Zen your personal recommendations on how to remove mozilla. How to remove Zen from the Yandex main page. How to remove Yandex Zen from your browser

What is Yandex.Zen? “Yandex.Zen” is an addition to the browser, a feed with articles, photographs, videos, etc. All information collected taking into account the preferences of the person using the computer will be presented in the form of a number of small cards. When you click on one of these previews, the user will see new page, where you can view the original size article.

Note! From an etymological point of view, the word “preview” is a borrowing from the English language.

To enable “Yandex.Zen” in “Yandex.Browser”, you will need to download the web browser of the same name. Below are instructions for installing this browser.

To set up news feed, while viewing the information, the user will have to rate each article. If you don’t like this or that news, click “dislike”.

Otherwise, like it.

All information will be filtered by the application based on the user's preferences.

Turning off the Yandex.Zen application

The service is disabled. Congratulations!

Installing a news feed in Google

The add-on is installed. The service is working properly.

Installing the Yandex.Zen news feed in Mozilla

The publication feed is set.

Installing and disabling Zen on a mobile phone

You can follow the news from your smartphone! The user will need to download the mobile Yandex.Browser. To configure the news feed, after its activation you will need

Disabling Zen on Google

The news feed is disabled.

Disabling Zen in Mozilla

News feed is disabled.

Deleting a Yandex news feed

To get rid of annoying news forever, the user can uninstall the web browser and install it again. So this article will provide instructions on how to remove Mozilla.

  1. Click on the “Start” button.

  2. Click on the “Default Programs” line.

  3. In the left corner of the screen (bottom), find the phrase “Programs and Features.” Click on it.

  4. In the list that opens, select the browser where Zen was installed. Double-click on this software.

  5. In the window that appears, click the left button of the coordinate device on “Next”.

  6. Click "Delete".

  7. Click on the "Done" button.

  8. Open another browser.

  9. Enter “Mozilla” into the search engine. Click on the “Find” button.

    Enter “Mozilla” into the search engine and click “Find”

  10. At the very top, find the “Download” button. Click on it.

  11. In the tab that opens, click on the word “Download” again.

  12. Open the folder that contains the document.

  13. will appear GUI. Click on “Run”.

  14. Click on the "Next" button.

  15. Click “Next” again without changing the installation type to “Typical”.

  16. Click on the “Install” button.


If you don't want Mozilla to become your default web browser, remove the arrow next to "Set Firefox as my default web browser."

Click on the "Done" button.

The browser is installed. Zen doesn't work.

Video - How to remove zen from the Yandex home page

To customize your feed, Zen analyzes your interests on the Internet using views, ratings, and subscriptions. Over time, the recommendations will adapt to you. On average it takes one to two weeks. Help Zen's algorithms understand what to show you:

Specify which posts you want to see in your feed and which ones you don’t

Use icons More like this And Less of this: And . They are not intended to evaluate the quality of the material. They tell Zen which posts you want to see more often and which ones less often.

Subscribe and unsubscribe to channels

Subscribing to a channel does not mean that all of its publications will be included in your feed. Zen will weed out channel materials that do not interest you. In addition, it will show posts on similar topics from other channels and sites.

To unsubscribe from the channel, go to the Subscriptions tab on the website. Open desired channel and click the Unsubscribe button.

Block channels

You can block an uninteresting channel or report a channel that violates. You can do this:

All publications of the blocked channel will disappear from the feed. You can unblock the channel on the website on the page Blocked. To open it, click your account photo in the upper right corner.

Subscribe and unsubscribe to topics

A thematic feed is a selection of publications from different channels on a common topic. To subscribe to a topic.

Good day to all! All regular users of Yandex. Browsers have recently been able to use a program such as “Zen”. But not everyone liked this innovation, and many owners of the browser of the same name began to think about how to disable Yandex Zen in Yandex so that it would not irritate or interfere with its recommendations.

This program works not only on Windows, but is also compatible with the Android OS, so the question of how to remove Yandex Zen is also relevant for users of smartphones and tablets. What this program is and how to get rid of it if you definitely don’t need it, you will find out in my note.

What is Yandex Zen

Yandex Zen is a personal recommendation service from Yandex, or as it is also called “Jen,” ​​- it is an analyzer that helps the user keep abreast of all the interesting events that are happening in the world. The application determines a person's interests by analyzing his actions and web browser history, ranking the results into a feed. The entire process of collecting and identifying the required data is quite complex.

The advantage of the service is that it selects not only interesting news materials based on user requests, but also pictures and videos that the user has previously watched. Unlike Opera, which is installed on every second computer, Zen is integrated into the Yandex browser. The service searches only for news that is truly interesting to the user and, in the process of work, independently learns and improves. How more program finds out, the more useful it becomes.

