The screen does not fit into the monitor, how to fix it. How to return the screen to normal size. Scaling an image by changing the computer screen resolution

The prospect of using a TV monitor is very tempting and it is not surprising that many users preferred big screen TV. Indeed, in certain situations, a TV is much cheaper than a large monitor. However, with such “unusual” use of the TV, a number of unexpected problems may arise that will negate all the benefits of a large image.

In this article we will deal with the difficulties that may await users who decide to use the TV as a monitor. Most ordinary users use the monitor for ordinary purposes: working with documents, playing games, watching movies. For such tasks, the TV’s power is more than enough. And those who use the monitor for professional purposes and work with resource-intensive graphic applications, probably already acquired special monitors. Despite this, problems are possible.

The font is not displayed correctly

This trouble can bring a lot of trouble and will fray your nerves when working with various documents. Most often, poor font display is due to the presence of a special function on the TV that is responsible for additional processing Images. There are two types of processing, and only in one case can the problem be solved; in the other case, the issue with fonts cannot be resolved.

Often, font problems are related to the implementation of the HDMI port, which is used on modern graphics cards. There are three methods to solve the problem: using a DVI connector instead of HDMI (if the latter is present on your video card), editing EDID (Extended Display Identification Data - specific information that is stored in the monitor and is used for identification graphic capabilities), reflashing the TV. So, the following measures will help you solve the problem with fonts on your TV.

1) Disable the ClearType function, which is responsible for text smoothing. To do this, on your computer you need to go to “Control Panel”, then “Appearance and Personalization”, then select “Display” and in the left column select “Color Calibration”. You will be asked to completely calibrate the image and at the end the system will ask for permission to enable the ClearType function, uncheck the ClearType item and the anti-aliasing function will be disabled.

2) Increase the sharpness level on the TV. This parameter is responsible for displaying the outlines of text and pictures. We go to the TV menu, look for the required parameter and increase its value.

3) We use an HDMI-DVI cable to connect the TV monitor (only if the native resolution of the TV is supported).

4) We flash the TV to more new version(information about your specific TV model can be found on the Internet; please note that in some cases, after updating the firmware on the TV, certain ports may fail).

5) Edit EDID using special utilities(for example PowerStrip, to work with EDID we use softMCCS or Moninfo). We find the “General” item, there we look for “number of extensions” and change the assigned value to 0. After this, your TV will be perceived as a DVI monitor, but after this operation, sound will no longer be transmitted via HDMI.

Can't set the TV's native resolution

It's unpleasant when you connect a widescreen TV, but its native resolution is not supported and the image is cut off at the edges. This problem can be eliminated.

1) It is necessary to set the TV as the main and only monitor in the computer settings.

2) Update drivers graphics card computer to the latest version.

3) Make sure that you have connected the TV to the computer via a digital connection and that resolution restrictions are not imposed by the type of connection.

4) We use the Moninfo EDID program, the resolution of your TV should be indicated as supported (and best of all, as native). Otherwise, we edit the EDID and set the native resolution manually.

The image does not fit on the screen or is cut off

To solve this problem, you need to disable the Overscan function, which is responsible for image stretching. You can disable Overscan both on the TV (to do this, read the manual for your specific model) and in the graphics card driver settings. Install latest version drivers for the video card. Next, go to driver settings (right click on the desktop; Catalyst Control Center- For Radeon video cards, panel NVIDIA management- for GeForce video cards). Go to the desktop settings and edit the value to the required value.

No image at all

Problems are problems, and when there is no picture at all, it’s not good. First you need to check the tightness of the cable to the connectors, as well as the functioning of the HDMI connectors themselves. HDMI ports quite often burn out on TVs; video cards are usually more resistant. Connect any device via HDMI and you can instantly determine whether the port is working properly. If the connector is faulty, you need to contact a repair service; if it is working, but there is no picture, try updating the video card drivers.

INPUT LAG - play without brakes

This parameter is responsible for the frame display delay. Plays a very important role for those who like to play games on the computer. To put it simply, when you perform any action in the game, you see it with a certain delay. Usually measured in ms. Find out the INPUT LAG of your TV, the lower the value, the better. Note that 17 ms is comparable to 1 frame per second.


We looked at the main problems that may arise when using a TV as a monitor. The tips listed above should help you avoid unpleasant situations and fully enjoy working on your computer with a large TV monitor.

Sometimes it happens that part of the screen on a computer, laptop or smartphone goes out of reach. The problem is that there may be important buttons or other necessary elements on the “gone” and inaccessible part of the screen.

