Windows 10 eats up memory immediately after startup. Solving the problem of RAM consumption. Less common ways to get out of a situation

Microsoft has finally released the long-awaited release of a new version of its operating system - Windows 10. The final release was preceded by dozens of beta versions and previews, which were aimed at polishing the operation of the entire system and receiving testing reports from ordinary users to release a stable and functional final version. But despite all the efforts of Microsoft specialists, some bugs and problems still made their way into the release build. Although most of these problems occur during the installation of the operating system, many users report the appearance of bugs after successful installation.

Quite a large number of users began to visit the company forums with complaints about the excessive consumption of the system random access memory after upgrading to Windows 10. They report that although the system starts with minimal RAM consumption, its level gradually increases spontaneously and after a couple of hours of use, the RAM is almost completely occupied. It doesn’t even matter how much RAM is installed in a particular PC - 8 GB or 32 GB - anyway, in the end, its consumption increases to 100%. The task manager does not help much in clarifying the situation, since it only shows an approximate state, omitting a fairly large number of system processes.

Even after closing the most demanding programs and stopping some processes, RAM usage remains almost at the maximum level, which proves the fact of memory leaks and improper use of the system. Most often, such memory problems can be associated with incorrect work drivers. And the number of complaints about Windows 10 drivers that are spreading across the network today suggests that, most likely, they are the cause of problems with RAM.

How to solve the problem with increased RAM consumption in Windows 10

Fortunately, there is a way to fix RAM leak in Windows 10

Note. Before you begin the process of finding the exact cause of a RAM leak in Windows 10, make sure that the latest drivers for all components and components are installed on the system. If you ignore updates sent by the Center Windows updates, this could create a lot more problems in the future. Visit your PC component manufacturers' websites to download the most latest versions drivers for Windows 10. If such an update does not solve problems with memory use, follow all the steps from the instructions below in order to determine exactly where the leak is occurring.

Step 1: Download the driver set Windows Driver Kit and install it.

Step 2: Open the Start menu and search for Command Prompt. Click on the found program right click mouse and select in context menu"Run as administrator" item.

Step 3: Using Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where Windows Driver Kit was installed. To do this, type the following command cd C://Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits10/Toolsx64 and press Enter.

Step 4: Type the name poolmon.exe and press Enter. In the utility window that opens, first press the P key to sort processes by type, then press the B key to sort the list by the number of bytes of memory consumed. Thus, the process that consumes the most memory will be at the very top of the list.

Step 5: Remember the name of the process that is consuming a lot of memory and open a second copy Command line to find which driver this process belongs to. You need to type the command findstr /s and after the space add the name that you found in the previous step. In the example in the above screenshot, the process with the ECMC index consumes the most memory, which means that in our case the complete command will look like this - findstr /s ECMC*.* and then press Enter.

Step 6: The executed command will point you to a specific file with a .sys extension. Open the properties of this file to find out which driver it belongs to. Once you find out which driver is causing the memory problems, visit the software manufacturer's website to download a newer version that is compatible with Windows 10.

Step 7: Download new version driver, install it and restart your computer. The RAM leak issue should be resolved.

Let us know in the comments if it worked for your PC this method reduce RAM consumption for Windows 10 and whether you have any problems performing certain procedures from this instruction.

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Windows 10 consumes about 300 megabytes of RAM, but with telemetry services running, RAM consumption increases several times - to about 2 gigabytes. These services can be disabled, then the system will free up resources, so you can comfortably use even weak devices- with 2 or 4 GB of RAM.

Windows is very power hungry - this OS often lacks even 8 GB of RAM, and working on tablets and laptops with less memory turns into torture - as soon as you open just a few tabs in Chrome, the browser crashes. All latest versions Windows (7, 8 and 10) use telemetry services to track and study user activity. For Microsoft, this data is very valuable, but it only gets in the way of users.

How can I disable snooping and free up RAM? The easiest way is to use the Destroy Windows 10 Spying (DWS_Lite) program, which can be downloaded from GitHub. The program is portable, meaning it does not require installation.

