What's the best way to connect a hard drive? How to install a second hard drive in a laptop. Installation with SATA connector

Many PC users are acutely aware of the lack of memory on their computer. Some transfer information to various drives, while others decide to connect an additional HDD. In order to avoid calling a technician or going to a service center with the system unit, many people decide to connect a second hard drive themselves. And this is where the problems begin. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to connect a second hard drive to your computer.

You can connect not only a new hard drive, but also a hard drive from any other computer. The operating algorithm will be the same in both cases. But not everyone simply knows how to properly connect a second hard drive so that the computer recognizes it immediately. Many people do not succeed right away, so these people go to a store or service center, proving that the second hard drive does not work. But in fact, as it turns out, the computer simply did not see the hard drive. And there are reasons for this.

Before you connect the hard drive, you need to figure out how you want to do it. Some computers are equipped with a so-called "pocket" (this can be installed in service center, having previously asked about it, or when manually assembling the computer). In order to connect a second hard drive to all other computers, you will have to go into the middle system unit. The essence of connecting to either a “pocket” or in the usual way- is the same. The second hard drive is connected to the cable, and the computer recognizes it as a built-in drive E or F.

2 hard drives for a computer

So, now it’s worth talking about what many people forget to do before connecting the hard drive - rearranging the jumper. A jumper is a jumper that is located on the contacts of the hard drive. What is a jumper for?

Jumpers are used to indicate hard drives, which one will work in Master mode and which one will work in Slave mode. The operating system is always loaded into the leading hard drive. This means that when connecting a second hard drive in Slave mode the OS will not boot from it. All hard drives that computers are equipped with are in Master mode. Therefore, all additionally connected hard drives must operate in Slave mode. This is precisely what many PC users do not take into account and connect a second hard drive, which also operates in Master mode.

So, having set the jumper to Slave mode on the hard drive being connected, connect it to the cable inside the system unit. If you have a pocket, then the connection occurs from the outside. Now you can simply boot your computer. It should automatically detect the second hard drive. To be safe, when booting your computer, go to the BIOS (on different OSes this is the F2 or Delete key). From the Boot menu, select correct parameters for each of the hard drives. To do this, set the connected hard drive to Second Boot Device mode.

In addition to the Master and Slave modes, the jumpers can be set to the Cable Select position. For connecting hard drive in this mode, you will need a Y-shaped cable. The central connector of this cable is connected to the motherboard. The extreme connectors of the cable are connected to the drives. These connectors are unequal, i.e. one disk automatically becomes the master, the second - the slave. This information is indicated on the cable connectors. Please be warned that when using such a cable, both hard drives must be set to Cable Select mode.

Where jumpers should be placed to set this or that mode is written in detail on the sticker on the hard drive itself. Also, the same information is indicated on one side of the connector, which simplifies the search for the necessary contacts to which the jumper must be placed.

The above-described connection of an additional hard drive is used for IDE disks. There are also SATA drives. In this case, you will need a special cable to connect the drive to the motherboard. Only one device can be connected to one socket. If you use both IDE and SATA drives on your computer, go to the BIOS to assign main disk, from which the computer will boot.

Connecting an additional hard drive may seem difficult only in words. In practice, everything happens very quickly. We hope that now you know how to connect a hard drive to your computer.

Question from a user


Tell me, how can I connect another drive to the laptop (or is this impossible)? It’s just that my 500 GB disk is no longer enough, now I’m thinking about increasing the space...


Good day!

Yes, such questions are not uncommon. In general, laptops have recently gained great popularity and are slowly replacing conventional PCs. Laptops have many advantages, but upgrading is a difficult matter. Adding another disk or changing memory is in some cases completely impossible...

It's a pity that the author of the question did not describe the essence of the problem more specifically. In this article, I will look at several ways to connect another drive to a laptop (in some cases, you may end up with 3 of them at once!). Many people connect another drive not only to increase space, but to increase the speed of the system (they install an SSD drive and transfer Windows from the HDD to it).

Methods for connecting 2 drives to a laptop

Option number 1: install the disk in the second slot in the laptop

Some laptops have two slots for hard drives (however, I want to say right away that the configuration of such laptops is quite rare). Basically, such laptops belong to the gaming category and are quite expensive.

