Increase the volume on Android headphones. How to increase speaker volume on Android. Adjusting the volume in the Volume Booster app

To change the factory presets with which the device goes on sale, users use all kinds of tweakers and optimizers. Today, we will tell you how to increase the volume on Android through the engineering menu.

What is an engineering menu?

The engineering menu is a built-in program for fine-tuning and testing the Android OS. In most cases, the manufacturer, after performing the necessary manipulations, removes it or leaves it on the device in a stripped-down form, suitable only for conducting internal tests in service centers.

The only manufacturer that leaves the engineering menu unchanged is Taiwanese MediaTek. Therefore, if you are the “lucky” owner of a device with an MTK processor installed, you can use it.

How to get to the engineering menu?

Access to the engineering menu is provided by simply typing a code. If you have ever checked the balance on your phone using a USSD request, you can assume that the principle is familiar to you. The required access code is entered using the traditional “dialer”, the “Phone” application, the purpose of which is to dial telephone numbers and “stars” with hash marks. It looks like this:


In most cases, simultaneously with typing the last character, you will be taken to the engineering menu. Some smartphones will require an additional press of the “call” button, creating the complete illusion of completing a USSD request.

In fact, these settings are similar to the Windows registry. With their help, you can change any sound parameters, but the user, when performing these actions, must be aware of their consequences. The volume should not be increased by more than 10-20%.

Working with sound

Once in the command interface, go to the “Hardware Testing” section, “Audio” submenu. All the settings responsible for increasing the volume are collected here. We will assume that before getting into the engineering menu, you have decided what you need to do.

Conversation volume

If you think that problems with the audibility of subscribers during a conversation are related to the hardware configuration, you need the Normal mode section.

It, in the Type line, contains parameters responsible for the volume of the speaker:

  • Sip. Responsible for the sound quality of calls in Internet instant messengers such as Skype, Viber, Telegram and the like;
  • Sph. A speaker that you put to your ear while talking;
  • Sph 2. Second speaker, used in older models.

The Value parameter is responsible for increasing the volume. Next to it are the values ​​that it can take, from min to max. The Level line indicates the level of the value being adjusted. Usually the maximum is used, in the screenshot it is the sixth. Before changing parameters, write down or remember the existing readings so that if unsuccessful, you can return to them. Each action must be confirmed by pressing the Set button to record the manually specified value into the device.

If you were not mistaken in the “diagnosis” and the problem was really hidden in incorrect settings, after rebooting the device, you will receive an increased sound level during a call.

Ringer volume

To increase the volume of the speaker responsible for playing the melody of an incoming call, you should use the Ring menu. The actions in it are completely similar to those given above.

Value is responsible for the general value, Headset is for the sound that is heard in the headphones during a call. You need to be careful with this parameter so as not to get a sound “bang” when receiving a call. Set the required values, after saving the default ones. Correctly selected indicators will ultimately result in a loud and clear call. But, we remind you, you should not set the maximum values, so as not to damage the speaker or get only wheezing and clanging at the output.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in working with the engineering menu. The main thing is the presence of a MediaTek processor in your device and a clear understanding of the consequences of your actions. Otherwise, you will get a non-working device and a trip to the service center.

Why you need to root an Android device and what opportunities it provides is known to a fairly large number of users, which cannot be said about the hidden advanced menu of hardware settings, also called the engineering menu. Few people know about these settings, and even fewer mobile device owners know how to use them. What is the Android engineering menu and why is it needed?

The Android engineering menu is nothing more than a special subroutine designed for testing by developers of the operating system and device sensors. The interface of this program is represented by a set of options that allow you to change the hardware configuration of your mobile device. With its help, you can get comprehensive information about the hardware of the gadget, test the processor, RAM and physical flash memory, wireless connection modes, configure the parameters of the camera, display, microphone, speakers and much more.

Entering the engineering menu

All this, of course, is good, but how do you go to the engineering menu if there is no corresponding option in the Android interface? The advanced hardware settings menu is entered using a special code entered in the phone number dialing line. The menu should open immediately after entering the last character of the combination, but in some cases you may need to press the call button.

There is nothing complicated in the procedure itself, however, it should be taken into account that different models of mobile gadgets have their own codes. Below we have provided a list of codes for the most popular manufacturers.

