Where can I find frames for decoration in Word. Making a frame for a document in Word. Insert pages into the required cells

Program means Microsoft Word various frameworks are implemented.

Types of frames in a Word document:

  • full page;
  • around text;
  • around the paragraph.

Creating any frame begins with selecting the Borders and Shading tool. AT Microsoft versions Word 2007 and 2010 this tool can be found in two ways.

Method 1. Page Layout toolbar tab, Page Borders module.

Method 2. Home tab, Paragraph module, Borders and Shading item.

Let's describe in more detail how to draw a frame in MS Word (2010).

Step 1. Launch the "Borders and Shading" tool in any of the ways indicated above.

Step 2 Go to the "Page" tab in the dialog box that appears.

Step 3 Tune appearance framework.

Step 4 We press the "OK" button. Ready!

Frame around text

To draw a frame around a single letter, word, sentence, or any text in Word, you need to use the same tool: Borders and Shading.

Step 1. Select the text that you want to draw a border around.

Step 2

Step 3 Go to the “Border” tab, on the right “Apply to” select “text” from the drop-down list.

Step 4 Choose the appearance of the frame:

Step 5 Press OK. Ready!

A quick way to draw a border around text

There is also fast way to draw a box around the text. The Borders tool on the Home tab of the toolbar in the Paragraph tool group will help with this.

Step 1. Select text to draw a frame.

Step 2 Select "All Borders" or "Outer Borders" from the drop-down list of the "Borders" tool.

Paragraph border

In order to make a frame around a paragraph, you need to follow the same steps as for a frame around text.

Step 1. Select the desired paragraph or place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph with a mouse click.

Step 2 Launch the Borders and Shading tool.

Step 3 Go to the "Border" tab, in the lower right corner "Apply to" select "paragraph" from the drop-down list.

Step 4 Choose the appearance of the frame: type, color and width.

Step 5 Press the "OK" button. Ready!

Frame with a stamp

You can create a frame with a stamp in Word using the algorithm below.

Step 1: Customizing Page Margins

You need to adjust the page margins so that the text is inside the frame. For this:

Step 2 Select the Border and Shading tool

Step 3 Insert stamp

  1. On the "Insert" tab, in the "Headers and Footers" section, click on "Footer".

  2. Open the footer by double-clicking at the bottom of the page.

  3. Change footer position from 1.25 to 0.

  4. Insert a 9x8 table in the footer.

  5. Put down the dimensions: the height of the cells is 0.5 cm; column width: 0.7; one; 2.3; 1.5; one; 6.77; 1.5; 1.5; 2.

  6. Merge cells where necessary.

There is an easier way to create a frame with a stamp - download ready-made frames! We find templates on the Internet and insert frames! Before using them, it will not be superfluous to make sure that they comply with GOST.

Video - How to make a frame in Word 2016

Finished stamped frames

As an example, we will show how to download ready-made frames from the students' StudFiles file archive.

Step 2 Click "Download".

Diploma frame

Some term papers and theses must be framed with a stamp. The difficulty arises in the fact that some pages should not have a frame or it is different. How to make a frame for a diploma?

First you need to break into sections, and only then insert frames where necessary.

Step 1. Place the cursor at the end of the page, after which the frame changes (appears, disappears).

Step 2 On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup tool group, click the Breaks icon.

Step 3 Select "Section Breaks" from the drop-down list, click on the "Next Page" option.

Step 4. Insert the frames (see the instruction "Frame with a stamp").

Video - How to insert a frame with a stamp in Word

In the application Microsoft office Word has many ways to format and decorate a file: choose a font style and color, add graphic object or a table, fill the background and so on. These include creating the edges of an element or page.

Technical documentation uses special text formatting

Borders in Word allow you to give parts of the document expressiveness or a more interesting appearance. A frame can be applied to a whole sheet, a paragraph of content, a picture, a graphic, a table cell. This function is used when creating methodological materials, manuals, reports, reports and other works. Lines can be set on all sides of an element or page, or only on those selected by the user. It can be given style and color stripes.

