The file from the computer is not sent to the flash drive. How to copy a file or folder. Write protection

Many novice computer users are faced with the question: “How to copy a file or folder?” Copying is a process in which an exact copy of data is created and sent to the desired location (this can be another medium, or it can be moved within the computer).

This article is intended primarily for beginners who are no strangers to computers. There is also a website that is definitely worth reading. There you will find a lot useful information on working with a computer.

How to copy a file in three easy ways

First method: Copy with the mouse.

The first thing you need to do is open the media from which you want to copy the file. Next, in the window that opens, select the file you need. Place the mouse cursor on the document and click right click. In the pop-up window, select copy from the list.

Then, open the folder where you want to copy the file (this can be another folder on the desktop, or a flash drive). Having opened the folder (in my case, I called it Lesson 2), copy the file by right-clicking once (on the free space), and in the pop-up window, select paste from the list. And your document has been copied.

It is worth noting that if the file is small, then copying will occur in a couple of seconds. If the file is large, then this will take a little time, and a window will pop up on your screen where you can track the process of copying the file. The copying speed may also depend on the operating system.

Method two: Copy using the keyboard

The next method is easier than the first. You can copy files using the keyboard.

1. Select required file and press Ctrl keys and C (on English language), so your file is copied.

2. Select a folder or other media where you want to copy the file. Let's open it. And I press the Ctrl and V keys.

Your entire file or folder is copied with all the data in it.

Method Three: Copying by Drag and Drop

We open the media where the file to be copied is located (in my case, it will be a flash drive), and the folder where we plan to copy it.

Open it so that both windows are open on the desktop, i.e. You need to reduce both windows, or one.

Place the mouse cursor over the desired file and click left button mice. Without releasing the left button, I drag the desired file to the planned location for copying. The message + Copy should appear in “specify the name of the file to be copied to.”

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. All these methods are quite simple. And everyone uses the option that they consider convenient and fast.

Apart from these methods of copying a file, there are also special programs such as CopyFolder, CopyMastro, Extention Copy, etc., which will speed up the copying process.

The situation when you urgently need to copy something to a flash drive, but as luck would have it, the computer freezes or gives an error, is probably familiar to many users. They spend a lot of time in vain searches for a solution to the problem, but they leave it unresolved, attributing everything to a drive malfunction or a problem with the computer. But in most cases this is not the case at all.

There may be several reasons why a file cannot be copied to a flash drive. Accordingly, there are several ways to solve this problem. Let's look at them in more detail.

Reason 1: Lack of free space on the flash drive

For people who are familiar with the principles of storing information on a computer at a level at least slightly higher than the initial level, this situation may seem too basic or even ridiculous to be covered in an article. But nevertheless, there are a huge number of users who are just starting to learn the basics of working with files, so they can be confused even by this simplest problem. The information below is intended for them.

If you try to copy files to a flash drive that does not have enough free space, the system will display the following message:

This message indicates the cause of the error as informatively as possible, so the user can only free up space on the flash drive so that the information he needs fits on it in full.

There is also a situation when the size of the drive is smaller than the amount of information that is planned to be copied to it. You can check this by opening Explorer in Datasheet view. The sizes of all partitions will be indicated there, indicating their total volume and remaining free space.

If the size of the removable media is insufficient, you should use another flash drive.

Reason 2: File size does not match file system capabilities

Not everyone has knowledge about file systems and their differences. Therefore, many users are perplexed: the flash drive has the necessary free place, and the system gives an error when copying:

This error occurs only in cases when an attempt is made to copy a file whose size exceeds 4 GB to a flash drive. This is explained by the fact that the drive is formatted in the FAT32 file system. This file system used in older Windows versions, and flash drives are formatted in it for greater compatibility with various devices. However, the maximum file size that it can store is 4 GB.

You can check which file system is used on your flash drive from Explorer. It's very easy to do this:

To solve the problem, the flash drive must be formatted as a file NTFS system. This is done like this:

Once the flash drive is formatted, you can safely copy large files to it.

Reason 3: Problems with the integrity of the file system of the flash drive

Often the reason that a file refuses to be copied to removable media is accumulated errors in its file system. The reason for their occurrence is most often premature removal of the drive from the computer, power outages, or simply prolonged use without formatting.

Decide this problem possible by system means. To do this you need:

If the reason for the copying failure was due to file system errors, then after checking the problem will go away.

In cases where the flash drive does not contain any information valuable to the user, you can simply format it.