Engineering menu codes in Android are universal, however, their correct operation on phones with “left” firmware is not guaranteed. You can also use special programs to access Android hardware settings, for example, "MTK Engineering Menu" or "Mobileuncle MTK Tools".

Such applications are especially useful on tablets whose firmware does not provide a dialer. The interface and set of available options in these programs are somewhat different, however, understanding them will not be difficult.

Whatever method you use, you need to exercise maximum caution when working with the engineering menu. Before starting work, it is strongly recommended that you write down all the initial parameter values ​​so that you can restore the settings. It is unacceptable to experiment with the engineering menu just to find out what comes out of it, as you can render your device unusable!

To obtain a list of engineering codes for a specific phone model, you can use a special application Secret Codes, available on Google Play. On some mobile device models, full access to the engineering menu may require superuser rights (root).

What you can change using the menu

You know how to get to the engineering menu, now let's find out what settings can be made using it. The possibilities are more than wide. The menu subroutine supports changing the speaker volume level and microphone sensitivity, built-in camera settings, audio parameters, GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules, and turning off unused frequencies to save battery power. You can also test key components of your device and external memory card, configure I/O operations, determine the exact temperature of the processor and battery, and the level of harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Another useful function is to gain access to recovery mode - an analogue of BIOS on computers, which in turn contains a whole set of settings. Recovery mode features include resetting the device to factory settings, updating the firmware, creating a backup copy of the operating system, gaining root access, and deleting sensitive user data. It is not possible to list all the engineering menu options in one article; the more sensors and components there are in a phone or tablet, the more extensive it will be.

Increasing phone volume through the engineering menu

Now let’s demonstrate how to work with hardware settings using the example of one of the most popular operations and learn how to increase the volume on Android through the engineering menu. So, go to the menu using Mobileuncle MTK Tools or by entering the “magic” code, then find and open the Audio subsection. If you entered the menu through the Mobileuncle Tools program, this subsection will be located in the senior section Engineer Mode, in other cases it is usually located on the Hardware Testing tab.

In the Audio subsection you will have the following options:

  • Normal Mode – normal mode that works when a headset is not connected to the device.
  • Headset Mode – headset mode that turns on when headphones or speakers are connected to the smartphone.
  • LoudSpeaker Mode – loudspeaker mode. Activated when the speakerphone is turned on, provided that a headset is not connected to the device.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode – loudspeaker mode with a connected headset. The same as the previous one, but with headphones or speakers connected.
  • Speech Enhancement - this mode is activated when talking on the phone without using the speakerphone.

There may be other settings in the section, for example, Debug Info and Speech Logger, but it is better not to touch them. Select the mode for which you want to change the volume level (let it be Normal Mode), select Type in the list that opens and indicate for which function we will change the volume. The following functions may be available:

  • Ring – adjust the volume for incoming calls;
  • Media – adjust the speaker volume when playing multimedia;
  • Sip – sound settings for Internet calls;
  • Sph – sound settings of the conversational speaker;
  • Sph2 – sound settings of the second speaker (the option may not be available);
  • Mic – change the microphone sensitivity;
  • FMR – FM radio volume settings;
  • Sid – it is better not to touch this parameter, otherwise problems with the interlocutor’s voice may occur.

Having selected a function, scroll through the current list, set the desired Value (from 0 to 255) and click to apply the new Set settings.

To change the volume level, you can also use preset templates - the Level option. Most phones have seven levels, from 0 to 6. It is advisable not to touch the Max Vol setting, just as you should not set the Value values ​​too high, otherwise the sound in the speakers will begin to wheeze. Other modes in the Audio subsection are configured in a similar way.

Some smartphone and tablet models require a reboot for the new settings to take effect.


And the last thing we will look at today is resetting the engineering menu parameters to factory values. It may be needed if, after making changes, the device begins to work incorrectly. There are several reset methods. If the system boots normally, go to the settings and open the “Backup and Reset” subsection.

You can also reset the engineering menu by entering a special service code in the dialer. Usually it is *2767*3855#, *#*#7780#*#* or *#*#7378423#*#*, but your phone model may require a different code.

Another option is to use the recovery mode mentioned above. To get into it, use one of these combinations:

  • Power button + volume down.
  • Power button + volume up.
  • Power button + Home button + Volume down/up.
  • Power button + volume up + volume down.

