How to change the hosts file. Reasons why you should change hosting

  • high cost of services.

Site transfer procedure

All Internet resources can be divided into two groups: those using databases and those without them. Regardless of this, the site transfer scheme is the same and consists of several stages:

Checking the configuration

Transferring site content

Most webmasters are once faced with the need to change hosting due to unsatisfactory service. Periodic or long downtimes, poor or rude technical support, and sometimes even complete silence from the hosting company are some of the reasons why people decide to change hosting providers.

Another reason for this decision is the discrepancy between the level of services and the needs of the website. Perhaps the site has a very high traffic or it requires power that only a dedicated server can provide. Regardless of the reason for changing hosting, to move your site quickly and safely, you need to do the following:

Find a good hosting
If this is your first website (and hosting), then you will need help and the technical support specialists of a good hosting provider will provide it to you. If you are satisfied with your current hosting, but want to switch to a cheaper one, remember that it may turn out to be much worse than the old one and you will have to pay more for the usual level of service. If your current hosting is bad, then you won't gain anything by switching to another bad hosting. No need to worry about having to pay more high price behind best service– you usually get what you pay for. We need to break the vicious circle and find quality hosting.

Do backup copy site
Experienced webmasters always have backups of their sites. Often they put the same copy in two different places: on different hard drives, on a hard drive and a CD, etc. Most hosting companies claim that they perform regular backups. Although they can store backups, they are unlikely to use significant archiving subsystems, primarily due to their cost. Either way, an extra copy won't hurt.

You should also be aware that hosting companies generally do not guarantee the security of your data. If you read their Terms of Service (TOS), you will find that they are not responsible for data loss. You may also find that the backups they make are for internal use and are not shared with clients. And, although this can sometimes be negotiated (for a fee), it is still better to have your own up-to-date backups.

One way or another, the first step towards a new hosting is to copy the content of the site (usually this is done when FTP help-client). Make sure that the directory structure remains unchanged. If you change it, the site will not work properly in the new location.

If the website is very large, ask your current provider when is the best time to make a backup. If you overload the server, the host may stop the backup process or even shut down your site.

Check out the site at the new location
After creation account, the new hosting provider will send you an email with your password, IP addresses you can use to access your account or site, DNS server addresses, etc. If the email doesn't have complete information or you don't know how to use it, ask your new hosting provider for help. If you have chosen a good company, they will be happy to help you.

Copy the site to the new location and configure your account settings and email addresses, set file permissions and directory passwords. Test as many pages as you can. Check if internal links are working correctly. Make sure you can connect to the server Email and send a message.

Any hosting provider knows that new clients usually need more technical support to launch websites. Generally speaking, a lack of support at this stage is not a good sign. If you are not satisfied with the level of technical support, then perhaps, despite all your efforts to find a good hosting, you did not find what you were looking for.

Move the databases
If your site uses a database, the migration process will be a little more complicated. Whatever the situation, first figure out what you need to do to get people visiting your old site to actually use new base data located on the new hosting. Before changing anything, create a database on the new hosting with the same name as on the old one. Make sure everything is working correctly. You should make every effort to detect all potential problems at this stage.

Now let's look at several ways to reduce downtime
If the database is not used often or you can accept that data recently added by users may be lost, or if you are the only one adding information to the database, you can change hosting without downtime. All you need to do is copy the database to a new location. If your visitors or you regularly add data, make sure the new database is used by the old site.

If new content is added to the database very frequently, then things become much more complicated and there is no perfect solution. In any case, discuss this with your programmer or new hosting provider.

How to change hosting

The problem is that the likelihood of the database changing while you are copying it from the old hosting to your computer and then to the new hosting is too high (especially if the database is large and the connection is slow). Add to this the time it takes to change the settings of the old site so that it starts working with the new database, and you realize that while you were making all these moves, some data may have ended up in the old database.