Moreover, in some cases the use dividing lines in the file is required. For example, when preparing legal documents or works for an educational institution. Edges are used to separate part of the content from the rest, highlight tables or pictures and figures. In this case, it is important to know how to apply one or another edging, which is required by the conditions.

In total, there are two types of separator bars in Word:

  • For page. Used to decorate a file or make it look like it conforms to some mandatory standard.
  • For an element, i.e. a part of a sheet, this is everything else, including borders for content or images.

There are also reverse situations when it is necessary to remove edges as unnecessary or due to a Word display error. All of these actions will be discussed below.

Stripes are divided into two types: for an object on the page or for the page itself. When creating faces, you can set many options (from which sides and which element to display it, etc.) and properties (color, border style and thickness).

How to add edges to text, a table, a graphic, or a picture

This function is used to separate one or another element in a file and make it more expressive or simply decorate:

  1. Select a piece of content, the contents of an entire table or specific cells, or a graphic to which you want to add a border.
  2. Go to the "Border" tab.
  3. Set the border type and edging lines, color, thickness and edge pattern in the appropriate options.
  4. In the Sample area, you can use the menu to create custom stripes.
  5. Activate the appropriate parameter in "Apply to" - with it you can set the ownership of the function.
  6. Click OK.

How to add lines to a sheet

Using these lines, you can design one or more Word elements - for a decorative purpose or so that the content meets a certain standard. For this:

  1. Go to the "Design" tab on the main panel.
  2. In the Background area, click on Page Borders.
  3. Go to the "Page" tab.
  4. Set the type of frame and border stripe, color, thickness and pattern of the border in the appropriate options.
  5. In the Sample area, you can use the menu to create custom edges.
  6. Assign a suitable parameter in "Apply to" - it can be used to set the membership of the function.
  7. Click OK.

In the "Apply to" area (drop-down menu and the "Options" button), you can make settings:

  • In order to indicate the ownership of the faces on the sheet, assign the appropriate option by clicking on the arrow.
  • To specify the exact location of the faces on the sheet, click "Options" and activate the desired one.

The four functions of the "Apply to" drop-down menu are:

  1. For the entire document. If it contains more than 1 sheet, and the edges need to be applied to everything, then this option allows you to do everything in one click. Faces will appear on all sheets of the file.
  2. "For one section." If the document is divided into sections, then you can use lines for one of them.
  3. "For this section" (margins used only on the first sheet) is a way to create title page.
  4. “For this section” (on the contrary, the border will appear on all pages except the first one) - this is important for design according to one or another standard, while the first page can be made a title page with a different splash screen or with the author’s signature and heading.

How to add edges to a graphic element

There is a second way to make a border around the insert:

  1. Click on the location in the file where you want to place the edged object.
  2. Click "Insert" - "Illustrations" - "Shapes", create a "New Canvas".
  3. In the new window, select the color, style and thickness of the line.
  4. Add graphic elements to the canvas.

How to change border options and properties

If you are working with text that was created by another author, then it may be necessary to correct the lines set by him in the file. As with creation, the edges in this case are divided into 2 types - the edges of the object and the sheet.

Change the border of an object

To edit the edges of a piece of text, figure, table, or graph:

  1. Select a fragment of the file.
  2. Go to the tab "Design" - "Page Borders" - "Border".
  3. Set options.
  4. Save your changes.

Changing the edges of a sheet

To edit the edges of an entire sheet:

  1. Select a fragment of the file.
  2. Go to the tab "Design" - "Page Borders" - "Page".
  3. Adjust the settings.
  4. Save your changes.

Custom borders in Word

In the Word program, you can create unusual edges of a passage or sheet:

  1. Select the file element for which you will create a function.
  2. Go to "Insert" - "Shapes" and find the appropriate option.
  3. A pointer will appear that will determine where to insert the shape - click in the required place (then it can be modified by clicking "Shape Format" in context menu).
  4. It is impossible to make a non-standard frame around a document fragment; for this, you must first create a shape, then right-click on it and select "Add Text".