In the list of options that opens, select “wipe data/factory reset” → “Yes – delete all user data” → “reboot system now”. The device will reboot and the settings will be reset.

There is another way to reset the engineering menu settings, but it requires superuser rights. Using any file manager that supports root rights, go to the root directory of the system, and then delete all or part of the contents of the folder data/nvram/apcfg/aprdcl and reboot.

Files in a folder aprdcl they are responsible for setting up the engineering menu. It is not necessary to delete all files at once. If you mess up, say, your audio settings, all you need to do to restore the original settings is delete files that have an audio string element in their names. And one moment. Regardless of the reset method, always make a backup of your personal data and applications, as they may all be lost.

Do you also feel like your Android is too quiet? Would you like to improve it? Let's learn how to increase the volume on Android by editing the mixer_path.xml file or the engineering menu.

Are you also annoyed that almost all Android smartphones and tablets have low sound volume (low sound)? The thing is that there are certain standards that manufacturers adhere to when producing smartphones and tablets. The main goal of these standards is “to do no harm,” but sometimes such care only harms the user.

In this article we will learn how to increase the sound volume by editing the mixer_path.xml file or using the engineering menu.

Increase the volume on Android - Using the engineering menu

This method does not work on all devices, but it is still worth a try.

1 . Open the dialer and dial a special combination:

  • Normal Mode- normal mode
  • Headset Mode- headset or headphones mode
  • Loud Speaker Mode- Speakerphone
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode- speakerphone when a headset is connected
  • Speech Enhancement- talking on the phone

4 . Go to the required submenu
5 . Here you will find another menu and edit the necessary one:

  • Sip - internet calls
  • Mic- microphone
  • Sph- speaker
  • Media – playback of media files (music, video)
  • Ring- calls
  • FMR- FM radio.

Increase the volume on Android - By editing mixer_path.xml

Not all smartphones and tablets have mixer_path.xml!

Before you start!

This article assumes that your Android device has Root rights! Without them, you won't succeed!

Now let's move on to increasing the volume on Android.

And so, in order to change something you will need one of these suggested file managers installed:

Now open it and follow the path:


You need to find the configuration file mixer_path.xml:

Just in case, make a copy of this file and let's start editing it!

Editing mixer_path.xml in Android

Option No. 1 (values ​​under the parameter)

1 . Open the mixer_path.xml file and first look for the line:

2 . Now among this heap you need to find:

Sometimes there may be not one value, but two, then you need to edit the first and second.In this particular example it would be:

3 . Increase value=«[ numeric valueby about 5-10 points (it was, for example, 60, now 70), it was:


4 . Now we look for the line:

5 . We are interested in 2 values:

6 . Change value=« [numeric value]» /> by about 5-10 points (it was, for example, 20, now 30), it was:


7 . After you have made the changes, save, exit and restart Android;

8 . After a reboot, your smartphone or tablet will sound louder than ever; if the changes seemed small to you, you may still raise the values.

Option No. 2 (parameters, general values)

If the file structure mixer_path.xml differs from the option proposed above, then we use this method.

1 . We are looking for the line:

2 . Let's see what 3 . We go to the very beginning of the file mixer_path.xml and looking for our

4 . Changing the values ​​value= "[numeric value]" by about 5-10 points (for example, it was 84, now it’s 94), example:


6 . We raise the values ​​of these parameters by about 5-10 points;
7 . We save our changes, reboot Android, and enjoy the increased sound.

A large share of the time spent interacting with the gadget is spent communicating, listening to music and watching videos. Therefore, one of the main requirements of users when purchasing smartphones is the sound quality of audio files and ease of sound settings. Reviews from most users indicate that Android OS developers have removed a significant number of sound capabilities away from prying eyes - in the engineering menu.

There are many options for customizing sound in Android

Unlike the sound level in the headphones, the volume of the external speaker is adjusted independently. There are several possibilities for this:

  • using the built-in parameter change manager;
  • through the engineering menu;
  • using third party applications.

Choosing the path to increase speaker volume is easy. The main task is to evaluate the convenience and effectiveness of each of the three possible methods.

