What is a contact repost and how to do it. The best ways to repost photos and videos to and from Instagram

According to statistics, the audience of the most popular Internet photo album in the world is constantly growing. Those who deliberately refuse to register on Instagram sooner or later end up on the site because they want to share their photos and videos with friends, develop their work projects through the application, or simply observe the activity of other users.

We do a repost using applications

It looks like a photo that was shared on Instagram via third party application... The name and avatar of the original creator of the post is indicated by the attachment on the side of the post.

A big plus of repost apps is the fact that in this way copyright cannot be infringed , because most of them have a built-in function for creating a link to the original publication source. Therefore, reposts can be easily recognized by specified name or a nickname in the corner of the photo itself, as well as in the caption under the photo or video that the person has shared.

Repost for Instagram

One of the most commonly used repost apps is Repost for Instagram... It can be downloaded as for Android devices, and for gadgets running on iOS... Beginners will come in handy step by step instructions on creating a repost with detailed photos of the course of action.

How to repost on Instagram:

  • The first step is to download the app from a suitable app store (you can go by clicking on the links above);
  • After installing it on a smartphone or tablet, you need to register - here you need data to enter your usual Instagram account;
  • Then you can return to Instagram and choose a publication for repost;
  • Open a photo or video in full size and click on the three-dot icon in the corner of the screen, as shown in the photo;

  • Choose "Copy link";

  • Open Repost for Instagram and click the characteristic icon, after which the desired photo will appear on the screen;

  • Click on it and select the location of the icon with the nickname of the original creator of the post, as well as the color of the repost icon;

  • In the final press Repost - everything is ready, the photo is uploaded to your Instagram.

In versions of the iPhone application, everything is even simpler: the Repost button will be located right below the photo, and you do not need to open anything additional. Most programs for content repost work according to these principles.


This program is suitable for both devices running on iOS and on Android... Its popularity is due to its ease and accessibility in work, since it is not necessary to connect to your account through it, because after installation it immediately redirects the user to Instagram.

Scheme of working with the application for repost:

  • Download the program from one of the active links above, choosing the appropriate software for your device;
  • The repost program redirects the user to Instagram, where you should select the necessary photo or video;

  • If the device runs on Android, then you need to click on the three dots next to the photo and select "Copy link", after which the photo is automatically uploaded to the program for creating reposts. Next, you should click on the Instagram icon, as shown in the photo;

  • Then the application prompts you to put "Ok" if the person wantscopy the original signature of the photo in your repost;

  • After that, the application will redirect the user to the usual publication menu, where you can edit the photo and the signature to it, including pasting the previously copied text. The difference between this program for creating reposts from others is that here the name of the author of the original post will not be indicated on the photo;

  • After the post is published, the repost will be made.

Repost photos without third-party applications

For those who do not want to clog the phone memory unnecessary applications, and those who do not share photos of strangers too often, have long figured out a way to save content to their device. Of course, it comes about creating screenshots for further repost.

How do I take a screenshot on a mobile device?

  • iPhone and iPad - press the "Home" button simultaneously with the lock button;
  • Android and Windows Phone - the power button is pressed simultaneously with the Home button; in some phone models, the Home button is pressed with the volume down button.

The made screen is saved in one of the folders of the device gallery, and from there it can be easily uploaded to your Instagram page - thus making a repost without any programs. The main thing to remember here is that without specifying the author of the photo under your post, you can offend him.

Repost media from Instagram to other social networks

An ordinary Internet user may not always need to know how to repost in a contact.

Indeed, with the help of so-called reposts, you can transfer information already known to one user, an image or a video to other people, a group or a whole community.

What is a repost?

This term is called posting someone else's record on your page. Most often this is a message sent by a friend or posted in a group that the user is a member of.

Thus, a repost is a copy of the entire post, but without any related comments.

With this action, you can replicate interesting and relevant messages from another page, increasing their popularity among friends, acquaintances and community mates.

The more reposts, the more popular the information.

And the object of copying your profile or group can be almost any content - from photography to musical composition. It is also permissible to repost a video or a link.

Its useful to note that the VK repost is immediately noticeable - by the name of the page from which the information was copied.

Thus, the message has two authors at once - the one who repost, and the person or group that posted it earlier.