Reason 4: The media is write-protected

This problem often occurs among owners of laptops or standard PCs that have card readers for reading from SD or MicroSD drives. Flash drives of this type, as well as some models of USB drives, have the ability to physically block writing to them using a special switch on the case. The ability to write to removable media can also be blocked in Windows settings, regardless of whether there is physical protection or not. In any case, when trying to copy files to a flash drive, the user will see the following message from the system:

To solve this problem, you need to move the switch lever on the flash drive body or change Windows settings. This can be done using system tools or using special programs.

If the methods described above for solving problems did not help and it is still impossible to copy files to a flash drive, the problem may be a malfunction of the media itself. In this case, it would be most advisable to contact service center, where specialists using special programs can restore the media.

Sometimes problems can arise, as they say, out of nowhere. It is precisely such eccentricities that provoke confusion among users, a lack of understanding of what caused the problem, and even more so, how to solve it.

Any content that is very important for implementation is often dumped onto a flash drive, which is currently the leader among removable drives. professional activity person, as well as to organize your free time in an interesting way.

Resetting a favorite movie is a piece of cake for many. What a disappointment and incredible surprise it is when you suddenly discover that files are not copied to the flash drive.

At the same time, they begin to be even more surprised when they discover that one film is copied without problems, but the second simply refuses. It is for this reason that many people want to figure out why .

Problems with resetting content

In most cases, this problem occurs when the user tries to reset a file big size. Of course, many may object and say that for a large flash drive, a capacity of 4 GB may be negligible, but believe me, even this can act as the main reason.

Causes and solutions to problems

If you are unable to copy a file to a flash drive, pay attention not so much to the size of your removable drive, but rather to what format it is supplied in.

In most cases, manufacturers format removable media in FAT16 or FAT32 format. In this case, no matter how much you try to change something, to force a video larger than 4 GB to be copied, you will not succeed.

The fact is that such a file system does not support moving and saving large files. However, this does not mean that you will have to fold your arms and never achieve your goal.

Everything can be solved, you just have to first format the flash drive in NTFS format. Right-click on it, select the “Format” option, and in the window that opens, select NTFS format.

Once this process is completed, repeat the process of copying the large video file. We are confident that this time what you previously failed to do will now work out.

Of course, this is not the only reason for the problem. It may happen that there is simply no free space on the flash drive.

In this case, you should check the amount of filled and free volume. You can open “Computer”, hover your mouse over the removable media icon, and information regarding free space will appear.

You can also simply view this information by right-clicking on the media shortcut and selecting the “Properties” option. A new window will open, which will indicate the information of interest and even demonstrate it in a pie chart.

Viruses can block the process of copying content, so it doesn’t hurt to check the media with an anti-virus program.

Sometimes the process of moving files is not possible on someone else's computer, while on others this problem does not arise. In this case, you may suspect incorrect settings on the PC when the ability to copy is prohibited by the system administrator of a particular PC.

And finally, you can check the flash drive to see if system errors. To do this, click on the “Properties” option, go to the “Service” subsection and there click “Run check”.

So, such an unpleasant situation associated with the inability to copy, in most cases, can be solved by you yourself if you strictly follow all these recommendations.

Question: Files are copied slowly from one disk to another

Files are copied from one disk to another very slowly (about 1mb per second). One disk - external HDD, connects to a computer via USB; the second is the internal hard drive (sata).
Windows 7 (with all updates).

It is noteworthy that most often when copying starts, the speed is high at first (about 60mb/sec), but then it drops...

What could be the reason, how can I fix it?

P.s. It’s funny that files are downloaded from the Internet at a speed of 3-4 mb/sec)

Answer: Screen
(Copied file: "ru_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_vl_build_x86_dvd_u_677853.iso")

Question: Skype cannot be installed, files are not copied

Good afternoon, Skype cannot be installed and a window pops up: The security descriptor has an invalid structure.

Files have stopped being copied and cannot be pasted. Not the right button, not Ctrl+C. I reinstalled the system two days ago. But, I disabled the bonjour service. I even tried to remove it. Everything related to Apple is suspicious to me. I thought I got pregnant with something. Only later, when I started digging, I realized that I was wrong. What to do, tell me?

The bonjour service has disappeared.

Answer: The issue was resolved by overloading the computer.

Question: The file is not copied when using the XCOPY command

Good afternoon Here's a question:
There are two computers, both not in the domain, but in different workgroups, but visible over the network (network discovery and general access access to files and printers, as well as access to ADMIN$). Created on computer1 shared folder, I gave access to it “to everyone for everything”, from computer 2 over the network I calmly go to this shared folder and do what I want there. But when I try to copy a file to this folder from computer 1 via CMD using the XCOPY command (for example, the Opera executable, it is installed on both computers), it turns out that everything is copied from computer 1 (where the shared folder is located), but from computer 2 - No. The guest account for computer1 is enabled, what could be the problem, please tell me?
Here's the command:

I also created an environment variable on both computers!