When part of the screen is not visible and why

Part of the screen may not be visible when using a browser open various websites, communicate on social networks, on forums.

This sometimes happens not only in the browser, but also when working with regular windowsWindows. For example, in the print window on the printer, all settings can be clearly visible. But the “Print” button, which you need to click on after completing all the tasks, is “hidden” at the bottom, below the taskbar.

And it’s not just the print window that can “climb” off the screen like this. What’s a shame is that it’s almost impossible to work from this angle of the window. How to get to invisible buttons? Even if you know that the required button or the desired link on the site is off the screen, how can you “get to” them?

Can be different reasons, due to which part of the window or a piece of the screen goes out of reach for the user:

  • the screen resolution is set to the “wrong” screen resolution in the laptop (computer) settings;
  • a second monitor is connected, and the desktop extension is set incorrectly - this is especially true for laptops;
  • failed update operating system;
  • was installed or otherwise new program;
  • other.

What can be done to see the entire screen or the entire window, and eliminate the problem of cutting off parts or fragments?

Changing the zoom level when working in the browser

The browser is special program, designed for viewing sites on the Internet. There may be several browsers installed on your computer. In Fig. 4 shows the panel Windows tasks 10, which contains icons for five browsers: Microsoft Edge, Yandex.Browser, Opera, Mozilla, Google Chrome.

A very common problem is when the site that is opened through the browser displays pages incorrectly. Almost every browser has the ability to change the scale when viewing any information. The scale has to be changed if some part of the screen, some part of the page from the Internet in the browser is not completely visible, and there is no way to scroll the screen so as to see the missing part open page.

Keys for zooming in the browser

One of simple ways to change the image scale in the browser - use hotkeys:

  1. Ctrl +
  2. Ctrl -

When viewing information in the browser, to zoom in, use Ctrl + (hold down the Ctrl key and press the key with the plus sign “+”).

Repeatedly pressing the “+” key while simultaneously holding down the “Ctrl” key allows you to zoom in step by step, making images larger with each click on the “+”.

As a rule, increasing the scale does not solve the problem of accessing invisible parts of the site page. On the contrary, zooming in makes it difficult to read some information, making certain parts of the screen or website pages invisible. The benefit of zooming in on an image is that you have a chance to see small details in the image or text.

To zoom out, press Ctrl(without releasing, hold the Ctrl key and also press the key with the minus sign “–”).

Repeatedly pressing the “–” key while holding down the “Ctrl” key allows you to zoom out step by step. This way you can make images smaller each time you press “–”.

Reducing the image scale precisely leads to the fact that previously invisible parts of the screen, or parts of the site page reproduced on the screen, become visible. And the problem of unavailability of some data on a website page is solved in this way.

The disadvantage of this reduction in scale is that the image becomes smaller and less readable, especially if you read and view data on a small screen. Also, zooming out creates difficulties for people.

If you accidentally “overdo it” and press the Ctrl + keys extra times, the scale of information can greatly increase. You can always make it smaller by pressing two Ctrl – keys. Thanks to such actions (plus and/or minus), you can select the image scale that will be convenient for reading and viewing data in the browser.

In Fig. 1 and fig. Figure 2 shows where the Ctrl, +, – keys are located on a computer (laptop) keyboard.

Rice. 1. Ctrl + keys to zoom in in the browser (circled in red frames).

The keys with the plus sign “+” and the minus sign “-” are located next to each other on the keyboard.

Rice. 2. If you press the Ctrl – keys, the zoom in the browser will decrease.

Simple ways to change zoom on a smartphone

Regardless of where you view information, in a browser or in other windows, on a smartphone or tablet, you can rotate the screen 90 degrees from a vertical orientation to a horizontal one. Then the information is displayed on the smartphone screen in “widescreen” mode. Often with such a simple turn (of a smartphone, tablet) you can see everything you wanted to see in the window. But turning the gadget doesn’t always help.

What to do if nothing happens when you change the position of the smartphone, the screen does not rotate? In this case, it’s worth looking into your smartphone’s settings. It is possible that the display is prohibited from auto-rotating the screen. Then you need to check the box to allow this action. Some devices have a special button, pressing which prohibits or allows screen rotation - then you need to click on this special button in the gadget.

Rice. 3. Changing the position of the smartphone to increase the viewing of information to the full width of the screen.

Another option for changing the scale without rotating the gadget is to zoom in on the information on the screen by spreading the screen with your fingers.