Another relocation strategy is to temporarily close the site and notify visitors. Even the websites of prestigious companies are closed for maintenance from time to time. There is no shame in this - there are many things that cannot be done while the system is working.

Prevent email loss
To make sure you don't lose emails, create new accounts in your mail program. Most hosting providers assign an address like “” to their mail server. While DNS servers will change, "yourdomain" may point to either the old or new host, so you won't know where your email is going. To overcome this problem, you can set up two accounts in your email program for each "" email address, using the IP addresses sent to you by each host instead of "" for your incoming mail servers -providers at the time of creating accounts.

Change DNS
The name servers associated with your domain name are used to determine the location of the server on which the site is located. Their names are usually similar to "" and "", however, they can be different. Once you are completely sure that the site behaves correctly, you can change the DNS. This means that you must use your account with a domain name registrar, or ask the registrar to change the DNS.

Once a DNS record is changed, it usually takes up to two days for the change to take effect. However, some ISPs may use old DNS for a longer period of time, sometimes up to two weeks, so it's best to keep your account with your former hosting provider open for a while. Check if mail is arriving on the old host and if any activity is recorded in the log files of your old account. As a rule, within two to three days all activity on the old hosting ceases.

Typically, after two weeks, all activity on the old account should stop and you can notify the hosting company that you no longer need their services. Don't forget to pay back any money your old hosting provider may owe you (if you paid up front). It's your money and you have the right to get it back. In any case, first read the “Terms of Service” that you agreed to at the beginning of your cooperation. It may be that after a certain period of time, you are no longer entitled to any refunds.

The number of hosting providers today amounts to hundreds and even thousands of companies. It is quite difficult to find among them a site that meets all the requirements of a webmaster. It is possible to draw conclusions about the ease of cooperation and the quality of the site on a particular hosting only after some time, so owners of Internet resources often have to deal with the issue of changing providers.

Possible reasons for moving the site

The procedure for changing a hosting platform requires a certain investment of time and effort, so there must be good reasons for making such a decision. These include the following factors:

  • unsatisfactory quality of work. Low speed Page loading, frequent errors are a good reason to change hosting provider. However, you should first make sure that the cause of the failures is the quality of the hosting, and not problems on the side of the site (no page caching, CMS optimization has not been performed, “heavy” graphic elements are used, etc.);
  • high cost of services. You can always find better offers on the hosting services market, but you should take into account the price-quality ratio. It is possible to reduce the cost of hosting below the market average only at the expense of certain costs (number of support staff, equipment capacity, purchasing a license, etc.);
  • dissatisfaction with the work of the support service. The comfort of not only novice users, but also experienced webmasters depends on the efficiency and quality of technical support provided by platform specialists. Therefore, the lack of timely and qualified assistance is a significant reason for changing hosting.

In order not to step on the same “rake”, you should carefully check the similar parameters of the new hosting site.

Site transfer procedure

All Internet resources can be divided into two groups: those using databases and those without them.

How to painlessly change hosting provider?

Regardless of this, the site transfer scheme is the same and consists of several stages:

Backing up your file structure and databases
The problem can be solved using standard hosting control panel tools ( file manager, PHPMyAdmin) or use special scripts.

Transferring the site to maintenance mode
For projects created on the platform of one of the CMSs, it is enough to execute a special command in the management console. Simple HTML sites will require creation and uploading special page- "stubs".

Checking the configuration
Before moving, you should check the new hosting for compliance with the PHP versions and configuration, connected PHP modules, and the available memory for executing scripts.

Transferring site content
The copied archive with site files is unpacked into the root directory of the file structure on the new site. If the site uses a database, you should create a new database and import the previously created archive of the original into it.

Changing the domain-hosting link
Snap Domain name There are two ways to access new hosting: specify DNS addresses in the administrative panel of the domain name registrar or transfer the domain to the selected hosting provider.

Check site functionality
After moving and starting the site on the new hosting, you should check the correct operation of forms, widgets and other installed functionality.

