Installation template. Installing a Joomla template. Installing a WordPress template using ftp - filezilla client

Before moving on to the installation process, you need to find a suitable design. I would recommend using templates only from trusted sources, such as the official store from uCoz or on sites that specialize in this area.

In this case, you can be sure of the quality of the template and its performance. Of course, you can google or use various Varezniks - but very often they come across rips, non-working designs, or even worse, files with viruses. Therefore, approach the issue of choosing a source with all seriousness, since not only the success of the operation, but also the security of your site depends on it. For the purposes of this article I will be installing free template DesktopChaos from

Uploading a template file

So, download the archive with the template:

Inside the archive there are several subfolders:

  • folder with images (images, img);
  • folder with scripts (js);
  • folder with styles (css);
  • folders with codes for Global blocks, Informers, etc.

Also in the archive, as a rule, there are:

  • instructions.txt (ReadMe.txt) - I strongly recommend that you read it;
  • template designer.txt (tmpl.txt) - general framework code;
  • stylesheet.txt (css.txt, style.txt) - file with a set of styles;
  • type of materials.txt - contains the code of the type of materials;
  • and other text files with codes that are needed for complete installation template.

Note: The contents of your archive may differ from my template (this depends on the type, structure, complexity of the template and other factors).

Making a backup copy of the current template

Before you start installing a new template, I recommend making a backup of the current template (just in case)

To do this, go to the "Control Panel" of your site - "Design" - " Backup templates":

Click the “Create” button in the upper right corner backup copy", after which you will see a backup archive appear with your current template like "" with the creation date in brackets:

And, one more thing: before installing a new template I recommend activating all the necessary modules: those you are in this moment want to use and those that you may want to use in the future. This is done so that your new template was installed correctly and displayed in all modules.

Step-by-step instructions for installing the template on uCoz:

Installation of the template is done according to the instructions that are inside your archive with the template. As I already said in this article I will show the installation of the template DesktopChaos.

Step 1.

Upload the folder with images images to your server. This can be done in two ways.

First way - via an FTP client, for example FileZilla. Download and install the program:

After that, on the main page of the Control Panel, click and set New Password:

After that, open the FileZilla ftp manager, enter Host, Username and Password at the very top, click “Quick connection”:

On the left side of the manager, find the folder with pictures of your template, click on it right click mouse, in the menu that appears, click “Upload to server”. Ready. Now the pictures are on our server.

This method is convenient to use if you need to upload a lot of images or other files.

Second way - upload images via File manager. Let's go to home page PU and click on “File Manager”:

In the upper right corner, click Create folder, enter the name images and press Enter:

Let's go to this folder. To upload pictures to it, click “Select file”, select a picture and click Upload file. The green plus sign can be used to add fields for multiple files.

Thus, we upload all the pictures from the images folder to the server.


Set (if necessary) the value of the tag . Go to "CP (Control Panel)" - "Settings" - " General settings" and paste the code into the appropriate field:


Install the Style Sheet. To do this, find the file "Style Sheet.txt" in the archive, open and copy all the code from it (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C) and paste it instead of the old code into "PU" - "Design" - "Design Management (CSS )" - "Style sheet (CSS)":


Install the code from the "Template Builder" file. Open the file from the archive "Template Designer.txt", copy all the contents and paste it into "PU" - "Design" - "Template Designer", click the "Create Templates" button:


Now, in a similar way transfer the contents of the file "Type of materials.txt" in the form of module materials: “Site News”, “Blog”, “File Catalog”, “Article Catalog”. Go to "PU" - "Design" - "Design Management (templates)":

The code from the file “Type of comments.txt” is similarly copied into “Comments” - “Type of comments”.


We create a Global block. Go to "PU" - "Design" - "Design management (templates)" - "Global blocks":

In the upper right corner, click “Add block”, in the field that appears, write the name of the INFO block and click “Add”:

Find the folder "Global blocks" in the archive and open the file "INFO.txt", copy the contents of the file and paste it into the newly created global block INFO, save:


Set the required values:

  • Informer name: Latest news;
  • Section: Site News (either “Blog”, or “File Directory”, or “Article Directory”);
  • Data Type: Materials;
  • Sorting method: Date of addition of material D;
  • Number of materials: 5;
  • Number of columns: 1.