If necessary, you can additionally move the screen up and down, left and right to better view the information.

If you no longer need to increase the information, you can return the screen on your smartphone (or tablet) to its original state by sliding it with your fingers.

In the same way (with your fingers, moving them towards each other at an angle of about 45 degrees), you can further reduce the scale of the image, making it very small, if you need to place as much information on the screen as possible. True, the data can become completely illegible. And the smartphone itself may have limitations, and will not allow you to reduce the scale too much, below which it will no longer be possible to read the information displayed on the screen.

Scaling an image by changing the computer screen resolution

It happens that the window of any other program (not a browser) or some standard operating window Windows systems(for example, the Print window) does not fit on the screen and extends beyond the screen. Then such approaches to changing the scale as in browsers (Ctrl + and Ctrl -) will no longer help. You need to change the screen resolution.

Changing the screen resolution on a computer is done in order to fit, for example, more elements on the screen. Then the elements will be smaller ones, but more of them will fit on the screen. They also change the resolution so that fewer elements fit on the screen and they are larger. Thus, changing the resolution is done if the user is categorically not satisfied with the amount of information that he currently sees on his screen.

Let me give you an example. Users sometimes experience this problem in social network Odnoklassniki that on the screen of their computer (laptop) some buttons in Odnoklassniki become unavailable. And if with Ctrl keys+ and Ctrl – does not help, then you should try changing the screen resolution.

At different resolutions, information will be presented on the computer (laptop) screen in different ways. It can go off the screen, making fragments where clickable buttons, menus, etc. are located, inaccessible. Therefore, it is worth changing the screen resolution to another. In this case, you may need to try several options from among those that are available on your Windows system. And thus, you can select such a resolution to see full information on the screen. Then inaccessible elements can miraculously “suddenly” appear on the screen and the necessary buttons will become accessible.

How to change screen resolution on a computer

This can be done in a simple way that works the same on Windows 10, 8, 7, XP.

On free space The desktop should be pressed with the right mouse button. Very important: click right click the mouse must be done on a free field of the Desktop, where there is not a single shortcut. Otherwise, further progress is impossible. And then a contextual drop-down menu should appear (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. The menu that appears after right-clicking on an empty space in the Workbox Windows desktop 10.

In this menu, click “Screen Settings” (number 2 in Fig. 4). The “Display” window will open (Fig. 5):

Rice. 5 (click to enlarge). The scale and resolution of the computer (laptop) screen on Windows example 10.

In Fig. 5 it can be seen that the recommended screen resolution of 1920x1080 is currently selected.

In the “Screen Resolution” field there is a small checkmark, lowered down (red number 1 in Fig. 5). If you click on it, you can select other resolutions (Fig. 6):

Rice. 6 (click to enlarge). Selecting screen resolution using Windows 10 as an example.

Going through different variants, you can select the appropriate resolution so that the information is fully visible and does not go off the screen.

Scale of information on a computer

In Fig. 5 you can see that in addition to the screen resolution, you can choose a different image scale. To do this, just click on the small checkmark (red number 2 in Fig. 5). The acceptable scales will open: 100%, 125%, 150% (recommended), 175% (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7 (click to enlarge). Selecting screen scale using Windows 10 as an example.

Screen scaling may not be adjustable in all versions or types of Windows operating systems. So don’t be surprised if your computer or laptop doesn’t have the ability to change the image scale. But it is and will always be possible to change the screen resolution, which will allow you to select a monitor mode in which all information will be visible in all Windows windows, and not just in browser windows.

Image scaling when connecting a second monitor

Many desktop computers and even portable laptops are equipped with second monitors. It’s more convenient to work this way if there are as many as 2 screens. Some even connect more than 2 screens, for example, 3 or 4. But the latter is rather an exception, whereas quite often computers are operated with two monitors.

One of the monitors in this case will be considered the “first” or “main” in Windows settings, the other will be considered “second” or “additional”. But the settings can be changed, for example, so that the “second” monitor becomes the only and “main” one.

Therefore, when connecting a second monitor, it is important to choose the right option for displaying information. If you choose incorrectly, you can install such a desktop extension that, for example, part of the screen goes to the second monitor. This mode is used if you want to see the computer desktop not on one, but on 2 monitors at once. Such an extended desktop will begin on the first monitor, and end (continue) on the second monitor. And then the following can happen: when you turn off the second monitor, but when saving previous settings, part of the Windows desktop will simply become invisible. It - this part - is there, but it is not visible, because the second monitor is turned off.