To find out how many slots you have, just look at those. characteristics of the laptop (if you don’t have documents for the device, you can look it up on the Internet), or just remove the protective cover from the back of the laptop and take a look yourself (Important! Do not open the lid if the laptop is under warranty - this may be a reason for refusing warranty service).

Because The chance that you have two slots is small, I don’t focus on this option. An example of such a device, by the way, is in the photo below.

Toshiba Satellite X205-SLi3 - inside view (2 hard drives installed)

If you want to buy a disk for your laptop, but don’t know where to go, then I recommend reading this article:

Option No. 2: install SSD in special. connector (M.2)

If you have a new, modern laptop, you may have an M.2 connector (a connector for SSD connections, present in many new products (usually in those that are more expensive ☺)). Created as a replacement for mSATA. Allows you to get maximum performance from SSD installation drive.

To find out if you have such a connector, you can:

  1. knowing the laptop model (about), look at its technical details. characteristics (the Internet is full of sites with all models of mobile devices ☺);
  2. you can just open back cover laptop and look for the right connector with your own eyes.


By the way, this M.2 connector is quite “insidious” (even many experienced users get confused)... The fact is that it has quite a lot of varieties. Therefore, even if you have a similar connector, before ordering new disk, check out this article:

Option No. 3: connect an external HDD/SSD to a USB port

Significantly expanding the space can help external hard disk. It is a small box, the size of regular phone. Connects to regular USB port. Such a disk, on average today, can hold about 1000-4000 GB (i.e. 1-4 TB).

If you are considering models with additional power (an adapter is usually included with some drives), then the capacity can reach up to 8 TB! I think that over time it will be even higher.

Note! You can buy external hard drives cheaper than in a regular store on AliExpress - .

There are, however, certain disadvantages to this option: extra wires on the table, more low speed disk interactions (if HDD - then on average up to 60 MB/s via USB 3.0), and the inconvenience of carrying a laptop (it’s one thing to take a laptop in one hand and go, and another thing to additionally tinker with an external drive...).

True, there are undeniable advantages: such a disk can be connected to any laptop or PC, it can be used to transfer information from one PC to another (it won’t take up much space in your pocket), you can buy several of these disks and use them one by one.

Option No. 4: install another disk instead of the CD/DVD drive

Well, the most popular option is to remove the CD/DVD drive from the laptop (available in the vast majority of models) and instead insert a special adapter (some call it a “pocket”) with another disk (HDD or SSD). I’ll describe this option in a little more detail...

What kind of adapter is needed? Let's decide...

First you need to find and select this adapter correctly. It is rarely found in our regular computer stores (you need to order it from some Chinese online store, for example, from AliExpress -).

Note: in English, such an adapter is called “caddy for laptop” (this is how you ask your request in search bar shops).

Universal adapter for installing a second disk in a laptop instead of a CD drive (2nd HDD Caddy 12.7 mm 2.5 SATA 3.0)

There are 2 important points:

  • Adapters are available in different thicknesses! Actually, the same as disks and CD/DVD drives. The most common are 12, 7 mm and 9.5 mm. Those. before buying an adapter - you need to measure the thickness of the CD/DVD drive(best with the help of a caliper rod, at worst - with a ruler)!
  • disks and CD/DVD drive can come with different ports (SATA, IDE). Those. Again, you need to look at the installed CD/DVD drive live. Most often, modern laptops have drives that support SATA (they are most popular in Chinese stores).

How to remove a CD/DVD drive from a laptop

In general, of course, a lot depends on the design of your laptop. The most common case: on the back of the laptop there is a special protective cover, removing which you will be able to see the mounting screw that secures the drive in the laptop slot. Accordingly, by unscrewing this screw, you can freely remove the drive.

Some laptop models do not have a protective cover - and in order to get to the insides, you must completely disassemble the device.

Note: before removing the protective cover (and indeed, carrying out any manipulations with the laptop), unplug it and remove the battery.

Most often, the drive is fixed with one screw (see photo below). To remove it, in most cases, you will need a Phillips screwdriver.

After the screw is removed, just slightly pull the drive tray - it should “come out” of the tray with a little effort (see photo below).