If the repost is multiple, the second name indicates the original source.

Types of reposts in VK

There are several repost options that can be done on VKontakte:

  • From one profile page to your own;
  • From the community to the wall of a social network user;
  • From profile to page in a group;
  • From one community to another;
  • Repost in the form of a personal message to the user.

All the rules for copying and distributing information are the same both on a computer and when entering the social network from a phone or tablet.

When working in a browser or mobile application the icons are no different. Except that on a smartphone it will be more difficult to press them.

Repost rules

The simplest type of repost is to copy a message to your profile wall, regardless of where the original post is located - in the community or with another person.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Find suitable interesting post information from which you would like to see on your page;
  • Click the heart-shaped image below the message;
  • On the menu that appears with images of user profiles who also liked the information, select the item "Tell friends".

Now a message from another page has appeared on your wall, which can be seen by all subscribers.

And, if the profile is set to view your updates for all friends, they will be able to see this post the next time they log into their profile.

To do this, you should use the icon not in the form of a heart, but depicting a small megaphone.

Repost with a choice of addressees

Advice! You can make sure that friends will receive a repost from your page and see it in their news feed by clicking on the "megaphone". After that, a menu will appear for selecting a destination.

Here you can specify who the message is intended for:

  • Friends and subscribers. In this case, the repost will only go to the wall. This method is optional for copying the entry to your profile;
  • Community subscribers. This option is available only for users who are also administrators of a group. In contact with.

If there are several communities, in the field below you should enter the name of the one whose subscribers the information is intended for.

If you select multiple users, a conversation will be automatically created between the people to whom the message was sent.

You can attach your comment, a photo from your phone, a document, or even an audio or video file from your album to the post that you repost.

If you select the "Timer" item here, the data will be sent to the addressees not now, but at the specified time.

This can be useful, for example, to remind you of an event.

Tab "Export" allows you to get a code that can be used to insert into a message that is not posted on VKontakte.


Once you learn how to repost, you can share interesting information, useful links, and even important work information with friends, colleagues, and community members.

With this simple but useful option information on social networks can spread at an amazing speed - after all, the number of copies of one message can grow not arithmetically, but exponentially.

Repost is an opportunity to share some information with full preservation of its structure and indicating the source. V social network"VKontakte" reposts are used to share a post with friends or a group of people.

The VKontakte repost icon looks like a loudspeaker with a blue fill. It is located to the right of the "Like" buttons and has no signature, there is only an icon.

What a repost looks like

What is a record repost and how to do it? The repost looks like sent information from another source. In each group, Vkontakte page there are records - the so-called posts. The posts contain basic information that we are interested in on this social network. You can attach the following elements to posts:

  • text;
  • image in jpeg formats and gif;
  • videos from YouTube hosting or from the built-in video player;
  • links to any pages on the Internet;
  • polls;
  • music;
  • graffiti;
  • point on the map;
  • product;
  • note;
  • document.

All of these elements can be contained in a post. Through posts we get a lot of information and very often we want to share this information. This is what reposts are used for. We can easily send information to a person or a group of people without losing the structure and source of content. After the repost, it completely retains the post's appearance, only the source of this post is attached at the top. The source may include both a VK group and a person's page. It looks like this:

How to repost

After clicking on this arrow, a dialog box appears in which we specify the repost parameters. This is what the window looks like:

There are three main ways of reposting in it, which we will analyze in order:

Also at the top you can choose how to send the record as "export". In this case, the URL version of the post appears, which can be inserted into your own website, or on the forum, and so on. Thus, it is easy to share a Vkontakte group, a page and other information outside the Vkontakte social network itself.

Before reposting in contact on the wall, please note that below you can add a comment to the post, thus commenting on its content. The VK repost will contain this comment, and then the very entry that you are going to repost to VK. There is an Attach button opposite the Share Post button. They serve to attach third-party objects to the repost itself, that is, in addition to the post itself and the comment, you can also add your own picture, video, and so on.

Repost to friends and subscribers of VKontakte

If you repost Vkontakte to your page, all your friends and subscribers (those who sent a friendship request or subscribed) will see this repost in their news feed. Unless they have blocked your posts by clicking on the cross next to one of the posts.