Frame according to a certain standard

Some users may need to issue a Word document in accordance with a certain standard, for example, the State Standard, for creating texts. For this, a certain type of edging is used, which plays an important role. You can do it yourself, but often it is too complicated and long, and there is also a risk of making a mistake. The best option would be to download the border or the document in which it is applied. To install it in your document:

  1. Open the file that uses the desired separator pattern.
  2. Click on the line with the right mouse button, select "Copy" in the context menu.
  3. Open the document to which you want to copy it.
  4. From the toolbar, choose Insert - Header, then Blank.
  5. If necessary, edit the separator bars.
  6. Set where it should be.
  7. Click "OK" and it will appear on a sheet (or several) of your document.

The boundaries, which are adopted by the State Standard on the design of the text, must be used when creating official documents, including those related to the exact sciences. In addition, dividing strips of one kind or another will be required to complete a thesis on drawing.

How to Remove Edges in Word

In some cases, separator bars in a text document need to be removed if:

  • an additional object appeared with callouts-arrows and the inscriptions "Formatted" or "Deleted" - an error occurred and it is necessary to replace the edges;
  • you made a frame by mistake in the place where it is not required;
  • you are working with a document that was created by another author, if he made mistakes in the design of text and objects or created extra lines.

How to quickly remove the excerpt frame along with the content

A simple and quick way to remove lines around a fragment along with their content:

  1. Select a piece of content.
  2. Click Delete.

How to remove page separators

This method is also suitable if you want to remove the insertion lines, but keep the content:

  1. Select a fragment or select a sheet on which you want to remove the frame.
  2. Go to "Design" - "Page Borders".
  3. In "Borders" you can control lines around objects, and in "Page" - on the entire Word sheet.
  4. To delete, accept "No" in "Type".

How to remove some edges of the separator bars

To remove only part of the separator lines:

  1. Select an object with a border or select a page.
  2. Click "Design" - "Page Borders".
  3. Open the tab that matches the goal - "Borders" or "Page".
  4. Use the interactive panel in the Sample area to customize the stripes the way you want.


A frame in Word is a tool for giving expressiveness to a file. Some users need it in order to arrange content in accordance with a certain standard. To work with edges, it is important to know how to create, edit, and delete them.

Microsoft Word is an excellent text editor that allows you to edit and create documents for any purpose.

As for the external design, it often becomes necessary to add a frame to the document (it can significantly decorate or break it into functional parts).

Depending on the version of MS Office, you can make a frame in Word in different ways:

Quick article navigation

Making a frame in Word 2003

  • On the toolbar (at the top of the document), select the "Format" column. A large list of further functions for working with the document will open;
  • In the list that opens, select the line "Borders and Shading" and a dialog box will open in front of you;
  • It is in the dialog box that we select the frame for your document. There are 3 tabs at the top of the dialog box: "Border", "Page", "Fill". In order to add a frame to a document, you need to select the "Page" tab and define all the options you need on this tab. For example, you can choose a regular frame or a three-dimensional one. You can also specify the type ("solid", or "dotted") and the width of the frame;
  • When you have selected all the options you need, click "OK" and a frame will appear on the page of your document.

Making a frame in Word 2007

  • On the top panel tools, select "Page Layout", and you will see many groups of tasks;
  • Among these groups, select the "Page Background" group and find the line "Page Borders";
  • You will see a dialog box with three tabs: "Border", "Page" and "Fill". We have to work with the "Page" tab;
  • First, select the type of frame (on the left in the tab). From the "Color" parameter, you can choose the color of your frame, and in the "Thickness" parameter, you control how thick the border of the frame will be;
  • Click OK and the frame is ready.

Custom frames

If you want to create a beautiful curly frame, then you should do this:

  • On the toolbar, select "Insert";
  • In the "Illustrations" task group, find the line "Shapes" (a list of possible shapes for building will open);
  • Having selected the desired shape, build it with the cursor on the required area of ​​the document;
  • It is not possible to create a curly frame around existing text. To add text to the frame, click right click click on the shape and select "Add text" from the list that opens. Text can now be printed inside the frame.