Installing an SSD/HDD drive into an adapter, and the adapter into a laptop

Installing an SSD/HDD drive into the adapter is not difficult. It is enough to put it in a special one. “pocket”, then insert into the internal port and secure with screws (screws are included with the adapter).

The photo below shows installed SSD drive into a similar adapter.

If the thickness of the adapter and the disk was chosen correctly (no more than the thickness of the CD/DVD drive), then it can also be safely pushed into the slot and secured with a screw (if the adapter has a similar fastening).

If the thickness of the disk/adapter is chosen correctly, but there are problems with insertion into the slot, pay attention to the compensating screws on the adapter: some models are equipped with them (located on the side walls of the adapter). Just remove them (or drown them).

After the adapter with the disk is installed in the drive slot, place a neat socket on the adapter so that it looks like a real drive and does not spoil appearance laptop. Such sockets usually always come with adapters included (in addition, you can remove the CD drive from the removed one).

Checking if the drive shows up in the BIOS

After installing the second disk, I recommend that after turning on the laptop, go immediately to the BIOS and see if the disk is detected and visible. Most often, the identified drives can be found in the main menu: main, information etc. (see photo below).


1) If you don’t know how to enter the BIOS, I recommend this material:

2) You might find this article useful on how to transfer Windows from a hard drive (HDD) to an SSD drive (without reinstalling the system) -

Results (what is important)

  1. Initially, check if your laptop has another slot for a hard drive, or a new connector for an M.2 SSD;
  2. Now there are many external drives on sale that connect to a USB port - perhaps this is the best way to expand free space;
  3. before buying an adapter for installing a disk instead of a CD drive, find out how thick your CD/DVD drive is and what ports are used (the most popular thicknesses: 9.5 and 12.7 mm);
  4. do not open the protective cover if your laptop is under warranty (this may be a reason for refusing warranty service);
  5. Perhaps after installing a new disk, your Windows will refuse to boot. In this case, you need to check BIOS settings(whether a new disk has been identified and put it in the desired boot queue), and in some cases you may have to restore the bootloader. About this here:

That's all, thanks for the corrections and additions.

All the best!

Not all users personal computer they purchase a device for productive video games, video rendering or 3D model processing. Quite a lot of people use PCs exclusively for watching videos, storing photos and surfing the Internet.

For such users, the main parameter in the computer will be the volume internal memory. The more disk space, the more data you can store, which is especially important if you watch videos in 1080p resolution and listen to uncompressed music. Thus, the average size of a film can be about 20 gigabytes, and the size of one music file can be at least 15 megabytes. What can we say about video games, which can reach 60 gigabytes in an uninstalled form and more than 100 when installed.

A modern computer simply must have at least one terabyte of memory, otherwise a person will constantly experience inconvenience associated with a lack of memory. Let's figure out how to install several hard drives to the computer.

What parameters should the motherboard support?

Of course, no one will buy a new one (MP) for the sake of a hard drive; however, if the MP is significantly outdated, then you will still have to change it.

Previously, hard drives were connected to the MP using the so-called IDE connector.

It is quite simple to distinguish an IDE connector from a modern SATA connector. An outdated connector is connected using a cable made of many wires, while the SATA connector is connected to 2 thin wires, one for power and the other for data transfer. If the motherboard does not have a SATA connector, the person will have to replace the motherboard.

When purchasing a motherboard, the buyer should pay attention to the availability of SATA 3 standards and the number of SATA connectors. In addition, a person must pay attention to ensure that the power supply has enough connectors to connect power to SATA components.

Selecting a hard drive

Depending on how many SATA connectors are on the motherboard, a person can purchase as many hard drives. There are motherboards with 12 connectors for connecting hard drives, but for such a computer you will have to purchase an appropriate power supply. Firstly, it must have enough power connectors, and secondly, the power supply must have enough power to operate so many components.

If the computer motherboard only supports SATA 2, then the hard drive SATA drive 3, connected to this interface will operate at a slightly slower speed, limited by the SATA 2 data rate.

When choosing the amount of memory, it is advisable to purchase the most capacious drive possible, especially if the MP is limited to 2 - 3 SATA connectors. However, if the buyer is not limited in funds, he can purchase a hard drive maximum capacity, commercially available. Although, of course, it is better not to store all data on one drive.