Click "Create".

After this, a block with the informer we created appears just below, on the right in it we see icons, select the first of them “Informer design management” and in the window that appears, paste the contents of the “Latest news” file from the “Informers” folder, save:

Code for this informer $MYINF_1$ insert it into the global block we created earlier INFO.

An informer for a forum is created in a similar way.

This completes the installation of the DesktopChaos template.

By the way, if you still haven’t figured out how to install a new template on your website, then you can order a template installation service in the official store.

From the author: Greetings dear friend. In the Joomla content management system, the design of custom site pages is mainly defined in a template, which is installed in the system and specifies the rules for displaying page elements, describes the available positions for displaying modules, and also contains layout overrides for some components and modules. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to install a Joomla 3 template.

Currently, a huge number of different templates have been created for CMS Joomla, which are available in both paid and free versions, respectively, before we begin studying the topic of installing a joomla 3 template. You need to download or buy the template you need, which will be installed in the system. You can also create a template yourself by studying the course Creating a Template on Joomla.

For this tutorial I will be using the free Master2 template from Yootheme.

A template is a specific set of files and directories, which contains a file with the extension .xml - this is a manifest file that contains instructions for installing the template. Accordingly, if this file no, this means the installation will not complete. For correct installation, file structure must be packaged in a .zip archive (.rar archives are not supported).

Now that the template is prepared, go to the admin panel installed system Joomla content management.

And click the “Download and Install” button.

After installation is complete, you will see a corresponding message in the extension manager. Now that the template has been successfully installed, you need to go to the template manager.

Where and activate the newly created template as the default template.

At the same time, in the template manager, the template title is displayed as a link that will redirect you to the settings page of the selected template.

In this case, for each template on this page, there will be different sets of settings.

After this, the installation of the joomla 3 template is completely completed, now you can go to the user part of the site and check the operation of the new template, the only thing is that before that I would recommend filling it with content, otherwise the new template may not look as you would like.

This concludes the question of how to install a Joomla template, so let’s say goodbye. All the best to you and happy coding!!!

Want to know what it takes to create a website?

Watch the video and learn a step-by-step plan for creating a website from scratch!

Hello, now we have reached the moment when it is time to install the template on your website. In this lesson we will figure out how to install your template on ucoz via special program. This program is completely free and very easy to use.

Very important! If suddenly, before studying the lesson, you find that the appearance of your panel is different from what is described in the lesson, do not be alarmed! Just switch new panel to the old one. How to do it? Here in this one.

I have already briefly mentioned this program on the ucoz website, there is even a video in which I show how to work with this program. The program is called filezilla, and it can be downloaded from the website

Installing the program is also very simple, you can figure it out yourself. If suddenly something is not clear, you can always go to the page on how to add files to the site using the link above and watch video instructions for working with this program.

Search for templates

After registering your site, which we did in , the next step towards creating a site will be selecting and installing a template on it. If you don’t want to suffer too much, you can order a service from a specialist on the Internet or order this one.

The specialist will install the design you like on the site and you only need to customize it for yourself. It is also possible which is already present in the ucoz system.

Niche selection:
Before going to the Internet and downloading or buying a design, I have an image of my site in my head, or rather the theme of my site.

Most of the templates that you download on the Internet have instructions on how to install it. Of course, after installing several templates, you will install any template in the future without instructions, but in the first steps I advise you to look for templates with a step-by-step installation diagram.


Having opened the downloaded archive, thirteen elements appeared in the folder in front of me, of which I find a file with instructions, usually this text file created from a notepad. Such instructions may be called differently in different templates, in my case it is ReadMe_RUS.

I open it and start studying, the first thing it says is that I need to upload folders to the site through the program. In my case, these are two folders img and js. I launch the filezilla program, now in order to connect to my site I need to enter the following data, host, username, password.

Where can I get this data? To do this, I, “You can see how to do this at the link” in order to click on the FTP button - details, which is located on the main page in the panel.