How to increase the speaker volume on Android using the built-in menu

Top-class smartphones have significantly fewer problems with sound volume than budget gadgets. In inexpensive gadgets, editing the sound with hardware controls can slightly improve the sound quality. This happens because the stock player and music programs in Android are not of very high quality. The equalizer is only active when listening to music through headphones. Therefore, very often there is a need to adjust the sound by hardware in smartphones with quiet sound.

In order to increase both the volume of the phone and the sound quality, you need to:

  • Availability of root rights.
  • Manager with the function of opening system files.

Root Browser is very convenient to manage when working with system folders of smartphones. With its help you can easily achieve the desired result.

Root Browser - an advanced file manager for working with root rights

Before you start working with the program, you must back up your files. This will protect the user from losing necessary information.

Step-by-step instructions for adjusting the sound level are as follows:

  1. Open the program and go to the /system/etc folder.
  2. Find the file called mixer_path.xml.
  3. Open the file and start editing.

To do this you need to find the line:

To adjust the sound, you need a line with the following data:

The limit for increasing the value is 5-10 units. The output line should look like this:

Editable system audio level file

Upon completion of this operation, you need to find similarly edit lines


Upon completion of all manipulations, you must save the updated file and restart your smartphone. Repeated editing can be done with the same volume increase increments.

Other popular utilities for adjusting volume using root rights:

  • Viper4android.
  • Amaze.

In smartphones of different brands, the structure of the mixer_path.xml file may change. Therefore, when entering the hardware menu using a file manager, you must proceed from the factory settings, according to which the volume of the earpiece is selected. It must be remembered that it is strictly not recommended to increase it to a limit of more than 70% of the nominal sound level.

Increasing the speaker volume on an Android smartphone through the engineering menu

Safety standards applied in the production of household appliances do not allow development companies to exceed, among other things, a certain sound level. The buyer is responsible for all manipulations that occur after the sale. The second way, which allows you to change the sound level without using third-party tools, is to edit the data in the engineering menu of the smartphone.

To carry out the operation to increase the volume of the speakers, you must enter the engineering menu. In each brand it is a unique set of numbers and symbols.

Entry codes to the engineering menu in different smartphones

There is a universal combination that allows you to open the engineering menu regardless of the type of smartphone: *#*3646633#*#*

After entering the menu, you need to find and open the “Audio” section. The user will be presented with an extensive submenu:

  • Normal Mode – standard mode.
  • Headset Mode – use of a headset or headphones.
  • LoudSpeaker Mode – speakerphone mode.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode – speakerphone when the headset is on.
  • Speech Enhancement - conversational mode.
  • Debug Info – engineering configuration mode.
  • Speech Logger – change microphone settings.
  • Audio logger – mode for recording and playing back conversations.

Sound adjustment interface in the engineering menu

Having entered the section he needs, the user must adjust one or more settings:

  • Sip – calls via the Internet.
  • Mic – microphone.
  • Sph and Sph2 are conversational speakers.
  • Sid – voice volume.
  • Media – music and video files.
  • Ring – phone calls.
  • FMR – radio in FM standard.

After this, you need to use the “Set” button to adjust the audio channel the user needs, for example, a ringtone, then step by step close the program menu in the opposite direction. After this, you need to restart your smartphone. All these manipulations can be carried out using a third-party service. The popular Mobile Uncle program independently enters the smartphone’s engineering menu and adjusts user-specified parameters.

Similar to hardware settings, it is strictly not recommended to set the volume to maximum in the engineering menu. The result may be failure of the sound processor and speakers.

Sound know-how

Not all owners of Android smartphones have yet received the global version of the firmware of the Android 8.1 Oreo operating system over the air, and the Internet is already full of insiders about the innovations coming with the “nine” – Android 9.0 Pie.

One of the know-how will be a feature that exploded the TV receiver market many years ago. The developers taught the system to recognize the volume level of devices connected to the smartphone via channel b luetooth. Moreover, the program stores current data in the smartphone’s memory.

Start page Bluetooth Volume Control

The name of the revolutionary application is Bluetooth Volume Control. The vast majority of modern smartphones are based on control base 4.2 and higher. The program is available to those users whose Android version starts with 4.4. In addition to the volume of audio files, you can adjust the sound level of individual calls. BVC independently controls and shows the user on the screen the last login time.