As a manufacturer, it is best to purchase hard drives that are developed by well-known companies, such as Toshiba, WD and Seagate.

A running computer makes quite a noticeable noise, the source of which is the hard drive. The hard drive is especially noisy when reading or writing. Naturally, the more hard drives, the louder the noise emitted by the computer. Hard drives with a lower rotation speed of 5400 - 5700 rpm are less noisy. Unfortunately, the reduced rotation speed negatively affects the overall speed of operation. In addition, if the computer is assembled to order or independently, then you should choose a high-quality case with anti-resonance properties. In order to completely get rid of noise, you need to purchase SSD drives, but their cost is significantly higher than the cost of classic disks with lower capacity.

Hard SSD drive with a capacity of 250 GB will cost the same as an ordinary 1 TB HDD, but its data exchange speed is several times higher than ordinary hard drives. The material "" explains about the units of measurement of information.

Before installing a new component, you must turn off the computer and remove both system unit covers. You can access the motherboard from the left side of the case. In the front of the case there are several compartments “pockets” into which hard drives are installed. The number of “pockets” depends on the form factor of the case. A standard ATX form factor case on average has about four pads for installing hard drives.

The hard drive placed in the bay is secured with bolts on both sides of the system unit. Typically, bolts are included with the hard drive.

A securely fixed hard drive produces significantly less noise. In addition, the hard drive has a moving mechanism, which is why a poorly secured part can be damaged due to constant vibrations.

After installing hard drive into the case, it must be connected to the motherboard and power. Both connectors are similar, but it is simply impossible to connect power to the data connector.

Thus, a special SATA cable is connected to the hard drive, the other end of which is connected to the motherboard.

Wires for powering the hard drive are connected directly from the power supply.

After a successful connection, the computer turns on in normal mode. Most often, after turning on, a tool for adding a new device appears on the screen.

If the hard drive is not detected by the system, then you need to enter the menu “ Control Panel", Further " system and safety" And " Administration", Then " Computer management", then "Disk Management" and format the new volume.

After formatting, you should right-click on the unmarked space and select “ Create a new volume».

Thus, the ideal option is a computer with 2 - 3 hard drives, the smallest of which will be allocated for the operating system (system drive).

Hard drives installed on your computer will appear in “My Computer” as local drives.



The second hard drive allows you not only to get additional space for files, but also to significantly increase the reliability of data storage by duplicating important files on . Before you begin installing the hard drive, be sure to make sure that the computer is disconnected from the network! Then use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws holding the left one (looking at the front one) side cover. Note that different models cases, the procedure for removing the cover may differ - for example, you may first need to remove the front panel. After unscrewing the screws, carefully remove the side panel. You may have to pull it back slightly to do this.

After removing the panel, you will see the computer motherboard, power supply, various wires and cables. And, of course, the hard drive, usually located at the front of the computer. Pay attention to how it is installed - the second hard drive will need to be installed in the same way, in a free niche. Such niches can be found above or below the main disk. If possible, do not place the disks directly on top of each other - you should leave a gap between them, this will help them cool better. Important point: hard drives have special jumpers that set the operating mode. The main disk should be set to the “Master” position. On the second – to the “Slave” position. The jumpers are very small and may require tweezers to install them. After placing the jumper, carefully install the disk in the location chosen for it, tighten the retaining screws. They are usually not included with the hard drive, so you should find a couple of short screws in advance - they should fit the threaded holes on the left and right sides of the hard drive.

The disk is installed, all that remains is to connect the power and data cable to it. To connect power, you may need an adapter to a SATA drive. It is best to open the computer before buying a hard drive and see if the adapter is on the existing drive and, if so, buy the same one. When connecting, pay attention to the shape of the connectors and the color of the wires of the main drive that go to them - the new drive must be connected in the same way. To connect the adapter, use any free connector with wires of the desired colors. The power is connected, the whole process is very simple. And most importantly, do not use force - all connectors are equipped with special protrusions that do not allow them to be installed incorrectly.

The power is connected, now you need to connect the data cable. When purchasing a disk, make sure that the cable is included in the package. If not, then buy it. Usually this is a flat red wire with connectors at the ends, its width is within a centimeter. One end of the cable connects to the hard drive, you can easily find the right connector. The second one is connected to the corresponding socket motherboard. To find it, look where the cable of the main disk is connected - the socket for the second (and often also the third and fourth) should be nearby.