Many hosting providers offer new users free service transferring the site to your platform. For novice webmasters, this will save time and painlessly go through the process of moving to a new hosting.

Its success depends on the quality of the hosting on which the Internet resource operates. Therefore, you should be especially careful when choosing a hoster. If you made a mistake initially, you can change the hosting by moving your site to a new one.

Reasons to change hosting

You should think about changing hosting if:

  • server uptime is low;
  • the administrative panel is inconvenient;
  • backups are not carried out as often as we would like;
  • technical support is irregular, and when contacted, its specialists show incompetence;
  • the site(s) is slow.

If all or more of the above aspects occur, you should think about changing hosting.

Algorithm for changing hosting

When you have decided to change hosting, you should act according to a clear algorithm. The first thing you need to do is back up your site. As a rule, an archive is first created using the file manager in the hosting panel. After that, using FTP it is saved to HDD. During the saving process, you should definitely ensure that the original directory structure remains unchanged. If you own a large Internet project, then before you start copying it, it is advisable to consult with technical support. Next, using an FTP manager, the site is uploaded to a new virtual or dedicated server.

How to change hosting

To move the site to another hosting, it’s not enough just to copy and download it. You must also carry out all the required settings for your resource - configure your account, set access rights, specify the necessary passwords, including for email. If problems arise while performing these actions, the support service will certainly help you.

Friendhosting is a great helper

There is good news for those customers who have chosen web hosting from Friendhosting. Firstly, the speed of your website will be optimal. Secondly, technical support specialists work around the clock. Thirdly, the stability of the Internet resource is ensured by a competent team of specialists and high-quality hosting software. You will no longer have the question of how to change hosting, how to deal with problems with the site, etc. Your resource will function uninterruptedly!

Order quality VDS

Hello, today I decided to write about when and why you need to change hosting, how to do it without damaging the project and visitors.

Let's start by looking at when it is advisable to change hosting to a new one. After all, moving is not an easy task and can cause a lot of trouble.

When do you need to change hosting?

In my opinion, the most significant reason for a change is frequent failures in the operation of the servers on which the site is located. Failures can be caused either by an increase in load due to an increase in traffic and, as a consequence, a lack of allocated resources, or by problems with the hardware and software of the server, which the hosting provider must periodically maintain and update and prevent interruptions in operation. In any case, frequent site crashes can have a negative impact both in the eyes search robot, which will lead to a decrease in search positions and in relation to visitors, because in modern competition we will not wait for a closed store to open its doors, but simply cross the road and go into a working one.

If the site begins to decline due to increased traffic, then you can, of course, consider switching to a more expensive one tariff plan, but if the problems are in the equipment or software installed on the server, then you need to look for an alternative.

The second most important point for me is the cost of services. If I get a tariff plan with a set of options for 200 rubles. per month, and my conditional neighbor uses the same set at exactly half the price, then I will think about moving. After all, it is not for nothing that popular wisdom says that “A rich person is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who spends wisely.”

And the third reason that may play a role in the move is the attitude of the provider’s technical support specialists towards the client. Let's say if I have some problem with the site due to the fault of the hoster, then I want this problem to be solved in online mode and as quickly as possible. And if they tell me that a solution will take time, or they simply remain silent, we don’t need such hosting.

Which hosting to choose

No one will give an unambiguous answer to this question, because each web project is unique in its own way (I even previously published a separate article on this topic - read it) But certain conditions must be met unambiguously.

  1. The hosting provider must be able to make backups every day.
  2. The control panel interface should be convenient, friendly and modern.
  3. Find out what restrictions there are on the number of sites and databases, and the use of subdomains. This may be necessary when you want to expand your project and create a service on a third-level domain, or link an additional site name to a separate line of business.
  4. A good hosting has at least three options for uploading files to the server: FTP, SSH and web interface (file manager).
  5. Pay attention to the parameter - channel and server load. The channel load indicator indicates the speed of delivery of content to the visitor, and the server load indicator indicates the speed of execution of scripts by the server.
  6. An important parameter is the load on the server. Reflects the time spent by the server processing PHP scripts.
  7. Disk space volume. If at the initial stage of website development on any CMS, 100 MB will be enough, then in the future images, videos and other information will definitely appear on the site. And if you don’t take care of the disk space in advance, problems may arise.