Making a frame in Word 2010

  • Go to the "Page Layout" panel;
  • On the toolbar, select "Page Borders";
  • In the tabs that open, select the "Page" tab and adjust the parameters of your future frame.

Frame according to GOST

Sometimes it becomes necessary to make a frame in Word according to GOST. In principle, you can make it yourself, but it’s better not to bother and download ready template GOST framework from the Internet. Setting the frame on the finished document looks like this:

  • Open a document with a finished frame, right-click on the border of the frame and select "copy";
  • Open the document in which you want to insert the frame, select on the toolbar "Insert" -> "Header" -> "Empty";
  • After the frame is inserted, we set the necessary numbers in the page parameters;
  • Click OK and the frame should appear on every page of your document.

Frameworks corresponding to GOST are usually necessary for official documentation related to the exact sciences. For example, it will definitely come in handy for a diploma in drawing.

Often the need to format the text arises not only as a result of the personal initiative of the author of the document. When creating manuals, manuals and training creative works informational material is often framed.

The most popular text editor that every PC user is familiar with is MS Word. It is not only convenient and easy to use, but also allows you to create artistically designed works. How to prepare a colorful postcard or booklet using this editor?

How to insert a frame in Word - Word 2003

This version of the editor is currently quite rare, but it is still present on some computers.

  • Create a new Text Document(Word) or open an existing one.
  • On the toolbar, find the "Format" menu and click it.
  • In the list that opens, select the item "Borders and Shading".
  • A window will appear in which you are interested in the "Page" tab.
  • Now it remains only to choose the appearance and style of your frame.

Frame type: choose how your frame will be - flat, voluminous, with a shadow or artistic (item "Other"). Set the type of contour - a solid line or a dashed one, its color and thickness.

Artistic frame. If you want a more colorful design, use the "Other" frame type. Next, go to the item "Drawing" and among the options offered in the list, select the one that suits you.

  • In the right half of the window, you will see a preview of the frame.
  • If everything suits you, click "OK".
  • The frame is ready.

How to insert a frame in Word - Word 2007, 2010

These versions of the editor are very similar to each other, so the frame creation algorithm will be identical.

  • Open a text document or create a new one.
  • Find the "Page Layout" tab on the toolbar and go to it.
  • Among the sections that appear, select the "Page Background" block.
  • Next, click on the "Page Borders" icon.
  • A window with several tabs will open. To create a frame, you need a "Page".
  • Click on it and select the border style and color (in the same way as in the case of the Word 2003 version).
  • Evaluate the result in the field on the right.
  • Click "OK".

How to insert a frame in Word - Word 2013

  • Open ready word document or create a new one.
  • Find the "Design" tab and click on it.
  • You will see a lot of sections, among which you select the "Page Background" block.
  • Click on "Page Borders".
  • The "Borders and Shading" window will open, in which you specify all the parameters for the future frame in the "Pages" tab (in the same way as when working with the Word 2003 version).
  • Further, if the result suits you, click the "OK" button.

How to insert a frame in a Word - the scope of the parameters

The frame resulting from working with the "Page" tab will appear only on the page that was active at the time of work. If you need to create a similar border on each page of the document, the steps should be as follows:

  • Go to the "Borders and Shading" window (how to get into it is described above for each version of Word).
  • On the right side of the section, select "Apply to".
  • In the above drop-down list, select the pages on which the design in the form of a frame will be present.

You can choose not only the style of the frame and its location within the document, but also the borders of the outline within the page. For this:

  • Go to the “Borders and Shading” window (how to get into it is described above for each version of Word).
  • If desired, your frame may not have 1 or 2 sides, as well as a top and bottom border. To do this, click on the corresponding icons in the "Sample" section.
  • Next, in the right part of the block, select the item "Settings".
  • You click on it.
  • You will be taken to a table in which you must, if desired, change the size of the fields and specify the location of the frame.
  • When the changes are completed, click the "OK" button.

Work with text editor will not cause any difficulties, and as a result you will get the necessary framing of the text.