That's it, the disk is connected. We put the cover back in place and turn on the computer. If everything is connected correctly, the computer will start to boot. After loading, open “My Computer” - a new disk should appear in the list of hard drives. If you don’t like the letter assigned to it by the system, go to: Start – Control Panel – Computer Management. In the “Storage Devices” section, select “Disk Management”. Clicking new drive right click mouse, select “Change drive letter or drive path.” A window opens, select “Change” and set the desired drive letter.

Sometimes it seems that even the largest hard drive will fill up within a short period of time. Perhaps you don't want to delete information from the old drive, or you need a new drive to store certain data on it. However, keep in mind that the internal space of a computer case is not unlimited. Here are some methods you can use to free up space and use an additional hard drive.


Connecting an external hard drive

    Choose a suitable external hard drive. Such disks have different dimensions and volume. Make sure your computer has a free slot to which you can connect an external hard drive.

    • If you just need to plug in and use an external hard drive, buy one without additional power.
    • If you regularly create backups data, find a disk with special software that allows you to make backup copies.
    • Pay attention to the speed of information transfer via the USB interface. The latest USB specification (USB 3.0) provides faster data transfer speeds, but your computer must have a corresponding USB port (remember, USB ports and cables are backwards compatible).
  1. Connect an external hard drive. In most cases, external hard drives are connected to the computer via a USB cable, and some using a SATA cable. The connected external drive will be automatically recognized by the system, and you can start using it.

    Make sure the system recognizes the external hard drive. To do this, open Windows Explorer(or Computer window) and make sure that the external hard drive is in the list of all connected storage media. Now you can use an external hard drive.

    Using a network drive

    1. Consider whether to use a network drive. Such a disk is necessary for storing and exchanging information with other users connected to the same network. Moreover, use a network drive if you want to get remote access to data from any computer.

      Connect the drive. A network drive is connected to the network, and you can access it at any time while you are also connected to the network.

      • If the network drive needs additional power, connect the adapter to an electrical outlet.
      • Connect the drive to the network. To do this, use a router or modem and an Ethernet cable or USB cable.
    2. Label the network drive with a letter. So, when connected to the network, you can easily access network drive(like any other hard drive). The following procedure is for Windows users 10 and may vary slightly in other versions of this system.

      • Go to This PC > Map Network Drive.
      • Select a drive letter and click Browse.
      • Select a network drive from the list and click OK.
    3. Open a network drive. To do this, open Windows Explorer and find the network drive in the list of all connected storage media.

    Replacing the optical drive

      Buy an internal hard drive. If you don't have any external hard disk or free space inside the computer case, remove the optical drive from it. Installing a standard 3.5-inch internal hard drive is a good, inexpensive way to increase your computer's storage capacity.

      • The internal hard drive and optical drive are connected to the motherboard via an IDE cable or SATA cable. Some hard drives come with the required cable, while others do not, so in this case you will need to purchase the cable separately.


      Gonzalo Martinez is the President of CleverTech, an appliance repair company he founded over 5 years ago. CleverTech LLC specializes in repairing Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, Macbook and iMac. As a leader in environmental responsibility, the company reuses aluminum, displays and other parts down to the micro-components for repairs. motherboards. On average, it saves 1-1.5 kg of e-waste compared to the average repair shop.

      Apple Repair Specialist and President of CleverTech

      Choose a hard drive that will keep your data safe. Gonzalo Martinez, an Apple repair specialist, says: “When you delete information from a regular hard drive, the areas it occupies are overwritten with zeros. There is complex software that allows you to extract deleted files . SSD drives provide greater data security because it is very, very difficult to delete previously deleted information from an SSD.”

      Buy the appropriate adapters. In most cases, the optical drive fits into a 5.25-inch bay, which is too large for a 3.5-inch hard drive. Therefore, check the documentation for your optical drive to find out its size.

      • A bay is a limited space inside a computer case into which an optical drive, floppy drive, or hard drive is inserted. To install a hard drive in a larger bay, special adapters or brackets are used.
    1. Unplug the power cable from the computer. Before working on computer components, be sure to turn off the power.