I might have forgotten something. Add in the comments.

Preparatory work when changing hosting

Having decided on the choice of a new hosting, now is the time to do the preparatory work for moving the site.

  1. We disable the ability to comment on the site. This is necessary so that comments do not remain on the old version of the site and are therefore not lost.
  2. We create an archival copy (backup) of the site and database. This is not difficult to do; any hosting control panel has an archive section. You just need to run the backup task and after a while download the archive to your computer. But there is another option. We connect via ftp through the FileZilla program, or TotalCommander to the folder where the site files are stored (usually public_html) and download everything inside to the computer.
  3. From the hosting control panel, go to PhpMyAdmin, select the database of our site, click “Export” -> “Forward”, then save the database file.

Transferring a site to another hosting

First, we create a website with the new hoster with the same name as on the previous hosting, add the domain name in the panel and attach it to the site.

We connect via ftp and copy all the files from the previously created and saved archive.

While the files are being copied, we create a database with the same database name, username and password as before. We import the site database from a backup.

After the files are copied, in principle the site can already work on the new hosting, all that remains is to change the DNS records at the domain registrar, but it is better not to rush into this, but first check whether everything went well and the site is working correctly. To do this, you need to find out the IP address where the site is located after the transfer. Usually it is indicated in the hosting control panel, or you need to contact technical support for information. Then we enter this address into address bar browser and see our website running on a new hosting. If no problems are found, then proceed to changing the DNS addresses of the server.

Changing DNS server addresses to new ones

Go to the website of your domain name registrar and in the control panel change the DNS server addresses to those that were given to you by the new hosting provider during registration.

After some time, usually from 7 hours to two days, the dns records will be updated and the transferred site will begin to open from the new hosting, but do not rush to delete old version site, since Internet providers also have a certain delay in updating DNS records and, therefore, some users will not be able to get to the transferred site until the DNS information is updated by their Internet provider, and accordingly there is a possibility of losing the visitor. I recommend deleting the old version of the site, and accordingly, immediately after deletion, enable commenting, about five or six days later.

Let's sum it up

Moving a site to another hosting is logical if the old hoster: pushes down the price, does not fully provide the services stated in the tariff, and technical support does not work well.

When moving, the most important thing is not to rush to delete the old version of the site until the new site has been tested and all DNS server records have been updated.

Moving a website to a new hosting is not that difficult; the most important thing is to be careful and act according to the plan.

That's all, good luck before renovating the site. Additions and corrections are welcome in the comments!

Often, especially at the beginning of our journey of mastering online earnings, we make our choice of hosting provider based on the recommendations of not entirely conscientious Internet business “gurus”. Then, after a short period of time, the understanding comes that the provider chosen is not exactly the one that could ensure the smooth operation of the project, and the question arises: how to change website hosting.

The relocation of the site to a new location should occur as safely as possible and not have a temporary interruption in the work of the project. No one wants to lose clients, or just readers, so take changing hosting extremely seriously, as a mistake can be costly - loss of positions and even sanctions from search engines. It is not uncommon for up to half of the pages to disappear from the search after changing hosting providers.

Do you know what Russian hostings entered ?

If you are already more or less versed in the technical part of website building, then it will not be difficult for you to make a full backup (download the site itself, the database) and upload it to a new hosting or provide it to the support of a new provider, and they will do the rest for you. But, if such words as “backup” and “database” are not very close and understandable to you, then the study of such subtleties can be postponed until better times, leaving all the work to technical specialists. support.

First, let's figure out how to change hosting yourself.

Changing hosting provider yourself

Attention! During the move, do not publish new articles and it is advisable to disable the ability to comment.