1 Download, run and go to the “Settings” tab.

2. Click “Enable professional mode” and leave a checkmark next to “Disable keylogger and telemetry”.

3. If you have Office 2016 installed, go to the Utilities tab and click Disable Office 2016 Telemetry.

4. Go to the “Main” tab and click “Destroy Windows 10 Spying”.

5. Restart your computer. If everything was done correctly, you will notice that RAM consumption has decreased by about 2 gigabytes.

In some cases this may not be enough. The fact is that Windows 10 sometimes restores telemetry after installing the next update. You will have to periodically launch DWS_Lite and again disable the services responsible for surveillance, or, as an option, you can disable Windows Update(in the “Utilities” tab) - then OS updates will stop coming.

You can partially protect yourself from re-activating telemetry by selecting additional items in the DWS_Lite settings: “Disable Windows Defender” (preferably if you have a third-party antivirus), “Disable spy tasks”, “Add spy domains to hosts”. This will allow you to prevent Windows 10 from sending data to Microsoft servers, but may create problems for the operation of some services and applications, including the Windows Store.

You don't have to uninstall Metro apps if they don't bother you. They do not load RAM, although they do take up storage space.

After upgrading to Windows 10, many users began to complain about the problem of using incomplete RAM. As an example, let's take a case from the Microsoft forum. When installing 6 GB of RAM in Windows 10 32, only 3.92 GB was displayed. The entire amount of RAM was inaccessible, or rather, the system simply did not see it. In some cases, reinstalling the RAM strips in places and cleaning the contacts helped solve this problem. However, in a number of cases this problem could not be solved.

Ways to configure display of all RAM on Windows 10

If you are faced with a situation where not all RAM is available on Windows 10 and you have not swapped the modules, you should follow these steps:

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “msconfig”.
  • The System Configuration window will open. Go to the “Download” tab. Click on the button " Extra options».

  • A small window will open. Here you need to uncheck the “Maximum memory” checkbox.

  • After saving the changes, you need to restart your computer and see how much memory is being used.

If Windows 10 does not see the full amount of RAM, you should remove the sticks from the slots and swap them. We also recommend cleaning the contacts of the RAM modules. To do this, take a rubber band and carefully wipe off dirt from the contacts.

If you insert the modules incorrectly, a post will occur when the PC boots. You will need to return the modules to their places and restart the computer. After Windows boot 10 32 bits you need to download the MemTest86 program and check the performance of the RAM.

If everything is fine with the modules, but Windows does not see all the RAM, you may be using old version motherboard firmware and you need to update the BIOS, as well as check some of its parameters.

  • The first BIOS parameter that is responsible for stable operation of RAM is memory redistribution. In different firmware versions, this section may be named differently (Memory Hole Remapping, H/W DRAM Over 4GB Remapping, Hardware Memory Hole). Therefore, it is worth studying the instructions for the board in detail or finding a description for the version of the BIOS used.

The memory redistribution function transfers the address blocks used by expansion cards into the address space beyond 4 GB. Thus, it is possible to increase the amount of RAM (otherwise Windows10 will see 3-3.5 GB). To fully support such a volume, it is necessary to use 64-bit processors and 64-bit versions of the OS (or server versions of 32-bit operating systems, allowing PAE physical address extensions). If you have less RAM, be sure to turn off this option (Disabled), as problems with the RAM may occur. Enable memory redistribution – value Enabled.

  • Memory settings for AGP video aperture are the amount of memory that the system shares with the video adapter. It is necessary for displaying textures and drawing pictures. This amount of memory may not be used by the system if it is blocked by the video adapter. There is only one way to enable it: boot into BIOS, select AGP Aperture size. Standard values ​​are 32 MB, 64 MB, 128 MB and Auto. We look at how much memory the video card has and set the required value by value. Often this is 128 MB. However, you can try each of the options to see which one gives the best result.

After making all changes to BIOS settings you need to boot into Windows and check if the entire amount of RAM is visible. If the system still does not see the RAM, you should try inserting other modules into the slot. It is possible that the old RAM sticks have failed or are defective.