Afterwards, an assistant will open with data for our program. Copy this data and paste it into the program and do not forget to set a password.

To set a password, I’ll click on the button number 4, I will be redirected to a page where I need to enter a new password twice, and Secret Question in this case it's my phone number. It should be exactly the same for you. Click the save button.

The password has been set, now I’ll go to the filezilla program and enter all the data from the assistant and the password, then press the quick connection button. If everything is done correctly, then the program will display an empty directory list in the right window.

Now from the left window, on the desktop, I will find a folder with a template, below this window the contents of this folder will open, from this content you need to drag two folders with files into the right window, the download will occur and the files should be uploaded to the site in file manager.

To make sure of this, go to the file manager and see if the folders you downloaded appear. In my case, everything is in place. How to enter the file manager, see the lesson above.

Site framework

The first stage has passed! At the next step, I open the instructions for installing the template again, which says that you need to install the site framework. In principle, all templates on ucoz are installed in the following sequence -

  • Creating a framework for the site
  • Connecting styles
  • Installing codes in site modules
  • Fine-tuning if the template is complex
  • To do this, in the folder with the template I find a file called tmpl - it may be called differently for you, the instructions will tell you what kind of file it is. So, I open this file and copy the entire contents of this file, this is a regular .

    After clicking the button, a table will open with a form into which you need to paste the copied code from the tmpl file, and click the create template button.

    The program will work and begin to create a template for modules; after successful completion, a window should appear with the inscription “templates created for modules” and a list of modules.

    Installing css styles

    Again, from the instructions I learn that I need to install css styles, to do this I open the appropriate file from the folder with the template and copy its contents.

    I return to the control panel, and in the top menu I click the already familiar design button, from the drop-down list I select the “Design Management (CSS)” button

    A page will open through which you can manage css styles our site. This page contains styles from the old design, they need to be completely removed, and in their place insert new styles that we copied from the folder of our new template. Don't forget to save.

    Activation of the online game module

    In principle, our design is ready, all that remains is to install codes in the modules that specify the appearance of these modules, for example, how news will be displayed on the main page, or how comments will be displayed, or how the user page will be displayed.

    But for my site all these codes are not needed, since I will only have one module, for which I will install the codes from the folder of our new template.

    The ucoz system has a module with online games, this module is very convenient to use, so I will use it for my site with flash games.

    Of course, any module in this system can be reconfigured to suit your needs, for example, the site news module can be reconfigured for flash games, and the article catalog for site news. I usually use modules that directly relate to the theme of my site, since they are already customized to the maximum for all occasions.

    To the point:
    In order to activate a module, you need to go to the control panel and on the left where the modules are located, click on the inactive button.

    A list of inactive modules will open, from which I will select Online Games and click on it. A page will open that prompts you to select the contents of the module. I select without content and click the activate module button.

    The module is activated and in the control panel it looks like this.

    Solution to the problem:

    That is, for this module the old template is loaded, and if you go to the main page of my site, the new template that I installed is loaded there.

    The problem is due to the fact that the site frame was not activated for this module, and to fix this error you just need to add the site frame a second time. We looked at how this is done.

    And so, I updated the site frame and now, going to the online games section, the new template is loaded without problems.

    It remains to download the last code:

    In the folder with our new template, there are codes that need to be loaded into our modules; these codes, as I said earlier, are responsible for the appearance of the module.

    Each module adds its own code, and when we go to the site in the section for example online games, the games on the page will have one view, and if we set the news section of the site, the view of the news will be different from the view of the online game, and so you can customize its own type for all modules.

    Module if we remember this is a section on the site.

    So, I have only one module “Online Games” activated on my website, I simply don’t need the rest, but in the folder with the template that I downloaded there are codes for other modules and I won’t install these codes, there’s nowhere.

    I will take the codes that are intended for the site news module and install them for the online game module. Yes, you can do this, but you will need to tweak the code a little.