As mentioned above, to change the hosting provider yourself, you need to make a full backup of the site and download the database, and then transfer all this property to the new hosting.

It will be easier for those who know how to use an FTP manager, but for those who are used to doing everything through the hosting admin panel, it will be more familiar 😉 . The meaning is the same: first go to the file manager (that’s what almost all providers call it), then the paths may diverge, but the meaning is the same - download the site files from the public_html folder.

One provider ( sprinthost) you need to follow the path: domains -> your_site -> public_html. The “public_html” folder will contain your entire website, which will need to be transferred to the new hosting in exactly the same folder (public_html).

At the provider the path to the folder with the site files will be slightly different, namely: file manager -> your_site -> public_html. Other providers may have a slightly different path.

You also need to transfer the database. To do this, you need to go to phpMyAdmin and download the archive with the database. Again, you can find out in detail how to do this by writing to technical support. They can make this archive for you themselves, and all you have to do is go to the location they indicated and download it.

But that is not all. You need to go to the wp-config.php file and change the DB_USER, DB_NAME, DB_PASSWORD parameters to your new ones.

When moving to a new hosting, you will be given new DNS server addresses, which will need to be changed on the website of your domain registrar. Time will pass - approximately from 3 hours to 3 days - and the site will start working from the new provider.

How to change website hosting using tech. support

Here will be an explanation of how to change and move to Beget hosting ., but on any other one almost everything looks the same. There is nothing difficult in transferring a website to a new hosting provider, since the technical support of your chosen hosting will be happy to help you. This is not accidental and not surprising, because that’s why she’s the one. support to take care of your clients and gather them as many as possible under your wing 😉 .

You have probably decided on the choice of provider, because you have come to the question of how to change website hosting. So, when you go to any service that provides a similar service, you will definitely and simply find “ feedback", "contacts", "support" or "tech. support". Maybe this will be a Skype login through which you can easily contact and find out everything by on this occasion. Feel free to click on the link, go and write your request asking to transfer your site from the old hosting to their new one.

After contacting tech. support, you will need to provide them with a login and password to enter the admin panel of the hosting on which your site is currently running. Don’t worry, such companies employ very responsible employees who value their reputation, so nothing bad will happen, even though they are competitors. Perhaps there is an unspoken agreement between them - not to be mean to each other. Or maybe it’s simply impossible to do any harm.

Then you may need to send the login and password from the admin panel of your site. This is necessary in order to test the correct operation of the web site. After transferring a site to a new hosting, you must check that it works correctly in the new location. Technical support will instruct you how to do this. After you provide all the necessary data, very little time will pass and you will receive a message something like this:

The transfer to our hosting has been completed successfully. I ask you to carefully check the operation of the site, admin panel and sections before changing ns servers.

You can check the operation of sites from our hosting by adding on your computer to hosts file(in Windows OS this is C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, for other OSes the location of this file can be found at the following lines:


If you are convinced that the work is correct, then it’s time to proceed to the next stage of the site transfer. In order for the site to start working from the new hosting, it is necessary to register new DNS servers for the domain. It will look something like this:


Here again, technical support can help with this advice:

You can change the DNS server for your domain by contacting the former hosting provider or registrar through which the domains were registered. DNS update takes approximately 24 hours, +-6 hours, for each individual user the DNS update time may depend on the Internet provider.

Before changing DNS, for normal functioning of mail on domains, you need to add mailboxes in the hosting Control Panel in the “mail” section. Until the DNS is completely updated, mail may arrive both to your former provider and to the new one. After completion of the update, you will receive only new account.

If you have configured mail via Yandex or Google, you need to report this to technical support. support so that they correctly configure MX records on DNS servers.