To learn why the system does not see all the RAM and how to fix it, watch the video:

Any computer has two types of memory devices designed to solve different problems. This is a long-term storage device (RSD), which is necessary for storing long-term information, and a random access memory device (RAM), which is used directly for data processing and serves for short-term storage of information.

Why clean RAM?

The performance of any computer is greatly influenced by the size of the RAM. During operation, various programs and files are loaded into the RAM block, which leads to a gradual decrease in the amount of RAM, and this, in turn, greatly reduces productivity and efficiency. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to periodically clear the RAM, thereby increasing its performance and reducing the time for performing various operations.

In the process of working with various programs, especially if the period of operation is quite long, it becomes more and more noticeable that the computer begins to slow down. As a result, this may result in a banner appearing on the display asking you to close all programs to avoid data loss due to insufficient free RAM. If this is not done, the computer will close everything on its own and automatically reboot, completely clearing the RAM. This will inevitably lead to the complete loss of unsaved data, the entry of which could take an hour or more, and the work will have to start all over again.

In addition, noticeable slowdown during operation makes the user nervous, since it takes more time than usual to complete any operation. If previously the computer immediately performed a certain task, now it can think for a few seconds, and sometimes much longer.

One of the main reasons for this phenomenon may be an increase in the amount of RAM used due to the large number of applications that are added to startup during installation and load their modules simultaneously with the computer startup. In the process of work, new ones are added to this running programs

, as well as various pieces of information transmitted using the clipboard, that is, copying.

Adding more RAM cards will not be a panacea, as it will be a short-term measure.

Adding RAM chips to store operational information will only be a short-term measure to increase computer performance Firstly, the number of RAM slots on motherboard

limited. Secondly, the software is constantly being improved and increasingly uses graphic effects, which require a constant increase in the free amount of RAM. This will be very noticeable if the user runs powerful graphic games or works in a professional graphics editor. To remove unnecessary active and background procedures from memory, it is necessary to clean the RAM chips from accumulated information that is in this moment


The RAM of any computer is cleared manually or automatically. In the first case, utility utilities built into the system are used, or unused applications are disabled. In the second case, various specialized utilities are used that clear RAM without user intervention according to preset parameters. The most common use for freeing a memory block is third party programs, since Microsoft does not pay enough attention to this problem, focusing on latest models computers that are equipped with a sufficient number of RAM chips.

If the user does not perform any special tasks on his device that require simultaneous opening of a large number of programs, then the operation to clear the memory block is not particularly necessary. If you need to keep several programs open, especially graphic ones, with constant use of the clipboard, as well as several pages in the browser, performance decreases quite quickly and requires constant cleaning of RAM.

The effectiveness of cleaning RAM is different for all methods, so the choice always falls on the method that is most familiar to the user. It all depends on the specific task that is currently being performed on the computer.

Video: basic ways to clear computer RAM

Clearing computer RAM manually

Quite often, cleaning the RAM manually is used. The method is not entirely convenient, but in the absence of specialized programs it is quite self-sufficient. Manual mode RAM cleaning is based on the use of utilities built into the system, developed Microsoft Corporation. It involves the use of several options for clearing the amount of memory used.

Cleaning via Task Manager

You can free up RAM by disabling unnecessary tasks currently running on your computer. background. You can do this using the Task Manager. If programs were added to startup during installation, they will start along with Windows 10. Regardless of whether they are needed at the moment or not, they will occupy part of the temporary memory block. To disable them, you must perform the following operations:

To avoid having to manually disable the task every time you start your computer, it is best to software settings indicate refusal of simultaneous loading of the program and Windows.

Video: how to disable unnecessary processes in Task Manager

Cleaning by restarting Explorer

A small amount of used RAM can be freed by restarting Explorer. To do this, you need to carry out the following steps:

Restarting Explorer allows you to temporarily clear memory, since as new applications are launched, the RAM will fill up again and at some point reach its previous limit.

Video: how to restart Explorer

Cleaning via "Startup"

To completely prevent unnecessary programs from starting when the computer boots, they must be removed from startup. This will allow you to obtain free temporary memory in the RAM chips. To remove programs from startup, you must do the following:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. In the expanded menu, click on the “Run” line.