The main advantage of the program is that it automatically switches the sound from external acoustics (bluetooth speakers) to headphones, and back. In addition, the user has the ability to control the timing of sound transmission by adjusting:

  • Reaction time to connect to a Bluetooth device.
  • Gap between adjustments.

What is offered to users on the Internet?

The Google Play service is replete with a huge number of paid and free utilities for adjusting the sound level and other playback parameters. Their installation must be treated with great care.

First of all, you need to find out how the adjustment is carried out:

  • Changing the engineering menu settings.
  • Correcting the system file.
  • Changing preset hardware settings.

The list of the most popular utilities for setting up audio files includes:

  • Studios Smart.
  • A-Volume Widget.
  • Volume Booster GOODEV.
  • DotDotDog.
  • Music Volume EQ.
  • EQ Bass.

Most of these applications are coded programs that can slightly enhance the audio signal.

A popular means of increasing the sound level without changing software settings is to install a music player with a built-in multi-band equalizer. Developers of modern music programs have learned to work with pseudo-stereo mode. This helps users a lot since the vast majority of smartphones only have one stereo speaker. It has a volume limit, which the user hears changing by changing the settings.

The equalizer interface of VLC - one of the most popular Android players

Popular players with multi-band equalizers and extensive sound settings:

  • Stellio.
  • AIMP.
  • Power Director.
  • Jet Audio.

In conclusion, it should be noted that you need to be extremely careful when using hardware, engineering menus, or third-party utilities to increase the sound volume of your smartphone speaker. A sharp increase in volume will inevitably lead to a decrease in the quality of playback of music files, spoken language and other sound capabilities of the smartphone. In addition, third-party manipulations have a negative impact on the rich capabilities of modern sound processors.

On the pages of our website we have already described how to do it on an Android device. It may be needed if you need to change any parameters, including the volume of your smartphone. Next, you will find out what needs to be changed and where.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that you perform all actions at your own peril and risk, the editors do not bear responsibility for your actions, since the likelihood of clicking the wrong way or adjusting something incorrectly, although small, is still there. Be careful. If you have never encountered an engineering menu before, ask someone who has already dealt with adjusting the volume programmatically to help you!


First you need to get into the engineering menu. We will show an example on a smartphone that is based on an MTK (MediaTek) processor. On your smartphone, dial *#*#3646633#*#* (the last character is not shown in the screenshot, since the engineering menu immediately opens and you won’t be able to take a screenshot).

Codes for entering the engineering menu on other devices (operability has not been tested):

  • Samsung - *#*#4636#*#*, *#*#197328640#*#*, *#*#8255#*#*, *#0011#
  • LG — 3845#*855#
  • Acer — *#*#2237332846633#*#*
  • MTK - *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#54298#*#*
  • HTC - *#*#8255#*#*, *#*#3424#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*
  • Sony - *#*#7378423#*#*, *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#3649547#*#*
  • Huawei - *#*#2846579159#*#*, *#*#2846579#*#*, *#*#14789632#*#*
  • Philips - *#*#3338613#*#*, *#*#13411#*#*
  • Alcatel, Fly, Texet - *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#54298#*#*

The engineering menu opened.

Select the Hardware Testing tab and click Audio.

Here you will see several different items, including:

  • Normal Mode - normal mode.
  • Headset Mode - mode of a connected headset or headphones.
  • LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode with a connected headset.
  • Speech Enhancement - phone conversation mode.

If you need to turn up the speaker volume, select Normal Mode.

  • Sip - volume of Internet calls.
  • Mic - microphone volume.
  • Sph - speaker volume.
  • Sph2 is the second conversational speaker.
  • Sid - cannot be touched, since problems may occur if this parameter is changed.
  • Media – playback volume of media files.

Let's say you selected the Media item. See the numbers in the image below? Write them down on a piece of paper or take a screenshot! They may be needed to restore sound if something goes wrong.

In the Value column, you can write the value yourself, or you can click on Level and select one of the levels, for example, Level 2. To save, click Set.

Please note that Value can be set in the range from 0 to 255. It is not recommended to insert the maximum; the speaker may wheeze and quickly fail. Using the trial method, select the optimal value yourself. Just don't overdo it and ruin your device! Item Max Vol. do not touch.