ADVICE: If you have been using the News Feed from the service for a short time, then my advice to you is not to rush to remove Zen from your browser. Give him a chance and some time to adapt to your interests.

The service settings can be adjusted by indicating what information you want to see more and what less. Some sites can even be blocked for display. New users of Yandex. The browser is asked to select your favorite resources, to which “Zen” will provide the necessary information, displaying it in the feed.

Since the creation of the program, its developers have not stopped there and are constantly improving it in order to allow users to keep abreast of the most interesting news happening in the world. But, as it turned out, many users did not like this innovation; they actively began to look for information on how to disable Yandex Zen in Yandex Browser so as not to see annoying recommendations.

If you are one of them and do not want to see links to news sites and other information, you just need to know how to disable Zen in Yandex Browser, smartphone and other web browsers. What are we going to do with you now?

How to disable Yandex Zen in the browser

Want to get rid of annoying Zen advice? Then you need to perform some steps to clear it from your browser. If you want to block this program, you need to open the settings of the browser you are using, find Zen’s personal recommendations in them and uncheck this item.

In this case, they will no longer be displayed in the feed. In order to remove it from your computer, you just need to uninstall all Yandex applications and then clean the registry.

If you want to know how to disable Yandex Zen and completely erase it, just log out of your Yandex account. If you used it on a laptop, then you can remove Yandex Zen by disabling this tab. Now in more detail what to click where.

How to remove Zen from Yandex. Browser

In order to remove Zen from the Yandex browser, do the following. Open the browser and go to the settings tab.

In this simple way, in just a few clicks you can remove Zen from Yandex Browser. Restart your browser and enjoy the result. The start page will be clean, only with your tabs.

How to remove Zen from Google Chrome

You can get rid of the add-on in the same way as removing Zen from Yandex, with the exception of some nuances. IN Google Chrome there is also a Yandex system, which, when installing the browser, can be installed by the user for more comfortable work With search engine, in some cases, installation may occur without the knowledge of the owner.

Zen will also be received as an option along with it. How to remove Yandex Zen from Google Chrome?

Disable Yandex Zen through settings. Let's figure it out, everything in order and to the point. First, you should go to the chrome settings on the main page, which is located under the bookmarks, find the “Settings” button and click on it. In the settings panel that appears, uncheck the items dedicated to the program of the same name - Show Zen feed in new tab.

Remove extensions and change home page. To Zen in Yandex, or rather, the tab of this search service completely removed from Chrome, do the following, check the home page, or in other words the start page, open the browser menu and select "Settings", as in the picture below.

Next we go to the menu "Extensions" and look for everything related to Yandex or tabs. Remove Yandex extensions, if any, by clicking on "Basket", it’s just that sometimes with the installation of various types of programs from the Internet, you may not even know about the new software installed.

Attention. I want to warn you right away that if you find the Visual Layouts extension and delete them, they will disappear completely. If you are ready to say goodbye to them, then you can complete this step. If not, then it’s better to do as I said a little higher. And the tabs will remain and Zen will turn off.

The next thing to do is change the start page when opening new tabs. Let's go to "Settings" and at point "Open at startup", put a tick next to the position "Specified Pages" and click on "Add"

Then we delete all search engines, leaving only Google, or your favorite search engine, if the list is empty, you can add the desired search engine to the line. In my case, I already have Google, I don’t need to do anything else.

In the search, also select Google and click on "Tune".

Close Chrome. The last thing you need to do is remove the Yandex button from the taskbar using the built-in Windows Assistant "Remove programs"

Launch Google Chrome and enjoy the result. Now you know how to remove Yandex Zen from your browser.

How to remove Zen from the Mozilla browser

First you need to remove home page Mozilla tabs that Zen placed there. After they are deleted, you can proceed to a full cleaning of Yandex Zen in Mozilla. To do this, go to the settings located under the tabs and uncheck the box next to the item belonging to the service, as in the picture below.

By removing them, you will completely remove her from mozilla firefox and her advice will no longer appear in your feed. As you can see, everything is done very simply and you don’t have to look for additional information on how to disable Zen on your PC in your web browser.

How to remove Zen from a smartphone

We figured out how to remove Zen from a PC, now let's figure out the versions for phones. Unlike a desktop PC, everything is much simpler in smartphones. The question arises, how to remove Zen on a phone running Android or iOS? Everything is very simple. You just need to go to your phone’s web browser, select the settings section and uncheck the items belonging to Zen.

As you can see, getting rid of the program on smartphones is not difficult. This way you get clean browser, without much effort.