      Open the computer case. Use a screwdriver to remove the side panel of the case (some cases can be opened without a screwdriver). The type of screwdriver depends on the model and manufacturer of the case.

      Disconnect the cables connected to the optical drive. In the vast majority of cases, there are two cables connected to the optical drive: a power cable and a data cable.

      • The power cable has a white plug and black, yellow and red wires.
      • The flat (“ribbon”) data cable is equipped with a wide plug.
    2. Remove the screws or latches that secure the optical drive. Having done this, remove the drive from the housing.

      Install the bracket or adapter (if necessary). Secure the bracket or adapter with screws.

      Insert the internal hard drive into the empty bay. Insert the hard drive into the bay and secure it with screws.

      Connect the hard drive to the motherboard. To do this, connect the power cable and data cable to the hard drive.

      Connect the power cable to the computer. You need to turn on your computer to set it up to use the new hard drive.

      Enter BIOS. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System - basic system input-output) is software, which is necessary for the processor to determine installed components and equipment, for example, an additional hard drive. The method for entering and making changes to the BIOS depends on the manufacturer and model of the motherboard. Read your motherboard's documentation to find out how to enter the BIOS and open the Hardware section.

      • Turn on the computer and immediately hold down the appropriate key.
      • Once in the BIOS, look for a section (or tab) called “Hardware,” “Setup,” or similar. Navigation within the BIOS is carried out using the keyboard.
      • The list should show installed hard disk. If it is not listed, turn off your computer and check that the associated cables are securely connected.
      • Find and activate the "Auto-detect" option.
      • Save changes made and exit the BIOS. To do this, you need to press a specific key. The computer will automatically restart.
    3. Format your hard drive. Before using hard disk, you need to format it with a file system that is compatible with your operating system. If you plan to install on hard Windows disk, format it to NTFS system, and for easy storage xFAT or FAT32 system is suitable for data. The following procedure is intended for Windows 10 users, but most likely applies to other versions of this system.

      • Press Win+R to open the Run window.
      • Enter diskmgmt.msc and click OK. The Disk Management utility will launch.
      • In the list, right-click on the new hard drive and select “Format” from the menu.
      • Select the one you need file system and click "OK". The disk formatting process will take some time (depending on the disk size). Once the formatting process is complete, you can use the hard drive.
    • An IDE cable has two or three plugs. One end of the cable connects to the motherboard and the other to the device (hard drive or optical drive). A maximum of two devices can be connected to one IDE cable. If your motherboard does not have a free IDE connector, install an additional card with an IDE connector. If your motherboard supports the Serial ATA (SATA) interface, use hard drives with this interface (data transfer speed will increase significantly). Many motherboard models support connecting up to four SATA hard drives (in the case of an IDE interface, you can connect only two drives), which will allow you to create a RAID array.
    • Any internal hard drive can be inserted into special building and use it as an external hard drive.
    • Keep in mind that other users are connecting to the network drive, so take steps to protect your data.
    • Instead of a 3.5-inch hard drive, you can use a 2.5-inch drive, which is usually found in laptops. In this case, you will have to buy the appropriate adapters or brackets.
    • If you want to install an internal hard drive but can't afford to lose the hardware inside your computer case, consider purchasing a larger case.


    • Take care of your safety! Before opening the computer case, disconnect it from the power source. Also, before working with computer components, touch an unpainted metal surface to eliminate static electricity.

    What you will need

    • Additional hard drive.
    • Screwdriver. To open the computer case and remove the hardware, you will most likely need a screwdriver. The type of screwdriver depends on the model and manufacturer of the case.
    • Matching adapters. To install a 3.5" hard drive in a 5.25" bay (instead of optical drive) you will need the appropriate adapter or bracket. When using a 2.5-inch hard drive, an appropriate container or adapter is required.
    • . Gonzalo Martinez is the President of CleverTech, an appliance repair company he founded over 5 years ago. CleverTech LLC specializes in repairing Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, Macbook and iMac. As a leader in environmental responsibility, the company reuses aluminum, displays and other parts down to micro-components on motherboards for repairs. On average, it saves 1-1.5 kg of e-waste compared to the average repair shop.

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