    In the menu, click on the “Run” line

  3. Enter msconfig command in the “Open” field of the “Run” panel and click the “OK” button.

    In the Open field, enter msconfig

  4. Go to the “Startup” tab in the “Task Manager” console that opens.
  5. View the impact of all applications on downloads.

    Check the impact on all app downloads

  6. Select unnecessary application and click on the “Disable” button.

    Select the application you don't need and click the "Disable" button

Shutdown unnecessary programs from startup is one of the most effective ways to free up the RAM.

Video: how to remove an unnecessary program from startup

Disabling visual effects

In the system settings, you can disable visual effects to partially free up the amount of temporary memory that is occupied by applications that provide connection and drawing of graphic constructions. You can do this as follows:

  1. Right-click on the “This PC” icon on the “Desktop”.

    Right-click on the “This PC” icon

  2. In the drop-down menu, click on the “Properties” line.

    Click on the “Properties” line in the menu

  3. In the “System” window, click on the “Advanced system settings” icon.

    Click on the “Advanced system settings” icon

  4. Click on the “Options” button in the “Performance” block of the “Advanced” tab.

    Click on the “Options” button in the “Performance” block

  5. In the Performance Options panel, switch the radio button to "Get the best performance."

    Set the switch to the "Get the best performance" position.

Video: How to turn off visual effects

Cleaning computer RAM using specialized programs

To more effectively solve problems of optimizing a RAM block, utilities specially developed for this purpose are used. They allow, without user intervention, according to a predetermined algorithm, to check applications loaded into RAM and correctly remove them from the memory block. To do this, they use several well-known and proven programs that are most famous in the field of information technology.

Wise Memory Optimizer

The Wise Care 365 software package includes the Wise Memory Optimizer utility, designed to clean up your computer's RAM. The utility takes up minimal space during installation and does not take up many resources. You can download it from the manufacturer’s website or run it directly from the Wise Care 365 package. Clearing a block of RAM using the utility is performed as follows:

Video: How to clear RAM using Wise Memory Optimizer

Mz RAM Booster

Mz RAM Booster is a small utility designed to optimize a block of RAM. Its main drawback is the lack of a Russian-language interface. After installation, the program is constantly located in the system tray and monitors the memory state. The utility stores the system core in RAM, and automatically unloads unused program libraries. To use it you need to do the following:

Video: how to clear RAM using Mz RAM Booster

Glary Utilities

Included in the software package Glary Utilities includes a memory optimization utility that allows you to clean it up quite quickly high level. The utility allows you to pre-clear the clipboard and graphically represent the amount of cleared space in RAM. To use the Memory Optimizer program, you must do the following:

  1. Download and install the Glary Utilities program from the official website of the developer company.
  2. Double click on the Glary Utilities icon

  3. In the main program window, go to the “Modules” tab.
  4. On the left side of the window, click on the “Optimization” icon.
  5. On the right side of the window, click on the “Memory Optimizer” icon.

    In the “Optimization” tab, click on the “Memory Optimizer” icon

  6. In the “Memory Optimizer” console that opens, click on the “Clear Buffer” button and use the slider to set the required amount of memory to be cleared.
  7. Click on the “Start” button.

    In the console, set the required values ​​and click on the “Start” button

  8. The graph will display the cleaning process and the amount of freed RAM.

    When the memory optimization process is complete, close the program

  9. When the cleaning process is complete, close the program.


CCleaner is not intended for complete cleansing block of RAM. It is used to clear the cache memory and clipboard, so it will be self-sufficient if the user only uses the computer to work with documents. If the work is carried out in graphic programs or with big amount applications and sites, then the effectiveness of such a program when clearing RAM from unnecessary fragments will be insufficient. To take advantage of opportunities CCleaner programs

  1. , you need to do the following:
  2. Download and install the CCleaner program from the official website of the developer company.

    Launch the program by double-clicking on the icon on the “Desktop”.

  3. Double-click the icon on your desktop
  4. On the left side of the main program window, click on the “Cleaning” icon and check the boxes next to the items in the list that need to be cleaned.

