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To enter the social network On VKontakte, like many other sites, you need to enter your username and password, which are created by the user during the page registration process. Since there are a huge number of sites on the Internet, and no less various services and applications, a user may eventually forget his password, including for VKontakte. In such a situation, the question arises of how to find out the password from VK if you are already logged into your account. In this article we will consider whether this can be done.

Table of contents:

Is it possible to see your VKontakte password?

The settings on the VKontakte social network are very extensive, which is why not every user can find the option they need. There is an opinion that in VK you can see what password is set on the logged-in page. This is wrong.

As you can see, there is no option in the account settings to view the VKontakte password. But there is another way, discussed below.

How to find out the password from VK

Now let's look at a working method of how to view the password from VKontakte. This is done quite simply through the browser that you use as your main one. That is, if you have given your consent to the browser to store your information from account, then in the browser you can see what password is set on the page.

Depending on what browser you are using, the ways to view your saved VKontakte password will be different. Let's look at examples for the most popular and common browsers.

Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox

Yandex browser

All of the methods listed above allow you to easily find out through your browser which password is used on the VKontakte social network for a specific account.

It’s good, of course, when you know your VKontakte username and password. Here I went to your profile, then I went out to you. Either on a computer or on a phone. Beauty, no problem! But how this whole action, in the sense of authorization, is overshadowed when credentials are lost and forgotten or if they cannot be entered correctly into the login fields. Consciousness is burned with disturbing questions like “What was the password?”, “And how can I get to the page, because I know the login?” and gnawing vexation... It's a shame! You desperately need to log into VK!

This article will help you resolve these and similar situations. From it you will learn how to recover your VKontakte password, how to view it in a browser, and how to make it visible when typing.

Password recovery

1. To recover your VKontakte password, on the main page, under the panel for entering credentials, follow the link “Forgot...?”.

2. On new page enter your login, phone number or e-mail. Click “Next”.

Attention! If you do not have access to the phone and do not remember your credentials, click the “... click here” link located on the bottom line, under the “Next” button. Fill out the form and click the “Submit Application” button (you may be able to recover via your old login, via email, or your old and new numbers mobile phones).

3. Click “I’m not a robot” to pass protection against bots.

4. If the screen asks “Is this the page...?” Your first and last name and your avatar will appear, click the “Yes, this is the right page” button.

If data from another (not your) profile appears, click “Go back” and follow the instructions of the service.

5. Wait for an SMS from VKontakte verification code. Enter it in the field that opens and click “Change password.”

6. In the lines “New...” and “Repeat...” enter a new password.

7. Click “Change...”.

How can I see my credentials on my profile?

It is impossible to view your password and login in your account. This data is closed for security reasons. Also, you will not be able to find out your login by page ID. The identification number is primarily used to search for users and communities on a social network, as well as to find own account in the process of restoring access.

Using standard account options, you can change your password (after specifying the old combination) and login.

How to make the password visible when typing?

If you cannot correctly type the password in the field without seeing the characters, or want to find out the VKontakte password typed in the field, do the following:

Note. The code is changed in Google Chrome. But you can use a different browser. The procedure for editing HTML markup in them is performed in a similar way.

1. Place the cursor over the “Password” field and click once right button mice.

2. B context menu browser, select “View code” (the last item in the list).

3. In the panel that opens, in the selected line of code (div class = “labeled”), left-click the “password” value in the “type” tag twice so that it is highlighted in blue.

4.Instead of the highlighted value, enter text between the quotes.

5. After changing the code, the “Password” field will become visible. You can type and see characters in it, as well as view the previously typed sequence.

How can I see my password after logging in?

If the page is open, you can find out the password, but you must first make the appropriate settings in the browser. In Google Chrome this is done like this:

Warning! Enabling the following setting reduces the security of your sensitive data.

1. Click “Three Stripes” (the button in the Chrome panel).

2. Select Settings from the menu.

3. On the tab that opens, click “Show additional settings».

4. Check the box “Offer to save passwords...” (block “Passwords and forms”).

After enabling the option, you can view your authorization data at any time:

1. Go to “Settings” again and in the “Offer to save…” option line, click the “Customize” link.

2. In the sites block, click on the line “vk.com” with the mouse.

3. To open the password, click “Show” in its field.

Have a safe and comfortable time on Konakte!

For many people, social networks have become the main way to communicate with friends and acquaintances. The VKontakte website is one of the most popular platforms among Internet users. To enter your account, a code and login are required, but a person may forget his data. In such cases, there are several options for finding out the password from VK.