Community subscribers

If you are the administrator of a community, you can repost to the VKontakte group. To do this, after clicking on the repost, select the "Subscribers of the community" item, and then specify the group to which to repost.

To repost a post to your group, you need to have administrator or at least editor rights in it, and a wall must be open there.

Send by private message

This item allows you to send a post to someone in private messages, or to a group of people in a conversation. After specifying the item, the choice of the interlocutor or conversation appears. You can use the search by writing the beginning of the first or last name of the participant in the conversation. It looks like this:

How to repost from your phone?

To repost to VK from your phone, you just need to find the same button in the form of an arrow pointing to the right, as shown above (with a loudspeaker of blue color- v old version) for any entry. After clicking, a familiar menu will appear with a choice of three sending options: private messages, VK page and groups. The interface is slightly different, but the essence remains the same. After choosing where to send, it is proposed to attach a comment to the submission.

How can I see who shared a post?

Anyone can repost on the wall in VK, from this you can understand that there is a list of users who have shared this post. To see who made a repost in VK, just hover over the repost icon and wait a couple of seconds.

After that, a window will appear in which all the people who have made the repost will be indicated. Only their avatars will be listed, for a full display of the information, click on the text "People have shared [number of shares]." A window will pop up, and it is in it that the listed pages with the repost of this record will be. This list also displays all VK groups that sent the entry to their wall. The list contains a link to the source of the repost, avatar, name and surname of the person who repost, or the name of the VK group.

In addition, under the ava and nickname there is a user's comment regarding this post. Please note that this list of reposts includes only people who repost themselves on the wall or in a public VK group. That is, if someone repost to someone in private messages, a conversation, or a closed Vkontakte group, this will not appear in the list of people who repost. Moreover, it will not be counted in the number of all reposts, only public reposts made for many people on the wall are counted there.

How did you manage to repost from the page?

After you made a repost on the wall in VK, but then changed your mind about doing it, or the information in it is outdated, it is better to delete it. Unfortunately. You can delete a repost only on the wall, it will always remain in private messages. Even if you click the "delete" button after selecting a repost, the message will disappear only from you, and the interlocutor will still have it saved. In a contact on the wall, you can delete a repost like any other entry through the cross opposite the post name.

Open the wall of our page and scroll down, look for a post on the wall, then move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the record, a cross will appear there. Click on it and the post is deleted. The exact same technology works with groups. To delete a repost on mobile phones, you need to find the post, click on the three dots opposite the name, then select "Delete".

A simple instruction on how to repost in contact, even when it doesn't work out. VK reposts can be done from your phone or computer. They are needed to share information with your friends and subscribers in the group. Post notes on the wall.

Some people write “I can't repost”. At the end of the article, we will analyze the cases why VKontakte reposts do not work. You can also try. Anyone can get real money for simple actions on social networks. And so let's go, we begin to understand and repost everything our heart desires in VK)).

What is Repost? This is a re-publication of a message (photo, video, recording) posted by another user on a social network or blog, with a link to the source. However, its content does not change. Some also say - "repost".

How to repost in contact from a computer

To repost the desired recording, no matter if it's video, music or just funny pictures, you need:


1. We open the desired VKontakte entry and under it we pay attention to the small arrow... There is a transparent heart next to it. Did you see? We click on it.

2. After clicking on this arrow, a new window appears in front of us, in which you just need to select the desired item. You can also add a comment.

3. We now have three options.

At the top, you also see the Export button. By clicking on it you can repost from VKontakte to Twitter or Facebook... If you wish, you can attach a photo, video or audio file (some song) to the repost. Hover your mouse over the word More. It will be possible to specify the time of posting by clicking on the Timer item.


A normal group will have a button "Invite friends"... If you are the administrator of such a group and also want a button for yourself "Tell friends" you just need to transfer the group to public page... I wrote how to do this in the article about.

How to repost to VK from your phone (application)

Now almost everyone is on VK with mobile phone(me, including). It can be either a browser or a VKontakte application. Reposting from your smartphone is as easy as from your computer. V mobile version site also appeared an arrow, as well as on a computer. It is also in the application.


1. So, to make a repost in contact with a mobile phone (via a browser) you need click on this little arrow... It is located immediately below the record.