    We will do this in the next lesson, but now go to the control panel and click the design button. Again, a window will appear in which at the very top find the “Design Management (Templates)” button

    A page will open on which we can manage the design of our sections on the site. I need to scroll down the page and find my online games section.

    Each such section has a structure into which the codes from the template we downloaded are placed.


    Module Home Page - Here we configure the view for the section/module home page.

    A page with a list of materials and sections, as well as a page with a list of category materials - here we set up a page with sections or categories. That is, we can divide our content, in my case “this is a flash game,” into sections and categories.

    That is, games for boys, games for girls - these are sections, when we go to the section for boys we have categories, Fighting, Shooting, Tanks, etc.

    When a person clicks on the game for boys button, he will be taken to a section page. This page can have its own design, which we customize using the “Page with a list of section materials” button.

    When he clicks on a category in a section, for example tanks, he will be taken to a page with categories, which we can also configure separately using the “Page with a list of category materials” button. But usually these pages look the same.

    Page of the material and comments to it - This is the page on which, in my case, there is a flash game for example about a tank - this page can also be customized separately.

    Type of materials - When we go to a section or category or to the main page of a module, lists of materials open in front of us, in my case these are games. It might look like this: a link to the page has text underneath it and a picture next to the text.

    Below the first game there may be a second one and so on 10 pieces. So, how these games will be displayed in sections or comments, we can customize the type of materials using the button. In general, I think you get the idea that these buttons help you configure individual pages or sections of any module.

    Let's install the latest code:

    From the folder with the template, I will find a file that contains the code for setting the type of materials, in any instructions for installing the template, there is information about what this file is called, I will copy the contents of the file and go to the control panel.

    The next step is to go back to the folder with the template and find the code that needs to be inserted onto the page of the material and comments to it.

    I also click on the button for the page of the material and the commentary for it and I get to the page with the old codes, I delete the old code and insert a new one from the folder in its place. Don't forget to save!

    Thus, a code is installed for all modules, no matter what module it is, site news or online games, a catalog of articles, or just a blog, the principle of installing codes in these modules is the same.

    The entire template is installed!

    Now you can walk around the site and see what we have done. In principle, I have a normal template established, but I still have to work on it and customize it for myself.

    There is still a lot of work, but the first steps have already been taken and then there is only movement by inertia.

    Let's continue to study CMS Joomla 2.5. As we have already seen, the default templates in Joomla 2.5 are, as they say, “not very good”. That's what I like about this engine, that there is a huge amount of free themes design (templates). Find and download the one you like Joomla 2.5 template On the Internet there is absolutely no problem.

    Let's look at how to install the beauty of your choice on the site. I propose to conduct all experiments on local server Denver (D enwer). When we’ve worked everything out, we’ll put it in proper shape, set it up and eliminate all the flaws, and then Let's transfer our site to Joomla 2.5 hosting.

    The downloaded archive with the name of the template will usually have several folders after unzipping. What we need will have a name template. The folder will contain an archive. This is our template. If you unzip it, it will look like in the picture.

    But for installation we need the archive. And so, go to the Joomla admin panel. Installation like all extensions Joomla 2.5 template is done through the menu item “Extensions – Extension Manager”.

    Now we need to enable the template. Go to “Extensions – Template Manager”, find the newly installed template in the list and install it as the default.

    All. After that, go to our website and see what our template looks like in action.

    I am sure that your template will definitely look different from the demo version. I am also sure that you will be disappointed. The thing is that you need to install a bunch of additional extensions (components, modules, plugins) so that the template looks like the demo. And it’s not a fact that they will all stand up correctly. And then the eternal question “What to do”?

    But there is a way out. Install a template from “quickstart”. We will talk about this in the next article.

    How to remove unnecessary templates from Joomla 2.5

    You might want to remove unnecessary templates from Joomla 2.5 which were installed by default.

    You won't be able to delete them directly from the template manager. To delete templates, you will need to go to the “Extensions - Extension Manager” menu and go to the “Management” section.

    Filter modules by extension type, and to do this, in the filter in the “Select type” item, select the “Template” extension type from the drop-down list.

    Place a checkbox next to those that you would like to remove and click on the “Uninstall” button.