What to do if you forgot your VK password

Personal pages on social networks often contain correspondence that is intended only for the owner, so account security is an important aspect of the service. To protect against burglary, hacker attacks the site has several levels of protection and a password (password) is one of them. To prevent account theft, the administration itself recommends regularly changing access combinations. This leads to the fact that a person can get confused and knowledge of how to remember the password from VK will come in handy here.

First, try to select the accesses; perhaps you used one of the codes that you came up with for other sites. Check your notebooks, sometimes people write down their data specifically so that you can find it. If these options do not help, you can use other methods on how to find out the password on VKontakte:

  • via browser (Opera, Mozilla);
  • using the “Recover Password” button;
  • through the service technical support;
  • using special software (software).

How to see your password on VK

This method requires that you make additional settings for the browser in advance. For these purposes, a conductor is often used Mozilla Firefox, for which you should do the following:

  • go to the “Settings” section;
  • go to “Passwords and codes”;
  • click on “Protection”;
  • click on the “Manage Ciphers” or “Saved Passwords” tab;

This option on how to find out your VKontakte password is suitable if you have already visited and successfully logged into your account. Find VK from the list of all visited sites, right-click on the address, a list will appear, you need to select the line “Show” or “Copy password”. The browser will provide you with data on this site, login and password. For the same reason, it is not recommended to log into the page from other people’s computers, so that you do not become a victim of attackers.

Here's another way to find out your VK password if you forgot it.

How to recover your VKontakte password

If you are unable to log into your account and you are absolutely sure that you are entering the correct login, there are still ways to find out your password in VK. One of them is offered immediately below the code entry form in the form of the inscription “Forgot your password?”. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Click on this inscription and you will be redirected via a link to another page.
  2. You will be asked to enter the email you used to register the page, login or phone number associated with your account. Enter and click Next.
  3. A letter will be sent to your email with instructions on how to find out your VKontakte password and a link to recover it.
  4. Go to the address from the letter, enter the phone number associated with your account during registration.
  5. Next, a page will appear where you need to enter the code that came to you in the form of SMS (it may not arrive right away).
  6. If you enter the code from the SMS correctly, you will be allowed into your account and a window will appear asking you to enter a new password.

Some people do not link a mobile phone to their contact or have changed their card and this number is no longer available. In this case, technical support can help, which is available directly through the tools on the social network. You should go to the section " Feedback» and ask for the password to be restored. You will receive a response in which the employees will ask you to provide a digital copy of your passport, on which you can see your photo, first name, last name. You will also be asked several questions about your profile: the number of friends, who the last messages were from, etc.

All this information is needed to confirm your identity in order to avoid hacking by attackers who may impersonate another person. If you answer the customer service questions correctly, you will receive a new password by email. Technical support staff may not respond immediately. As a rule, a message from them arrives within 3 days maximum.

How to find out the password in VK, knowing the login

If you know exactly your login from the page, then the easiest way to easily find out the password on VKontakte is to use the “Forgot your password?” function. In the presence of phone number you'll quickly gain control of your account. In cases where there is no data from the page (forgotten, for example, because you rarely use it), you can use another way to find out necessary information– use special software.

To obtain the necessary data, you can download free program. Your computer should contain encrypted information about all your passwords and logins that you entered in your browsers. She doesn't lie in open access, is presented as a jumbled collection of numbers and letters. This was done to protect against hackers so that other people could not, for example, hack your account through a work computer or from a machine from an online club. Special programs help you save the data you need in the usual login/password form. You can choose any one from the list below:

  1. Multi Password Recovery Porlable – opens all ciphers on the computer, can be launched from removable media, does not require installation on the PC.
  2. PasswdFinder is a scanner that finds and recovers ciphers from a computer.
  3. WebBrowserPassView - free utility, which reads secret combinations from browser fields.


Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything! Home› Ways to find out another person’s VKontakte password

The website is informational! The site has no malware, viruses or hacking methods.

There are a number of ways to help you find out the password for someone else’s page on VKontakte. Their complexity depends on how close the user is to the person who selects the password, what data is available about him, whether there is access to his computer, etc. You can find out the secret code yourself, showing ingenuity and cunning, or you can use special programs, which are both paid and free.

The easiest way to become the owner of a password is to look it up on the user’s PC. To do this, you need to go to the object’s page from his computer, which will automatically open after logging into the vk.com website and click the “Log Out” button. A combination encrypted with black symbols will appear in the “Password” column, which you should hover over. Then you need to right-click and select “view element code”. In the window that appears on the screen, you need to select the “input type” section and replace the word “password” with “text”. Now, instead of encrypted dots, the required combination will appear in the password line, allowing access to the page.