Let's sum it up

In summing up, I would like to note that Zen can also bring benefits. But still, most users find it annoying and are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove Zen from a laptop or phone so that it does not distract them from browsing websites. It is also worth knowing that in some cases it can be quite difficult to remove. For this reason, after disabling it in the browser and removing all Yandex programs from the taskbar, you need to clean the registry in order to definitely block this application from accessing your browser.

We hope that the article gave you the necessary information about what Yandex Zen is and how to turn off this service on the devices you use.

Lost in the information flow? The Internet nowadays offers tons of information for every taste and in any format. Filtering on your own can take a lot of time for the user. It's time to find ways for someone to help weed out and remove the unnecessary, turn off the unnecessary and present only useful information. One of these services is Zen from Yandex, which can be enabled and configured directly in the browser.

Zen will help you deal with the news

Zen from Yandex is recommendation service, compiling all the news into a long feed based on user preferences. In the era of social networks, the possibilities of flexible filtering of one’s own chronicle will no longer surprise anyone. But this service will do everything for you. Zen will analyze the sites the user visits, the videos he watches, the articles he reads and compiles a personal list containing exclusively useful and interesting materials.

At the same time, the service constantly performs analytical work, monitors changes in the user’s interests, and takes into account duplicate information. The feed begins to display information not only from sites that the user has already visited, but also from others with similar topics. With each subsequent stage of analysis, the Zen chronicle becomes more and more individual, and offers from the service more and more accurately correspond to a person’s interests.

If preferences change, more materials appear in the chronicle in accordance with the user’s new hobbies. Duplicate information is destroyed.

Video: service capabilities

How to add and connect

Where is

All Yandex services are conveniently integrated with each other, creating a unified information environment for the user. Therefore, when installing Yandex Browser, Zen will be available immediately, without additional steps. News will appear at the bottom of the search engine's main screen when you open a new tab.

You can scroll through the feed infinitely by simply moving the mouse wheel. The chronicle displays news announcements with links to the source. By clicking on the tile of a specific news, you can go to its full text.

Yandex differs from other similar services in that it checks all sites that are used in the search results for accuracy and compliance with age restrictions.

It happens that when you open your browser, you will not see news tiles - this happens if you started using Yandex.Browser only recently. It takes some time to conduct a preliminary analysis of preferences, collect a database of interests, and generate search results.

What to do if the service is not in the browser feed

Have you been using a browser from Yandex for a long time, but there are no recommendations there? Perhaps your Zen service is simply disabled. To enable Zen, go to your browser settings (usually hidden under the three-bar icon in the upper right corner of the search engine window).

  1. After clicking on the button with three stripes, select “Settings” from the menu.
  2. In the window that opens, find the section called “Settings” appearance", there check the box in the item "Show in a new tab Zen - personal recommendations feed."
  3. Can't find such an item? Dont be upset. It's probably because it's disabled new interface browser. In the appearance settings block there is a button “Enable new interface”. Click it.
  4. If your browser does not contain these settings at all, then it’s time to update it. In the search engine menu (button with three bars), find the item “About the browser” or with a similar name. It is usually at the end of the list of items.
  5. The next window will display the browser version and availability of updates. If updates are available, the Update button will be available. Click it. Once the update is complete, you will be prompted to restart your browser. Perform this action, after which the recommendations display should begin to function.

In the same way you can turn on Zen on mobile device with Android and iOS OS. For operating system MacOS Zen on this moment not available.

How to set up Yandex.Zen

In order for the analysis algorithm to work better and understand your preferences, its developers proposed an original scheme for independently limiting the user’s range of interests. This is not a mandatory step, but it will help the service quickly navigate the variety of topics. The user is asked to select the sources he likes in a minimum quantity of 5 pieces.

At the same time, the feed configured through the initial selection of resources of interest may differ significantly from the one that would have been compiled after some time only on the basis of a machine analysis of the user’s news selection.

In addition, under each news post there is an opportunity to like or dislike. But this rating does not relate to the essence of the content of the news; it shows Yandex that you want to see more or less of this content.

That is, if you are interested in material on a given topic, but you do not agree with one specific news, opinion or are outraged by it, your hand will reach out to dislike it. However, the browser will interpret this as your reluctance to see posts on such topics in the future. Periodically, the browser will display messages about reducing the number of unwanted publications in your feed or an offer to block the news source itself.

After using Zen for some time, it will learn to most accurately adapt to the user’s interests and show only materials that have caused a positive response from the user.

How to disable and remove

Of course, each technology has its side effects, which can sooner or later start to annoy the user. Zen is guilty of this too. Advertising blocks from advertising network Yandex (YAN), which you can click on completely by accident, carried away by a bright headline compiled by competent marketers.