    Click on the "Analyze" button.

  5. In the main window, set the required parameters and click on the “Analysis” button

    The process of searching and analyzing errors will begin.

  6. Wait for the error analysis process to complete

    When the process is complete, click on the “Cleanup” button.

  7. After completing the analysis process, click on the “Clean” button

    After cleaning the RAM block, close the program.

When the cleaning process is complete, close the program

Video: How to clear RAM using CCleaner

How to clear memory using antivirus programs If software and manual methods cleaning the RAM does not help, and the amount of free memory becomes smaller with each startup, this may be due to the penetration of malicious software into the computer software

. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to regularly conduct a quick scan of the system, which includes checking the status of the RAM. For this purpose, you can install one of the popular:

  • antivirus programs
  • 360 Total Security;
  • Dr.Web;
  • Avira;
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus;

NOD 32 and the like. Best performance in malware detection software product currently have 360 ​​Total Security, Dr.Web and 360 Total Security. It must also be taken into account that free versions functionality, unlike paid ones.

Clearing computer RAM using a created script

If specialized programs for cleaning the RAM are not installed on your computer, you can create a small software script yourself.

The effectiveness of using the script is debatable, since in most cases it does not clean anything. But sometimes you come across working copies that can be used.

To create a script you need to perform a number of operations:

  1. Click the left mouse button on the “Start” button.
  2. Save the created script as a “RAM Cleaner” file with the .vbs extension.

    Save the script, changing the extension to vbs

  3. Double-click the left mouse button on the created script file.
  4. When prompted to clear RAM, click OK.

    Click on the “OK” button to close the script

You can display a shortcut to the cleaning file on the “Desktop” for quick launch.

For comparison purposes, the RAM was cleared using the created script. The freed space was about 200 megabytes. At the same time, cleaning with the Wise Memory Optimizer utility freed up an additional 400 megabytes of temporary memory.

The process of clearing RAM is an important component when working on a computer. A sufficient amount of RAM allows you to run an additional number of programs and open several pages in the browser without compromising system performance. With the constant improvement of modern software and the increase in its resource consumption, monitoring the state of memory comes to the forefront. This is especially true for computers equipped with RAM up to four gigabytes. Therefore, for those users who use resource-intensive gaming applications or work with graphics, it is extremely important to understand how to avoid overloading the RAM and properly clean it of unnecessary programs.

Over time, users notice that their computer begins to function more slowly. And when freezes appear, oh comfortable work you can forget. If, after launching the Task Manager, you see your RAM fully loaded, this article will help you fix the problem. Therefore, let's look at how to clear RAM Windows computer 10.

Ways to clear RAM

There are many ways to unload your computer's RAM. Let's consider everything possible methods from easy and less effective to complex and more effective.

Manual cleaning

The most popular way. Do the following:

If some processes do not terminate, suspicion falls on viruses that have infested HDD computer. To scan your device, it is recommended to perform a system scan using AdwCleaner and Dr.Web CureIt! .

But processes that don't close are not just viruses. They also include standard services and other related software. To disable them completely, you need to exclude the corresponding fields from autoload. This requires:

Using special utilities

If you don’t want to or are afraid to clean it yourself, you can use special utilities.


KCleaner is one of the most powerful RAM cleaners. The program effectively cleans RAM without disabling system-critical services and processes.

To start optimization you need:

Also available in the program additional functions. For example, clean and reboot.

Mz RAM Booster

A more eminent representative who also copes well with his duties. Moreover, the application allows you to optimize the functioning of your PC and speed up the processor (through overclocking). The program has an intuitive interface and launching the “accelerator” is not difficult: you just need to download the software, launch it and click on the appropriate button (as of November 20, 2017, the developer’s website stopped working).

Using a script

The most creative method, which is almost as effective as all of the above. You need to write a script yourself that will perform this difficult task. Interesting, isn't it? To do this you need:

Now you know how to clear the RAM of a Windows 10 computer. If the article helped, share it with your friends and acquaintances. Let them experience the benefits of using a hardware-offloaded PC.