Options for finding a password in VKontakte without access to someone else’s computer

You can guess a password for a user account by trying to use the most simple combinations which people most often use as secret code. These could be consecutive numbers - “1,2,3,4...”, “9,8,7.6...”, the letters “qwerty...” or “ytsken”, etc. You should also try to indicate as password, last name, first name, date of birth, phone number and other data that relates to the user’s personal information. If this method does not have an effect, you can try to enter these combinations in the Russian and English layout or specify them in reverse order.

If you can’t figure out the password yourself, you can turn to hackers for help, some of whom, for a fee, will open any combination, regardless of its complexity.

Ways to find out someone else's password in Contact using programs

In order to find out a person’s password, you can use special hacking programs or write it yourself. In the first case, you will need to find a suitable utility on the Internet, download it and install it on your computer. For selection the required code in the corresponding line you need to indicate the page number of the user ID and start the process. The program will automatically select a password based on the combinations of letters and numbers contained in it. Such utilities can be paid or free.

Having some knowledge in programming, you can write the program yourself. An effective method is phishing, i.e. creating a site that is a VK double, which looks the same as the official resource, but has a different address. Having accessed his page, the user himself will indicate his login and password, which will immediately be received by the person who wrote the utility.


How to find out the VKontakte password knowing another person’s login

How to find out the password in Odnoklassniki, knowing the login... How to find out passwords and personal information of strangers through VKontakte. February 9, 2009 please help me, how can I find out the password for a contact if I know the login? … And much more. Hacking VKontakte is a tricky way to find out the password. Finding out someone else's VKontakte password is, in other words, hacking another user's page.

Very often, for one reason or another, we want to read the personal correspondence of another VKontakte user. Whatever the reason for this, this means hacking of the VKontakte page.

One of the main tasks of VKontakte developers is to provide maximum protection against hacking and properly exercise the right to privacy of correspondence. Hacking a personal page - the easiest thing will be if attackers try to hack a VKontakte page using a program.

How to hack a VKontakte page

Today, protection against hacking on VKontakte is so high that it is almost impossible to do this. But there are some methods that will help you hack someone else’s VKontakte page. 2.The most popular method of hacking a VKontakte page is phishing. Phishing - disguising a malicious site as a VKontakte design. When accessing such a site, you will need to log in using your username and password.

How to read other people's messages on VKontakte

Outwardly, you can hardly distinguish a malicious site from a real VKontakte. Website address - always look at the VKontakte address. Brute is a method of hacking by selecting a login and password using a program. In order to completely protect your VKontakte page, you should know... Better yet, forget about it and find out how to make money on VKontakte on groups and pages. I know the person's login. But of course, we shouldn’t forget that the personal life of another person is his right, and you shouldn’t violate it without good reason.

The idea is that when a person logs in to a contact on his computer, data to support the user’s session (including login and hashed password) is written to a cookie file. Do you want to know the login and password of the Contact user in order to read his or her messages and find out with whom the correspondence was and on what topic? Maybe you'll learn something new!

Contact us and within 60 minutes you will have the data for full access for any service. 1000 votes. Can't wait to find out who he or she is chatting with on VKontakte? To do this, you need a password. If you want to contact someone on Skype, that person needs to know your username. ... How to find out your VKontakte login? To register an account, the social network VKontakte, like... I know the victim’s login and password from the mail, the victim is on VKontakte, notifications about messages are sent to the mail.

How to steal the login and password from the site vk.com. However, not all people are so careless and gullible, so hackers... The pinch Trojan and many others are considered the most actively used malware. Answer: Do you want to break a guy on VKontakte? 28). How to find out the owner by number cell phone for free? We need to unblock the young man, he’s cheating, I know the contact’s login, I need a password.

To try to recover your password, go to home page On VKontakte, select the Forgot your password? option. I go to one person’s page on VKontakte.

How to find out the e-mail of a user in a contact, knowing his id?

Download all music from VKontakte at once. Be that as it may, you, of course, know that an integral element of registration on VKontakte is the completed fields - password. It can be very difficult for you to come up with a password for your page, unless, of course, you are serious about such registration.

We do not take ordinary cases when someone wants to find out the password of another person’s VKontakte account... ...VK page (vk.com). So, from all of the above, you can conclude that you can find out someone else’s VKontakte password absolutely without problems. Free passwords and logins for vk.com. VK ID, find out VKontakte soap. Question: How to Find out the Password and Login of Another Person Without Knowing Neither One nor the Other. The thing is that most users of the social network VKontakte come up with their passwords at random.


How to find out the password in a contact?

Many users of such a social network as VKontakte often have to somehow find out a lost or forgotten password from your account. But sometimes they want to know, for example, the password for their friend’s page. Our article will tell you how to find out your VKontakte password.