You can also transfer your domain to Beget LLC for maintenance, and you will be able to pay for hosting and domain in one payment. If you pay for hosting for a year in advance, domain renewal in the .RU zone will be done free of charge.

detailed instructions for transfer is here:

We bring to your attention a video tutorial - Transferring a WordPress site to new domain and hosting:

No matter how good the hosting is, sooner or later there will come a time when you want to move your site to another location. There may be many reasons for such actions, but the procedure for transferring a site will always be the same. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself in advance with how to change website hosting.

I hope that you are a competent and careful website owner. And make regular backups of your file structure and all databases. Therefore, the article will understand general scheme how to change hosting provider.

Generally speaking, all sites are divided into two large groups. The first is those that use databases. The second is one that does not use databases.

The first group automatically includes all sites built on a CMS. Because the basis for the functioning of such a site is the storage and manipulation of fairly large volumes of data that are stored in databases.

In addition to projects built on a CMS, this group also includes sites in which some scripts collect information into databases. For example, such a project could be a simple one-page website that is designed to collect a subscriber base. It is the subscriber base that will most likely be stored in the database. And it will be filled out by a fairly simple script associated with a simple form on the page.

The second group includes all sites that do not work with databases in any way. Here you can find both simple sales one-pages and quite complex multi-page projects.

Why did I divide the sites into groups? The fact is that for the second group, moving the site to another hosting will integral part process for the first group. Read on, I'll explain everything now.

If you look at the entire process of transferring a website from hosting to hosting, it will look like this. You need to transfer the database and file structure from one server to another, and then configure the domain name binding. That is why, for the second group of sites, the transfer is part of the process for the first group. There is no database, so only the file structure is moved.

Now let’s look at the entire site transfer procedure in more detail and step by step. In what follows, I will call the hosting from which the move is being made the Source, and the one to which the site is being transferred as the Destination. Yes, with a capital letter so that there is no confusion.

  1. We create a backup copy of the file structure and database on the Source. To perform operations, you can use special scripts. But it is better to use universal tools, such as PHPMyAdmin for working with databases and a file manager from the hosting control panel for archiving site files. Why? Universal tools are not tied to the structure of your project, but work directly with files on the server, so the transfer itself may be easier, although using such tools may require learning new knowledge and skills. The created backup copies are saved to local computer.
  2. At the Source we transfer the site to maintenance mode. In a CMS this is done simply - there is usually special team in the management console. For simple HTML sites, the process may be a little more complicated - you may need to load a special page instead of the main page on your site.
  3. We check the Destination configuration and compare it with the Source configuration. In fact, this step should be taken even before deciding to move. What should you pay attention to? Of course, on the amount of disk space and the number available databases data. But special attention should be paid to PHP versions and configurations, connected PHP modules and the amount of memory available for executing scripts. It is desirable that the PHP version on the Source and Destination match. On many hosting sites, the PHP version and modules can be switched in the control panel or upon request to the support team. The amount of available memory can be viewed in the hosting statistics. The main thing is that on the Destination it should be no less than on the Source if your site uses scripts. It would be a shame if the site loses some of its functionality due to the fact that an important script cannot run due to lack of memory.
  4. Copy and unpack the archive from file structure site to the root directory on the Destination. For the second group of sites, you can proceed to step 7.
  5. At Destination, we create a new database and import the database archive from the Source into it. It is best to use universal tools such as PhpMyAdmin for such operations. Database names will likely vary because hosters usually use their own prefixes for database names. You need to write down the database name, username, password and database server name - you will need them in the next step.
  6. We set new values ​​for access to the database on Destination in the configuration files. Scripts are usually used special files, which stores all four parameters - server, database name, username, password. They definitely need to be changed so that the script can work in the new location.
  7. We change the connection between the domain name and hosting. There are two possible options here. The first domain is registered on the Source. In this case, you can leave the domain where it is, just correct the NS fields in the DNS editor for the domain. Or you can transfer the domain to Destination. Then you need to write a request to Assignment technical support, and specialists will tell you what to do. The second option is that the domain is registered in a completely different organization. This is the most the best option. In this case, you simply change the values ​​of NS records through the domain name registrar panel. By the way, this stage is the longest. Changing DNS data takes quite a lot of time.
  8. When linking the domain name to the new site location works, you will see in the browser. The Source is set to a maintenance mode page, and the Destination should open the site in production mode. Now all that remains is to check the functionality of the project. Laziness in this case is a bad adviser. You have to go through all the pages, click on all the buttons, fill out all the forms. Your site started working on another server, which has a different hardware and software, and it may not fit well with the requirements of a particular script.