To attach something or set a timer, click on paperclip... It is located in the upper right corner.

Our repost is ready! Go to your page or group and see what happened.

Here we will consider the option repost through the application in VK... I use the VKontakte application myself. By the way, it is very convenient to correspond. When a message arrives, the phone vibrates))).

1. Make reposts through the application not difficult. As always, click on the arrow below.

2. A new window will appear at the bottom. In it you need to choose where to repost. The list of friends is displayed immediately. You can send a personal message.

Below are the same options

  • on your page;
  • on the community page;
  • copy link.

It is the application that makes it possible to make reposts on Instagram, vibeer and in any other social. network. To do this, install the application of the desired social network. You can also watch a video about repost from your phone:


Every normal site has social buttons. networks that the owner of the project places is not at all accidental. He wants people to share his articles and distribute them on the internet. Wants to be useful. But how do you use these buttons and repost exactly this information on your wall? It's simple.

1. At the end of all articles there is social buttons, for example, like mine. To repost you simply click on one of these buttons. For example, in VK.

3. Click on the button "Send " and that's it, a link to the article, a picture and a short description will appear on your wall. And the author of the article will be very grateful to you!

Now you know everything possible options and methods for reposting (still possible). Make them, share useful and interesting information with your friends. And remember, this simple activity can also generate income.

Did you see a cool post on your friend's wall? He constantly shares all sorts of interesting pictures or funny videos. Do you want that too? Yes, no problem, you can also drop this post on your page, you just need to repost.

Now this picture will show off for you and all your friends will see it. Or, on the contrary, you want to throw on your wall something interesting from the group in which you are a member. To do this, you need to make just a couple of mouse clicks.

Why can't I repost on VK

Sometimes you can't repost on VK. People write so I can not repost VKontakte. Let's consider the main situations and ways to solve them. You will NOT be able to fix the problem through the application. We go to VK from the phone through a browser or from a computer!

All settings are shown for the full version of the vk.com site. How to go to full version from the phone? Just click on the top left menu(three white stripes) and at the very bottom select the item "Full version".

I can't repost from my group. For those who are the owner or administrator of the community. There are 2 main reasons:

1. The post was posted on your behalf or another person. From groups you can repost ONLY posts left on behalf of the community. Solution: publish all posts on behalf of the group. You cannot edit a previously posted entry. We delete it and re-publish it ON BEHALF OF THE GROUP. Here's how to do it.

To do this, before publishing the entry, hover the mouse over the settings gear (near the "Send" button). A new window will appear, put a tick in it "On behalf of the community"... Then we post the entry in the group.

2. You are trying to repost from a closed group. Reposting from closed communities is prohibited. If you are a group owner, go to settings and open it.

  • You closed profile. Solution: go to the privacy settings and change the profile type to Public;
  • The lock on your wall is activated (turned dark blue). If you press it once, it will be activated permanently. Solution: before posting click on this lock. It will turn gray (inactive). Then place the entry. The repost opportunity will be restored! Look at the picture.

Here it is IMPORTANT to know if only the item "Friends and subscribers" is not active - this is normal. After all, it means posting a post on your wall. And since it (entry) has already been posted on the wall, then it will not work to publish it again.

Well, that seems to be all. If you have any questions, write in the comments. There is also good video why reposts don't work.

Guys, a huge request! Repost this article, especially since you already know how to do it, thanks in advance!

For several decades, in order to preserve important and liked information for themselves, people copied the data to themselves in notebooks, cut out articles from newspapers and magazines, and then pasted them into diaries and general notebooks. Now there is no need to do this, the Internet and popular social networks have appeared. Now you can repost the information you like within a few seconds.

What is a Vkontakte repost?

For newcomers who have just recently registered in the popular social network "Vkontakte", there is a lot of unknown. They are still just mastering this social network, and we will help in this interesting matter and tell you how to repost.

How to repost Vkontakte

Method one

With one click, literally in a few seconds, you can do this action. Look carefully at the picture that you liked; there is a heart icon in the lower left corner. If you move the mouse cursor over it, the extended information will be displayed: "I like it." The information will not be displayed on your page, but all your friends and people who are subscribed to your updates can see it.

Method two

This is the most commonly used way to disseminate information. Using the example of the picture you like, let's repost this post: