Installing and configuring a thin client. Publications Make your work comfortable

What are thick and thin clients in the 1C Enterprise 8.3 system? What are the differences between a thin and a thick client?

Your programmers call our accountants “fat clients”, take action!

From user complaints to the project manager.

1C Enterprise has a client-server architecture, which means that the system consists of two components - a client and a server. The client is the collective name of the consumer (user) application, and the server is the service part, hidden from the user.

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Thick client 1C

A thick client is a “usual” type of client application for 1C 8. The peculiarity of this type of application is that the system processes most of the information on the user’s computer. In a thick client, a very large part of the information is stored on the user's computer in the form of temporary files.

Since most of the data is processed on the user's computer, this mode is very demanding on the data channel.

Before the advent of the 1C 8.2 platform, this was the only option for launching the 1C system. To launch the thick client, use the file 1cv8.exe.

Work on developing an application solution () is only possible in thick client mode.

Thin client 1C

The thin client appeared in 1C with the release of platforms 8.2 and 8.3. Working in thin client mode is only possible in managed application mode.

In thin client mode, all actions are performed on the server, and the user only receives a display of the information received. This mode of operation does not require large resources of both the system and the communication channel. The thin client installation distribution takes up much less data.

The thin client is launched by the file 1cv8c.exe.

In addition to the thick and thin clients, there is also .

for platform 8.2:

for platform 8.3:

Comment. Automatic updating of a thin client under Windows XP and Windows Vista via 1C:Link may not work. This is not very convenient and we recommend that you consider upgrading to a more modern operating system.

Configuring the 1C Thin Client to work with the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform version and higher

Install the root certificate of the 1C: Link service in the Windows certificate store according to the instructions for the Internet Explorer browser.


Select "Windows Certificates" as a method to verify the server certificate

Click "Done"

Setting up automatic authorization on the web server

  • Select the required information security in the 1C Thin Client and click the “change” button
  • Click on the "Advanced" link (located under the infobase address field)
  • In the "Select a web server user authentication method" section, select "Select automatically" and click "Next".
  • In the certificate settings window, click "Next".
  • In the "Additional launch parameters" section, specify the line: where login is the web server user login, and password is his password.

Click the "Finish" button and check the connection to the infobase.

Read more about the Thin Client settings on the ITS website.

Configuring the 1C Thin Client to work with the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform version and higher

To work in a thin client, download . Save instead <1C>\bin\cacert.pem , where<1C> - installation directory of the 1C Thin Client. This will prevent the SSL error "Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates" from appearing.

Enter the name of the infobase, select "Web server" and click "Next"

Enter the address of your infobase: https://<ваш-сайт>,where xxx is your web application path.

Click "Done"

Configuring the 1C Thin Client to work with the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform of versions not included in the list of recommended ones

If you want to use a thin client version different from those recommended above to work in the 1C: Link service, you may need to configure the work according to HTTP or installation STunnel.

Configuring the Thin Client to work via HTTP

The Link Agent has the ability to work in a thin client using the HTTP protocol. However, the preferred protocol for working in a thin client via 1C:Link is HTTPS. It is not recommended to use the http protocol, since when used, data is transmitted unencrypted and can be intercepted by an attacker.

If you are sure of the need to use this protocol to work in a thin client through the 1C:Link service, you can use the instructions presented below:

    Open the link agent control panel and enable work via HTTP (section 4.4 of the 1C:Link user manual).

    Set up the thin client:

Launch the thin client and click the Add button.

Enter the name of the infobase, select "Web server" and click "Next"

Enter the address of your infobase: http://<ваш-сайт>,where xxx is your web application path.

Click "Done"

Installation and configuration of Stunnel

Install the Stunnel program on a computer with a 1C Thin Client. After installing the program, run it.

In the window that opens, select "Configuration"

In the drop-down menu, select "Edit stunnel.conf"

Notepad will open with the configuration file. Replace the text in the file with the following lines.

Starting with version 8.2, the 1C program gained the ability to work in thin client mode, which has limited functionality. Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed since the update was released, a large number of users still do not fully understand why this innovation is necessary, in what situations it is effective to use and what is its difference. In this material we will talk in detail about what the 1C thin client is, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to work with it.

What is a “thin client”?