Then the user decides to disable Zen in the browser. Doing this is as easy as turning it on. The action is carried out according to the reverse connection scheme.

  1. You need to go to the browser settings (the three-bar icon, then the “Settings” item).
  2. In the “Appearance Settings” block, uncheck the “Show Zen personal recommendations feed in a new tab.”
  3. After restarting the browser, the ribbon will disappear from the tabs.

Video: how to enable, disable and remove Zen

What to do if it goes missing or stops working

Sometimes the user is faced with the situation that Zen is connected in the browser settings, the browser is updated to the most latest version, and the recommendations feed on the tabs is still not displayed, although everything was fine before. Probably, the operation of some important system component of the browser has been disrupted.

Reinstalling it manually will help. Here's how it's done:

  1. Be sure to download the browser from official source. You can go to it using the link - https://browser.yandex.ru/desktop/main/.
  2. At this step, a message similar to the following may appear on your screen: “It seems that you already have Yandex.Browser installed.” Simply ignore this notification by clicking on the close cross.
  3. Download the file and close your browser used for downloading.
  4. Now go to your PC's Control Panel (accessed from the Start menu). Find "Programs and Features" in the list.
  5. In this case, if the window is displayed in a compact “Categories” form, you should select the “Uninstall a program” item.
  6. In the list of installed software, select your Yandex browser and click the “Delete” button. After a few seconds, a message indicating the successful completion of the removal procedure will appear. Restart your computer.
  7. Visit the folder in which the downloaded file with the Yandex browser was saved.
  8. Run the file by double clicking on installation.
  9. Once the installation is complete, the new instance of the browser should already have the Zen Ribbon enabled by default.

A comprehensive description of all possible ways to interact with Yandex.Zen - connecting, configuring, disabling, troubleshooting will allow the user to individualize their PC or get rid of unnecessary “information noise” and unobtrusive advertising.

In this article we'll talk on how to disable Yandex Zen from the browser start page on your computer or phone and leave just the “quick” bookmarks bar.

What is Yandex Zen

This function is a ribbon in the form of tiles that are placed on blank page Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. Many people are not satisfied with this tape, as it requires increased consumption random access memory and traffic. In addition, here you often come across useless advertising, and for residents of Ukraine this does not work at all.

How to disable

Since each of us uses different browsers, accordingly, you need to disable Yandex Zen in different ways. Below you will find instructions for each of the browsers separately, and at the very end of the article we will show you how to do the same on an Android phone. Moreover, if you don’t like to read, we recommend watching a training video in which the author of the article shows how to remove Yandex Zen from your home page.

In Yandex.Browser

Let's start, perhaps, with this browser, because it is the brainchild of the same company as Yandex Zen. To turn off the annoying news feed, do the following:

  1. Click on the menu button and select the settings item from the drop-down list.
  1. Uncheck the item marked with the red arrow.

As a result, Yandex Zen will be completely disabled and will no longer appear in new browser tabs.

In Google Chrome

In Google's browser, the Zen feed is turned off a little differently. The fact is that here it is installed exclusively as an extension. Therefore, such an extension must be removed. This is done like this:

  1. Open the browser menu by clicking on the icon with the image of three dots in its upper right corner. Then select the item from the drop-down list additional tools, then extensions.
  1. We find our Yandex Zen, which is called here “ Visual bookmarks" and press the button to delete it.
  1. We confirm our intention by clicking on the button surrounded by a red frame.

Done, Yandex Zen has been removed from Google Chrome.

We also have an article that explains this with the help of a small extension.

In Mozilla Firefox

Sometimes Yandex Zen is “registered” in this browser. Let's look at how to remove it from here:

  1. Open the menu of our browser and select the item marked with the number 2.
  1. Let's go to extensions and, having selected the Yandex add-on, click the delete button.

As a result, Yandex Zen will be completely removed from Mozilla Firefox.

If there is no extension in the browser

Sometimes the Yandex Zen feed appears even when disabled in the settings and without installed add-ons. For example, in Opera. It's already ad virus and you need to delete it a little differently:

  1. Using the search, launch the Windows Control Panel.

Attention: We show instructions on Windows example 10, in other Microsoft operating systems, including Windows XP, 7 and 8, everything is done similarly.

  1. Switch the display to category mode and click the link to uninstall programs.
  1. We are looking for a suspicious application that we ourselves did not install and, by clicking on it, right click mouse, select the delete option.

How to disable Yandex Zen on Android

Let's look at how to delete this news feed from a phone running Android OS:

  1. We launch Yandex Browser itself by clicking on its icon.