That's the whole procedure for transferring a website from one hosting to another. There is nothing complicated about changing the hosting provider of a website. If you have little experience with a website, and the appointment offers a free website migration service, then it would be better to take advantage of the offer. You will receive a website ready for use and enough time to develop new material.

I will prepare for you several video tutorials on transferring a simple HTML website and projects to Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. Follow the “Articles and Video Tutorials” section.

  • Not satisfied with the quality of hosting. The site is slow and takes a long time to load. Common mistakes when loading the site. It should be noted that this is not always related to the quality of hosting - in some cases the problem is on the side of the site (heavy images are used, the CMS of the site is not optimized, caching of page elements is not used).
  • Not happy with the price. The most common and most controversial reason for changing hosting provider. On the one hand, you can always find a cheaper offer. On the other hand, there is no such thing as cheap and high quality. The price always includes costs - equipment, wages, license availability. If the price is clearly below the market, something will have to be sacrificed. Either technical support will take a long time to respond (due to the excessive workload on each employee), or the “market leader for 10 years” will turn out to be a student reseller who can disappear at any moment along with your projects.
  • Not satisfied with the quality of technical support. Many hosting providers, declaring round-the-clock support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, deliberately deceive the client, because... technical support is provided only during standard work time. Applications are indeed accepted around the clock, but in this case you cannot count on a prompt response.

How to change website hosting?

These steps will work for most sites. Each content management system has its own characteristics, so it’s impossible to write instructions that suit everyone. The procedure for transferring is the same for all sites running on standard CMS.

Decide which hosting provider you will use. To avoid buying a pig in a poke, pay attention to following parameters:

  1. Availability of a license;
  2. Convenient ways communications with technical support, work schedule;
  3. Compatibility of the hosting tariff with the requirements of the CMS of your site;
  4. Possible methods payment for services, cost of hosting.

Back up your site. In the case of static sites (that do not use databases to store information), it is enough to create an archive with site files.

If the site uses a content management system (CMS), you need to create an archive of files and a database dump.

Virtual website hosting for popular CMS:

Adding and moving a site.

On the new hosting, in the control panel, add the domain of the site that you will transfer. This is necessary so that you can create a copy of the site on the new hosting. After this, you will need to specify the ns servers of the new hosting for the site domain so that the version of the site located on the new hosting will load.

After the site has been added, unpack the archive with the site files into the root folder.

If the site uses a database in its work, create a database on a new hosting and copy the database of your site into it.

In some cases it may be necessary to make changes to configuration file site (specify the new database server, database name).

How to change hosting provider - change NS servers.

NS servers of the domain (site name), indicate from which server the site files should be downloaded. After you have transferred the files to the new hosting, uploaded the database and made the necessary changes to the configuration file, you need to change the NS server.

To do this, you need to log in to the panel of the company servicing your domains. Then, for the desired site, you need to change the NSs to those specified by the new hosting provider. In the case of our hosting, you should indicate:


The cost of the service for transferring a website to hosting.

If you don’t know what FTP, DNS are, don’t know how to archive files, haven’t worked with the PhpMyAdmin utility, have never created a database – Most likely, you will not be able to transfer the site to another hosting on your own.

Free website transfer to hosting!

We transfer up to 10 websites to new clients of our hosting for free within 30 days after registration. The transfer is carried out without interruption in the operation of the site. The exception is sites on home-made/studio CMS, or sites that require non-standard software configuration on the server.

You can also ask any questions you have about transferring the site in the online chat.