In order to understand the functionality of this program client, you need to understand why it is called “thin”. The answer to this question is quite simple and lies in the fact that this mode of operation is very limited in its capabilities compared to the “thick” version.

The application's "thin client" has a more limited set of built-in language types, which is intended exclusively for transferring data and changing it. Everything related to working with the database is executed on the server in this case. Using this version of the application, a managed 1C interface is developed, which allows you to optimize the company's work.

1C “thin clients” are capable of receiving ready-made data via a web connection, which has already been prepared in advance on the server side.

In addition, the use of this type of application is possible using one of three technologies:

  • Via the web (using an Internet connection);
  • Via TCP/IP protocol (client-server type);
  • Directly with the database.

Internet connection

The “thin client” has the ability to interact with the “1C: Enterprise” program using a web connection to the Internet. In this case, work occurs with a specially configured web server using the http data transfer protocol. However, the web server itself works with the 1C: Enterprise program via the TCP/IP protocol or directly.

Important: you must use one of the following systems as web servers:

  • Apache;

Client-server connection

In this case, thin clients connect to servers directly using the TCP/IP data transfer protocol.

Direct database connection

In this case, there is direct interaction between the client and the application database. To organize this work scheme, a special environment is created on the computer on which the client is installed, which from the program’s point of view is perceived as a server. In order to organize it, you need to:

  • Download the necessary server files to your computer;
  • Load application configuration.

Benefits of a thin client

If we put the process technology aside and move on to the immediate advantages that using this version of the 1C client provides, we can highlight several serious advantages. These include:

  • Mobility;
  • Reducing the load on the communication channel;
  • Minimum system requirements;
  • Reducing company costs.


The hardware “thin client” allows the user to be located anywhere in the world, as long as there is an Internet connection. For example, suppose that the head of a department is on vacation abroad. In order to make any important decision, he needs to familiarize himself with the latest reporting data. The full version of the application requires a local network connection, which is why in this case the “thin client” comes to the rescue. It allows you to work with the database with a regular Internet connection.

Another example. Sometimes, when making transactions in a branch that does not have a connection to the local network, for example, in a company warehouse, it is necessary to download data from the warehouse database for subsequent loading into the accounting department.

Of course, such manipulations take time and cause inconvenience. “Thin clients” are precisely used to simplify such tasks. If you have a web connection, you can easily transfer data to a common 1C database directly from the warehouse.

In addition, “thin clients” use a network channel exclusively for data transfer. The full version of the application also uses it to transmit service data necessary for the operation of the software, which reduces the useful bandwidth of the channel.

Thus, “thin clients” allow you to work in the 1C program where there is no web connection with good bandwidth.

Low system requirements

The situation is similar with the system requirements of the program. To run the full version, more powerful computers are required, since the application uses the system’s processor and RAM. “Thin clients” 1C are much less demanding on the resources of a personal computer. This is what allows it to be used even on weak systems.

Reducing company costs

This point follows from all the previous ones. Due to the fact that the development of a managed interface allows you to optimize the workflow, save time and resources of the company, this leads to a reduction in the company’s overall costs for accounting.

Disadvantages of the thin client

Of course, every coin has a downside. The "thin client" also has some inconveniences and limitations, which cannot be ignored. These include:

  • Requirement of a powerful server;
  • Limited functionality;
  • Unusual interface.

Requires a powerful server

If a large number of “thin clients” interact with the main server via a web connection, it will be subject to a fairly large load, which imposes certain technical requirements. However, using the full version of the program does not load much less, so this disadvantage is very relative.

Limited functionality

As mentioned above, the light version of the application has very limited functionality. For example, it is not possible to work in the “Configurator” mode.


This drawback gradually disappears over time and with the release of updates, but at first many companies refused to use “thin clients” or tried to avoid it precisely because the application interface was extremely inconvenient and very different from the full version.

Task: speed up work with the 1C program on user workstations.
Tools: platform 1Сver8.2, configuration accounting of the enterprise CORP editions 2.0 and 3.0, salary configuration and personnel management. A server with Windows on which we will install an IIS web server, a browser, a workstation, although it is not necessarily possible to do everything from the server.

After installing the platform 1C 8.2 on a computer, we see the possibility of several options for launching 1C - 1C Enterprise and 1C Enterprise (thin client). After reading the administrator's guide from the delivery box, I personally realized that the 8.2 platform can work with the 1C configuration in several ways:

  • Very heavy, fat client, especially for ancient hardware, on PCs released in 2005 like Celeron 2.0 with a bus frequency of 400 MGz and 512 MB of memory, it is simply not possible to work with 1C 8, the application hangs so that the joy of buying a modern product immediately disappears. At first, after version 7.7, I was perplexed why the client 1C 8.2 so dumb. And I asked 1C for PC system requirements for work. And this is what they should be Minimum system requirements for a workstation for 1C 8.2:
  1. Operating system requirements:

1.1. Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4

1.2. Windows XP with Service Pack 3

1.3. Windows Vista

  1. Minimum amount of random access memory (RAM):

2.1. For Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP3 - 256 MB

2.2. For Windows Vista, Windows 7 - 512 MB

  1. Processor requirements (CPU):

3.1. Intel and AMD with a frequency of at least 1.8 GHz

  1. Requirements for the video subsystem:

4.1. Video adapter supporting a resolution of at least 1024*768 dpi

4.2. Monitor with a resolution of at least 1024*768 dpi

  1. Go online to obtain a software license.

At first sight 1C 8.2 not the most demanding program. But I would like to add that it’s nice to work with the 1C thick client on a PC with a dual-core CPU and RAM Oh in 1GB, and it’s very uncomfortable on outdated hardware.

  • Using a thin client. He really seemed faster at work and uses controlled forms to work. Or rather, it requires for work accounting edition 3.0, For accounting edition 2.0 there is no software interface for performing work in a thin client, and looking ahead, there is no web client. So don’t be surprised if, when opening a thin client for working with 1C, you see a desktop tab and three pairs of buttons and think what else does an accountant need, a calendar so as not to miss reporting and a calculator to calculate salaries.
    In a thin client, for the program to work, a protection key located both on the client side and a key installed on the web server can be used. 1C 8.2, and the web server must have a network key, that is, if hardware, then network ( red is the network key, blue is the local single-user key), and the software key itself is network-based. Well, you can count licenses like license manager, so 1C enterprise server if you have a license for it.
  • Web client, in my opinion, the best solution for working with the program, the software is not tied to the platform, and you can work even from the moon if you have an Internet connection. In operation, this option seemed very fast; the load when working via the Web falls on the Web server. And if you have strong hardware on the server side, the option of working through a web client is good. Licensing when working through the 1C 8.2 Web client carried out by a Web server, license manager, or 1C server. The web client is an ideal solution for working with 1C if the fleet of accountants’ workstations has not been updated for a long time.

Note: through a web client and a thin client today, it seems possible to work only with accounting 3.0, and even then the functionality of accounting 3.0 did not reach the functionality of accounting 2.0, you can read about this here: Configurations from 1C for salaries and personnel with managed forms do not yet exist. It is possible to use the configuration written by the company Fireplace – “1C-Kamin: Salary. Version 5.0"

Setting up 1C 8.2 to work with thin andwebclient

For the 1C thin client to work, it is not at all necessary to configure a web server; the thin client allows you to work with the database and configuration locally, in a network version, through the enterprise 1C server, web server.

To work with 1С8.2 You need to configure a web server through a browser. To do this, install and configure IIS

  • Installing IIS

Installation, removal of programs -> installation of windows components -> application server -> composition

  • In the wwwroot folder we create a directory for the website 1c8x

  • In folder 1c8x create a default.vrd file with the following contents


Attribute base points to the relative path to the created virtual application folder, the attribute ib connection string to the database; in this case, the database is located on the same server as the web server.

  • Create a new one website or virtual directory

  • Let's move on to setting up the node, home directory tab, everything is standard here:

  • Installing the platform 1С8X to the web server, during installation we must install extension modules web server

  • Let's register the Web services adapter. To do this, in the node properties 1C8x let's go to the home directory tab, click the setup button to configure the application and add an extension mapping, file wsisapi.dll from folder 1cv82\bin

The main difference between the thin and thick client 1C is where the main calculations are carried out - on the server or at the user’s workstation. This imposes some restrictions on the use of one or another work option.