Message from roma1989

why doesn't it work when remotely call the batch file located on this computer

Please reveal what you mean by the negation “doesn’t work”?
what message appears, show it

Question: Files cannot be copied from a portable drive

Problem with WD My Passport 1TB portable hard drive
It does not copy some files from it, no matter where, even to the same disk.
Writes that it is impossible to read.
For example, I copy several files to disk, everything is fine.
After a while I try to copy them from the disk - some of these files are not copied.
The error would have been on the disk, but the check found no errors.
And most importantly, these same files are read normally.
For example, some mp3s are not copied, but they can be listened to from start to finish without problems.
True, when rewinding back and forth, playback slows down for 10-20 seconds. Without rewinding there are no brakes.
Those mp3s that are copied normally do not slow down when rewinding.
Copied by TotalCommander and Explorer.
I tried assigning all possible permissions, security rights, audit rights, etc. – result zero.
Googled, didn't find a solution.
I don't even know what to think.

Answer: I checked with Acronis - everything was found and corrected

Question: Why is the file not copied?

Visual Basic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 function Copy dim fso,df,f1,f2 set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) df = "kiu.txt" f1 = "\testeprogrx3.vbs" f2 = "\testeprogrx4.vbs" fso.CopyFile f1.Path & f1 , df.Path & f2 , false end function

No error messages appear, but for some reason this code does not work when run, i.e. it does not copy testeprogrx3.vbs to the path to the kiu.txt file under a different name.

Answer: In your code, f1 and df are string variables. Where might they get the Path property from?

Question: How can I track a program that copies files to a flash drive?

Good day, gentlemen! Each flash drive that I put on my computer copies files from my computer, and the names of these files are specific to each flash drive. I think that these files are created by the same virus program that is located on my computer. The antivirus does not see this program. Process Monitor also did not help, since the names are different each time, and the files are created immediately when the flash drive is connected. At the same time, all folders become hidden, and shortcuts are created on them, which, together with opening the folder, launch that same file. how to trace the source of this mess?


Message from CyberIslam

did not help. And this virus even deleted the same checking utility from Doctor Web, which was on the flash drive

May be so. However, to be sure, you should not choose a quick scan, but mark everything.
The fact that the DrWeb executable file was deleted is also nothing strange - in the case of a file virus, there is no guarantee that the file was “healthy”.

Well, that’s right

Question: Report an error if any of the directories into which the file is copied does not exist

There is a batch file that encodes files, how can I write an exception in it so that it produces errors when trying to copy to a non-existent directory?
Windows Batch file
1 2 3 @ echo off for %%a in (%* ) do if not %%a == %1 xcopy %1 %%a pause


But nothing happens.


Windows Batch file
1 xcopy "E:\backups" "\\SERV1\backups\" /e/y/z

Question: The old BCD file stopped working

After complete HDD formatting I created the partitions again, just like the seven does during installation. The first 100 meters. I put the Windows files from the backup into the second partition. In the first, the old EFI folder with the boot config file BCD. But Windows cannot boot with it. For some reason, this file (judging by the bcdedit command) no longer contains the line device. The device is unknown. Why does the old BCD file no longer load Windows after the full format? Does it contain some kind of identifier for the newly created section? Why is information about the device lost? Windows Boot Loader and Windows Boot Manager? While all other bootloader parameters are completely preserved. The computer configuration has not changed.

Answer: dislike, returned the device and osdevice parameters and Windows booted. It’s just not clear how the bcd file is linked to the Windows partition at the hex level. What does he take from it for identification?

Message from ksaprotech

I would like to modify context menu files and folders so that in addition to the “copy” and “move” functions, “copy to” folder open on the taskbar was added, and since several folders can be open on the taskbar, the choice should be between them.

The registry won't help you in any way; it won't work that way. You can, perhaps, add the ability to copy to predefined folders.

Example *.REG file for copying

Code Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\* \shell\CopyToFOLDER] "MUIVerb"= "Copy to my folder" "Icon"= "SHELL32.dll ,68" [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\* \shell\CopyToFOLDER\command] @= "cmd / c \"copy \"% 1 \" D: \\FOLDER\"" [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\CopyToFOLDER] "MUIVerb"= "Copy to my folder" "Icon"= "SHELL32.dll,68" [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ Directory\shell\CopyToFOLDER\command] @= "cmd /c \"for %%a in (\"%1\") do xcopy /C/E/H/R/Y/I/K\"%1\ " \"D: \\FOLDER\\%% ~nxa\"\""

Where D:\\FOLDER is the folder where the files/folders will be copied. must exist)