference manual. Volume 1. Sadchenkov D. A.

In practical work related primarily to the repair of electronic equipment, the task arises of determining the type of electronic component, its parameters, location of pins, and deciding on direct replacement or using an analogue. Most existing reference books provide information on individual types of radio components (transistors, diodes, etc.). However, it is not enough, and this reference guide is a necessary addition to such books. The book presented to the reader on the marking of electronic components contains, in contrast to previously published similar publications, a larger volume of information.

Foreign transistors and their analogues. Petukhov V.M. Directory directory. Volume 1

The first volume of the five-volume reference publication provides the electrical and operational characteristics of foreign low-power bipolar transistors. The overall dimensions of the housings are indicated in the Russian standard, indicating tolerances according to the manufacturers. The directory also contains foreign analogues of transistors (and analogues of discontinued devices are also included) and a list of manufacturers. For the convenience of working with the reference book, an index of types of devices has been compiled, according to which the reader will find the device he needs with incredible ease.

Thyristors and their foreign analogues. Directory. Cherepanov V.P., Khrulev A.K. 2002

The second volume of the reference publication provides data on electrical parameters, overall dimensions, maximum operational characteristics, information on the main functional purpose of domestic power thyristors. Dynamic pulse frequency temperature dependences of the parameters are given and the features of the use of thyristors in radio-electronic equipment are described. For engineering and technical workers involved in the development, operation and repair of electronic equipment Year of manufacture: 2002

Domestic analogues of foreign microcircuits for household radio equipment. Directory 1992

Data are provided on foreign analogues of Soviet-made microcircuits used in household radio equipment, including design and functionality. Contains information on more than 600 names of microcircuits. For specialists in the repair of imported household radio equipment, as well as a wide range of radio amateurs. Year of release: 1992 Author: Pirogov E.V. Genre: Directory Publisher: M.: BIAR Format: DjVu Size: 1.4 MB Quality: Scanned pages Number of pages: 48 Download the book >>> Domestic analogues of foreign microcircuits for household radio equipment: Directory Program for reading the book: DjVuReader CONTENTS Preface Branded signs and abbreviations indicate chip manufacturer companies 1.

Logic ICs KR1533, KR1554. Directory.

The reference book contains detailed information on modern logic ICs; high-speed low-power TTLSH microcircuits of the KP1533 series and high-speed CMOS microcircuits of the KR1554 series KP1533 series Low-power high-speed digital integrated circuits of the KPJ53S series are designed for organizing high-speed exchange and processing of digital information, time and electrical coordination of signals in computer systems. Microcircuits of the KR1533 series, in comparison with the known series of logical TTL microcircuits, have a minimum value of the product of fast action and power dissipation.

ADC and DAC microcircuits. Directory 2005

The purpose of publishing this reference book from the "Integrated Circuits" series is to provide developers and technical specialists with the most complete information on the entire range of ADC and DAC microcircuits, sampling and storage devices (SSDs), data acquisition systems, as well as voltage-frequency converters ( VLF) and frequency - voltage (VLF). Compared to the first edition of the reference book "Microcircuits for analog-to-digital conversion and multimedia", published in 1996, which presented ADC chips of the 572 and 1175 series, as well as their analogues, this publication has been significantly expanded.

For radio amateurs, download the radio parts directory on transistors, microcircuits, SMD components of domestic and imported production.

Directory of “microcircuits of modern TVs”. This reference guide contains data on the most common integrated circuits that are used in modern television technology. The book provides background information on more than 100 microcircuits from such well-known manufacturers as SAMSUNG, SANYO, SONY, SIEMENS, MATSUSHITA, PHILIPS, SGS-THOMSON and others.

DjView book format. Archive size – 3.29Mb. DOWNLOAD

Directory of “chips for modern monitors.” This book is a reference guide on microcircuits for modern LCD and CRT monitors. It provides comprehensive information about 150 microcircuits from leading manufacturers of semiconductor components for monitors.

DjView book format. Archive size – 5.77Mb.DOWNLOAD

Directory "domestic transistors for household, industrial and special equipment." This directory provides complete information about the nomenclature, manufacturers, parameters, housings and analogues of 5000 types of transistors!