Using the program

To do this, you can use the Multi Password Recovery Portable program, which does not require installation, because it can be launched directly from a flash drive by selecting any computer on which you want to find out someone else’s password in Contact. This program not only shows hidden passwords (passwords that are under asterisks), but also scans the system automatically, finding and decrypting passwords for more than 80 popular programs today. These are, for example, all popular browsers and Internet messengers. As a result, you also get access to passwords from social networks that are stored in browsers. This program also has a Russian-language interface on board for your convenience. You can change the language in the Settings menu. This program for passwords in VKontakte the most effective to date.

Using a cookie

If you are visiting someone or someone visited you and logged into the VKontakte social network, then you can find out both the e-mail and password of this person. Even an untrained user can find out the password for a page in a contact in this way.

You need to know that if you go to a contact and a user is already authorized there, you can simply find out the hashed password. The fact is that if a person logs in to a contact, data is written to a cookie file on his computer, that is, login and password, to support the session. In order to see them, you need to address bar of this browser write a simple script code: “javascript:document.write(document.cookie)” and press the “enter” key. Your browser will display approximately the following information:

remixchk=5; remixlang=0; remixautobookmark=26; lang=0; remixclosed_tabs=0; remixemail=example%mail.ru; remixmid=1234567; remixpass=“lots of numbers and letters”; remixsid=“lots of numbers and letters”; remixgroup_closed_tabs=0.

Let's figure out what this means:

  1. - remixemail=example%40mail.ru - this is the e-mail of the account [email protected];
  2. - remixpass = “many numbers and letters” - this is the password “many numbers and letters” for the account, which is hashed using the md5 algorithm.

To decrypt such a password, you can go to http://md5pass.info/rus/, but there is no complete guarantee. If you were unable to decrypt your password using this link, proceed to the steps below.

Opera will help us

Since we have read the data from the cookie, we can write it there. For this we will need Opera browser one of the later versions. So, the process itself:

  1. Open the Opera browser and log in with some “real” e-mail and password;
  2. Go to the “Tools” menu and select “Settings”;
  3. In the new window, select the “Advanced” tab and find the “Cookies” section there;
  4. Click the button called “Manage cookies”;
  5. Now find the VKontakte entry, where all the cookies that we need are stored.
  6. All that remains is to insert new values, for example, your friend, into the fields remixemail, remixmid, remixsid, remixpass;
  7. Highlight required field you need to click “Change”;
  8. When you have done everything without errors, you can go to someone else’s VKontakte page. Of course, you need to log in through the same Opera.

View hidden password

You can also view the password saved in a browser, for example Mozilla, this way:

  1. While on the VKontakte page, go to “Tools” and select “Page Information” there;
  2. Go to the “Security” tab and click on the “View saved passwords” button there;
  3. In the new window, click on the “Show passwords” button and click “Yes” to confirm this action.

Now you know how to find out the password in contact!


How to find out the password for VKontakte, knowing your login or e-mail?

In fact, finding out the login from the VK page of a specific person is not so difficult. For example, you know his number mobile phone and address Email. The likelihood that the page is linked to this particular number is very high. This is due, among other things, to the fact that for some time now the page is necessarily linked to a phone number (although it can then be unlinked). Let's assume that you guessed correctly with the login (phone number or e-mail). What's next?

Actually, nothing. Why? The fact is that having a login, which, as we found out above, does not give you anything. Well, you found out your login and what next? You don't have a password. Do you have access to the user's mail? No. What about his phone number? Moreover, no!

You can often come across messages from the series “I’ll help you access your VKontakte page for money, you just need a login,” etc. If you want to lose your money, you can try to take advantage of this offer. As a rule, after the advance payment is transferred, the “hacker” disappears forever. But there are also more curious cases when the same “hacker” contacts a potential victim whose page you need, writes to her that you wanted to gain access to her page, and agrees to add changes to the victim’s page - for evidence that the page has been tampered with. And what is it all for? In order to get your money.

The second serious argument is criminal punishment. The fact is that opening a user’s page is punishable by law. Want an example? A certain user was able to open one of the communities and deleted all the data in it. The owner of the community contacted the police, and the latter had no difficulty in finding the unlucky “hacker.” He was charged under Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - unlawful access to computer information. The maximum penalty is imprisonment.

Finally, it is impossible to open a page on VK, unless the victim himself tells the login and password for it.

In general, dear users, answering the question in the title of the topic, we will say the following - if you have the login for the page in your hands, you will not recognize the password. And even if you can get a password in some way known only to you, remember - the user’s page is protected by law, the punishment for violating which can be very serious.