In this article of the Integrus blog we will look at various client applications of the 1C system - what does a 1C thin client mean, a 1C thick client, what is it and what are the differences, and also in what cases it would be better to use each of them.

Thick client 1C

If you use 1C in thick client mode, this means that all operations on data are carried out directly at the user’s workstation, and the data itself is stored on the server, where the client application accesses it.

Such a client can perform almost all functions and work with application data types.

The 1C thick client is installed from the general system distribution, where it is listed as a separate component. There should also be no difficulties with the question of how to launch the 1C 8.3 thick client - it is launched by the executable file 1cv8.exe.

Thin client 1C

Working in 1C thin client mode means that on the server, in addition to storing data, almost all program code, requests are executed, temporary files and a cache are stored. At his workplace, the user only enters the initial data and sees the result displayed on his monitor.

The 1C thin client is installed from the 1C distribution kit. If you don’t have it, since you, for example, work with cloud 1C and rent it, then a separate distribution can be downloaded on the 1C website. Be sure to make sure that its version matches the version of the platform you are using.

The thin client for 1C:Enterprise is launched from the executable file 1cv8c.exe.

It is worth mentioning separately that for the 1C 8.3 thin client, the file mode of operation is not recommended; client-server mode is preferable. Although file mode is possible, all code will be executed on the user's computer, which negates all the benefits of a thin client.

As you can see, the main difference between the 1C thin and thick clients is where the main calculations are carried out - on the server or at the user’s workstation.

This imposes some restrictions on the use of one or another work option:

  • an important difference between the thin and thick clients of 1C - working with the “Configurator” and the query console is possible only in thick client mode
  • The thick client works using the TCP/IP protocol, therefore, it is quite demanding on the communication channel, since its operation requires exchanging relatively large amounts of information with the server
  • The 1C thin client operates exclusively in managed application mode, the functionality available to the user is limited compared to the functionality of the thick client, for example, it is impossible to operate with application data types
  • using a thin client, it is possible to work with 1C via the Internet - the thin client can connect to a web server via http or https
  • The thick client has a fairly large distribution volume; some difficulties may arise with its installation and configuration - it is advisable that a qualified specialist handle this. Whereas installation, configuration of the 1C 8.3 thin client, connection of the information base can be done by any more or less advanced user.

Web client 1C

Web client 1C- at its core, this is not a separate application, but rather a technology that allows you to work in the familiar 1C environment using a browser, simply by indicating the address of the corresponding 1C web server in the address bar. For it to work, you will need to first deploy a web server and publish an information base on it; also, the web client will only work with a 1C configuration that supports the requirements for a thin client.

The good thing about the web client is that you don’t need to install anything at all for it to work on the user’s device; it can function in all the most common browsers. The disadvantages include limited functionality and the fact that the presence of a web server does not always meet information security requirements.

Which is faster, thin or thick client 1C?

It is difficult to answer the question unambiguously: thin or thick 1C client, which is faster? It depends on the conditions of use.

  • The thin client has low requirements for the user's device and communication channel, while the system's capabilities are almost fully used, however, work may slow down if many employees use server resources at the same time.
  • A thick client can require significant power from the user’s computer and a good data transmission channel, while it provides the user with a certain autonomy; its operation is not affected by how many people are simultaneously working with the system, whether there is an Internet connection, etc.

Therefore, before selecting and setting up a 1C client, it is advisable to analyze who and how uses 1C in your company, and what types of 1C clients you will need.

  • If this is an accounting department located in an office, which can be provided with sufficiently powerful computers and it is easy to organize their administration, if all these computers are connected to a local network, then a thick client will be more convenient.
  • If your employees often have to work remotely, via the Internet, because they have frequent business trips or are simply in other cities, because this is the infrastructure of your company, if they use low-power laptops or other mobile devices, then setting up a thin client will suit them 1C.

Updating 1C clients

And finally, a few words about how 1C clients are updated:

  • Thin client updates can be performed automatically via the Internet,
  • updates for the thick client must be downloaded from the 1C website or.

If you have questions about choosing a 1C client, installing, configuring, updating, or administering 1C software products, you can contact the specialists of the Integrus company or look at the section of our company’s blog with instructions and recommendations on 1C topics.