When you disconnect the second monitor, but save the settings, when part of the desktop continues on the second monitor, strange things can generally happen. The window of any program can be “dragged” off the desktop with the mouse, and then this window cannot be “brought” back by any force. The window will become invisible and inaccessible. And since entire windows can disappear from view, what can we say about some parts of the window where important clickable buttons or settings menus may be located?!

Second monitor in Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can use a free, built-in program (called Connect to a Projector) to choose one of four options when connecting a second monitor:

1) Duplicate these screens– the same image will be displayed on the first and second monitors.

This mode allows you to show others on a special screen everything that is being done on the main screen of your computer or laptop. This is how various presentations are displayed for public viewing if they are shown at a conference or meeting. This is a convenient mode for collective viewing of information from the monitor screen.

2) Expand these screens– the desktop will be extended, expanded from the first monitor to the second. One part of the Windows desktop will be visible on the first monitor, and the next second part of the desktop will be visible on the second monitor.

The mode is convenient for those who have little space on their desktop and want to place as many simultaneously open windows on it as possible. This is how they often work, having before their eyes windows with editable texts of programs (codes, in modern language) and at the same time windows with executable programs, allowing you to immediately see the results of writing a program (code).

This mode is also convenient for work. professional designers. They need to have numerous images and texts before their eyes, so that they can later combine them into a single composition.

3) Show only on the first screen– the second monitor will be disabled, nothing will be displayed on it, all information is visible only on the first monitor.

As if there is a second monitor, it is even connected, but nothing is output to it. Meaning? For example, to perform computer settings when system work may affect the second monitor, and it is better to turn off the monitor while they are being carried out.

4) Show only on second screen– the first monitor is disabled, all information will be visible only on the second monitor.

The latter is often used by laptop owners if they work at home, in a stationary workplace. Then they connect another monitor with big screen, to see more and better than on the main, built-in laptop screen.

About the settings for the first and second monitors

Any connection of a second monitor somehow causes changes in the screen resolution settings of the main and additional monitor. And after connecting a second monitor, some windows may become invisible. Then you will have to return to: change the screen resolution or change the scale of the images displayed on the screens. Everything is done in the same way as described above, only you will have to make the settings twice: for the first and for the second monitor.

There is no simultaneous setting for two monitors at once; settings must be made separately for each monitor, depending on their types, capabilities, models, brands, drivers used, and other things.

About connection external monitor in Windows 8, 7 and XP, as well as about choosing the option for displaying information on monitor screens.

Changing the image scale in Paint

You can change the image scale not only in browsers, as described above. Scaling is also possible in many other frequently used programs.

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Good time!

Recently, most laptops come with FullHD resolution (1920 by 1080 and higher). Moreover, such a high resolution It works on both 13.3-inch and 17+-inch screens. Of course, if there was no scaling in Windows 10, then the image on small screens it would be very small, and it would not be comfortable to work.

All this, of course, is good, but scaling does not work correctly with many older applications (including games). And you may encounter two problems:

  • or you have a window on your screen running application will be very small (but at least you can work with it);
  • or an image, if running game(for example) yours simply won’t fit into the screen (the essence of the problem is shown in the two photos below). And here, even if you want to, you won’t be able to work, because... part of the screen is simply not visible...

In general, in this article I will offer a couple of simple ways to correct the situation. So...

The image simply doesn't fit on the screen (two photos on the same screen). Civilization IV game (2004)

How to fix the situation

Option #1 - disable scaling

This is the simplest and quick way, however, it introduces certain inconveniences. Constantly switching the scaling is not very convenient, besides, many elements can become small and this is not very good for the eyes (they will quickly).

To change the zoom:

Option #2 - override scaling mode for one application

I like this option better, because... scaling will change only in one individual application, and in the rest of the work it will be as you specified in Windows settings. However, I’ll immediately note that this feature does not work with all programs...

So, first you need to open the game folder (I took Civilization IV as an example, because I encountered this myself). Next you need to find the executable file of the game in it (the one you launch when you enter the game): right-click on it and context menu open it properties .

Then you should open the tab "Compatibility" And:

Note: I noticed that the DPI settings that we set just above are not always saved (i.e., it may happen that you checked the box, clicked OK - and the settings were not saved. If you open the properties again, the tab "Compatibility" - there will be no check mark). To prevent this from happening, you need to change the settings under administrator !

Additions on the topic are welcome!