DjView book format. Archive size – 16.4Mb DOWNLOAD

Collection of 3 of them reference books on imported microcircuits, transistors, diodes, thyristors and SMD components. Book 1 of 3. This directory provides information on radio-electronic components from foreign manufacturers with a letter index from A to R. Characteristics, pinouts, analogues and component manufacturers are provided.

File size – 198Mb. DjView book format. Download from Deposit Files

Directory of imported microcircuits, thyristors, diodes, transistors and SMD components.Book 2 of 3 . This directory provides information on radio-electronic components from foreign manufacturers with a letter index from R to Z.

File size – 319Mb. DjView book format. Download from Deposit Files

Directory of imported microcircuits, thyristors, diodes, transistors and SMD components. Book 3 of 3 . This directory provides information on radio-electronic components of foreign manufacturers with a digital index from 0 to 9 .

File size – 180Mb. DjView book format. DOWNLOAD

Guide to active SMD components. SMD codes are provided for 33 thousand transistors, thyristors, microcircuits and diodes, typical circuit diagrams for connecting SMD microcircuits, markings, characteristics, replacement.

Archive size - 16Mb. DjView book format. DOWNLOAD

Directory “transistors and their foreign analogues” volume 1. The first volume of the reference book provides the electrical and operational characteristics of semiconductor devices - low-power field-effect and bipolar transistors. A classification and designation system, basic standards for the devices described in the reference book are given. For specific types of devices, information is provided on the main purpose, overall and connection dimensions, markings, maximum operating modes and operating conditions. The appendix provides foreign analogues of the transistors listed in the reference book.

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Directory “transistors and their foreign analogues” volume 2. The second volume of the reference book provides information on low-frequency bipolar transistors of medium and high power, indicating their foreign analogues.

DjView book format. Archive size – 5.62Mb. DOWNLOAD

Directory “transistors and their foreign analogues” volume 3. The third volume provides background information on field-effect and high-frequency bipolar transistors of medium and high power, indicating their foreign analogues.

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Directory “labeling of radio components” volume 1. The book provides data on the letter, color and code marking of components, on the code marking of foreign surface-mount semiconductor devices (SMD). Recommendations for using and checking the serviceability of electronic components are provided.

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Directory “labeling of radio components” volume 2. In this book, the reader will find a lot of useful information on the marking of microcircuits, some types of semiconductor devices, installation and switching products, and much other useful information.

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Directory “labeling of radio components”. The book describes the marking system for domestic and foreign: resistors, capacitors, inductors, quartz resonators, piezoelectric and SAW filters, semiconductor devices, SMD components, microcircuits. The features of testing electronic components are described.

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Directory of microcircuits for imported televisions. The book in Russian provides structural diagrams and pin assignments of more than three hundred microcircuits used in European and East Asian color televisions. The description of each device is accompanied by functional diagrams and characteristics.

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Reference book on microcircuits for audio and radio equipment: generators, keys and switches, ULF, low-noise and pre-amplifiers, operational amplifiers, volume and tone controls, indicator control circuits. The book presents the main features, pinouts, block diagrams and typical application diagrams of over 300 types of microcircuits for audio equipment.

DjWiev book format. Archive size – 10.7Mb DOWNLOAD

Handbook of integrated circuits for industrial electronic equipment. The book contains symbols, electrical parameters, block diagrams, functional purpose (pinout) and housing designs of widespread foreign analog and digital microcircuits.

DjWiev book format. Archive size – 2.68Mb DOWNLOAD

Best in Europe reference book on ULF. It summarizes and systematizes information about most integrated ULF ICs produced by global manufacturers. The most important characteristics of microcircuits, types of cases, pinout, appearance, analogues, manufacturers, functional purpose are given.

DjWiev book format. Archive size – 19.9Mb DOWNLOAD

Handbook of integrated circuits for television. The book provides an overview of integrated circuits used in modern television receivers, video and audio equipment. The main parameters and characteristics of microcircuits, block diagrams of the internal structure and typical circuit diagrams for their connection are presented.

DjWiev book format. Archive size – 2.30Mb DOWNLOAD

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